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Discover the truth and beauty in the Catholic Faith through these study programs

33 Days to Morning Glory - Group Retreat DVD

33 Days to Morning Glory - Group Retreat DVD

Watch this series weekly as an integral part of your 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat. This two-disc set includes six sessions. Each session consists of an introductory talk and a main talk, and accompanies the lessons from the 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Companion workbook.

- Total run time: 230 min
- Each retreat group needs one DVD set
- Workbook not included

Learn more about the small group retreats offered in the Hearts Afire Parish Program

Fr. Michael Gaitley
Add DVD | $29.95

Average Rating: 5.00 based on 1 ratings

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Consoling the Heart of Jesus - Group Retreat DVD

Consoling the Heart of Jesus - Group Retreat DVD

Watch this series weekly as an integral part of your Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat. This two-disc set includes ten sessions which accompany the lessons from the Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Companion workbook. 

- Total run time: Approximately 350 minutes
- Each retreat group needs one DVD set 
- Workbook not included

Fr. Michael Gaitley
Add DVD | $29.95

Average Rating: 4.00 based on 1 ratings

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Wisdom and Works of Mercy - Group Study DVD

Wisdom and Works of Mercy - Group Study DVD

Watch this series weekly as part of your small group study within Stage 2 of the Hearts Afire Program: Wisdom and Works of Mercy. This two-disc set includes ten sessions which accompany the lessons from the Wisdom and Works of Mercy Two-in-One Retreat Companion workbook.

- Total run time: Approximately 350 minutes
- Each retreat group needs one DVD set
- Workbook not included

Learn more about the small group retreats offered in the Hearts Afire Parish Program

Fr. Michael Gaitley
Add DVD | $29.95

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