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If you think you know Saint Francis, you're in for a surprise!

Brother Francis 5-CD Audio Drama & Discussion Guide

Brother Francis 5-CD Audio Drama & Discussion Guide

Winner of the 2018 Audie® Award: Best Audio Drama

If you think you know Francis of Assisi, you’re in for a surprise. Discover the astonishing life of Brother Francis, the fun-loving son of wealth and privilege who gave up everything for the sake of Christ. As a young soldier, he encountered suffering. As a victim of war, he began a search for inner meaning that would redirect his life. As a holy beggar, he embraced lepers, shook hands with the Pope, debated a Sultan, and touched the lives of millions.

Now the power and passion of one of the world’s most popular saints is captured in this exciting 10-part audio drama from Augustine Institute Radio Theatre. Bold and inspiring, AIR Theatre takes storytelling to a whole new level. Dozens of accomplished, award-winning actors bring characters to life, and cinematic sound and music will quicken the imagination.

Click here to watch the trailer now!

Brother Francis: The Barefoot Saint of Assisi is an unforgettable experience that will inspire your heart and stir your soul.

Episode Listing

1. The Troubadour (22 minutes)
2. A Fool in Chains (26 minutes)
3. The Road Back (23 minutes)
4. Unclean (25 minutes)
5. Unshackled (19 minutes)
6. A Beggar Son (30 minutes)
7. The Rule (25 minutes)
8. Clare (22 minutes)
9. The Sultan (27 minutes)
10. The Little Poor Man (34 minutes)

This 5-CD set includes a 24-page discussion guide that will help you discuss major concepts and themes from this unforgettable audio drama

Augustine Institute
Add Box Set | $29.95

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