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The Bible and the Virgin Mary - 5 DVD Set

The Bible and the Virgin Mary - 5 DVD Set

Exactly who is the Blessed Virgin Mary? Can you explain her role in God’s plan for the world? Do you fully understand the vital role she plays in your life?

While Catholics know Mary is important, many never fully grasp how essential she really is. Now they can. The Bible and the Virgin Mary unveils the mystery of Our Lady that is woven into the fabric of Sacred Scripture.

Join author, speaker, and St. Paul Center Executive Director, Matthew Leonard, in this beautiful, awe-inspiring series, in which the Mary of doctrine and devotion comes alive in a powerful, new way. All in all, you will experience Mary as you’ve never experienced her before!

The Bible and the Virgin Mary is part of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology’s dynamic Journey Through Scripture Bible study series. It is based upon Dr. Scott Hahn’s bestselling book, Hail, Holy Queen.

Session Listing:

Lesson 1: A Biblical Introduction to Mary (27 min)
Lesson 2: Handmaid of the Lord (27 min)
Lesson 3: Wedding at Cana, Garden in Eden (23 min)
Lesson 4: The New Eve (28 min)
Lesson 5: The Ark of the New Covenant (26 min)
Lesson 6: Born of a Virgin (26 min)
Lesson 7: The Promised Mother (27 min)
Lesson 8: Mother Crowned in Glory (23 min)
Lesson 9: Full of Grace (22 min)
Lesson 10: All Holy (20 min)
Lesson 11: The Assumption (31 min)
Lesson 12: Always a Mother (25 min)

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
Add DVD | $99.95

Average Rating: 5.00 based on 1 ratings

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