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Spanish - Mi relación personal con el Espíritu Santo

Spanish - Mi relación personal con el Espíritu Santo

Mary Carmen López Mota, nos comparte el testimonio de la transformación de su fe y de su vida espiritual mediante la intervención en su vida de la tercera persona de la Santísima Trinidad, el Espíritu Santo.

En esta plática nos presenta quién es el Espíritu Santo y cómo una relación personal con él puede transformar nuestras vidas. También nos invita a dejarnos guiar por Él, para vivir la vida en abundancia que Dios tiene para cada uno de nosotros.

English Translation:

Mary Carmen López Mota shares with us the testimony of the transformation in her faith and in her spiritual life through the intervention of the the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity.

In this talk Mary Carmen introduces us to who the Holy Spirit is and how a personal relationship with him can transform our lives. She also invites us to let ourselves be guided by Him, so to live the abundant life that God has for each one of us.


"I used to think of the Holy Spirit as a distant and disinterested being in my life. Now I understand that He is my help towards the holiness, joy, and hope that comes from being a daughter of God."
Mary Carmen López Mota
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The Holy Spirit: Third Person of the Trinity

The Holy Spirit: Third Person of the Trinity

In this captivating presentation Fr. Shannon Collins discusses the essential character of the Holy Spirit and the role the forgotten Person of the Blessed Trinity has played since the creation of the world. Drawing upon Scripture and tradition, Fr. Collins explains the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and how he works in the lives of believers. Listeners are sure to come to a better appreciation for this “sweet guest of our soul” who seeks to bring us closer to Christ and eternal salvation.


The Holy Spirit is a vast topic, but I found this talk to be just what is needed as an opener on the topic. This is a great foundation as it describes what the Holy Spirit is, the history behind Him, and the gifts He provides and how they affect our lives. Mike - St. Petersburg, FL
Fr. Shannon Collins
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