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Products by Kevin and Lisa Cotter

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Dating Detox: 40 Days of Perfecting Love in an Imperfect World - Book

Dating Detox: 40 Days of Perfecting Love in an Imperfect World - Book

Retail: $14.95
Special web store price: $12.71

Many young adults are tired of their toxic relationships but find it difficult to clean up their love lives. Many attend retreats and conferences that inspire them to give their lives to Christ and turn away from sin, but without a concrete plan, they quickly fall back into old habits. Often, people want to be chaste, but don’t know where to begin. This forty-day detox provides a practical “cleanse” for those who want to purify themselves from the poisoned dating culture and live a life of authentic freedom, chastity, and love.

Topics include dozens of true-life stories shared by those who have successfully moved from desiring purity to actually living it, a compelling and clear vision of the Church’s teaching on the human person, and practical tools, habits, and strategies needed to live the virtue of chastity with success and freedom.

Page Count: 172
Dimensions: 5.25x8

Praise for Dating Detox

In Dating Detox, Lisa and Kevin Cotter offer several "pearls of great price” to young souls on their Christian journey. This is not a book penned by naive hearts in an ivory tower but, rather, by sinners and servants who’ve tasted God’s mercy and feel compelled to share it.
Mark Hart, Vice President of LifeTeen

Lisa and Kevin have given us a challenging and exciting look at love. Through healing, forgiveness, and personal story, this book will help you find the love you have been searching for.
Sarah Swafford, author of Emotional Virtue: A Guide to Drama-Free Relationships

Battling for purity is tough, but the Cotter’s book makes it a whole lot easier. Dating Detox gives you 40 powerful and life-changing days that will help you understand yourself, others, and God in real and transformative ways. A must read for anyone who desires authentic relationships!
Matt Fradd, founder of The Porn Effect


Dating Detox has forever changed my life and I would do it again in a heartbeat with my future boyfriend and/or spouse. Thank you Kevin and Lisa for writing this book.
Personal Growth, Chastity, Books for Kiosk
Add Book | $12.71

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