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Equip yourself to answer Christ’s call to preach the Gospel to all nations!

Good friendships are often difficult to come by. Do we even know what makes for a good friendship? How rare are virtuous friendships? How do we meet these virtuous people? Join Tina Augustine as she explains the value of virtuous friendships and tells us why these types of relationships are so important.

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Women are called to be incredible models of the faith even when it can be difficult to see that quality within themselves. Join Rachel Bulman as she dives into the deep to guide women through their faith while exploring the life of St. Mary Magdalene.  

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Truth in our time has become relativized, dependent on one's own subjective feelings. But throughout all of history, God’s truth has remained constant and unchanged. In this talk, Noelle Garcia urges us to follow our faith and to live our lives according to the truth. God’s word has power and because of this, we can live just, truthful, and holy lives.

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Dr. Elizabeth Klein, theologian and millennial, with a special devotion to St. Augustine discusses the many reasons why Augustine should also be the patron saint of this generation. His teachings are as timely as ever as millennials today search for ways they can live out their vocation by way of his teachings and guidance.

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“How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” These words uttered 2,000 years ago are echoed today.  Join us as Dr. Tim Gray examines a few objections to the Church’s Eucharistic teaching and provides scriptural evidence for these objections. This apologetic helps us to give a reason for our faith and to gain a deeper insight into what it means to be Catholic and experience the true... [More]

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Join Dr. Michael Patrick Barber as he discusses the true meaning of Christmas, and what that means for us as Catholics during this holy season. Through biblical evidence and deep reflection, he reveals the connections between the mystery of Christ’s birth and the modern-day traditions of the mass. Listen to this presentation to discover more insight into the real reason for the Christmas season.... [More]

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Advent is a time for patience and awaiting the coming of the Lord. While waiting may be difficult to do, Dr. Prothro explains that it is the best way to prepare and what God truly wants from us during this time.  Patience is the penance that we need in order to fully prepare for God and this holy season. This exciting new talk explores different ways that we can prepare our hearts for the com... [More]

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Were the gospels really written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John or are the authors anonymous? Did the stories come to us through some sort of “telephone game” or by way of eye witnesses? It is vital to address the debate over anonymous gospels. If we don’t know who wrote the gospels, then how reliable are the stories written about Jesus? Can we look at the gospels as legitimate historical so... [More]

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This is the August CDOM. The mp3 is available now and the CD will be available at the end of the month.For many, Leviticus is a strange and difficult book of the Old Testament. As the third book of the Torah, Leviticus lies at the heart of the Law of Moses, and to truly understand it is to unlock a key to relationship with God. Join Biblical scholar Dr. Mark Giszczak as he takes you on a fascinati... [More]

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In this talk—Part 2 of a special two-part Lighthouse Talks presentation—Augustine Institute professor Dr. Ben Akers continues his meditative reflection on Mary’s role in Scripture, weaving together the stories of the Fall and Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection. Dr. Akers also provides illuminating answers to thoughtful questions from the audience. “The Fall happened through eating forbidd... [More]

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Have you ever struggled with prayer? Lack of time, focus, or understanding of what to do can all be a challenge. As Augustine Institute professor and author Dr. Michael Patrick Barber explains, prayer is critical to our relationship with God, just as good communication is critical to our relationships with our loved ones. Citing deep biblical insights and humorous personal stories, Dr. Barber offe... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.33 based on 3 ratings
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Has Scripture ever made you uncomfortable? Do you have questions or doubts about events in the Bible that seem difficult to explain? In this important talk, author and Augustine Institute professor Dr. Mark Giszczak illuminates "the dark passages of Scripture"— those biblical events of violence and suffering that may not seem compatible with a loving and merciful God. Dr. Giszczak explains how G... [More]

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Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Amid crisis, scandal, and confusion in the modern world, where does the good news of the Resurrection and God's endless mercy fit in? In these three homilies—on The Easter Vigil, Divine Mercy Sunday, and Pentecost—priest and pastor Fr. Brian Larkin shares stories and insights, including from G.K. Chesterton, George Weigel, St. John Paul II, St. Faustina Kow... [More]

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El Augustine Institute presenta esta hermosa meditación de las Estaciones de la Cruz de San Alfonso María de Ligorio, narrada por Luis Soto. Esta reflexión en oración está acompañada por la Schola Cantorum de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo, Littleton, CO, cantando el himno católico tradicional Stabat Mater, en latín, que representa la amorosa presencia de Nuestra Madre, co... [More]

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Mary Carmen y Marcela participan activamente en diferentes ministerios y, en esta charla, nos comparten el testimonio de amor y admiración de su relación personal como madre e hija. Ambas desde su punto de vista, buscan resaltar por qué es importante lograr tener una buena relación entre los padres de familia y sus hijos, y el impacto que esto puede tener en su futuro. English Translation: My... [More]

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Throughout the Church's history there has been crisis and confusion over Church teaching. Today, there is crisis and confusion surrounding the Sacrament of Marriage. As Augustine Institute President and Professor Dr. Tim Gray explains, this crisis presents an immense opportunity, as it encourages us to explore and discover the depth of this mystery, described by Pope Benedict XVI as "a Gospel in i... [More]

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Chris Stefanick es un reconocido autor y conferencista internacional, dedicado a inspirar a las personas a vivir una fe viva y contagiosa. En esta charla, aborda el tema del Relativismo con honestidad, validez lógica y con el humor que lo caracteriza. Ofreciéndonos con esto una perspectiva del estatus de la moralidad actual. Definitivamente es un tema importante y polémico, incluso el Papa Bene... [More]

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Evan Lemoine, conferencista reconocido internacionalmente por sus charlas de teología del cuerpo, noviazgo y matrimonio. Nos habla en esta charla a cerca de que todo deseo en nuestros corazones viene de Dios y nos lleva hacia Él y nos explica por qué muchos se han torcido en el camino. Aclarándonos estas dos principales preguntas: ¿Cuál fue la causa de esta confusión? y ¿Cómo distinguir... [More]

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Click Here for a PDF of Selections from Letter to the Youth, by Pope John Paul IIPope John Paul II's papacy is marked by the ways he engaged with and was loved by the youth. Scores of young people were drawn to him from around the world by a magnetism that continues even today, in his sainthood. In his letter to the youth of the world, John Paul offers young people his encouragement to respond to... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.67 based on 3 ratings
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El suicidio es la segunda causa de muerte en adolescentes y jóvenes adultos. A pesar de que hay muchos programas de televisión y reportajes sobre este tema; el suicidio, la depresión, el automutilarse y la soledad siguen siendo temas que difícilmente los adultos hablan con sus hijos.Noelle Garcia, aborda este tema de manera muy honesta, exponiendo su experiencia personal y con el buen humor q... [More]

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¿Damos limosna o traemos una ofrenda? ¿Conoces el impacto de no entenderlo correctamente? El reconocido orador y teólogo mexicano Luis Soto, nos habla del tema de la corresponsabilidad y de nuestro deber de administrar correctamente los dones que Dios nos dio. Con su forma muy peculiar y directa, a la que ya nos tiene acostumbrados, nos invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia de este tema p... [More]

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The Millennial Generation has grown to adulthood. Having experienced many of the conveniences and pitfalls of new technologies, social media, student loan debt, and adult life, millennials have also developed a genuine desire to do something great with their lives, but often don't know how to get there. As fellow millennial Paul J. Kim shares with great humor and insight, tackling life's big chall... [More]

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People love stories. But when we lose sight of where the story of our life is going, the “narrative” and meaning of our lives becomes confusing to us, and we can lose hope. In this dynamic talk, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, renews our sense of hope and wonder (and humor), revealing that the reason we love stories is that we are part of a good story; one that answers the deepest desires and... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.83 based on 12 ratings
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Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for youth and young adults. Yet despite the many TV shows, movies, and articles on this topic, suicide, depression, self-harm, and loneliness remain difficult subjects for adults of any age to discuss. Speaking with honesty, humor, and personal experience, Noelle Garcia tackles these issues head-on, encouraging those who are struggling (or know some... [More]

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Jeff Cavins, an internationally-recognized authority on Scripture, provides an ultra-practical guide on how to battle sin in the areas of our lives where we tend to fall, and he helps us examine the root causes of our sin in order to understand the “why” behind our actions. In this presentation, Jeff explains four major wounds that exist as part of our human nature, and he equips his listener... [More]

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Matthew Arnold recounts the life story of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, a twentieth century saint and mystic who is known around the world as Padre Pio.This presentation includes fascinating details about St. Pio’s ministry of hearing confessions, his ability to read souls, the multitude of miracles attributed to his intercession, and how he bore the stigmata, that is, the wounds of Christ. All are wi... [More]

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Las familias de hoy están bajo un gran ataque por todos lados. Los sutiles engaños sembrados por el enemigo se están enraizando y están confundiendo a muchos al etiquetar el mal como “el nuevo bien,” suplantando verdades eternas. En esta charla, el Hno. Ricardo Grzona ayuda a los padres y las familias a recorrer el camino de regreso a la verdad, la salud y la vida . . . el camino de regres... [More]

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Stephen Ray fue criado en una amorosa y devota familia bautista. En esta presentación nos comparte su sorprendente conversión al catolicismo y nos explica por qué está totalmente convencido que la Iglesia católica es la que Cristo fundó hace 2000 años. English Translation:  Stephen Ray was raised in a devout, loving, Baptist family. In this presentation, he shares his amazing conversion ... [More]

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En este CD, Luis Soto, Director de Ministerio Hispano del Augustine Institute, nos explica cómo todos los bautizados estamos llamados a responder al mandato de Jesucristo de evangelizar. Citando las palabras de los Papas más recientes e invitándonos a tener una fe y convicción a toda prueba, nos motiva a amar como Jesús ama si queremos ser eficientes en la Nueva Evangelización, que es nueva ... [More]

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Internationally renowned speaker and theologian Dr. Scott Hahn teaches the importance of giving our complete “yes” to Jesus Christ and fully recognizing him as King of Kings, and Lord over all. Dr. Hahn delves into Scripture to show that by dedicating ourselves to the Lord, he can accomplish more in us and through us than we ever could on our own. This talk is filled with wisdom for all who wa... [More]

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Catholicism in the United States has a challenging but rich history that is rarely told. Emily Stimpson Chapman, an experienced journalist and the author of numerous books, tells of the triumphs and obstacles that Catholics faced in the 1800s when evangelizing. Emily’s telling of the immense struggles that bishops, religious, and lay people endured to spread the Gospel in the nineteenth century ... [More]

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Discover the five great loves of Pope Saint John Paul II as Jason Evert, renowned Catholic speaker and author, shares remarkable stories about this saint’s life from those who knew him, including bishops, students whom he taught, and Swiss Guards who interacted with him daily. Jason presents a wealth of insights about this holy man who promoted devotion to Divine Mercy and Marian consecration, h... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.89 based on 18 ratings
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El Padre Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros, Legionario de Cristo, nació en Puebla, México. Desde que se ordenó Sacerdote, en noviembre de 1994, ha trabajado como orientador juvenil y después como orientador familiar en México, Colombia, Italia, y Francia. En esta charla, nos explica los peligros de hacer un dios a nuestra medida y a nuestros gustos; que se acomode a nuestros caprichos. El Padre... [More]

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As a third generation Jehovah’s Witness, Mary Kochan was fully immersed in their activities until adulthood. She offers an insider’s view about what life is like for Jehovah’s Witnesses and what is most likely to help them come to the fullness of truth about Jesus Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.75 based on 4 ratings
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Luis Soto es actualmente Director de Implementación y Ministerio Hispano del Augustine Institute, después de haber servido por más de 10 años como Director Ejecutivo del Ministerio hispano de la Arquidiócesis de Denver. Luis nos lleva a través de la Escritura para explorar las raíces mismas de la cultura de la vida y la cultura de la muerte, las cuales continúan oponiéndose una a la otra ... [More]

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Mike Aquilina, author of over forty books and an expert on early Church history, shares how the faithful witness of Christian families amidst the trials and persecutions of the Church in the first centuries of its existence led to the rapid expansion of Christianity and the conversion of the Roman Empire. Mike relates how fidelity to prayer, faithful attendance of Sunday Mass, and love of neighbor... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.46 based on 13 ratings
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Curtis Martin, founder of FOCUS and world renowned authority on evangelization, shares how a personal encounter with Jesus is the key to following him with fidelity, gratitude, and joy. With humor and relatable examples, he also shows how experiencing Christ before evangelizing others is the biblical model witnessed to by the Apostles, and one that is certain to bear fruit in the life of any belie... [More]

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Abby Johnson is a widely recognized Catholic speaker who was once the director of one of Planned Parenthood’s largest clinics where she came face to face with the reality of abortion. She shares an insider’s perspective about the true motivations of the abortion industry, and her courageous journey away from it and towards life. Her story is a testament to God’s grace and mercy, and the joy ... [More]

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Dr. Scott Hahn, internationally known theologian and author, explains the inestimable value of the Creed as a sure means of communicating the life-giving faith of the Apostles and as an indispensable source of unity for the Church. Dr. Hahn also brings to light how the Creed has served as a time-tested wellspring of meditation by which a believer can deepen his or her relationship with Christ, mak... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.42 based on 12 ratings
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Matt Maher, an internationally acclaimed Christian singer, song-writer, and eight-time Grammy Award nominee, shares the amazing story of his spiritual journey. He emphasizes the importance of forming relationships with others in order to be effective witnesses of the Gospel and help bring about the unity desired by Christ. To find out more about Matt Maher or to purchase his music, visit www.mat... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.43 based on 14 ratings
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Catholic Apologist Trent Horn carefully considers same-sex marriage and provides an in-depth discussion that addresses the misconceptions held by many in our society today. This examination of what marriage really is, and what it is not, provides a truly gracious and persuasive response to the debate surrounding this important topic.

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Average Rating: 4.57 based on 21 ratings
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In this empowering talk, Steve Ray shares what it means to be a Christian in today's world. By examining the lives and martyrdoms of the early Christians and understanding how they transformed the pagan Greco-Roman culture, Steve gives us a blueprint for the New Evangelization. Learn from early Christians how to swim upstream against the current culture and become a witness for Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.30 based on 27 ratings
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Dr. Ray Guarendi shares his story of how logic led him home to the Catholic Church. He found out that, contrary to his Protestant misunderstandings, the Church is coherent and never contradicts herself. Dr. Ray explains how the answers to his objections to Catholicism were both Biblical and believed by the earliest Christians. Explore the logic that led him to the fullness of truth.

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Fr. Mike Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today with humor, clarity, and theological truth. In this talk, he challenges us to not settle for mediocrity and to allow Christ to change our lives. Fr. Mike goes on to explain that once we are changed by the love of Jesus, then together we can change the world.

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Average Rating: 4.76 based on 25 ratings
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Archbishop Paul Coakley attended the university of Kansas where he completed his undergraduate studies in English and Classical Antiquities. After being ordained a priest in 1983, he served as a priest of the Wichita Diocese for 21 years. He was installed as bishop of Salina, Kansas by Saint John Paul II in 2004 and was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as the fourth archbishop of the archdiocese of ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.31 based on 16 ratings
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Today there is oftentimes a misconception of what the Sacrament of Confirmation is actually for or how it affects our lives. In this talk, Dr. Brant Pitre invites us to better understand the tremendous graces and calling received through this sacrament. He points to various passages in scripture which provide a historical foundation and, through bold witness, challenges us to willingly surrender o... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 13 ratings
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Dr. Edward Sri is a renowned theologian, author, and professor at the Augustine Institute. In this presentation, Dr. Sri invites all Christians to embrace the call of Pope Francis to be missionary disciples in today's world. With contagious enthusiasm and insightfulness, Dr. Sri makes the Holy Father's message both accessible and actionable for people living in this day and age.

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Average Rating: 4.58 based on 12 ratings
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Eric Mahl grew up in the small town of Monroeville, Ohio where he was a standout athlete. He earned a scholarship to play division one football at Kent State University and, in 2005, was signed by the Cleveland Browns. After leaving the NFL, he spent three years working in the world, where he continued his intensive focus on discerning his vocation. After this period of discernment, he sold or gav... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.35 based on 20 ratings
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Dr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With his eloquent style and polished delivery, Dr. Gray expounds upon the teachings of the Catholic Church surrounding social justice in light of sacred scripture. Discover how social justice in regards to the poor is not one small piece in the puzzle but instead really frames t... [More]

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There’s ultimately only one reason to be Catholic: because it’s true. In this outstanding presentation, Jason Evert shows us the beauty and the treasures of the Faith, as revealed through the Saints and Sacraments. Jason has spoken about the Catholic Faith to more than one million people around the world and is the author of more than a dozen books, including Saint John Paul the Great, Pure F... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.60 based on 43 ratings
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Here is the incredible faith journey of a singularly inspiring woman. Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God (formerly Rosalind Moss) tells the unexpected tale of her life – from conservative Jewish woman in New York to evangelical missionary to prioress of a new religious community in Oklahoma. Her amazing testimony will strengthen you and help you believe that Jesus Christ is in fact the long awaite... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 29 ratings
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All too often, science is falsely pitted against Faith to disprove the tenants of Christianity. In this informative talk, Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ – expert in physics, philosophy, and theology – debunks this powerful myth as he discusses the Big Bang and the Origin of the Universe with sound reason, credible science, and faithful theology. This talk is a must-listen for anyone wrestling with the... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.82 based on 17 ratings
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Out of stock ETA: to be determined Within every heart is a battlefield between love and lust. In this presentation, Jason Evert discusses the strategies necessary to win the war and uproot the vice of pornography once and for all. Jason is an internationally known Catholic author and speaker. He has spoken to more than one million people around the world and is the author of more than a dozen b... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 42 ratings
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Being a disciple of Jesus has always been synonymous with being a Christian. From the Scriptures and from his own experience, biblical scholar Dr. Timothy Gray explains how Christian discipleship calls us to follow in the footsteps of Christ as engaged participants in God's plan, ordering our lives to bear witness to the Lord in our families, workplaces, communities, and to the world.

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Average Rating: 4.22 based on 27 ratings
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In this informative and dynamic presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn discusses why the New Evangelization is the greatest priority of the Church at this time, and how we are all called to share our faith. He shows how the Eucharist relates to explaining Jesus' death and resurrection, and how Blessed John Paul II's called for a New Evangelization must be based on the Eucharist.

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Average Rating: 4.77 based on 22 ratings
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To win any war, there are three things that you must know: that you are at war, who your enemy is, and what weapons or strategies can defeat him. Acknowledging that our culture is clearly in crisis, Dr. Peter Kreeft shows us that the only weapon strong enough to defeat the demons of this age is saints. Above all, Dr. Kreeft assures us that victory is assured for those who hope in Christ, because g... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.51 based on 47 ratings
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Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI considered Moral Relativism to be the most dangerous dictatorship existing in the world today. in this presentation, Chris Stefanick debunks the powerful and epidemic myth of relativism with honesty, relevance, humor, and logical validity, offering a much-needed perspective on the current status quo of morality. "If you only listen to one CD this year, listen to 'Relat... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.45 based on 44 ratings
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In this vastly popular talk, Fr. Gaitley describes the "second greatest story ever told" - a story that encompasses Divine Mercy, the life of St. Pope John Paul II, and the crucial role that Marian Consecration can play in your life. Fr. Michael Gaitley is a priest in the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and the director of formation for the Marian Missionaries of Divine... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.61 based on 71 ratings
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Fr. Michael Schmitz, a renown and beloved speaker and spiritual guide to the Young Church, discusses the all-important topic of God's existence. Armed with his usual repertoire of lively humor and sound philosophy, Fr. Mike reveals the incredible implications of the question which Christ asks all of us: "Who do YOU say that I Am?"

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 56 ratings
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How can we evangelize an unbelieving world? In this talk, Ken Hensley uses simple, effective logic to show how the atheistic worldview inevitably leads to contradictions that can’t hold up to sound reasoning. After hearing this talk, you will be empowered to conclusively demonstrate how unbelief leads to the destruction of morality, meaning, and even knowledge.

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Average Rating: 4.14 based on 59 ratings
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This talk is practical. It is for everyone-beginners and masters in the spiritual life. We all know that growth in holiness is largely about growing in trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. But how does one do that realistically? In this talk, Bismarck Diocese Vocations Director Fr. Tom Richter will describe in concrete terms what the interior act of trust looks like, and what we must choose in or... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.78 based on 60 ratings
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Fr. Barron illuminates with conviction that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah and revelation of God become man. He shows how Jesus fulfills the four tasks of the Messiah according to the Old and New Testaments and how the living legacy of Christ is proclaimed by the Church.

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Average Rating: 4.79 based on 29 ratings
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In this highly relevant talk, Fr. Robert Barron shares observations from his dialogue with critics of his You Tube videos. He eloquently illustrates how well equipped our Catholic intellectual tradition is to access and clarify the confusion that is so prevalent in our culture about matters of Christian faith and life.

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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 17 ratings
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Based on his powerful book, Allen Hunt shares the insights and details of his 15-year journey into the Catholic Church.  In 2007, Allen stepped aside as pastor of a Methodist congregation that served more than 15,000 persons each week.  He entered the Catholic Church in 2008.  His daily talk radio show is heard by over half a million listeners and is syndicated on 140 stations nationwide.

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Average Rating: 4.32 based on 31 ratings
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Jeff Cavins explores and responds to some of the reasons why so many people have left the Catholic Church for evangelical Christianity. As he presents the story of his return to Catholicism, Cavins also builds a case for why the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.58 based on 71 ratings
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For those who aren't Catholic, it may not be apparent why one should embrace the Catholic Faith. In this inspiring presentation, bestselling author Patrick Madrid gives compelling biblical and historical reasons for why he embraces the faith as a lifelong Catholic. He shares valuable insights into the beauty of the Catholic Church and its claim to contain the fullness of the deposit of faith given... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.70 based on 74 ratings
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What is the meaning of life? Fr. Larry Richards tackles life's biggest question with straightforward, timeless, and often jolting answers. In this one-of-a-kind, life-affirming reality check, he unlocks the mysteries of our existence and opens our hearts and souls to the meaning of life. The Truth will give you concrete answers on how to live.

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 55 ratings
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Once a militant opponent of the Catholic Church, Dr. Scott Hahn highlights the key misunderstandings people have about the Eucharist. In this powerful presentation, he explains the Church's teaching from a scriptural and historical perspective in an entertaining and thorough fashion.

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 32 ratings
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In this moving study on hell, Dr. Scott Hahn shares what scripture teaches about why hell is necessary. What it is like? Who goes there? How can you stay out forever? He explains why Lucifer refused to serve and then responds from a scriptural perspective to the most seductive modern errors about hell. Included are two bonus excerpts from Dr. Hahn's talk, The Healing Power of Confession.

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Average Rating: 4.63 based on 49 ratings
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Dr. Scott Hahn explains through his legendary testimony how he was militantly anti-Catholic but self-driven to seek the truth. This ultimately led him into the Catholic Church. He soon became an ardent defender of the Faith and one of its most passionate promoters.This talk is also available in Spanish.

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Average Rating: 4.85 based on 85 ratings
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As a former Protestant minister, Dr. Scott Hahn knows very well the common objections non-Catholics have to the Catholic Faith. In this informative talk, he tackles the tough issue of the Papacy and defends our belief that the Pope is part of Christ's design for His Church. Become better equipped to respond to those who attack the crucial role of the successor of St. Peter in the Church's missio... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.60 based on 35 ratings
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THIS ITEM IS CURRENTLY OUT OF STOCK. ETA: 2/24/20What is evangelization all about? What role does the Church expect ordinary Catholics to play in spreading the Catholic Faith? Dr. Scott Hahn, author and renowned theologian, challenges cradle Catholics to witness to the Faith through everyday life. He presents proven and effective ways to touch those who have fallen away from the Church, even th... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.29 based on 49 ratings
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Dr. Peter Kreeft is a world-renowned philosopher and best-selling author of over 35 books. Drawing from the treasured wisdom of such great spiritual thinkers as St. John of the Cross, Thomas Aquinas, C. S. Lewis, and Cardinal Newman, he helps us to understand why truth trumps everything! Listen as he clearly presents seven undisputable reasons why every person should indeed be Catholic.

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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 41 ratings
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Based on his best-selling book, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals the early Christians' key to understanding the Mass: the Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, mystic visions of Heaven, and end-times prophecies, it mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Holy Eucharist. See the Mass with new eyes, pray the Liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully and enthusiastically!

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Average Rating: 4.73 based on 104 ratings
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