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Pro-Life (28)
Arm yourself with the facts and stories necessary to promote a culture of life.

True Femininity: Getting to Know Mary

True Femininity: Getting to Know Mary

Femininity today can be confusing. What is it? What is it not? Are the stereotypes true? With humor, personal stories, and profound insights from the life of Mary and the writings of St. John Paul II, speaker Noelle Garcia shares how by growing in relationship with Mary, we can heal our understanding and relationships as women—daughters, mothers, friends, and wives—and discover the beauty, joy, and gift of true, God-given femininity.

Noelle Garcia
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Spanish - Una guía católica para la infertilidad

Spanish - Una guía católica para la infertilidad

Carmen y Angelique participan activamente en diferentes ministerios familiares incluyendo asesorías acerca de planificación natural de la familia. Ambas son coautoras de un libro que aborda el tema de la infertilidad, y en esta plática nos comparten su experiencia personal con la infertilidad y esclarecen el concepto erróneo que se tiene de la Iglesia Católica acerca de este tema. Al describir las diferentes alternativas y enseñanzas católicas de tratamientos sobre estos asuntos bioéticos.

Esta conferencia se realizó durante el Congreso REC 2019 en Los Angeles Ca.

English Translation:

Carmen and Angelique actively participate in different family ministries and also serve as advocates for natural family planning. Both are co-authors of a book that addresses the subject of infertility and in this talk, they each share their personal experience with it and help to clarify misconceptions about the Catholic Church on this matter. Discover different alternatives and Catholic teachings on the treatments and the bioethical issues that are created.

This talk was originally recorded at the 2019 RECongress in Los Angeles, CA.


“I learned the teaching of the Catholic Church on this subject. There is definitely more to learn about, including how to apply it accordingly.”
Carmen Santamaría y Angelique Ruhi-López
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Spanish - 13 Razones por las que importas

Spanish - 13 Razones por las que importas

El suicidio es la segunda causa de muerte en adolescentes y jóvenes adultos. A pesar de que hay muchos programas de televisión y reportajes sobre este tema; el suicidio, la depresión, el automutilarse y la soledad siguen siendo temas que difícilmente los adultos hablan con sus hijos.

Noelle Garcia, aborda este tema de manera muy honesta, exponiendo su experiencia personal y con el buen humor que la caracteriza. Brindando un aliento de esperanza a aquellos que luchan por creer (o que conocen a alguien) en la misericordia y el amor de Dios que los está esperando. Recordándoles que tú y tu vida realmente importan.

English Translation:
Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for youth and young adults. Yet despite the many TV shows, movies, and articles on this topic, suicide, depression, self-harm, and loneliness remain difficult subjects for adults of any age to discuss. 

Speaking with honesty, humor, and personal experience, Noelle Garcia tackles these issues head-on, encouraging those who are struggling (or know someone who is) that God's mercy and love are waiting for them; that you, and your life, truly matter.


“Noelle's talk is both highly entertaining and deeply moving. She reminded me that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope. Everyone I know needs to hear this.”
Noelle Garcia
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Spanish - Las últimas cuatro cosas: muerte, juicio, cielo e infierno

Spanish - Las últimas cuatro cosas: muerte, juicio, cielo e infierno

P. Mike Schmitz, es uno de los presentadores católicos más reconocidos en el mundo de hoy. En esta presentación aborda cuatro temas muy difíciles, de manera excepcional: muerte, juicio, cielo e infierno. Escucha esta charla y finalmente obtén las respuestas a la pregunta: “¿Qué sucede cuando muero?”

English Translation:
Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading Catholic speakers in the Church today. Fr. Mike tackles four very difficult topics in this exceptional presentation: Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell. Listen to this talk and finally get the answers to the question: “What Happens When I Die?”


“¡Todos necesitan escuchar al P. Schmitz explicar las últimas cuatro cosas! Todos los que escuchen este CD serán cambiados para siempre.”
Fr. Michael Schmitz
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13 Reasons Why You Matter

13 Reasons Why You Matter

Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for youth and young adults. Yet despite the many TV shows, movies, and articles on this topic, suicide, depression, self-harm, and loneliness remain difficult subjects for adults of any age to discuss. Speaking with honesty, humor, and personal experience, Noelle Garcia tackles these issues head-on, encouraging those who are struggling (or know someone who is) that God's mercy and love are waiting for them; that you, and your life, truly matter.

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Noelle's talk is both highly entertaining and deeply moving. She reminded me that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope. Everyone I know needs to hear this.
Noelle Garcia
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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 13 ratings

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Humanae Vitae 50 Years Later: History of Dissent and Defense

Humanae Vitae 50 Years Later: History of Dissent and Defense

Janet Smith, Ph.D. a seminary professor and internationally-known author and speaker, provides important context for why Humanae Vitae is considered the most controversial, and one of the most important, encyclicals promulgated by the Church in modern times. She discusses how this document written by Blessed Pope Paul VI served to prophetically warn the world of the dire consequences associated with artificial contraception and faithfully witness to the beauty of God’s plan for sex within marriage.


Dr. Smith is so clear on what she is speaking of and made sense of fifty years of controversy in a short period of time. I loved it! Eric - Omaha, NE
Prof. Janet Smith
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Average Rating: 4.23 based on 13 ratings

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Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good For Women?

Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good For Women?

Both secular and religious observers agree that the sexual revolution has caused seismic changes for society across the globe. Mary Eberstadt, a secularly-trained writer who has written for Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and the LA Times, among other publications, uses her training as a professional researcher to objectively assess whether or not the severing of sex and procreation has delivered on its promise to liberate women and make them happier.


This is a very important talk for men and women about the statistical evidence of the effects of the Sexual Revolution on society around the world, and how it has changed and impacted women and the attitudes towards them. Penny - Lake Arrowhead, CA
Mary Eberstadt
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Average Rating: 4.50 based on 2 ratings

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God’s Plan for Love: Humanae Vitae, Sex, and Authentic Freedom

God’s Plan for Love: Humanae Vitae, Sex, and Authentic Freedom

In anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, Archbishop Aquila explains how Blessed Pope Paul VI’s teaching still serves as a great light amidst a world that is deeply confused about sexual intimacy. He provides valuable insights about how God imbued our sexuality with truths that are reflective of his own divine love. He challenges Catholics to share the liberating truth of God’s plan for sex within marriage and witness this reality as the way of lasting happiness.


So whose voice will you listen to? Hear this talk and decide for yourself! Julie - Bluffton, SC
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila
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Spanish - Por Qué Me Fui De Planned Parenthood: De La Muerte A La Vida

Spanish - Por Qué Me Fui De Planned Parenthood: De La Muerte A La Vida

Abby Johnson enfrentó la realidad del aborto cuando era directora de una de las clínicas de Planned Parenthood más grandes. Ahora, como conferencista católica reconocida, nos comparte una mirada al interior de la industria abortista y sus verdaderas motivaciones, además de su valerosa travesía alejándose de ella y acercándose a la vida. Su historia nos habla de la gracia y el amor misericordioso de Dios, así como del gozo que representa el ser un defensor de la vida.


Siendo yo una persona que antes estaba a favor del aborto, pienso que la presentación de Abby es muy necesaria en estos tiempos oscuros que estamos viviendo. Emmett - York, SC
Abby Johnson
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Spanish - Cultura de la Vida; Cultura de la Muerte

Spanish - Cultura de la Vida; Cultura de la Muerte

Luis Soto es actualmente Director de Implementación y Ministerio Hispano del Augustine Institute, después de haber servido por más de 10 años como Director Ejecutivo del Ministerio hispano de la Arquidiócesis de Denver. Luis nos lleva a través de la Escritura para explorar las raíces mismas de la cultura de la vida y la cultura de la muerte, las cuales continúan oponiéndose una a la otra hasta nuestros días. Escucha esta plática y descubre las mentiras que engañan a muchos, para que así puedas ser parte de la solución y construir una sociedad que respete la vida y dignidad de todas las personas de acuerdo al plan de Dios.


Este CD nos explica muy claramente los engaños que llevan una cultura hacia la vida o hacia la muerte, y qué hay que hacer. Blanca - San Jose, CA
Luis Soto
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From Slave to Priest

From Slave to Priest

Born a slave in Missouri, Fr. Augustine Tolton became the first African-American priest in the U.S., where he was much loved by the people and showed great priestly zeal. This story of Fr. Tolton’s courage in the face of incredible prejudice within the Church and society will be a source of strength and hope for modern Christians who face persecution for their faith. Also included is an interview with Bishop Joseph Perry, in which he outlines the ongoing cause for the canonization of Fr. Tolton.


Few stories are as moving and as exciting as that of Fr. Tolton. Archbishop Wilton Gregory
Dcn. Ken Ramsey
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Why I Left Planned Parenthood: From Death to Life

Why I Left Planned Parenthood: From Death to Life

Abby Johnson is a widely recognized Catholic speaker who was once the director of one of Planned Parenthood’s largest clinics where she came face to face with the reality of abortion. She shares an insider’s perspective about the true motivations of the abortion industry, and her courageous journey away from it and towards life. Her story is a testament to God’s grace and mercy, and the joy that comes from being an advocate for life.

This talk is also available in Spanish.


It really stirs the pro-life soul inside of me! Jasmine - Sterling Heights, MI
Abby Johnson
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Average Rating: 4.95 based on 19 ratings

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Switching Sides

Switching Sides

Jennifer Fulwiler is a popular writer and speaker from Austin, Texas, and frequently appears on Catholic radio and EWTN. In this eye-opening presentation, she explains how her original support for abortion was based on love (and lies). Through sound logic and scientific proof, Jennifer chronicles how she came to accept the truth about abortion.


I liked that it is a personal journey of pro choice to life.. I identify with that.. It brought up the topic of the relationship between sex and life in a way I have never heard.. I wasn’t raised that way and didn’t know to raise my daughters that way so feel badly about that. Linda - Portland , OR
Jennifer Fulwiler
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Average Rating: 4.75 based on 4 ratings

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The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell

The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell

Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading Catholic speakers in the Church today. Fr. Mike tackles four very difficult topics in this exceptional presentation: Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell. Listen to this talk and finally get the answers to the question: "What Happens When I Die?"

Following the main presentation is a bonus from the talk Purgatory: Holy Fire by Dr. Scott Hahn. This bonus is part of the 6-CD set by Dr. Hahn titled Answering Common Objections.


The life and energy. The great , accessible explanation of purgatory Bonnie - edmonton, AB
Fr. Michael Schmitz
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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 39 ratings

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The Hidden Battle

The Hidden Battle

Matt Fradd is a highly sought-after Catholic speaker and apologist. In this inspiring talk, Matt explains that there is nothing shameful in seeking to live a porn free life. Listen as Matt lays out a seven-step battle plan on how to uproot the vice of pornography in your life once and for all. He is also the founder of ThePornEffect.com, a site offering help to people recover from pornography.


While others just tell you "It is wrong", Matt Fradd gives you pointers and resources to stop it...before you fall to it again. Every Parish priest should have a stack of these in the confessionals (that is how I got it) ready to give to those who have fallen and feel badly about their actions. Bob - Sterling Heights, MI
Matt Fradd
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Pure Fatherhood

Pure Fatherhood

Fathers are the link between heaven and earth, and are intended to be an image of our Heavenly Father. Drawing on the examples of St. Joseph, Devin Schadt shows us how to become a father on earth like the Father in heaven. Devin is a husband, a father of five, and the co-founder of the Fathers of St. Joseph, an apostolate dedicated to the renewal of authentic fatherhood.


Direct and concise. Jennifer - Greenville, SC
Devin Schadt
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Average Rating: 4.36 based on 11 ratings

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Sexual Freedom

Sexual Freedom

If you can’t say “no” to sexual desires, what is your “yes” worth? Freedom exists for the sake of love. However, the modern idea of it leads to slavery. In this enlightening presentation, Christopher West shows us how authentic sexual freedom can deliver us from the empty promises of “sexual liberation”. Christopher is a popular theologian who specializes in making the dense scholarship of Pope John Paul II’s "Theology of the Body" accessible to a wide audience.


This talk is drawn from real life experiences of Christopher West, so it gives some kind of encouragement that no matter how far you fall sexually there is still hope for redemption. It makes it all the more believable coming from someone who once engaged in pre-marital intimacies but overcame the vice. Truly inspirational. Diana - Nairobi
Christopher West
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Average Rating: 4.64 based on 11 ratings

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Love or Lust?

Love or Lust?

Scare tactics, guilt trips, and the climbing teen pregnancy rates don't really inspire anyone to love. In this presentation from Jason and Crystalina Evert, you'll discover the difference between love and lust while getting straight answers about dating, relationships, and sexual purity.


This CD is awesome! I am going to need a lot more of these to share with children, young adults and parents! There is so much they need to hear and know! Society lies! Jason and Crystalina share the truth with personal stories that really touch your heart! We have got to get away from the complacency about "casual" sex and create new standards! This story reinforce this task! Lisa - Bayville, NJ
Jason and Crystalina Evert
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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 15 ratings

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Real Womanhood

Real Womanhood

In a talk that was given to a group of women at the FOCUS national conference, Lisa Cotter debunks the myths of modern day stereotypical womanhood. Using insights from the late Pope John Paul the second and the heroic example of modern-day saints, Lisa gets to the truth about what it means to be an authentic woman.


more please. p - OH
Lisa Cotter
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ETA: to be determined

Within every heart is a battlefield between love and lust. In this presentation, Jason Evert discusses the strategies necessary to win the war and uproot the vice of pornography once and for all. Jason is an internationally known Catholic author and speaker. He has spoken to more than one million people around the world and is the author of more than a dozen books, including "Pure Manhood" and "Theology of His Body".


more please p - OH
Jason Evert
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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 42 ratings

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Shameless: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You

Shameless: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You

As a young adult, Jeff Cavins left the Catholic Church and became a Protestant Pastor for 12 years. After returning to the Catholic Church, Jeff became a nationally known speaker who has helped hundreds of thousands come to a clearer understanding of Scripture and our Faith. In this presentation, Jeff explains the meaning of shame and teaches us how to engage the struggles of the heart.


I have listen to this CD over and over and have given it to friends and family...I found it VERY Healing.. Bringing lies and falsehood's of darkness into His Marvelous Light. Where His light disperses all darkness and sets us free to have life in abundance. Marietta, GA
Jeff Cavins
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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 39 ratings

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Contraception: Cracking the Myths

Contraception: Cracking the Myths

In this new revised edition of Professor Janet Smith's groundbreaking exposé on the effects of the pill on modern society, she presents a God-centered view of sexuality that can bring married couples a joy that they could have never imagined. Backed by statistics and armed with decades of research, Prof. Smith shows the crippling effect of the contraceptive culture on our relationship with God, our romantic relationships and marriages, the culture at large and our physical and mental health.

Click here to check out the accompanying PowerPoint presentation.


I liked the facts and figures presented. My wife and I work with engaged couples for marriage prep and they will come in handy. ROB - Oklahoma City, OK
Prof. Janet Smith
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Average Rating: 4.68 based on 37 ratings

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From Love, By Love, For Love

From Love, By Love, For Love

Father Michael Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today. With compassion, clarity, and humor, he shows that the Church's teachings on contraception and same-sex attraction are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that is shared by all, who are made in the image and likeness of God.


Father Michael has the ability to communicate the Truths of Christ and His Church in a bold, comprehensible and super engaging way. This is the best talk I have heard on the reality of human sexuality as God intended. This is a must listen if you want to better understand the nature and purpose of sex (noun & verb). TOB 101. Phillip - Wadsworth, OH
Fr. Michael Schmitz
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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 77 ratings

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Saying Yes To God: One Mother‘s Journey

Saying Yes To God: One Mother‘s Journey

Mary Vogrinc shares wisdom from her journey in faith as a wife to her husband Brian, mother of five sons, and foster mother of 54 children through the years. With humor and insight, she relates heartwarming personal stories that testify to Gods continual presence in the details and challenges of daily life and that like our Blessed Mother, we can trust Him completely.


Mary's stories were real life examples that inspired. She showed how her and her husband sacrificed and followed the Lord. She left you feeling well fed. I would love to hear more from this speaker. Dexter, MI
Mary Vogrinc
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Average Rating: 4.14 based on 14 ratings

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Aborting America: The Story of an Ex-Abortionist and Ex-Atheist

Aborting America: The Story of an Ex-Abortionist and Ex-Atheist

Bernard Nathanson was an American medical doctor from New York who helped to found the National Abortion Rights Action League, but then later became an acclaimed pro-life activist. He gained national attention by becoming one of the founding members of the National Abortion Rights Action League, now known as NARAL Pro-Choice America. He worked with Betty Friedan and others for the legalization of abortion in the United States. He was also for a time the director of the Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health New York's largest abortion clinic. Nathanson has written that he was responsible for more than 75,000 abortions throughout his pro-choice career.


the inside view of what a pro choice advocate is thinking while performing such atrocities Brady - Vernon River, PE
Bernard Nathanson
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Average Rating: 4.20 based on 46 ratings

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Feminism Misunderstood: One Woman's Journey to Peace

Feminism Misunderstood: One Woman's Journey to Peace

Jane Brennan, a former member of NOW and former Planned Parenthood volunteer, shares her heart-wrenching story of abortion and subsequent years of depression to her final conversion to the Catholic Church.

"There is always hope."  Claudia - Black Mountain, NC


I enjoyed hearing her story. Annie - Pittsburg, KS
Jane Brennan
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There is Life in the Womb

There is Life in the Womb

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the best-loved and most influential preachers of the 20th century and author of over 90 books. He reached nearly 30 million people through his weekly program, Life is Worth Living, and his Cause for Canonization was officially opened in 2002. He explains the Church's teaching on life from a philosophical and historical perspective.


I used to believe that abortion should be a choice for a woman if she can not or does not want to raise her child. After listening to the CD, I have realized that I was very selfish person. I believe that young women do not understand that it is not about them only but there is a new person inside the womb who has a right to live, dream, have friends, go to school and grow up. We are truly very selfish nation where having sex before getting married is a social norm especially in high school. Ellie - Mount Juliet, TN
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
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Average Rating: 4.88 based on 8 ratings

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Defeating Satan's Deadly Weapon Against Men

Defeating Satan's Deadly Weapon Against Men

Pornography has become pervasive in our culture - a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addiction, ruined marriages, and shattered lives. Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. With great insight, he shows how we can fight pornography's devastating influence and chart a course to true Christian purity.

This talk is the same as "The Pornography Plague and the Path to Christian Purity" - LHS8_7


Personal testimony Ana
Jeff Cavins
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