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Cooking with the Saints - Book

Cooking with the Saints - Book

For the Love of Food, the Church, and Her Saints!

From traditional Cottage Pie on St. Patrick’s Day to Basque Lamb Stew on the feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, the delicious recipes in this unique cookbook will excite your senses, awaken in you greater love for the saints, and bring Catholic festivity into your home.

Here you’ll find brief saints biographies and ideal accompanying dishes tied to the liturgical feasts of the Church. From this exceptional cookbook, your family will receive triple nourishment: for body, mind, and spirit.

Gathered by Alexandra Greeley, a professional chef and author of thirty-five cookbooks, and Fernando Flores, a world traveler and aficionado of all things relating to food and faith, each of these succulent recipes has been home-tested by our team of Christian mothers and their families.

With the help of Cooking with the Saints, you’ll turn every Christian feast into a joyous, faith-filled occasion, bringing your family gastronomic delight and spiritual enrichment throughout the year.

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Average Rating: 3.00 based on 2 ratings

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Virtue Chronicles: Book #2: The Warrior Maiden - Book

Virtue Chronicles: Book #2: The Warrior Maiden - Book

In The Warrior Maiden, the second book of the series, Andrew and Eve have just returned from their time with the legendary Robin Hood in 13th century England (told in The Saintly Outlaw). But their return isn’t easy. Through an accidental touch of the Radiant Stone, the two are transported to 15th century France. Without the Radiant Stone in their grasp, Andrew and Eve don’t know how they’ll ever return to the present. Yet they cling to the hope that they are in the past to serve a purpose. Circumstances bring them into the company of the young Joan of Arc as she seeks to fulfill God’s mission to overthrow English domination and make France’s volatile prince into the true king of France. Taken on as her “guardian angels,” the two time-travelers experience first-hand the trials and victories of the “Warrior Maiden.” At every step, they learn to trust God, even while hoping to find a way home again – and some unlikely characters may have the answer they need.


The Virtues Chronicles follows the adventures of 12 year-olds Andrew Perry and Eve Virtue as they contend with the mysterious Radiant Stone – an ancient jewel with the power to send them back in time. The legends of the Stone, and the remarkable history of its discoverer, Alfred Virtue, unfold from story to story in a series that explores the wonder of God’s universe, but the many saints and sinners who have impacted it through time.


Paul McCusker is an author, dramatist and novelist. Paul is known for his work with the popular Adventures In Odyssey series, the Hope Springs series, and award-winning audio dramas for the Augustine Institute and Focus on the Family.

Paul McCusker
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The Tears of Christ

The Tears of Christ

“Jesus wept, not merely from the deep thoughts of his understanding but from spontaneous tenderness, from the goodness and mercy, the encompassing loving-kindness and exuberant affection of the Son of God for his own work, the race of man.”

This precious insight takes us to the heart of the interior life of St. John Henry Newman (1801–1890), from the treasures of which these meditations are offered as a devotional aid for the season of Lent. Drawn chiefly from his sermons and gently modernized, these meditations offer a share in the fruit of his contemplation, that we might the better enjoy with him the “one thing which is all in all to us,” which is “to live in Christ’s presence, to hear his voice, to see his countenance.”

St. John Henry Newman
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I Thirst: 40 Days with Mother Teresa (Paperback)

I Thirst: 40 Days with Mother Teresa (Paperback)

St. Teresa of Calcutta was a woman known and loved for her tender work among the poorest of the poor. Behind her drive and desire to serve Christ’s poor was a profound understanding of the thirst of God for man, and man’s thirst for God. This guided meditation on Scripture and the teaching of Mother Teresa will lead those who read it into the heart of the mystery of God’s thirst for souls, and how man can meet the Lord’s thirst. Fr. Joseph Langford, an intimate friend of Mother Teresa’s and a co-founder with her of the Missionary of Charity Fathers, leads the reader into Mother Teresa’s love of God, and helps foster the love of God in the heart of the reader.

Divided into seven main sections, these meditations will provoke prayer on:

– The Dynamics of Thirst

– Prayer as Thirst

– Our Lady’s Example in Meeting God’s Thirst

– Thirst in the Service of God

– Sharing in the Thirst of Christ

– Jesus as the Incarnation of God’s Thirst

– Satiated Thirst

I Thirst provides an opportunity to spend a few minutes every day with Mother Teresa and the thirst of our Lord. It provides an opportunity to grow in intimacy, and to meet the thirst of God with our own thirst for him.

About the Author

Fr. Joseph Langford (1951-2010)

Fr. Joseph Langford co-founded the Missionary of Charity Fathers in 1984 with Mother Teresa. He often gave retreats on Mother Teresa’s spirituality both to the Missionaries of Charity congregations and to many other groups. He is the author of the popular work on Mother Teresa, Mother Teresa’s Secret Fire. He recognized in Mother Teresa’s encounter with the thirst of Jesus and her emphasis on satiating that thirst a powerful symbol of God’s love for each person and a road into experiencing that love more profoundly.

Product Details

– 176 Pages
– Also available in a Leatherbound version.
– White flex leather with blue embossing
– 5.25" x 8"
– Spine width: ½”

Praise for I Thirst: 40 Days with Mother Teresa

Fr. Langford was confessor and retreat master for Mother Teresa’s religious sisters, as well as her confidante, in a privileged position to know the secrets Jesus had confided to her. Thus to have in this book, I Thirst, Fr. Langford’s retreat notes on Mother’s understanding of Jesus’ cry from the cross, is to have a priceless treasure. The untold riches of Mother Teresa’s heart – which are nothing but the untold riches of Christ’s own Heart – are here before us in these pages.

–Suzie Andres, author of Homeschooling with Gentleness, A Little Way of Homeschooling (Christendom Press, 2004)

If you thirst for the living water of God, follow the wisdom of Mother Teresa and she will surely lead you to the source.

–Dan Burke, President of EWTN News and the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation

Father Langford’s reflections take us into the heart of Mother Teresa’s spirituality. Based on his close relationship with Mother and his own contemplation and teaching on this theme, these meditations help us encounter God more in our thirst for Him and His thirst for us.

–Dr. Edward Sri, Vice President for Formation, Fellowship of Catholic University Students

Ironically, in a world supposedly overflowing with self-esteem, many, many people cannot believe that "God thirsts" for them. This little book makes a convincing scriptural case that it is true! And moves us to love God, ourselves, and others better because of it. It is a perfect gem of spiritual reading .

–Helen M. Alvaré, Professor of Law, The Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University

In 2008, I traveled to Ethiopia for Catholic Relief Services and visited the large, bustling orphanage of the Missionaries of Charity, which served thousands of people of all ages each day. When I asked about the source of the sisters’ energy for all of this good work, I was led into a primitive chapel with a tabernacle and the words “I thirst,” over the Blessed Sacrament. The book, I Thirst: 40 Days with Mother Teresa, written by a priest who worked with Mother Teresa, provides 40 day portions of the rich spirituality of Saint Teresa of Calcutta. I Thirst communicates well Jesus’ desire or thirst to love us deeply and our inner thirst for His presence in our lives. I strongly encourage its use during Lent or any other time of the year.

–Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D., Archbishop of Louisville

Fr. Joseph Langford M.C.
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Spanish - Tengo sed: 40 días con la Madre Teresa

Spanish - Tengo sed: 40 días con la Madre Teresa

Santa Teresa de Calcuta era conocida por su amor y trabajo compasivo entre los más pobres de los pobres. Detrás de su impulso y su deseo de servir a los pobres de Cristo, estaba su profunda comprensión de la sed de Dios por los hombres y de la sed de los hombres por Dios. Esta meditación guiada sobre las escrituras y las enseñanzas de la Madre Teresa, llevará al lector a entrar en el misterio de la sed de Dios por las almas y la manera en que nosotros podemos saciar la sed del Señor. El P. Joseph Langford, quien fuera amigo íntimo de la Madre Teresa y confundador, junto a ella, de los Padres Misioneros de la Caridad, nos lleeva a la profundidad del amor a Dios que tenía la Madre Teresea y, a través de su amor, nos descubre el camino para agrandar el amor a Dios en nuestros propios corazones.

Tengo sed nos ofrece la oporrtunidad de pasar unos minutos cada día con la Madre Teresa y con la sed de nuestro Dios. Nos ayuda también a crecer en nuestra intimidad con Dios y descubrir que la sed de Dios, es una sed de nuestra sed de Él.

English Description:

St. Teresa of Calcutta was a woman known and loved for her tender work among the poorest of the poor. Behind her drive and desire to serve Christ’s poor was a profound understanding of the thirst of God for man, and man’s thirst for God. This guided meditation on Scripture and the teaching of Mother Teresa will lead those who read it into the heart of the mystery of God’s thirst for souls, and how man can meet the Lord’s thirst. Fr. Joseph Langford, an intimate friend of Mother Teresa’s and a co-founder with her of the Missionary of Charity Fathers, leads the reader into Mother Teresa’s love of God, and helps foster the love of God in the heart of the reader.

I Thirst provides an opportunity to spend a few minutes every day with Mother Teresa and the thirst of our Lord. It provides an opportunity to grow in intimacy, and to meet the thirst of God with our own thirst for him.

Praise for Tengo sed

“Las reflexiones del Padre Langford nos llevan al corazón de la espiritualidad de la Madre Teresa. Debido a su relación cercana con la Madre Teresa y a su propia contemplación y conocimiento de este tema, esta meditaciones nos ayudan a encontrar a Dios en nuestrar sed y su sed por nosotros.”
– Edward Sri, Vice President de Formación, Fellowship of Catholic University Students

"De manera irónica, en un mundo egocéntrico y lleno de sí mismo, a muchos, a muchísimos se les dificulta creer que Dios tiene sed de ellos. ¡Este pequeño libro nos ofrece la prueba bíblica dee que esto es verdad! Es una verdadera joya dee lectura espiritual."
– Helen M. Alvaré, Profesor de Derecho, Escuela de leyes de la Universidad George Mason

Si tienes sed del agua viva de Dios, sigue la sabiduría de la Madre Teresa y sin duda alguna te llevará a su fuente.
– Dan Burke, Presidente, Noticias EWTN y del Instituto Avila de Formación Espiritual

Fr. Joseph Langford M.C.
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I Thirst: 40 Days with Mother Teresa (Leatherbound)

I Thirst: 40 Days with Mother Teresa (Leatherbound)

St. Teresa of Calcutta was a woman known and loved for her tender work among the poorest of the poor. Behind her drive and desire to serve Christ’s poor was a profound understanding of the thirst of God for man, and man’s thirst for God. This guided meditation on Scripture and the teaching of Mother Teresa will lead those who read it into the heart of the mystery of God’s thirst for souls, and how man can meet the Lord’s thirst. Fr. Joseph Langford, an intimate friend of Mother Teresa’s and a co-founder with her of the Missionary of Charity Fathers, leads the reader into Mother Teresa’s love of God, and helps foster the love of God in the heart of the reader.

Divided into seven main sections, these meditations will provoke prayer on:

– The Dynamics of Thirst

– Prayer as Thirst

– Our Lady’s Example in Meeting God’s Thirst

– Thirst in the Service of God

– Sharing in the Thirst of Christ

– Jesus as the Incarnation of God’s Thirst

– Satiated Thirst

I Thirst provides an opportunity to spend a few minutes every day with Mother Teresa and the thirst of our Lord. It provides an opportunity to grow in intimacy, and to meet the thirst of God with our own thirst for him.

About the Author

Fr. Joseph Langford (1951-2010)

Fr. Joseph Langford co-founded the Missionary of Charity Fathers in 1984 with Mother Teresa. He often gave retreats on Mother Teresa’s spirituality both to the Missionaries of Charity congregations and to many other groups. He is the author of the popular work on Mother Teresa, Mother Teresa’s Secret Fire. He recognized in Mother Teresa’s encounter with the thirst of Jesus and her emphasis on satiating that thirst a powerful symbol of God’s love for each person and a road into experiencing that love more profoundly.

Product Details

– 160 Pages
– Published 2018 by the Augustine Institute
– White flex leather with blue embossing
– Trim size: 4” x 6”; 1/8” overhang on the leather cover
– Spine width: ½”
– Font: Baskerville
– Font size: 9 pt.

Praise for I Thirst: 40 Days with Mother Teresa

Fr. Langford was confessor and retreat master for Mother Teresa’s religious sisters, as well as her confidante, in a privileged position to know the secrets Jesus had confided to her. Thus to have in this book, I Thirst, Fr. Langford’s retreat notes on Mother’s understanding of Jesus’ cry from the cross, is to have a priceless treasure. The untold riches of Mother Teresa’s heart – which are nothing but the untold riches of Christ’s own Heart – are here before us in these pages.

–Suzie Andres, author of Homeschooling with Gentleness, A Little Way of Homeschooling (Christendom Press, 2004)

If you thirst for the living water of God, follow the wisdom of Mother Teresa and she will surely lead you to the source.

–Dan Burke, President of EWTN News and the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation

Father Langford’s reflections take us into the heart of Mother Teresa’s spirituality. Based on his close relationship with Mother and his own contemplation and teaching on this theme, these meditations help us encounter God more in our thirst for Him and His thirst for us.

–Dr. Edward Sri, Vice President for Formation, Fellowship of Catholic University Students

Ironically, in a world supposedly overflowing with self-esteem, many, many people cannot believe that "God thirsts" for them. This little book makes a convincing scriptural case that it is true! And moves us to love God, ourselves, and others better because of it. It is a perfect gem of spiritual reading .

–Helen M. Alvaré, Professor of Law, The Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University

In 2008, I traveled to Ethiopia for Catholic Relief Services and visited the large, bustling orphanage of the Missionaries of Charity, which served thousands of people of all ages each day. When I asked about the source of the sisters’ energy for all of this good work, I was led into a primitive chapel with a tabernacle and the words “I thirst,” over the Blessed Sacrament. The book, I Thirst: 40 Days with Mother Teresa, written by a priest who worked with Mother Teresa, provides 40 day portions of the rich spirituality of Saint Teresa of Calcutta. I Thirst communicates well Jesus’ desire or thirst to love us deeply and our inner thirst for His presence in our lives. I strongly encourage its use during Lent or any other time of the year.

–Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D., Archbishop of Louisville

Fr. Joseph Langford M.C.
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Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko: Truth Versus Totalitarianism

Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko: Truth Versus Totalitarianism

"Listen, Father Jerzy, today is September 14, your birthday. So if you are supposed to do something, this is the day!" So prayed Father Bernard Brien beside the bed of a dying man. As soon as the priest left the hospital room, the comatose patient opened his eyes and asked his wife what had happened. A few days later his medical team, after many tests, observed that his widespread cancer had completely disappeared. The doctors were astounded.

The miracle moved Father Brien to write this book about Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko, to make the twentieth-century martyr better known. He presents an intimate portrait of the courageous Polish priest who changed his life and that of countless others.

As the young and ardent chaplain of the Solidarity labor union, Father Popieluszko embodied the Polish people's resistance to Communism, and for this he was murdered in 1984, at the age of thirty-seven, by the Communist regime's security forces. Soon afterward Father Popieluszko was hailed as a martyr and a national hero, and his example inspired the Polish people to persevere in their struggle for political and religious freedom.

Father Popieluszko's witness of spiritual resistance, deeply rooted in the life of Christ, retains its relevance and urgency in the twenty-first century. The young Polish priest who stood up to Communist totalitarianism at the cost of his life will embolden those who resist tyranny and defend human dignity.

Product Details

– 125 Pages
– 2018
– Paperback

About the Author

Fr. Bernard Brien is a parish priest and hospital chaplain in the diocese of Créteil, France.

Praise for Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko: Truth Versus Totalitarianism

"Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko is the late-twentieth-century's heroic exemplar of a priest accompanying his people in their deepest struggles, ennobling them with his presence and his evangelically charged message, and pouring out his life for the truths he preached. His priestly witness will inspire many in the twenty-first century to give themselves without reservation to the truth of the Gospel and its liberating power."
— George Weigel, Biographer of Pope Saint John Paul II

"Father Jerzy Popieluszko was a patriot, a prophet, and a heroic martyr for the Gospel. I have relied on his intercession for decades. His story will inspire any Catholic to be a confident and courageous witness to the truth about our humanity, our freedom, and our Lord, Jesus Christ."
— Most Reverend James Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska

Bernard Brien
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The Story of Saint Nicholas

The Story of Saint Nicholas

A story of humble generosity.

The Story of Saint Nicholas is the story of a humble priest who showed God’s love through giving. In this book written for children 10 and under, kids will have the chance to discover the magic of the generosity of Saint Nicholas.

Product Details

– 30 Pages
– Copyright 2018
– Herald Entertainment: Brother Francis

Herald Entertainment
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The Story of Saint Patrick

The Story of Saint Patrick

A story of unselfish devotion.

The Story of Saint Patrick is the story of a courageous priest who put his mission above his own comfort. In this book written for children 10 and under, kids will have the chance to discover more about courage and following God’s call through the story of this great saint.

Product Details

– 30 Pages
– Copyright 2018
– Herald Entertainment: Brother Francis

Herald Entertainment
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The Story of Saint Valentine

The Story of Saint Valentine

A story of courageous love.

The Story of Saint Valentine is the story of a young priest whose love for his people went well beyond his need for safety. In this book written for children 10 and under, kids will have the chance to discover the courageous love that Saint Valentine is a testament to.

Product Details

– 28 Pages
– Copyright 2018
– Herald Entertainment: Brother Francis

Herald Entertainment
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Rethinking Mary in the New Testament

Rethinking Mary in the New Testament

Scholars often have questioned how much the New Testament can tell us about the Mother of Jesus. After all, Mary appears only in a few accounts and speaks on limited occasions. Can Scripture really support the many Marian beliefs developed in the Church over time?

In Rethinking Mary in the New Testament, Dr. Edward Sri shows that the Bible reveals more about Mary than is commonly appreciated. For when the Mother of Jesus does appear in Scripture, it’s often in passages of great importance, steeped in the Jewish Scriptures, and packed with theological significance.

This comprehensive work examines every key New Testament reference to Mary, addressing common questions along the way, such as: 

– What was Mary’s life like before the Annunciation? 
– Is there biblical support for Mary’s Immaculate Conception and Perpetual Virginity? 
– Does Scripture reveal Mary as our spiritual mother? 
– What does it mean for Mary to be “full of grace”? 
– How is Mary the “New Eve,” “Ark of the Covenant,” and “Queen Mother”?
– Can Mary be identified with the “woman” in Revelation 12? 
– Rethinking Mary in the New Testament offers a fresh, in-depth look at the Mother of Jesus in Scripture—one that helps us know Mary better and her role in God’s plan. 


How can just the words “hail,” “full of grace,” or “woman” reveal so much about the Mother of Jesus? This in-depth, fresh look at Mary in the Bible explores every key New Testament reference to Mary. Drawing on recent insights in biblical scholarship and traditional wisdom sometimes overlooked, Dr. Edward Sri devotes entire chapters to analyzing the small scriptural details to help us know better who Mary really is and the role she plays in God’s plan of salvation.

About the Author

Edward Sri, Ph.D., is a well-known author and speaker. He is a founding leader of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), currently serves as FOCUS vice president of formation, and holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Each year he speaks to clergy, parish leaders, catechists, and laity from around the world.

Product Details

320 pages
Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2018

Praise for Rethinking Mary

This is Sri's best book so far—and that means it is an extraordinary book indeed.  A book like this could only be authored by someone with a mastery of contemporary biblical scholarship who also happens to be a lifelong scholar of Mariology. This rare conjunction describes Edward Sri.  Easy to read, serious, and scholarly, this book delivers on its promises.  Here we meet the Mary whom the evangelists aimed to reveal to us.
Dr. Matthew Levering, James N. and Mary D. Perry Jr. Chair of Theology, Mundelein Seminary

In this work, Sri brings his remarkable knowledge of Mary in Scripture to bear on one of the most pressing needs in the Church today: an up-to-date and thoroughly exegetical analysis of every key New Testament passage regarding Mary. This book is a major achievement, and a must-read for anyone interested in what the Bible really teaches about the Mother of Jesus.
Dr. Brant Pitre, Author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, Distinguished Research Professor of Theology, Augustine Institute

Dr. Edward Sri
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A Do-It-at-Home Retreat

A Do-It-at-Home Retreat


This book is a most helpful and careful guide to anyone who desires to make an Ignatian retreat but is unable to make the Spiritual Exercises in a normal retreat. It is designed for those who want sincerely to place themselves “face to face” with God so as to order their lives along his loving designs. Fr. Ravier was an expert retreat master who gave Ignatian retreats for over 30 years.

Product Details

208 Pages
Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2018
Abridged Edition

Praise for A Do-It-at-Home Retreat

“A superb book that provides excellent guidance for making the Spiritual Exercises on one’s own. Ravier’s clear and practical book answers a long felt need for a one volume guide to finding the will of God in the disposition of our life!”

–Fr. John Hardon, SJ, Author of The Catholic Catechism

“There is an urgent need for a ‘Do-It-At-Home’ Ignatian retreat. That need is beautifully met by Fr. Ravier. This book makes it possible for millions of Catholics to enter into the ‘interior castle’ of Christian mysticism. Those who thirst for a drink of holiness and mystical experience can now find it in this Ignatian retreat manual.”

–Fr. Kenneth Baker, SJ, Editor, Homiletic and Pastoral Review

“Fr. Ravier’s book will be most helpful for anyone who wants to attempt the richness of a retreat with the Spiritual Exercises by following his guidance. It will also be of great use to retreat masters themselves.”

–Fr. James Schall, SJ, Georgetown University

Fr. Andre Ravier, SJ
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True Reformers: Saints of the Catholic Reformation

True Reformers: Saints of the Catholic Reformation

Click here to read a sample.

Who are the true benefactors of the human race? Explorers? Scientists? Revolutionaries? Rebels against established authority? . . . or the saints?

True Reformers explores in detail the leaders who led the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of Renaissance decadence and the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. The saints of the Catholic Reformation show us just how powerful—and beautiful—is the human heart’s free response to God’s generous grace.

Featured Saints

St. Catherine of Genoa
St. Thomas More
St. Ignatius of Loyola
St. Francis Xavier
St. Philip Neri
St. Charles Borromeo
St. Pius V
St. Teresa of Avila
St. John of the Cross
St. Francis de Sales


Cover: Paperback
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8
236 pages
Note: This is a full-length book and is different from the study guide for the video-based study program of the same title.

Praise for True Reformers

“In every age one encounters a cloud of witnesses whose lives articulate its deepest longings. This penetrating analysis—marked by spiritual, historical, and cultural insight—introduces the vibrant personalities who so clearly understood the larger implications hidden beneath the surface in the era of the European Reformations.”

– Don J. Briel, Bl. John Henry Newman Chair, University of Mary

“These stunning portraits of ten very great saints show the beauty of God’s grace shining through the lives of his closest friends. The path marked out by the True Reformers of the sixteenth century is the path we still need to walk in the twenty?first: the steep and narrow path of holiness.”

– Christopher O. Blum, Ph.D., Academic Dean and Professor of History and Philosophy, Augustine Institute

“To read these accounts is a kind of retreat. It provides an opportunity to reflect on our love of God, our prayer life, and the mission God has given each of us in light of our spiritual teachers.”

– Jonathan J. Reyes, Executive Director, of the Departement of Justice, Peace, and Human Development of the USCCB

Jerome K. Williams
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Peter: Keys to Following Jesus

Peter: Keys to Following Jesus

Renowned scholar Dr. Tim Gray masterfully guides you through the tumultuous and inspiring life of Peter—from his call to discipleship to his eventual martyrdom in Rome. Using Sacred Scripture and tradition, Dr. Gray highlights these important lessons from Peter’s life, including:

• How to become a trusting disciple and “cast into the deep”
• The pitfalls of living discipleship at a distance and the eventual denial that will come
• How to recover from sin and accept God’s mercy
• How to become a bold witness to others of the love of Jesus

Come to better know, love, and follow Jesus through the Rock on whom he built his Church.

Cover: Paperback
Pages: 203
Dimensions: 8 x 5.5

Praise for Peter: Keys to Following Jesus

“Tim Gray strolls through Scripture, walking alongside Peter, a great Apostle and model disciple. As you read, you will be caught up in the drama and glean insights and instruction for your daily life.”
Steve Ray, Author of Upon this Rock: Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church

“Dr. Gray weaves together the scriptural, traditional, and archaeological evidence of the life of Peter—giving us a deep personal insight into the head Apostle—as if we are really there.”
Fr. Robert Spitzer, Author of 5 Pillars of Catholic Spirituality and Finding True Happiness

Dr. Tim Gray
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Average Rating: 5.00 based on 5 ratings

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Mother Teresa of Calcutta: A Personal Portrait

Mother Teresa of Calcutta: A Personal Portrait

Mother Teresa’s life sounds like a legend: the Albanian girl who entered an Irish order to go to India as a missionary and became an “Angel of the Poor” for countless people.

Fr. Leo Maasburg was there as her close companion for many years, traveling with her throughout the world and was witness to countless miracles and incredible little-known occurrences. In this personal portrait of the beloved nun, he presents amazing stories about her that most people have never heard, wonderful and delightful stories about miracles, small and great, that he was privileged to experience at Mother Teresa’s side.

They all tell of her limitless trust in God’s love, of the way the power of faith can move mountains, and of hope that can never die. These stories reveal a humorous, gifted, wise, and arresting woman who has a message of real hope for our time. It’s the life story of one of the most important women of the twentieth century as it has never been told before.

Cover: Paperback
Pages: 206
Dimensions: 8 x 5.5
Abridged Version

Fr. Leo Maasburg
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Average Rating: 4.00 based on 4 ratings

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Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

Very few people know that Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) wrote a major work on Joan of Arc. Still fewer know that he considered it not only his most important but also his best work. He spent twelve years in research and many months in France doing archival work and then made several attempts until he felt he finally had the story he wanted to tell. He reached his conclusion about Joan’s unique place in history only after studying in detail accounts written on both sides, the French and the English. A remarkably accurate biography of the life and mission of Joan of Arc told by one of this country’s greatest storytellers.

Pages: 295
Book Dimensions: 5.25" x 8"

This is a special Augustine Institute abridged edition.


This is a wonderful book. I am happy to see it alive and well, and, hopefully, influencing a whole new generation! Gina - Winterville, GA
Mark Twain
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Average Rating: 4.20 based on 10 ratings

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