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Learn how to answer the tough questions about the Catholic Church.

Truth in our time has become relativized, dependent on one's own subjective feelings. But throughout all of history, God’s truth has remained constant and unchanged. In this talk, Noelle Garcia urges us to follow our faith and to live our lives according to the truth. God’s word has power and because of this, we can live just, truthful, and holy lives.

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Average Rating: 4.00 based on 2 ratings
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Chris Stefanick es un reconocido autor y conferencista internacional, dedicado a inspirar a las personas a vivir una fe viva y contagiosa. En esta charla, aborda el tema del Relativismo con honestidad, validez lógica y con el humor que lo caracteriza. Ofreciéndonos con esto una perspectiva del estatus de la moralidad actual. Definitivamente es un tema importante y polémico, incluso el Papa Bene... [More]

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Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow suffering and evil in the world? As Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. explains, unsatisfying answers to this important question are the #1 reason for atheism today. But by answering this question with logic and love (as well as with scientific, peer-reviewed evidence for the existence of life after death), we can not only answer this question truthfull... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.44 based on 9 ratings
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Jeff Cavins, an internationally-recognized authority on Scripture, provides an ultra-practical guide on how to battle sin in the areas of our lives where we tend to fall, and he helps us examine the root causes of our sin in order to understand the “why” behind our actions. In this presentation, Jeff explains four major wounds that exist as part of our human nature, and he equips his listener... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.63 based on 8 ratings
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The realities of masculinity, femininity, and gender, and the relation of these to our identity, are being questioned like never before. Jason Evert, internationally-known Catholic speaker and author, leads the discussion beyond feelings to help us embrace an integrated understanding of the truth of our identity. Speaking the truth in love, he shows how the recognition of what our biology reveals ... [More]

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Toda nuestra vida se va desarrollando en medio de una lucha: Satanás y su ejército contra nosotros, los hijos de Dios. Pero, ¿cómo combatirlo sin conocer cómo pelea? En esta charla, el P. Ernesto María Caro nos ofrece estrategias para vencerlo, sabiendo que Jesucristo ya lo ha vencido en la cruz. Esta plática es parte de un seminario con 6 pláticas que se titula Nuestra lucha cotidiana con... [More]

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For a limited time, order a case of 25 ¿Quien Soy Yo Para Juzgar? CDs for only $25! Learn more. Conversar con familia y amigos sobre temas morales puede ser complicado, sobre todo en nuestra cultura que promueve la idea de que no hay verdad objetiva. Echando mano de su experiencia personal, el conocido escritor y teólogo Dr. Edward Sri, nos ofrece 5 claves para que los cristianos resistamos, co... [More]

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Ken Hensley, a well-known Catholic speaker, teacher, and author, provides an insightful perspective on Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation from his vantage point as a former Baptist minister. Referencing Luther’s writings and his own conversion story, Ken clearly shows the theological and practical flaws of sola Scriptura and other teachings promulgated by the sixteenth-century reformer... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.70 based on 10 ratings
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Dr. Tim Gray, renowned Scripture scholar and president of the Augustine Institute, provides fascinating insights about the Protestant Reformation and the ensuing Catholic Counter Reformation. He discusses how holy men and women worked from within the Church, as they do in every age, to bring forth much-needed reform. Hear how necessary changes were brought about by holy heroes such as Giles of Vit... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 16 ratings
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El Dr. Scott Hahn nos cuenta su famosa historia como militante anti-católico, pero en búsqueda personal y honesta de la verdad. Esta búsqueda le trajo a la Iglesia Católica, donde pronto se convertiría en uno de los defensores más elocuentes de la fe católica y uno de sus más apasionados promotores. English Translation: Why a Protestant Pastor Became CatholicThis amazing testimony of a fo... [More]

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As a third generation Jehovah’s Witness, Mary Kochan was fully immersed in their activities until adulthood. She offers an insider’s view about what life is like for Jehovah’s Witnesses and what is most likely to help them come to the fullness of truth about Jesus Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.75 based on 4 ratings
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Dr. Brant Pitre, scripture scholar and bestselling author, uses biblical and historical evidence to bolster the “case for Jesus” by exposing the problems with the many false theories that have been introduced over the past hundred years resulting in widespread skepticism about the reliability of Christian faith. He tackles head-on questions like: Were the four Gospels written anonymously? Did ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.74 based on 23 ratings
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Renowned Scripture scholar and author, Dr. Tim Gray, provides a fascinating explanation of the importance of the visible Church and the centrality of God on Earth. He offers incredible insights that make clear the role of the Church as an essential part of God’s plan for salvation, which are sure to help those who have left her, or who mistakenly claim to be “spiritual, but not religious.”Th... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.91 based on 23 ratings
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Ralph Martin, an internationally known Catholic leader and teacher, discusses the challenges and the joys of being fully faithful to all the Church proclaims as true. Ralph provides practical advice on how to build our lives on rock and equip ourselves spiritually so that we can reach out to others with true charity. He shows how our fidelity to the Word of God will give us the strength to stand v... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.29 based on 14 ratings
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Catholic Apologist Trent Horn carefully considers same-sex marriage and provides an in-depth discussion that addresses the misconceptions held by many in our society today. This examination of what marriage really is, and what it is not, provides a truly gracious and persuasive response to the debate surrounding this important topic.

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Average Rating: 4.57 based on 21 ratings
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Dale Ahlquist, founder of the American Chesterton Society, masterfully presents the genius of Catholic convert and 20th century literary giant G.K. Chesterton. He shares how this “King of Satire” predicted many of the societal ills of our day and pointed out the remedies for them. Discover the wisdom of this literary critic, playwright, novelist, Catholic theologian, and apologist.

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In this empowering talk, Steve Ray shares what it means to be a Christian in today's world. By examining the lives and martyrdoms of the early Christians and understanding how they transformed the pagan Greco-Roman culture, Steve gives us a blueprint for the New Evangelization. Learn from early Christians how to swim upstream against the current culture and become a witness for Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.30 based on 27 ratings
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Today there is oftentimes a misconception of what the Sacrament of Confirmation is actually for or how it affects our lives. In this talk, Dr. Brant Pitre invites us to better understand the tremendous graces and calling received through this sacrament. He points to various passages in scripture which provide a historical foundation and, through bold witness, challenges us to willingly surrender o... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 13 ratings
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In this informative presentation, Dr. Mark Miravalle, professor of Theology and Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, uncovers the roots of Freemasonry and explains why the Catholic Church has condemned it since its inception in the 18th century. He describes the mission of St. Maximilian Kolbe and how this great saint, through the intercession of Mary, battled this movement against ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.37 based on 19 ratings
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Matt Fradd is a highly sought-after Catholic speaker and apologist who speaks to over fifty thousand teens and young adults a year. Matt is a gifted evangelist whose talks are the perfect balance between intellectual depth presented in an understandable fashion and an entertaining style that keeps audiences engaged throughout. Through his passionate and entertaining story, Matt relays how God's ex... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.71 based on 14 ratings
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Dr. Thomas Madden is a professor of History at St. Louis University and has appeared in such venues as the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and The History Channel. In this eye-opening presentation, Dr. Madden debunks popular myths surrounding the crusades and shows us how the different misconceptions regarding the crusades have fed in the tension between the East and the Wes... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.42 based on 31 ratings
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Come to grips with “what really happened to Jesus” as Dr. Steven Smith explores Resurrection narratives from the vantage point of each of the four Gospels as well as many of the vital medical details of Roman crucifixion. Dr. Steven Smith is a professor of Sacred Scripture at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary, in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Dr. Smith earned his Ph.D from Loyola University in Chicago,... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.73 based on 11 ratings
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There’s ultimately only one reason to be Catholic: because it’s true. In this outstanding presentation, Jason Evert shows us the beauty and the treasures of the Faith, as revealed through the Saints and Sacraments. Jason has spoken about the Catholic Faith to more than one million people around the world and is the author of more than a dozen books, including Saint John Paul the Great, Pure F... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.60 based on 43 ratings
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In this informative and dynamic presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn guides us to a deeper faith through the Old Testament historical roots that underlie Catholic beliefs and practices. Dr. Hahn clears up common misconceptions about specific liturgical rituals and traditions, and responds thoughtfully to the objections raised about them.

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Average Rating: 4.68 based on 37 ratings
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Here is the incredible faith journey of a singularly inspiring woman. Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God (formerly Rosalind Moss) tells the unexpected tale of her life – from conservative Jewish woman in New York to evangelical missionary to prioress of a new religious community in Oklahoma. Her amazing testimony will strengthen you and help you believe that Jesus Christ is in fact the long awaite... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 29 ratings
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All too often, science is falsely pitted against Faith to disprove the tenants of Christianity. In this informative talk, Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ – expert in physics, philosophy, and theology – debunks this powerful myth as he discusses the Big Bang and the Origin of the Universe with sound reason, credible science, and faithful theology. This talk is a must-listen for anyone wrestling with the... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.82 based on 17 ratings
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To win any war, there are three things that you must know: that you are at war, who your enemy is, and what weapons or strategies can defeat him. Acknowledging that our culture is clearly in crisis, Dr. Peter Kreeft shows us that the only weapon strong enough to defeat the demons of this age is saints. Above all, Dr. Kreeft assures us that victory is assured for those who hope in Christ, because g... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.51 based on 47 ratings
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Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI considered Moral Relativism to be the most dangerous dictatorship existing in the world today. in this presentation, Chris Stefanick debunks the powerful and epidemic myth of relativism with honesty, relevance, humor, and logical validity, offering a much-needed perspective on the current status quo of morality. "If you only listen to one CD this year, listen to 'Relat... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.45 based on 44 ratings
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During these challenging times there is a critical need to focus on defending our religious liberty as stated in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. In these highly informative presentations, Bishop David Malloy and Monsignor Eric Barr show us that protection of religious freedom is fundamental for Catholics, as well as for people of all faiths.

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Average Rating: 4.52 based on 25 ratings
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Fr. Michael Schmitz, a renown and beloved speaker and spiritual guide to the Young Church, discusses the all-important topic of God's existence. Armed with his usual repertoire of lively humor and sound philosophy, Fr. Mike reveals the incredible implications of the question which Christ asks all of us: "Who do YOU say that I Am?"

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 56 ratings
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How can we evangelize an unbelieving world? In this talk, Ken Hensley uses simple, effective logic to show how the atheistic worldview inevitably leads to contradictions that can’t hold up to sound reasoning. After hearing this talk, you will be empowered to conclusively demonstrate how unbelief leads to the destruction of morality, meaning, and even knowledge.

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Average Rating: 4.14 based on 59 ratings
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Patrick Madrid explores the history of the persecution of the Catholic Church in 1920s Mexico. He recounts the sufferings and martyrdom that thousands of Catholics endured to defend their religious freedom during the Cristero War.

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Average Rating: 4.50 based on 26 ratings
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In this informative talk, Dr. Scott Hahn explores some of the most important beliefs that distinguish Christianity from Islam. He explains that while both religions trace themselves back to Abraham, the differences, including our understanding of God as Father, are not insignificant. With charity, balance, and candor, Dr. Hahn shows us how Islam presents the most formidable challenge to Chris... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.55 based on 115 ratings
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Father Michael Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today. With compassion, clarity, and humor, he shows that the Church's teachings on contraception and same-sex attraction are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that is shared by all, who are made in the image and likeness of God.

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 77 ratings
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Dr. John Bergsma is an Associate Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and was a Protestant pastor for four years before converting to the Catholic Church. In this enlightening talk, Dr. Bergsma shows how our respect for the traditional canon of Scripture, as well as our understanding of the Catholic Faith, can be greatly enhanced by the Dead Sea Scrolls- the greatest arc... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.56 based on 45 ratings
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In this highly relevant talk, Fr. Robert Barron shares observations from his dialogue with critics of his You Tube videos. He eloquently illustrates how well equipped our Catholic intellectual tradition is to access and clarify the confusion that is so prevalent in our culture about matters of Christian faith and life.

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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 17 ratings
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Based on his powerful book, Allen Hunt shares the insights and details of his 15-year journey into the Catholic Church.  In 2007, Allen stepped aside as pastor of a Methodist congregation that served more than 15,000 persons each week.  He entered the Catholic Church in 2008.  His daily talk radio show is heard by over half a million listeners and is syndicated on 140 stations nationwide.

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Average Rating: 4.32 based on 31 ratings
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Jeff Cavins explores and responds to some of the reasons why so many people have left the Catholic Church for evangelical Christianity. As he presents the story of his return to Catholicism, Cavins also builds a case for why the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.58 based on 71 ratings
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For those who aren't Catholic, it may not be apparent why one should embrace the Catholic Faith. In this inspiring presentation, bestselling author Patrick Madrid gives compelling biblical and historical reasons for why he embraces the faith as a lifelong Catholic. He shares valuable insights into the beauty of the Catholic Church and its claim to contain the fullness of the deposit of faith given... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.70 based on 74 ratings
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Stephen Ray was raised in a devout, loving, Baptist family. In this presentation, he shares his amazing conversion to Catholicism and explains why he is convinced it is the Church founded by Christ over 2000 years ago.

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 67 ratings
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Drawing on his roots as a Protestant minister, Dr. Scott Hahn responds to key misunderstandings about the Virgin Mary. This captivating presentation explains the biblical and historical basis for the Church's teachings that the Virgin Mary is the New Eve and the Queen of Heaven.

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Average Rating: 4.67 based on 52 ratings
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Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the best-loved and most influential preachers of the 20th century and author of over 90 books. He reached nearly 30 million people through his weekly program, Life is Worth Living, and his Cause for Canonization was officially opened in 2002. He explains the Church's teaching on life from a philosophical and historical perspective.

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Average Rating: 4.88 based on 8 ratings
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Thomas Smith was raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and can trace his lineage back seven generations. In this talk, he shares his beliefs and incredible experiences as a Mormon missionary in Alabama and how this led him to convert and become a Protestant minister and later enter the Catholic Church. Mr. Smith is a popular speaker and the author of Inside Mormonism.

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 37 ratings
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Have you ever been asked where Catholic beliefs can be found in the bible? Here is a crash course in history proving that the bible is a Catholic book. Matthew Arnold offers convincing evidence showing that the Church has faithfully proclaimed and preserved the fullness of God's Word down through the centuries. This will provide all the facts you need.

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Dr. Scott Hahn explains through his legendary testimony how he was militantly anti-Catholic but self-driven to seek the truth. This ultimately led him into the Catholic Church. He soon became an ardent defender of the Faith and one of its most passionate promoters.This talk is also available in Spanish.

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Average Rating: 4.85 based on 85 ratings
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Listen as a former new ager and Catholic convert Matthew Arnold shares his incredible journey from darkness into the light. Learn how this magic consultant and performer in the entertainment industry came to the truth that set him free from the powers of the occult as he talks about new age practices and their incompatibility with the timeless teachings of Christ and His Church.

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Average Rating: 4.56 based on 27 ratings
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Well-known Catholic theologian Dr. Scott Hahn explains Christ's Paschal Sacrifice on the cross as the fulfillment of the traditional fourth cup used in the celebration of the Jewish Passover meal. He draws a symbolic parallel to the Last Supper and Christ's death on Calvary. Through his scholarly insights and important biblical connections, Mass will come alive for you as never before!

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 98 ratings
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Dr. Peter Kreeft is a world-renowned philosopher and best-selling author of over 35 books. Drawing from the treasured wisdom of such great spiritual thinkers as St. John of the Cross, Thomas Aquinas, C. S. Lewis, and Cardinal Newman, he helps us to understand why truth trumps everything! Listen as he clearly presents seven undisputable reasons why every person should indeed be Catholic.

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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 41 ratings
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