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A Mind at Peace: Reclaiming an Ordered Soul in an Age of Distraction
These past two decades, modern technology has brought into being scores of powerful challenges to our interior peace and well-being. We’re experiencing a worldwide crisis of attention in which information overwhelms us, corrodes true communion with others, and leaves us anxious, unsettled, bored, isolated, and lonely.
These pages provide the time-tested antidote that enables you to regain an ordered and peaceful mind in a technologically advanced world. Drawing on the wisdom of the world’s greatest thinkers, including Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, and St. Thomas Aquinas, these pages help you identify – and show you how to cultivate – the qualities of character you need to survive in our media-saturated environment.
This book offers a calm, measured, yet forthright and effective approach to regaining interior peace. Here you’ll find no argument for retreat from the modern world; instead these pages provide you with a practical guide to recovering self-mastery and interior peace through wise choices and ordered activity in the midst of the world’s communication chaos.
Are you increasingly frustrated and perplexed in this digital age? Do you yearn for a mind that is more focused and a soul able to put down that IPhone and simply rejoice in the good and the true? It’s not hard to do. The saints and the wise can show you how; this book makes their counsel available to you.
Topics include: • The effect of the digital age on the peace and recollection of the soul • Anxiety, distraction and forgetfulness caused by overuse of technology • A balanced approach that, rather than rejecting technology outright, calls for cultivating a character that is equipped to deal with our modern age • The insights of the saints and other wise people from the past can help us in the cultivation of the virtues we need
Praise for A Mind At Peace
"This is not a book about technology. It is a book about being restored to ourselves and thus finding peace. It is not primarily about “disconnecting” from our devices but about reconnecting with God and therefore with ourselves."- Fr. Paul Scalia
"This potent dose of reality confirms what I have often said to my students: that metaphysics can be of practical help in daily life. A Mind at Peace guides us to reclaiming what we may not know we have lost."- Rev. Paul N. Check | Rector, St. John Fisher Seminary Residence, Diocese of Bridgeport