The Imitation of ChristThe Imitation of ChristView book sampleThe spiritual classic The Imitation of Christ, the second most widely-read spiritual book after the Bible, has had an astonishing impact on the spiritual lives of countless saints, peasants, and popes for centuries. Even today, the soul-searching words of the fifteenth-century cleric Thomas à Kempis continue to resonate, unbounded by time or geography. Drawing on the Bible, the Fathers of the early Church, and medieval mysticism, his four-part treatise shrugs off the allure of the material world, blending beauty and bluntness in a supremely spiritual call-to-arms. This beautiful translation by Ronald Knox and Michael Oakley is considered by many teachers, writers, and readers to be the best English translation ever, and one that greatly enhances the life-changing insights of Thomas à Kempis. About the AuthorThomas à Kempis (1379–1471) was born in the diocese of Cologne and educated by the Order of Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life at Deventer, in the Netherlands. He lived for seventy years among the Canons Regular of Windesheim at Mount St. Agnes, a monastery near Zwolle, where he was twice elected superior and once made procurator. He spent his life reading, writing, and copying manuscripts. About the TranslatorRonald Knox, a convert from Anglicanism and a well-known Catholic priest and author in England from 1920 to 1960, was educated at Eton and Oxford. He translated the Latin Vulgate Bible into English and wrote numerous spiritual books including The Hidden Stream, The Belief of Catholics, Captive Flames, and Pastoral and Occasional Sermons. Product Details224 Pages Praise for The Imitation of Christ“The Imitation has come to be seen as the major work of the devotio moderna, which was characterized by psychological insight and an orderly study of the path to contemplation and the love of God. If we could construct a composite picture of all great Christians—Catholic or non-Catholic—of the last five hundred years who found The Imitation substantially beneficial, enlightening, and inspiring, we would need no further proof that familiarity with this great classic is an integral part of a mature spiritual life and even a path to holiness.” –Father Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R., Author of Arise from Darkness |
Jesus Christ, Best Sellers, Personal Growth, Books for Kiosk |
Add Book | $6.00
The Incredible Mind of G.K. ChestertonThe Incredible Mind of G.K. ChestertonDale Ahlquist, founder of the American Chesterton Society, masterfully presents the genius of Catholic convert and 20th century literary giant G.K. Chesterton. He shares how this “King of Satire” predicted many of the societal ills of our day and pointed out the remedies for them. Discover the wisdom of this literary critic, playwright, novelist, Catholic theologian, and apologist. |
Personal Growth, Apologetics |
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Knight of the Holy GhostKnight of the Holy GhostWho was Gilbert Keith Chesterton?A rotund man in a cape brandishing a walking stick? Certainly. Allow Dale Ahlquist, the president of the American Chesterton Society, to introduce you to him. In a rollicking adventure quite Chestertonian in flavor, Ahlquist captains an expedition of discovery into who this GKC fellow is. He deftly and cleverly explores Chesterton as a man, as a writer, and as a potential saint. Praise for Knight of the Holy GhostDale Ahlquist is probably the greatest living authority on the life and work of G. K. Chesterton. As such, nobody is better qualified to offer a concise and illuminating overview of Chesterton’s important contribution to contemporary faith and culture. –Joseph Pearce, Author of Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G. K. Chesterton Ahlquist on Chesterton is like Plato on Socrates, or Boswell on Johnson. –New Oxford Review About the AuthorDale Ahlquist is president of the American Chesterton Society. Through his long running television series, The Apostle of Common Sense, as well as his books and lectures, he has helped bring about a great renewal of interest in the works of G. K. Chesterton. He has authored and contributed to several books on Chesterton, including Common Sense 101: Lessons from G. K. Chesterton,G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense, and In Defense of Sanity: The Best Essays of G. K. Chesterton. Product Details– 208 Pages |
Evangelization, Inspirational |
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The Woman at the Foot of the Cross - Part 1The Woman at the Foot of the Cross - Part 1In this talk—Part 1 of a special two-part Lighthouse Talks presentation—Augustine Institute
professor Dr. Ben Akers gives a meditative, Scriptural reflection on keeping vigil at the foot of the
cross with Jesus' mother Mary. Dr. Akers explains the deeper meaning behind Jesus' confusing
address of Mary as “Woman,” and illuminates the connections and foreshadowing between the
biblical stories of Creation, the Wedding at Cana, and the Crucifixion. We learn profoundly, as Dr. Akers explains, that “everything Mary does points us to her Son." |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Lent & Easter, Mary |
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The Woman at the Foot of the Cross, Part 2The Woman at the Foot of the Cross, Part 2In this talk—Part 2 of a special two-part Lighthouse Talks presentation—Augustine Institute professor Dr. Ben Akers continues his meditative reflection on Mary’s role in Scripture, weaving together the stories of the Fall and Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection. Dr. Akers also provides illuminating answers to thoughtful questions from the audience. “The Fall happened through eating forbidden fruit; our redemption happens from eating the Eucharist.” |
Biblical Truths, Evangelization, Jesus Christ, Lent & Easter, Mary |
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Hope After SuicideHope After SuicideDeath by suicide is sadly at pandemic proportions, killing more people every year than war and homicide combined. While many people know that the Church condemns suicide as a grave sin, few people know that the Church does not teach that a person who commits suicide is automatically condemned to hell. As Fr. Chris Alar, MIC shares in this insightful talk (based upon his book, After Suicide, given an imprimatur), while suicide remains grave and tragic, we must never despair of God's mercy, and we must know that our prayers can powerfully help those who have taken their own lives, and those who have been left behind. |
Inspirational, Jesus Christ, Personal Growth, Suffering |
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The Necessity of Divine MercyThe Necessity of Divine MercyFr. Chris Alar, MIC, reveals the urgency to live and share the powerful message of Divine Mercy. He explains the basics of the Divine Mercy feast, image, novena, chaplet, and hour of mercy, and how to incorporate them into your spiritual life. I learned about the indulgence attached to the feast of Divine Mercy, and how praying the caplet for those who have died will benefit them at the time of their death. Judith - Kennewick, WA |
Divine Mercy |
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What Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - HardcoverWhat Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - HardcoverGet Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should KnowAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption. About Literature: What Every Catholic Should KnowIn Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, Joseph Pearce provides a survey of literary works of which all Catholics should be aware. Beginning with Homer and Virgil, the book progresses chronologically through the greatest works of all time, including Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Dickens, Chesterton, Eliot, Tolkien, and Lewis. Every Catholic should read this book! About God: What Every Catholic Should KnowWho is God? If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recognition that God is central to the Faith, but we encounter misconceptions about God all the time. In an effort to clear up these misconceptions, this book addresses three major concepts—the nature of God, the Trinity, and the Incarnation—so that we may strengthen our faith and our ability to communicate it to other people. About the SeriesThe new “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming titles planned for this series include: mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy. About the AuthorsMichael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular-level presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States.
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Personal Growth, What Every Catholic Should Know, Newly Released Bundles |
Add Bundle | $89.95
What Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - PaperbackWhat Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - PaperbackGet Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should KnowAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption. About Literature: What Every Catholic Should KnowIn Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, Joseph Pearce provides a survey of literary works of which all Catholics should be aware. Beginning with Homer and Virgil, the book progresses chronologically through the greatest works of all time, including Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Dickens, Chesterton, Eliot, Tolkien, and Lewis. Every Catholic should read this book! About God: What Every Catholic Should KnowWho is God? If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recognition that God is central to the Faith, but we encounter misconceptions about God all the time. In an effort to clear up these misconceptions, this book addresses three major concepts—the nature of God, the Trinity, and the Incarnation—so that we may strengthen our faith and our ability to communicate it to other people. About the SeriesThe new “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming titles planned for this series include: mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy. About the AuthorsMichael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular-level presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States.
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Apologetics, Inspirational, What Every Catholic Should Know, Newly Released Bundles |
Add Bundle | $49.95
Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know-(Hardcover)- BookBeing Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know-(Hardcover)- BookSeries SummaryThe new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Previously published titles in this series include what every Catholic should know about Literature, Salvation, and God.
Church Teaching, Evangelization, What Every Catholic Should Know |
Add Book | $24.95
Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know-(Paperback)- BookBeing Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know-(Paperback)- BookSeries SummaryThe new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Previously published titles in this series include what every Catholic should know about Literature, Salvation, and God.
Church Teaching, Evangelization, What Every Catholic Should Know |
Add Book | $16.95
Spanish - Una guía católica para la infertilidadSpanish - Una guía católica para la infertilidadCarmen y Angelique participan activamente en diferentes ministerios familiares incluyendo asesorías acerca de planificación natural de la familia. Ambas son coautoras de un libro que aborda el tema de la infertilidad, y en esta plática nos comparten su experiencia personal con la infertilidad y esclarecen el concepto erróneo que se tiene de la Iglesia Católica acerca de este tema. Al describir las diferentes alternativas y enseñanzas católicas de tratamientos sobre estos asuntos bioéticos. Esta conferencia se realizó durante el Congreso REC 2019 en Los Angeles Ca. English Translation: Carmen and Angelique actively participate in different family ministries and also serve as advocates for natural family planning. Both are co-authors of a book that addresses the subject of infertility and in this talk, they each share their personal experience with it and help to clarify misconceptions about the Catholic Church on this matter. Discover different alternatives and Catholic teachings on the treatments and the bioethical issues that are created. This talk was originally recorded at the 2019 RECongress in Los Angeles, CA. “I learned the teaching of the Catholic Church on this subject. There is definitely more to learn about, including how to apply it accordingly.” |
Church Teaching, Pro-Life, Spanish, Chastity |
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Fatima for TodayFatima for TodayClick here to read a sample of the book.
About the Author:Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R., a founding member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, has been teaching and preaching retreats and parish missions for several decades. He is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on the apparitions at Fatima. He is the author of numerous books, including Following Mary to Jesus and Walk Humbly with Your God. Fr. Apostoli is the vice-postulator for the cause of the canonization of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. A frequent host on EWTN, he hosted the TV special “Our Lady of Fatima and the First Saturday Devotion”.Book Details:Abridged Edition209 Pages Book Size: 5.25 x 8 Softcover |
Mary, Books for Kiosk, Our Lady of Fatima |
Add Book | $6.00
God’s Plan for Love: Humanae Vitae, Sex, and Authentic FreedomGod’s Plan for Love: Humanae Vitae, Sex, and Authentic FreedomIn anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, Archbishop Aquila explains how Blessed Pope Paul VI’s teaching still serves as a great light amidst a world that is deeply confused about sexual intimacy. He provides valuable insights about how God imbued our sexuality with truths that are reflective of his own divine love. He challenges Catholics to share the liberating truth of God’s plan for sex within marriage and witness this reality as the way of lasting happiness. So whose voice will you listen to? Hear this talk and decide for yourself! Julie - Bluffton, SC |
Church Teaching, Marriage, Pro-Life, Contraception, Sexuality, Humanae Vitae |
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Love Conquers All: Faith, Family, and the Early ChurchLove Conquers All: Faith, Family, and the Early ChurchMike Aquilina, author of over forty books and an expert on early Church history, shares how the faithful witness of Christian families amidst the trials and persecutions of the Church in the first centuries of its existence led to the rapid expansion of Christianity and the conversion of the Roman Empire. Mike relates how fidelity to prayer, faithful attendance of Sunday Mass, and love of neighbor offered a powerful witness to a culture that, in many respects, is similar to our own. WOW! A stern lesson from the early church. Love does conquer all! Norm - Biloxi, MS |
Church Teaching, Evangelization |
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Catechism of the Catholic Church: A Sure Guide Catechism of the Catholic Church: A Sure GuideFrancis Cardinal Arinze energetically draws from his experience to help us see the practical value of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) today, which was given as a guide to living our daily lives in accordance with Holy Scripture and the Sacred Traditions that have been passed down to the Church through the Apostles. The CCC is intended for use by all Christian faithful, and Pope John Paul II declared it to be "...a sure norm for teaching the faith"- Fidei Depositum. Bonus Segment: Why Do We Have a Pope? by Dr. Scott Hahn. CLEAR AND UNDERSTANDING. DIANNE - RIPLEY, OH |
Church Teaching |
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The Evangelizing ParishThe Evangelizing ParishWritten by a highly respected cardinal and a former head of the Vatican office for worship and sacraments, this book shows how the local Catholic parish in any town has tremendous potential to evangelize its surrounding community. Francis Cardinal Arinze reveals the important roles of both priests and laity in spreading the Gospel within the parish and beyond. Product Details– 149 Pages About the AuthorFrancis Cardinal Arinze is the former Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. The Nigerian prelate has written many books and articles on theology, spirituality, and pastoral practice, including Meeting Jesus and Following Him, Radical Discipleship: The Layperson's Distinctive Role, Marian Veneration, and God's Invisible Hand, all published by Ignatius Press.Praise for The Evangelizing Parish"The Church's new commitment to evangelization is one of the great fruits of the Second Vatican Council. So it's very appropriate that the youngest bishop at the fourth session of the Council, Francis Arinze, should offer the worldwide Church this important reflection on how the New Evangelization can ignite the spirit of mission in our parishes." |
Evangelization, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions |
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The Life of Padre Pio: Pray, Hope and Don't WorryThe Life of Padre Pio: Pray, Hope and Don't WorryMatthew Arnold recounts the life story of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, a twentieth century saint and mystic who is known around the world as Padre Pio. “It felt almost as though I was there to witness Padre Pio’s miracles in person.” Chuck - Ledarach, PA |
Evangelization, Inspirational, Saints |
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Our Lady of Good SuccessOur Lady of Good SuccessOur Lady of Good Success appeared on several occasions in the early 17th century to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres in Quito, Ecuador. Fully approved by the Church, this Marian apparition contains an immensely important and hopeful message for our troubled times. Listen as Matthew Arnold explains the great power and hope that can be found through a devotion to Our Lady of Good Success. It was educational and uplifting. It was a subject that I had never heard of and I will definitely pass this along to my friends. Roseanne - Bakersfield, CA |
Inspirational, Prayer & Devotions, Mary |
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Overcoming the New Age MovementOvercoming the New Age MovementListen as a former new ager and Catholic convert Matthew Arnold shares his incredible journey from darkness into the light. Learn how this magic consultant and performer in the entertainment industry came to the truth that set him free from the powers of the occult as he talks about new age practices and their incompatibility with the timeless teachings of Christ and His Church. I listened to this CD 5 times so that I could take thorough notes. The information that Mr. Arnold shared clarified some questions I had. I live in a community with several cult churches. I work with people who are devout followers of astronomy, fortune tellers & mediums. I want to be prepared with informed and accurate knowledge from God and my Catholic religion when offers of "just come and join us" or "just come to listen" are presented. I am a humble peacemaker, so I would never impose my opinions, but I am clear to these folks that I stand firm in my religious commitments and beliefs. It amazes me how Satan is so subtle at twisting a partial truth to lead us astray, and make us feel good about it besides! I am thankful that your company has taken the time to create these CDs so that many people can be reached, and saved, with the truths they provide. Thank you. Pauline - Berlin, NH |
Church Teaching, Apologetics |
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The Shadow of His WingsThe Shadow of His WingsFr. Goldmann was drafted into Hitler's army while he was still a seminarian, and later assigned to the dreaded S.S. Throughout World War II he remained faithful to his Catholic convictions, proclaiming the faith to his Nazi countrymen. From his wartime ordination to his construction of a prison chapel, this thrilling true-life adventure is an inspirational testimony to God's providence and the power of prayer. I loved hearing a German Catholic talk about his experiences in WWII. I also was inspired by the tenacity with which he pursued his vocation and clung to his faith and morals in an impossible situation. My father lived through that war as a boy, and I know that no where near all Germans were Nazis. It's nice to hear that from a media source! Kaethe - Stafford, VA |
Inspirational |
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Spanish - Padre Pío: Ora, confía y no te preocupesSpanish - Padre Pío: Ora, confía y no te preocupesMatthew Arnold nos relata la historia de la vida del milagroso Santo Pío de Pietrelcina, durante el siglo XX, mejor conocido en el mundo como Padre Pío. English Translation: "Me sentí como si estuviera allí, en persona frente a los milagros del Padre Pío". |
Spanish, Saints, Spiritual Warfare |
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Which Came First - the Bible or the Church?Which Came First - the Bible or the Church?Have you ever been asked where Catholic beliefs can be found in the bible? Here is a crash course in history proving that the bible is a Catholic book. Matthew Arnold offers convincing evidence showing that the Church has faithfully proclaimed and preserved the fullness of God's Word down through the centuries. This will provide all the facts you need. It confirmed what I had learned previously, plus added more information of the history of the Bible in a excellent chronological presentation. This CD is very helpful for those who want to understand what and how of the Bible for us today. Robert - Austin, TX |
Biblical Truths, Apologetics, The Reformation |
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A New Heart: My Story of Abortion, Addiction, & ConversionA New Heart: My Story of Abortion, Addiction, & ConversionDepression and guilt. Sadness and anger. Drug and alcohol abuse. Feeling unforgivable. As Shawna Arnold explains, these symptoms of post-abortion trauma can be overwhelming—but they cannot withstand the love and mercy of God, who makes all things new. In this moving talk, Shawna describes her life experiences, and how she found her way back to the Church and the loving embrace of the Father. |
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Conversion Stories, Spiritual Warfare |
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Silent Angel: A Novella (Paperback) - BookSilent Angel: A Novella (Paperback) - BookBased on a true story that hints at the presence of miraculous grace, Silent Angel is a powerful account of human resilience and heroic faith set against the backdrop of the massacre of Christians during the Armenian Genocide. This tale opens up with a scene of carnage and devastation, from the ruins of a monastery to lifeless bodies—the doings of an army of young Turks. Silent Angel follows the story of five survivors: three women, a child, and a Greek monk. They are forced to wander through the deserted Valley of Moush in search of a new life and a better destiny than their Armenian brothers. During the most painful moment of their lives, they become guardians of a book of inestimable value, the Book of Moush, an ancient illuminated manuscript. Believing the book to be a talisman of sorts, they vow to bring the book to safety, even to defend it with their own lives. Antonia Arslan tells this story with intense compassion and clarity, taking the reader on a desperate search for truth and salvation. “There is a reason why it has come into their hands. It means that the angels who watched over it decided to give it not to wise priests, who touched it ‘with immaculate hands’ as the liturgy proclaims, but expressly to them, this small company of three women, a boy, and a man, fleeing toward the mountains, and united by chance among the ruins of the monastery.” —From The Silent Angel
Praise for Antonia Arslan’s internationally bestselling novel, Skylark Farm: "In Arslan’s hands, the gruesome details of this tragedy are palliated by an old-fashioned story of redemption. . . . Skylark Farm is an affecting book." —New York Times Book Review "Pertinent and provocative. . . . It's Arslan’s precise, vibrant description and sumptuous language that animate every facet of this world touched by death and terror. . . . A finely wrought elegy of her family’s survival." —Chicago Tribune Antonia Arslan is an internationally bestselling author and essayist of Armenian origin. She has a degree in archaeology and was a professor of modern and contemporary Italian literature at the University of Padua. |
Inspirational, Personal Growth |
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Wait, Are We Real Friends? The Value of Virtuous FriendshipsWait, Are We Real Friends? The Value of Virtuous FriendshipsGood friendships are often difficult to come by. Do we even know what makes for a good friendship? How rare are virtuous friendships? How do we meet these virtuous people? Join Tina Augustine as she explains the value of virtuous friendships and tells us why these types of relationships are so important.
Evangelization, Inspirational, Personal Growth |
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Lectio: Salvation DVD SetLectio: Salvation DVD SetAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, LECTIO, Lectio: Salvation |
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Lectio: Salvation Leader KitLectio: Salvation Leader KitAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, LECTIO, Lectio: Salvation |
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Lectio: Salvation Leader Resource GuideLectio: Salvation Leader Resource GuideAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, LECTIO, Lectio: Salvation |
Add Book | $34.95
Lectio: Salvation Participant Guide & Book -(Paperback) BundleLectio: Salvation Participant Guide & Book -(Paperback) BundlePurchase the Lectio: Salvation Study Guide and the Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know paperback and save!About the Lectio: Salvation Study Guide:At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven "for us men and for our salvation." But what does "salvation" mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, this video study program is inspiring, engaging, and accessible to anyone - perfect for small group study in a parish or in your home! This full-color Study Guide will help you get the most from this new DVD series.
About the Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know paperback:At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption. The “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming topics planned for this series include: literature, mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy. About the AuthorMichael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States. |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Inspirational, Jesus Christ, Lent & Easter, Lectio: Salvation |
Add Bundle | $29.95
Lectio: Salvation Participant KitLectio: Salvation Participant KitAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, LECTIO, Lectio: Salvation |
Add Bundle | $119.95
Lectio: Salvation Study GuideLectio: Salvation Study GuideAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, LECTIO, Lectio: Salvation |
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Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know - HardcoverSalvation: What Every Catholic Should Know - HardcoverAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption. The “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming topics planned for this series include: literature, mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy. About the AuthorMichael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States. Product Details208 pages Praise for Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know“What does it mean to be ‘saved’? I have often been asked this question. Michael Barber gives the much needed and impressively thorough answer. It fills a acuna in Catholic literature! It is well grounded in scholarship but written in a manner that is accessible to every baptized Christian.” –Nina Sophie Heereman, “Dr. Barber has given us all a very precious gift: a book that shows both what Jesus Christ came into this world to save us from and, equally important, what he came to save us for.” –Dr. Brant Pitre, “Dr. Michael Barber is an outstanding scripture scholar and theologian! This book proves it. Want a deeper understanding of the purpose and mission of Jesus? Look no further. Want to know what redemption and salvation are all about? This incredible book has the answers you’ve been looking for!” –Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Jesus Christ, Divine Mercy, What Every Catholic Should Know |
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Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know - PaperbackSalvation: What Every Catholic Should Know - PaperbackAt every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption. The “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming topics planned for this series include: literature, mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy. About the AuthorMichael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States. Product Details208 pages Praise for Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know“What does it mean to be ‘saved’? I have often been asked this question. Michael Barber gives the much needed and impressively thorough answer. It fills a lacuna in Catholic literature! It is well grounded in scholarship but written in a manner that is accessible to every baptized Christian.” –Nina Sophie Heereman, “Dr. Barber has given us all a very precious gift: a book that shows both what Jesus Christ came into this world to save us from and, equally important, what he came to save us for.” –Dr. Brant Pitre, “Dr. Michael Barber is an outstanding scripture scholar and theologian! This book proves it. Want a deeper understanding of the purpose and mission of Jesus? Look no further. Want to know what redemption and salvation are all about? This incredible book has the answers you’ve been looking for!” –Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Jesus Christ, Divine Mercy, What Every Catholic Should Know |
Add Book | $16.95
Talking with God: The Importance of Prayer & StudyTalking with God: The Importance of Prayer & StudyHave you ever struggled with prayer? Lack of time, focus, or understanding of what to do can all be a challenge. As Augustine Institute professor and author Dr. Michael Patrick Barber explains, prayer is critical to our relationship with God, just as good communication is critical to our relationships with our loved ones. Citing deep biblical insights and humorous personal stories, Dr. Barber offers encouragement and practical suggestions for how we can better approach the practice of prayer, and teaches the surprising importance of theological study. “The more you love someone, the more you want to know about them; and the more you know them, the more you love them.” |
Evangelization, Inspirational, Jesus Christ, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions |
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The True Meaning of ChristmasThe True Meaning of ChristmasJoin Dr. Michael Patrick Barber as he discusses the true meaning of Christmas, and what that means for us as Catholics during this holy season. Through biblical evidence and deep reflection, he reveals the connections between the mystery of Christ’s birth and the modern-day traditions of the mass. Listen to this presentation to discover more insight into the real reason for the Christmas season.
Advent & Christmas, Biblical Truths, Evangelization, Inspirational, Jesus Christ |
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Unlocking the Book of RevelationUnlocking the Book of RevelationDr. Michael Barber, host for Reasons for Faith Live on EWTN, is Professor of Theology and Scripture at John Paul the Great Catholic University. In this exciting presentation, he reveals the deep treasures hidden in the Apocalypse, demonstrating the practical implications for living in today's modern world. When is Jesus coming? Listen and discover the surprising truth! It illuminated a very controversial topic and part of the Bible and made it very interesting and approachable which is important to me. K - AZ |
Biblical Truths |
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Why Almsgiving?Why Almsgiving?Advent, the season in which we prepare for Christmas, is a penitential season. One of the key acts of penance that the Church recommends is almsgiving. But why? Citing the Old and New Testaments, the Catechism, and his own engaging personal stories, professor and author Dr. Michael Barber explains the “inner logic” of almsgiving, and how this often-misunderstood aspect of our faith is a critically important good work, related to our own unmerited redemption in Jesus Christ. |
Church Teaching |
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How to Share Your Faith With AnyoneHow to Share Your Faith With AnyoneClick here to read a sample. -------------------------- Praise for How to Share Your Faith with Anyone "Based on thirty years of in-the-trenches evangelism, Barber shows how to pass along to others what you already know but may not know how to share." - Karl Keating, Author of Catholicism and Fundamentalism "Terry Barber has long been one of the Church's finest evangelists. His excellent book shows us how the New Evangelization requires new apologetics—a new way to explain why the Church's teachings are true and why Jesus is the answer to the deep desires of the human heart." - Most Reverend Jose Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles |
Evangelization, Books for Kiosk, St. Joseph Communications |
Add Book | $6.00
In God We Trust: Religious Liberty - Your First Amendment RightIn God We Trust: Religious Liberty - Your First Amendment RightDuring these challenging times there is a critical need to focus on defending our religious liberty as stated in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. In these highly informative presentations, Bishop David Malloy and Monsignor Eric Barr show us that protection of religious freedom is fundamental for Catholics, as well as for people of all faiths.
Yes! There is a great difference between freedom of expression and freedom to worship. Thank you for finding talks that speak plainly to this fact. This is a MUST LISTEN for every person of faith, especially Christians and most especially Catholics. We have to keep fighting. Kim - AE |
Apologetics, SALE! |
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Following the Call of Christ Biblical Stories of ConversionFollowing the Call of Christ Biblical Stories of ConversionOrder by April 15, 2019 to get 20% off during our Lent and Easter promotion!Retail Price for 1 CD: $5.50 Bishop Robert Barron, one of the great spiritual teachers of our time, presents these biblical stories of true conversion drawing from the riches of scriptural accounts. They were people just like you and me who were called by Christ - Bartimaeus, The Man Born Blind, The Woman at the Well, and Jonah and the Great Fish. ROBERT BARRON IS A GREAT ONE MANUEL - SAN ANTONIO, TX |
Biblical Truths, Inspirational, Lent & Easter |
Add CD | $4.40
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A Journey Through Advent: Liturgical Cycle AA Journey Through Advent: Liturgical Cycle AGet the most out of Advent and Christmas by following along with Bishop Robert Barron's homilies as he unpacks the profound Scripture readings for Liturgical Cycle A. I always enjoy Bishop (Fr.) Barron's teachings. He continue to enrich my Catholic faith in ways that I never imagined despite being born into the Catholic Church. Jean - York, PA |
Advent & Christmas |
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Journey Through Advent: Liturgical Cycle BJourney Through Advent: Liturgical Cycle BGet the most out of Advent by following along with Bishop Robert Barron's homilies as he unpacks these profound scripture readings. The homilies presented on this CD will correspond to the Scriptures for Sunday Masses throughout Advent and Christmas 2014: |
Advent & Christmas |
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A Journey Through Advent: Liturgical Cycle CA Journey Through Advent: Liturgical Cycle CGet the most out of Advent and Christmas by following along with Bishop Robert Barron's homilies as he unpacks the profound Scripture readings for Liturgical Cycle C. I just love Father Barron, and the hollies were great Christine - Cornwall, PA |
Advent & Christmas |
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My Beloved Son: Meditations for LentMy Beloved Son: Meditations for LentBishop Robert Barron offers five sermons on the spiritual discipline we must cultivate in the Lenten season, a discipline centered in Christ. These meditations cover topics such as finding our identity in God, prayer as the key to mission, our thirst for God, how to end our alienation from God, and how to joyfully embrace the way of happiness. It expanded my appreciation of Lent and Lenten activities. Cynthia - Crossville, TN |
Lent & Easter, Personal Growth |
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Reaching Out to Todays CultureReaching Out to Todays CultureIn this highly relevant talk, Fr. Robert Barron shares observations from his dialogue with critics of his You Tube videos. He eloquently illustrates how well equipped our Catholic intellectual tradition is to access and clarify the confusion that is so prevalent in our culture about matters of Christian faith and life. The relevance and intelligence with which it was delivered. Fr. Barron is an amazing speaker. Beth - Maricopa, AZ |
Apologetics, Evangelization |
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Seven Deadly Sins - Seven Lively VirtuesSeven Deadly Sins - Seven Lively VirtuesJoin noted Professor of Theology and author, Fr. Robert Barron, in this revealing presentation as he sheds light on the Seven Deadly Sins - those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our relationship with God and others - and the antidote to them, the Seven Lively Virtues! Fr. Barron uses Dante's DIVINE COMEDY to expose these sinful patterns in our lives and show how they are effectively counteracted by the cultivation of virtue through the development of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This fascinating journey shows the path that God has designed to lead us to health, happiness and holiness. Thank you. p - OH |
Church Teaching, Inspirational, Lent & Easter |
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Who Do You Say That I AmWho Do You Say That I AmFr. Barron illuminates with conviction that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah and revelation of God become man. He shows how Jesus fulfills the four tasks of the Messiah according to the Old and New Testaments and how the living legacy of Christ is proclaimed by the Church. This lecture answered so many questions about Jesus that I knew I had but couldn't even formulate. An essential resource for a deep understanding of our Savior and our role as evangelists. Peter - Fort Collins, CO |
Evangelization, Jesus Christ |
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Faith and PoliticsFaith and PoliticsPope Francis, in his foreword, states that one of the major themes in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger is the relationship between faith and politics: "His firsthand experience of Nazi totalitarianism led him even as a young student to reflect on the limits of obedience to the state for the sake of the liberty of obeying God."; In support of this, he quotes from one of Ratzinger's texts presented in this volume: "The state is not the whole of human existence and does not encompass all human hope." Product Details– 265 Pages About the AuthorJoseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) is widely recognized as one of the most brilliant theologians and spiritual leaders of our age. As Pope he authored the best-selling Jesus of Nazareth; and prior to his pontificate, he wrote many influential books that continue to remain important for the contemporary Church, such as Introduction to Christianity and The Spirit of the Liturgy. Praise for Faith and Politics"Ratzinger writes with penetrating intellect and tranquil confidence in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This marvelous volume reconfirms him as one of the greatest Christian minds of the last century." |
Church Teaching |
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Jesus of Nazareth Part 1 : From the Baptism in the Jordan to the TransfigurationJesus of Nazareth Part 1 : From the Baptism in the Jordan to the TransfigurationIn this bold, momentous work, Joseph Ratzinger—in his first book written after he became Pope—seeks to salvage the person of Jesus from recent “popular” depictions and to restore Jesus’ true identity as discovered in the Gospels. Praise for Jesus of Nazareth“Joseph Ratzinger was a world-class theologian long before he became the Roman Curia’s official defender of Catholic doctrine, and then the pope. In Jesus of Nazareth, Ratzinger reveals the core of his personality as he invites his readers into the classroom of a master teacher-one who has absorbed the best that modern biblical scholarship has to offer and has yet emerged from that encounter with his faith intact and enriched.” Book Details– Published 2008 |
Jesus Christ, Biblical Truths |
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Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the ResurrectionJesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the ResurrectionFor Christians, Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, and who rose from the dead in triumph over sin and death. For non-Christians, he is almost anything else--a myth, a political revolutionary, a prophet whose teaching was misunderstood or distorted by his followers. Praise for Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week"Working from Scripture, the Church Fathers and contemporary scholarship, Benedict XVI deftly brings together the historical and theological dimensions of the gospel portraits of Jesus. This is a splendid, penetrating study of the central figure of Christian faith; a learned and spiritual illumination not only of who Jesus was, but who he is for us today." Book Details– 384 Pages |
Jesus Christ, Lent & Easter |
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Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy NarrativesJesus of Nazareth: The Infancy NarrativesThe momentous third and final volume in the Pope's international bestselling Jesus of Nazareth series details the stories of Jesus' infancy and boyhood, and how they are relevant today in the modern world. About the AuthorPope Benedict XVI is widely recognized as one of the most brilliant theologians and spiritual leaders of our age. As Pope he authored the best-selling Jesus of Nazareth; prior to his pontificate, he wrote many influential books that continue to remain important for the contemporary Church, such as Introduction to Christianity and The Spirit of the Liturgy. Product Details– 128 Pages |
Jesus Christ, Advent & Christmas, Biblical Truths |
Add Book | $20.00
For Love and MarriageFor Love and MarriageJohnnette Benkovic shares her conversion back to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church and the struggles that came when her husband didn't share her faith. She explains how the Lord blessed her in unexpected ways and, through the promptings of His Holy Spirit, showed her how she could better love her spouse through it all. I absolutely loved hearing Johnette's conversion story and how her husband came to know Jesus through her, after a lot of time of persecuting her faith. Hearing how she dealt with her husband's talking about divorce and persevered in her faith was so powerful. It was so moving at the end to hear about her husband's death and asking her, "Johnette, did you ever think we could love each other so much?" Jackie - Fargo, ND |
Marriage, Conversion Stories |
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A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old TestamentA Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old TestamentAlthough many Catholics are familiar with the four Gospels and other writings of the New Testament, for most, reading the Old Testament is like walking into a foreign land. Who wrote these forty-six books? When were they written? Why were they written? What are we to make of their laws, stories, histories, and prophecies? Should the Old Testament be read by itself or in light of the New Testament? John Bergsma and Brant Pitre offer readable in-depth answers to these questions as they introduce each book of the Old Testament. They not only examine the literature from a historical and cultural perspective but also interpret it theologically, drawing on the New Testament and the faith of the Catholic Church. Unique among introductions, this volume places the Old Testament in its liturgical context, showing how its passages are employed in the current Lectionary used at Mass. Accessible to non-experts, this thorough and up-to-date introduction to the Old Testament can serve as an idea textbook for biblical studies. Its unique approach, along with its maps, illustrations, and other reference materials, makes it a valuable resource for seminarians, priests, Scripture scholars, theologians, and catechists, as well as anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible. About the AuthorsBrant Pitre, (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame), is Professor of Sacred Scripture at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. He is the author of Jesus and the Last Supper, The Case for Jesus, and Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. John Bergsma, (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame), is Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and a Senior Fellow at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. He is the author of The Jubilee from Leviticus to Qumran Product Details1060 Pages Praise for A Catholic Introduction to the Bible“A remarkable achievement. Substantive and systematic, it integrates history, theology, faith, reason, Scripture, and tradition—all in light of the living authority of the Church.” |
Add Book | $49.95
The Dead Sea ScrollsThe Dead Sea ScrollsDr. John Bergsma is an Associate Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and was a Protestant pastor for four years before converting to the Catholic Church. In this enlightening talk, Dr. Bergsma shows how our respect for the traditional canon of Scripture, as well as our understanding of the Catholic Faith, can be greatly enhanced by the Dead Sea Scrolls- the greatest archaeological discovery of all time.
The historical and detailed explanation of how the scrolls impacted not only the scriptures, by adding to their legitimacy, but also the impact the scrolls had on validating our traditions to the Protestant world. Melissa - Tucson, AZ |
Biblical Truths, Apologetics |
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Uncovering Our Story; Faith and IdentityUncovering Our Story; Faith and IdentityTHIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3. Jeffrey - St. Henry, OH |
Personal Growth, Youth |
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Letter to the Youth by Pope John Paul IILetter to the Youth by Pope John Paul IIClick Here for a PDF of Selections from Letter to the Youth, by Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II's papacy is marked by the ways he engaged with and was loved by the youth. Scores of young people were drawn to him from around the world by a magnetism that continues even today, in his sainthood. In his letter to the youth of the world, John Paul offers young people his encouragement to respond to Jesus' call to follow Him during this unique and critically important time of life. To them he writes: “In you there is hope, for you belong to the future, just as the future belongs to you.” “As a young adult, it is beautiful to hear St. John Paul II's thoughts and words to young people in this same stage of life. His wisdom and inspiration to the youth continue in this letter, and in his intercession.” |
Evangelization, Inspirational, Youth |
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Saint Teresa of Ávila: A True ReformerSaint Teresa of Ávila: A True ReformerDr. Christopher Blum, Academic Dean of the Augustine Institute, unfolds the inspiring life of St. Teresa of Ávila and her important role in the Catholic Reformation. He shares how, after having already been a nun for twenty years, she had a radical transformation in her own life and then went on to become one of the most powerful forces for bringing about conversion and positive change in the history of the Church. Listen and learn about this Mystic, Doctor of the Church, and True Reformer. It makes me want to pray more and be with the Lord. Auxilia - Ajax, ON |
Church Teaching, Saints, The Reformation |
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The Tears of Christ: Meditations for LentThe Tears of Christ: Meditations for LentAs we dive into Lent and prepare our hearts for Easter, Dr. Christopher Blum recites some profound meditations from The Tears of Christ: Meditations for Lent by Saint John Henry Newman. Take time to reflect on these words and put some of these meditations into practice in order to have a peaceful and prayerful Lent. |
Church Teaching, Jesus Christ, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions |
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True Reformers - DVD SetTrue Reformers - DVD SetThis six-episode series explores the lives of Saints Ignatius of Loyola, Thomas More, Francis de Sales, Philip Neri, Charles Borromeo, and Teresa of Avila. As True Reformers introduces you to these great saints, you’ll want to stay friends with them for life, even unto eternity, as you discover how they spearheaded the Church’s rebirth after the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation.Join Dr. Christopher Blum in the first comprehensive study program to present a specifically Catholic worldview that addresses the Protestant Reformation, 500 years later. True Reformers is ideal for adult faith formation, men’s and women’s groups, catechist formation, and young adult ministries and features six episodes on three DVDs. Episode Listing: Episode 1: Saint Thomas More and the Age of the Author Have more questions about True Reformers? Check out the FAQ, call us at 866-767-3155, or email customer service. |
Church Teaching, Saints, DVD Box Sets, Video Based Study Programs, True Reformers, The Reformation |
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True Reformers - KitTrue Reformers - KitGet the full experience of True Reformers with this Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.In True Reformers, Dr. Christopher Blum explores the lives of six saints who spearheaded the Church’s rebirth after the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. You’ll want to stay friends with them for life, even unto eternity, as you discover that their call to return to the adventure of following Christ is just as compelling today as it was 500 years ago. The 52-page Study Guide was created to deepen your understanding of the Church’s response to the Protestant Reformation through her saints. It features:
• introductions, prayers, and inspirational insights Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Have more questions about True Reformers? Check out the FAQ, call us at 866-767-3155, or email customer service. |
Church Teaching, Saints, DVD Box Sets, Participant Guides, Video Based Study Programs, True Reformers, The Reformation |
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True Reformers - Study GuideTrue Reformers - Study GuideThis engaging and accessible Study Guide for True Reformers with Dr. Christopher Blum helps you better understand the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of the confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation.
• introductions, prayers, and inspirational insights Page count: 52 Have more questions about True Reformers? Check out the FAQ, call us at 866-767-3155, or email customer service. |
Church Teaching, Saints, Participant Guides, Video Based Study Programs, True Reformers, The Reformation |
Add Book | $15.95
The Ventures of Faith: St. John Henry NewmanThe Ventures of Faith: St. John Henry NewmanFollowing Christ can entail fear, risk, and uncertainty. But as St. John Henry Newman boldly preaches, this reality reveals how crucially important and worthwhile it is to undertake such a venture. “No one among us knows for certain that he himself will persevere; yet every one among us, to give himself even a chance of success at all, must make a venture... and in this consists the excellence and nobleness of faith.” Click here for a PDF of "The Ventures of Faith", written by St. John Henry Newman. “What a gift to hear these insightful words, written by this important new saint! St. John Henry Newman, pray for us.” |
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Waiting for ChristWaiting for ChristBlessed John Henry Newman was one of the most beloved and well-known preachers of his time. Originally an Anglican priest, Newman converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest and cardinal. Known for his beautiful prose and exultant preaching, Newman has long been a source of inspiration for those in the Church. In this new and compact compilation of his sermons, you’re invited to journey with Bl. John Henry Newman through Advent into Christmas and Epiphany, meditating on the coming of Christ and the Christian life. Newman’s masterful knowledge of the lives of the saints, Catholic doctrine, and, above all, Sacred Scripture, will help you immerse yourself in these liturgical seasons of waiting, wondering, and joy. These beautiful meditations guide you through reflections on: Waiting for Christ provides an opportunity to spend a few minutes with Bl. John Henry Newman and Christ every day of the Advent and Christmas seasons, preparing for the coming of the Lord. Praise for Waiting for Christ“Daily meditation and prayer, much as one spends time with a friend, is an essential practice for any person who desires to have Jesus as an intimate companion. This wonderful selection of Newman’s meditations enables us to draw close to Christ as we await his Nativity each year, that he may recognize us when he returns in glory.” – Sebastian White, OP, Editor-in-Chief, Magnificat (USA) “Newman was a prolific and accomplished writer in many and varied genres, but I have always believed that his voice can best be heard through his sermons. Christopher Blum has captured that sweet voice by giving us a rich selection of Newman’s very best sermons for Advent and Christmas to accompany us through these graced seasons.” – The Most Reverend James D. Conley, STL, Bishop of Lincoln “These passages are superbly selected, showing that Newman’s is not simply a voice from the past, but one that speaks to the needs of faith in our day. And the peculiar quality of Newman’s voice is how easily he slips into the background to leave us thinking only of Christ, so that the heart of Christ speaks to our hearts through Newman’s words. This book invites us to spend a few minutes each day with a man of eloquence and holiness—and to be left, not with an impression of Newman, but with a longing for Christ that makes us more ready to welcome him, both in the great feast of Christmas and in the ordinary details of each day.” – Edward Hogan, Ph.D., Academic Dean, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary About the AuthorBlessed John Henry Newman was born in England in 1801. He spent his early adult life as an Anglican priest and academic. Involved in what was known as the Oxford Movement, a movement within Anglicanism that supported the return to some Catholic beliefs and liturgical reform, he later left the Church of England. He converted to Catholicism, was ordained a Catholic priest, and years later was made a cardinal. Newman was widely known as a powerful preacher before and after his conversion to Catholicism, and was an extremely prolific author, writing sermons, essays, poetry, hymns, and an autobiography. He died in 1890 and was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010. Product Details• Pages: 160 |
Advent & Christmas, Prayer & Devotions |
Add Book | $14.95
Former Satanist Becomes CatholicFormer Satanist Becomes CatholicHow great a threat is the occult? In this provocative testimony, former satanist, Betty Brennan shares the story of her remarkable journey from a dark existence of devil worship to the fulfillment of truth in Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. You will be enlightened by her amazing sojourn, her search for deliverance, and her mission to open the eyes of others to the truth of the devil. I think her honesty was amazing! She knew exactly what to say! She wasn't misleading or giving false hope (or teachings). She made sure people knew it wasn't anything that she did or father(to heal)... it was JC and the sacraments! I think people forget that and need to be reminded! People need to know the power in the sacraments! I would love to hear more about the "renewal" movement and from peeps in the renewal (that isn't an option in the bottom list, you really should add it!) Lisa - Bayville, NJ |
Conversion Stories |
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Feminism Misunderstood: One Woman's Journey to PeaceFeminism Misunderstood: One Woman's Journey to PeaceJane Brennan, a former member of NOW and former Planned Parenthood volunteer, shares her heart-wrenching story of abortion and subsequent years of depression to her final conversion to the Catholic Church. I enjoyed hearing her story. Annie - Pittsburg, KS |
Pro-Life, Conversion Stories, Humanae Vitae |
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Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko: Truth Versus TotalitarianismBlessed Jerzy Popieluszko: Truth Versus Totalitarianism"Listen, Father Jerzy, today is September 14, your birthday. So if you are supposed to do something, this is the day!" So prayed Father Bernard Brien beside the bed of a dying man. As soon as the priest left the hospital room, the comatose patient opened his eyes and asked his wife what had happened. A few days later his medical team, after many tests, observed that his widespread cancer had completely disappeared. The doctors were astounded. Product Details– 125 Pages About the AuthorFr. Bernard Brien is a parish priest and hospital chaplain in the diocese of Créteil, France. Praise for Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko: Truth Versus Totalitarianism"Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko is the late-twentieth-century's heroic exemplar of a priest accompanying his people in their deepest struggles, ennobling them with his presence and his evangelically charged message, and pouring out his life for the truths he preached. His priestly witness will inspire many in the twenty-first century to give themselves without reservation to the truth of the Gospel and its liberating power." |
Saints, Inspirational |
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Fatima: Living the MessageFatima: Living the MessageAt a time of lost innocence, the faith of three children inspired thousands and made the world believe in miracles. Mary's messages at Fatima have been promoted by Popes, approved by the Church, and validated by over 70,000 witnesses. Fr. Jason Brooks brings to light why Fatima is regarded by many as the most important spiritual event of the past 100 years. BONUS: Fr. Shanon Collins, retreat master and well known speaker on EWTN, explains the intended impact and opportunity of the messages of Fatima on the spiritual lives of believers today. Awesome! Inspirational! Touching! Maria - Duluth, GA |
Inspirational, Mary, Our Lady of Fatima |
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The Saving Power of Divine MercyThe Saving Power of Divine MercyPope John Paul II said that Divine Mercy is THE message for the third millennium and God's gift to our time. There is nothing that mankind needs more than Christ's Divine Mercy. To help us avail ourselves of that loving mercy, Fr. Brooks focuses on what we know of God's Mercy, our response to His Love, how we can become merciful to others, and how to become apostles of mercy.
I was very moved by the explanation of Christ's Divine mercy for us and how it is always there no matter what. Andrea - SAINT MARYS, PA |
Inspirational, Lent & Easter, Prayer & Devotions, Divine Mercy |
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Spanish - Fatima: Viviendo El MensajeSpanish - Fatima: Viviendo El MensajeEn un tiempo de inocencia perdida, la fe de tres niños inspiró a miles e hizo que el mundo creyera en milagros. Los mensajes de María en Fátima han sido promovidos por los Papas, aprobados por la Iglesia y validados por más de 70,000 testigos. El Padre Jason Brooks trae a la luz por qué Fátima es considerado por muchos como el evento espiritual más importante de los últimos 100 años. Disfruté mucho aprender sobre Nuestra Señora de Fátima. Me siento motivada a rezar el Rosario cada día Linda - Avondale, AZ |
Mary |
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Study Guide for Jesus of Nazareth, Part 1Study Guide for Jesus of Nazareth, Part 1This easy-to-use companion study guide helps the readers who approach Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration without the benefit of extensive theological or biblical training. The goal is not to replace Benedict’s book but to make it more accessible, more fruitful for the average reader—whether lay, religious, priest or deacon. Study Guide Details– Published 2008 |
Biblical Truths, Jesus Christ |
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Into the Deep: Our Guide to St. Mary Magdalene & Self-ReflectionInto the Deep: Our Guide to St. Mary Magdalene & Self-ReflectionWomen are called to be incredible models of the faith even when it can be difficult to see that quality within themselves. Join Rachel Bulman as she dives into the deep to guide women through their faith while exploring the life of St. Mary Magdalene. |
Saints, Biblical Truths, Evangelization, Inspirational, Personal Growth |
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In Pursuit of My Identity: Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and My LifeIn Pursuit of My Identity: Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and My LifeHudson Byblow, a well-known speaker and author, discusses his own experience of same-sex attraction and transgender inclinations. He invites others to experience the fulfillment and freedom he discovered when he came to the profound realization that his most fundamental identity is found in Christ. Listen as Hudson shares how this deeper understanding of his identity has allowed him to live a life motivated not so much by rules but by love for God, and himself.
“Hudson does an amazing job opening the door to such controversial topics.” Bruce - Joplin, MO |
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Spanish - En busca de mi Identidad: Homosexualidad, transgénero y mi vidaSpanish - En busca de mi Identidad: Homosexualidad, transgénero y mi vidaEl conocido presentador y autor Hudson Byblow, nos habla sobre su propia experiencia de atracción hacia el mismo sexo e inclinaciones transgénero. En esta charla, invita a experimentar el cumplimiento y la libertad que descubrió cuando se dio cuenta que su identidad más fundamental se encuentra en Cristo. Escuche a Hudson compartir cómo esta comprensión más profunda de su identidad le ha permitido vivir una vida motivada no tanto por las reglas sino por el amor a Dios y a sí mismo. English Translation: “Hudson does an amazing job opening the door to such controversial topics.” Bruce - Joplin, MO |
Personal Growth, Spanish |
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How to Pray the Rosary - BookletHow to Pray the Rosary - BookletIn this handy little guide, best-selling author Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, teaches you how to pray the Rosary well and why it matters, addressing issues such as: |
Church Teaching, Mary, Booklets |
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No Turning BackNo Turning BackHow is a diehard agnostic transformed into a fervent apostle of Christ? Fr. Donald Calloway, a former drug dealer, will have you on the edge of your seat as he candidly shares the amazing story of how he was unexpectedly led into the Catholic Faith and to the priesthood by God's grace and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. His conversion can be compared to that of St. Augustine. Formerly titled: Former Drug Dealer to Catholic Priesthood My kids likes too love it. Big testimonio carme. - wyoming, MI |
Inspirational, Conversion Stories |
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Spanish - El Ave María y la OraciónSpanish - El Ave María y la OraciónEl padre Ernesto María Caro nos ayuda a comprender en profundidad lo que significa rezar el Ave María. Analiza las palabras del Ave María frase por frase y destaca también la importancia de la oración en el Rosario. Estas reflexiones nos ayudarán a regocijarnos, en la oportunidad que Dios nos ha dado al rezar esta oración.
English Translation: The Hail Mary Prayer
Fr. Ernesto Maria Caro helps us to understand the depth and importance of praying the Hail Mary. He unpacks the prayer phrase by phrase and emphasizes its significance in relation to the Rosary. Fr. Caro hopes these reflections will help us to rejoice in the opportunity that God has given to us through this prayer. “The Hail Mary will never be the same for me; in fact, now every meditative prayer has a new and even more profound significance. Thank you Fr. Caro for this talk.” |
Prayer & Devotions, Spanish |
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Spanish - El Rezo del Rosario #1: Misterios Gozosos y DolorososSpanish - El Rezo del Rosario #1: Misterios Gozosos y DolorososEl P. Ernesto María Caro es un sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Monterrey, México. En este audio nos acompaña a rezar el rosario a nuestra Madre Santísima y al inicio de cada misterio, el P. Caro nos ofrece una bella reflexión. Este es el cd 1 de 2 y contiene solamente los Misterios Gozosos y Dolorosos. El cd 2 contiene los Misterios Gloriosos y Luminosos, y puede ser adquirido junto a muchos otros productos del P. Ernesto María Caro, en o en
“In this audio, Father Ernesto María Caro takes us step by step into the prayer of the Holy Rosary. Remember that when you hear a silent space, that is your signal to respond to the prayer that Father Ernesto has initiated. Enjoy the music, the leisurely rhythm of prayer and the silence that all help to make you part of the prayer.” |
Prayer & Devotions, Mary, Spanish |
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Spanish - El Rezo del Rosario #2: Misterios Gloriosos y LuminososSpanish - El Rezo del Rosario #2: Misterios Gloriosos y LuminososEl P. Ernesto María Caro es un sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Monterrey, México. En este audio nos acompaña a rezar el rosario a nuestra Madre Santísima y al inicio de cada misterio, el P. Caro nos ofrece una bella reflexión. Este es el cd 2 de 2. En este encontrarás los Misterios Gloriosos y Luminosos. El cd 1 contiene los Misteriosos Gozosos y Dolorosos, y puede ser adquirido junto a muchos otros productos del P. Ernesto María Caro, en o en En este audio, el Padre Ernesto María Caro nos lleva paso a paso en el rezo del Santo Rosario. Recuerda que, al escuchar un silencio, ahí es tu momento de responder a la oración que ha iniciado el P. Ernesto. Disfruta de la música, su ritmo pausado de orar y sus silencios para hacerte parte de la oración. En este audio, el Padre Ernesto María Caro nos lleva paso a paso en el rezo del Santo Rosario. Recuerda que al escuchar un silencio, ahí es tu momente de responder a la oración que ha iniciado el P. Ernesto. Disfruta de la música, su ritom pausado de orar y sus silencios para hacerte parte de la oración. |
Prayer & Devotions, Mary, Spanish |
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Spanish – Nuestro Enemigo y sus AliadosSpanish – Nuestro Enemigo y sus AliadosToda nuestra vida se va desarrollando en medio de una lucha: Satanás y su ejército contra nosotros, los hijos de Dios. Pero, ¿cómo combatirlo sin conocer cómo pelea? En esta charla, el P. Ernesto María Caro nos ofrece estrategias para vencerlo, sabiendo que Jesucristo ya lo ha vencido en la cruz. Esta plática es parte de un seminario con 6 pláticas que se titula Nuestra lucha cotidiana contra el tentador, disponible en o bien en English Translation: “Awesome speaker, awesome talk. Use these easy steps to help others fall in love with Christ.” Julie - Bluffton, SC |
Apologetics, Spanish |
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The Forgotten Virtue: Pathway to HolinessThe Forgotten Virtue: Pathway to HolinessGod opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble. (1 Peter 5:5) In this revealing talk, Fr. Casey shares how wisdom and blessings come through a healthy cultivation of the virtue of humility, and he equips us to be vigilant in avoiding that often subtle temptation and danger to the soul, which is pride. He shows how humility allows us to see things, and ourselves, as they truly are, and how pride makes us prone to serious mistakes, both in our spiritual and practical lives. At the end of this presentation is a bonus segment from Confession by Fr. Larry Richards. It really went into depth about where to start in order to obtain the virtue of humility. katica - sydney, NSW |
Personal Growth |
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The Holy EucharistThe Holy EucharistAccording to Fr. William Casey, Superior General of the Fathers of Mercy, "We are living at the time of the greatest loss of faith in the 2000-year history of the Catholic Church". Discover how faith in the Real Presence of Jesus can remedy this as Fr. Casey explains and defends the Catholic Eucharistic doctrine and encourages us to pray before the Blessed Sacrament to help us grow spiritually. Understanding that the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity is such a mystery and Fr Casey does a beautiful job explaining this mystery. I have a nephew I will share this cd with. Diane - Dickinson, ND |
Sacraments, Eucharist |
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Amazing Angels & Super Saints - Episode 1Amazing Angels & Super Saints - Episode 1Cat Chat is a Catholic Audio Show for kids ages 3-11 to help them learn and love their Faith like never before! Using prayer, great conversations, faith-filled stories, and catchy songs, each CD discusses the Catholic Faith while teaching kids powerful lessons for living out their Faith every day. Join Moses the Talking Cat, Papa, Josh, Hanna, and friends for an unforgettable experience! My children (ages 4 and 10) loved this CD! As soon as it was over, my youngest said "I want to listen to it again"! Denise - Hiddenite, NC |
Family & Parenting, Kids |
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Amazing Angels & Super Saints - Episode 2Amazing Angels & Super Saints - Episode 2Cat Chat is a Catholic Audio Show for kids ages 3-11 to help them learn and love their Faith like never before! Using prayer, great conversations, faith-filled stories, and catchy songs, each CD discusses the Catholic Faith while teaching kids powerful lessons for living out their Faith every day. Join Moses the Talking Cat, Papa, Josh, Hanna, and friends for an unforgettable experience! Our kids loved this! They learned, and so did we. We have so much to learn, and this is a great way for us all to learn quickly and together, so we are encouraged to talk about our faith with each other as a family! Any chance of more CDs to entertain kids (along with their parents) while they learn? Jennifer - Nacogdoches, TX |
Family & Parenting, Kids |
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The Mass Comes Alive - Episode 1The Mass Comes Alive - Episode 1Cat.Chat is a Catholic Audio Show for kids ages 3-11 to help them learn and love their Faith like never before! Using prayer, great conversations, faith-filled stories, and catchy songs, each CD discusses the Catholic Faith while teaching kids powerful lessons for living out their Faith every day. Join Moses the Talking Cat, Papa, Josh, Hanna, and friends for an unforgettable experience! My 2 kids, ages 7 and 3, really love this CD!!! Great content! Amber - Jacksonville, NC |
Family & Parenting, Kids |
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The Mass Comes Alive - Episode 2The Mass Comes Alive - Episode 2Cat.Chat is a Catholic Audio Show for kids ages 3-11 to help them learn and love their Faith like never before! Using prayer, great conversations, faith-filled stories, and catchy songs, each CD discusses the Catholic Faith while teaching kids powerful lessons for living out their Faith every day. Join Moses the Talking Cat, Papa, Josh, Hanna, and friends for an unforgettable experience! My 6 and 9-year-old girls loved this CD and this series. When work going on in my bedroom precluded me from sleeping in my own bed, I slept with the girls and we all listened to the CD. I was impressed, too! Le - 98372, WA |
Family & Parenting, Kids |
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Abortion- BookletAbortion- BookletIs it possible to know when life begins? Shouldn’t women be able to control their own bodies? What if a pregnant woman’s life is in danger? Why don’t pro-lifers spend their energy making life better for people who are already born? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Abortion will deepen your understanding of this critical moral issue, and give you the knowledge you need to explain it to others.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Booklets |
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Angels & Demons- BookletAngels & Demons- BookletWho or what are the angels? What powers do angels and demons have? How can I protect myself from demonic temptation and possession? What are the guardian angels, and how can I build a relationship with mine? In 20 Answers: Angels and Demons you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. God created the angelic orders to worship him, and to be models of his spiritual nature, ministers of his word, and agents of his actions throughout creation. 20 Answers: Angels and Demons will help you understand these mysterious and powerful beings, as well as help you avoid the snares and harms of those angels who disobeyed God and fell from his favor—the demons.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2016 |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Booklets, Spiritual Warfare |
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Atheism- BookletAtheism- BookletHow can you know for sure that God exists? If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world? Doesn’t evolution mean we don’t need God to explain human life? Why should I believe in God when religion is the number-one cause of war, ignorance, and misery? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Atheism will help you understand the main arguments for and against God’s existence, and give you the knowledge you need to explain to others the reasonableness of belief.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Apologetics, Evangelization |
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The Bible - BookletThe Bible - BookletWhat does it mean to say that Scripture is “inspired”? Why don’t Catholics believe that the Bible is the sole rule of faith? Do Christians have to follow all the strange and archaic laws found in the Old Testament? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. Catholics are sometimes accused of ignoring the Bible, but we believe that God gave us his inspired word in Sacred Scripture to teach, guide, and edify us. 20 Answers: The Bible offers a truly Catholic perspective on Scripture, showing how it harmonizes with God’s revelation in Sacred Tradition and with the teaching authority of the Church. It also takes on challenges from skeptics, giving you the knowledge you need to answer those who say the Bible is too old, too incoherent, or too fantastic to believe.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Jesus Christ, Booklets |
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Catholic Social Teaching - BookletCatholic Social Teaching - BookletWhere is “Catholic social teaching” found, anyway? Are all aspects of Catholic social teaching equal important, or can we rank them? Does the Church tell me how I should vote, or what the best economic or political system is? How does the Church say that that laity should try to promote and implement Catholic social teaching in the world? When Jesus inaugurated his kingdom on earth, he taught us to bring heavenly principles to it. And so, for millennia the Catholic Church has contemplated how Christ’s teachings should be applied to society. 20 Answers: Catholic Social Teaching offers a useful introduction to this often misunderstood topic. It explains how Catholic doctrine affects government, economics, the family, war and peace, basic human rights, and interpersonal justice. Just as important, it lays out where this Catholic approach binds us to necessary principles and conclusions and where there is considerable freedom for disagreement.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Booklets |
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The Church - BookletThe Church - BookletHow do we know Jesus founded a visible, organized Church? Is today’s Catholic Church the same as the church of the apostles and the early Christians? What can I say to someone who claims that the medieval Church became corrupted by pagan ideas and practices? Where in the Bible does it say that the Church is infallible, that we need a pope, or that indulgences can help us get to heaven? In 20 Answers: The Church you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. Jesus founded the Catholic Church to carry on through history his mission of teaching and sanctifying his followers. Though on an earthly level it is made up of sinners, it is holy, because Jesus its head is holy. Though its human leaders are fallible, it never fails to proclaim authentic Christian truth, because it is protected by the Holy Spirit. It is Christ’s mystical body and his spotless bride, his chosen instrument of salvation for the world.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Booklets |
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Divorce and Remarriage - BookletDivorce and Remarriage - BookletWhat is the meaning of marriage? What conditions can make a marriage invalid? Is a divorced Catholic allowed to receive Holy Communion? Why is it necessary to go through the annulment process before I can be remarried? In 20 Answers: Divorce & Remarriage, you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. The sacrament of marriage is one of the holiest things instituted by Christ—a lifelong sign of the love between the Church and himself. But although marriage is by its nature a faithful and permanent union, because of human sin it sometimes fails to live up to that sign. 20 Answers: Divorce & Remarriage explains Church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage, and examines the pastoral and canonical realities for Catholics who wish to end their common life and marry another. About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package. Booklet Details
Published year: 2016 |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Booklets |
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End of Life Issues - BookletEnd of Life Issues - BookletWhy is it wrong to help someone commit suicide? Don’t people have a right to die with dignity rather than being a burden to others? Does the Church teach that the terminally-ill must be kept alive by machines for as long as possible? How can I plan now to make sure that my legal and medical wishes are respected when I’m near death? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: End of Life Issues unravels the controversies and confusions surrounding euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the rights of patients in our uncertain healthcare future. About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package. Booklet Details
Published year: 2014 |
Church Teaching, Suffering, Booklets |
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The Eucharist - BookletThe Eucharist - BookletHow do non-Catholic views of the Eucharist differ from the Catholic belief? If the Eucharist contains the physical presence of Christ’s body and blood, doesn’t that mean Catholics who eat it are cannibals? Is the Bread of Life discourse in John 6 evidence for the Real Presence? What did the early Church Fathers believe about the Eucharist? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: The Eucharist will help you understand the main arguments for and against the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Jesus Christ, Booklets |
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Faith & Reason - BookletFaith & Reason - BookletIs faith reasonable? What can we know about God through reason alone? How can we make sense of Christian beliefs that seem to defy logic and science? What can I say to people who claim that the God of the Bible is cruel and irrational? We believe that God is one, and so is his truth. The mysteries he has revealed to the world, the teachings that his Church professes and safeguards, and the conclusions that we reach by the light of natural reason all harmonize and enrich each other. But in a world skeptical of faith and often too clouded by sentiment and sin to wield reason, it can seem that religious truth and rational truth must be enemies—or at least from different worlds. 20 Answers: Faith and Reason shows you how to restore the unity of truth that is our only basis for living a coherent life of the mind and of the soul, helping you tackle both secular skeptics and your own nagging doubts.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Booklets |
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Faith & Science - BookletFaith & Science - BookletDidn’t the Church persecute Galileo? Aren’t faith and reason two separate and distinct kinds of truth? Why do Christians believe in the biblical creation story when science has disproved it? How can the modern world take religions seriously when they oppose scientific advancements like birth control and stem-cell research? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Faith & Science will clear away misconceptions and help you understand—and explain to your friends and family—the complex but ultimately harmonious relationship between religious and scientific truth.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Booklets |
Add Booklet | $2.00
Homosexuality - BookletHomosexuality - BookletWhat does the Church actually teach about same-sex attraction? If God created certain people gay, how can we say that it’s sinful for them to live that way? Why should we listen to the Old Testament’s condemnation of homosexuality when Jesus never said anything about it? Howe can we build authentic bridges of understanding with friends and family members who experience same-sex attraction? In an age where marriage and the family are being redefined and traditional Christian moral norms recast as “hate,” it’s more important than ever to understand and be able to defend those things. 20 Answers: Homosexuality provides a faithful look at what the Bible, the Church, the natural law, and science have to say about same-sex attraction, and how we as Catholics and as a culture can respond with undiluted truth and compassionate love.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Booklets |
Add Booklet | $2.00
Islam - BookletIslam - BookletWhat are the basic teachings of Islam? How does the Quran compare with the Bible? Does Islam really encourage violence in God’s name, or is it a religion of peace? Can dialogue between Christians and Muslims foster a believers’ alliance against secularism and the Culture of Death? In 20 Answers: Islam you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Islam looks inside the religion of Mohammad to reveal what its own theological authorities teach, cutting through the ignorance and wishful thinking that are too common in our culture and spelling out Islam’s challenges to the Christian West—past, present, and future. About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package. Booklet Details
Published year: 2015 |
Apologetics, Jesus Christ, Booklets |
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Jehovah's Witnesses - BookletJehovah's Witnesses - BookletWho are the Jehovah’s Witnesses and what do they believe? How do you respond to their claims that God isn’t a Trinity and Jesus isn’t divine? What do the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach about Jesus’ return and the world to come? What’s the best way to evangelize Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come knocking on my door? In 20 Answers: Jehovah’s Witnesses you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: Jehovah’s Witnesses looks beyond the colorful tracts and pleasant promises of this quasi-Christian sect to reveal its origins, beliefs, and practices. And it gives you the knowledge you need to respond to friends, families, and missionaries who try to steer you away from the Church and into Kingdom Hall.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Evangelization, Jesus Christ, Booklets |
Add Booklet | $2.00
Mary (20 Answers) - BookletMary (20 Answers) - BookletHow can a human woman be God’s mother? Where in the Bible does it say that Mary was sinless and a perpetual virgin? Doesn’t praying to Mary and calling her “mediatrix” turn her into a kind of goddess? What can I do to build and deepen my relationship with Mary as my spiritual mother in heaven? In 20 Answers: Mary you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. From the cross, as his mission of redemption reached its climax, Jesus gave us Mary to be our mother. In 20 Answers: Mary you’ll find biblical evidence for Marian doctrine and devotion, answers to common objections to Catholic teachings about Mary, and guidance on how to imitate Christ—which we should do in all things—by loving and honoring his mother. About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package. Booklet Details
Published year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Mary, Pamphlets |
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Miracles - BookletMiracles - BookletWhat are miracles, and why does God work them? How can I believe in miracles if I have never experienced one? Aren’t miracles just something pre-scientific people made up to explain what they couldn’t understand? How can we discern whether a phenomenon is truly a miracle and not a hallucination, a hoax, or the work of a demon? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. The rare and wonderful supernatural events we call miracles are a gift from God, testifying to a skeptical world of his existence and his power. 20 Answers: Miracles unpacks the nature of miracles, their appearances in Scripture and history, how the Church evaluates them, and ways to answer doubters who say they’re mere superstition. Most of all, it shows that miracles are never an end in themselves, but instead are meant to lead us to greater faith in, and gratitude for, God’s providence.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Booklets |
Add Booklet | $2.00
New Age - BookletNew Age - BookletWhat is the New Age movement all about? How have New Age beliefs infiltrated our popular culture? What are the Church’s warnings about the spiritual dangers of New Age ideas? How should a Catholic approach things like “mindfulness,” yoga, crystals, Reiki, meditation, alternative medicines, and other practices associated with the New Age? With the modern hunger for spirituality created by the vacuum of declining religious belief, Western interest in the so-called New Age is stronger than ever. Whether its ideas are ancient and mystical as its promoters believe or just leftovers from hokey novelties from the sixties, they’re finding millions of devotees today—leading Christians away from revealed truth and potentially even opening the door to demonic influence. 20 Answers: The New Age explains the roots and substance of New Age beliefs and contrasts them with Catholic teaching, showing you how to protect yourself and your family from their seductive errors.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Booklets |
Add Booklet | $2.00
Protestantism - BookletProtestantism - BookletHow did Protestant Christianity begin and spread? What are the distinctive beliefs of Protestantism, and how do they differ from Catholic teaching? How do “non-denominational Bible churches” compare with the “mainline” branches of Protestantism? Why are some Protestant groups anti-Catholic, and what can I do to foster better relations with them and help them understand Catholicism? Since the Reformation, Christianity has been split into many competing groups, each differing from the others but almost all claiming to represent the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ. How did that happen? And how can we better understand—and work to heal—those divisions? 20 Answers: Protestantism gives you a perfect beginner’s guide to the historical roots of Protestantism, its liturgical and doctrinal flavors, and its impact on the evolution of global (and especially American) Christian culture. Most of all, it offers proven advice for finding common ground with Protestants while sharing your own Catholic faith.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Evangelization, Jesus Christ, Booklets |
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The Real Jesus - BookletThe Real Jesus - BookletDid Jesus even exist? How can we trust what the Bible says about him? Didn’t Jesus’s followers invent a lot of myths about him based on stories of pagan gods? Did the Catholic Church suppress biblical books that depicted Jesus as a simple wise man who was married and didn’t die on a cross or rise from the dead? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: The Real Jesus takes on the claims of modern skeptics about Jesus’s life, his teaching, and his legacy, providing compelling evidence that the “historical Jesus” and the “Christ of faith” are one and the same. About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package. Booklet Details
Published year: 2014 |
Church Teaching, Jesus Christ, Booklets |
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The Sacraments - BookletThe Sacraments - BookletWhere are the seven sacraments found in the Bible? Why do we need the sacraments? Can’t God just give me grace directly? How do some sacraments leave a permanent mark on the soul of the person receiving them? What can I do to prepare for and profitably receive sacraments like confession, Holy Communion, confirmation, and matrimony? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. Jesus instituted the seven sacraments to give us ordinary, tangible signs and instruments of his saving grace. 20 Answers: The Sacraments explains the mysteries of these powerful gifts from God, defends the Catholic understanding and administration of them, and shows you how to receive them with the disposition needed to make the most of their effects.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Evangelization, Sacraments, Booklets |
Add Booklet | $2.00
Witchcraft & the OccultWitchcraft & the OccultAre Wicca and witchcraft different words for the same thing? What does the Church say about witchcraft? What can I do if my child or friend are experimenting with witchcraft? Can Catholics use the Ouija board? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. Interest in witchcraft and occult practices is on the rise in our culture. 20 Answers: Witchcraft & the Occult introduces you to what witches believe and to some of their common practices. It also delves into related topics, such as yoga, the Ouija board, and the work of psychics. Most of all, it shows how to respond with solid answers, information, and assistance for those caught up in these soul-damaging practices.
About the 20 Answers SeriesThe 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
Booklet DetailsPublished year: 2015 |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Booklets |
Add Booklet | $2.00
The Ultimate Goal: Why I Left Pro Soccer to Answer God’s CallThe Ultimate Goal: Why I Left Pro Soccer to Answer God’s CallSister Raffaella Cavallin, a consecrated lay-person with the Apostles of the Interior Life, shares her inspiring spiritual journey. At the height of her professional soccer career, while attending a parish mission, she discovered that the ultimate goal in life is to become a saint. Sister Raffaella’s story illustrates how holiness and happiness go hand in hand, and that through prayer, the Sacraments, and spiritual direction, we can live a Christ centered life and become the person God wants us to be.
Sister clarified for me what it meant to be holy and I liked her thoughts with regards to motherhood. I was able to see the role of a mother from a different perspective. Clare - Crystal Lake, IL |
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Youth |
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15 Things to Do in the Midst of Suffering15 Things to Do in the Midst of SufferingSuffering is a mystery we all face at some time in our lives. Whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual, it will test our faith. Internationally known speaker Jeff Cavins shares personal insights he gained through his own physical pain. He shows us how we can join our sufferings with those of Jesus on the cross, bringing renewed meaning to the suffering we experience in our lives. Jeff gave a new insight into suffering .he has helped me by giving many Scriptures to show we are called to share our suffering in Christ...His experience with his own pain gave him 'on hand' knowledge of God's Peace when he offered his pain for his daughter. Very moving and healing. He also referred to the Catechism and gave the numbers for us to look up and study along with the many Scriptures. I feel this information and Prayer will help many to begin using pain as Redemptive suffering giving us a deep Peace as we give our pain to our Lord . Mary - Rialto, CA |
Suffering |
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The Battle WithinThe Battle WithinJeff Cavins, an internationally-recognized authority on Scripture, provides an ultra-practical guide on how to battle sin in the areas of our lives where we tend to fall, and he helps us examine the root causes of our sin in order to understand the “why” behind our actions. In this presentation, Jeff explains four major wounds that exist as part of our human nature, and he equips his listeners with three “secret weapons” we can use to help us effectively overcome sin and serve the Lord from a place of freedom and love. “I found this talk to be super helpful and really engaging at the same time!” TK - Emmitsburg, MD |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Inspirational, Prayer & Devotions, Spiritual Warfare |
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Defeating Satan's Deadly Weapon Against MenDefeating Satan's Deadly Weapon Against MenPornography has become pervasive in our culture - a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addiction, ruined marriages, and shattered lives. Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. With great insight, he shows how we can fight pornography's devastating influence and chart a course to true Christian purity.
Personal testimony Ana |
Biblical Truths, Marriage, Pro-Life, Chastity, Humanae Vitae |
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The Hidden Power of ForgivenessThe Hidden Power of ForgivenessJeff Cavins unmasks the trap of unforgiveness that prevents so many from living in the freedom of God's peace and halts spiritual progress. He explains with clarity how forgiveness frees not only the one who is forgiven, but the forgiver. The importance of this is shown in Christ's words, "As you forgive others, so I will forgive you" Matt. 6:14. Includes free bonus segment from Anger and Forgiveness by Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald. It is very hard to forgive what hurts us. This the Catholic Church understands. It is also dangerous not to forgive because the anger within us becomes a monster that devours us. Lupe - Savannah, GA |
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Corporal Works of Mercy |
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I'm Not Being FedI'm Not Being FedJeff Cavins explores and responds to some of the reasons why so many people have left the Catholic Church for evangelical Christianity. As he presents the story of his return to Catholicism, Cavins also builds a case for why the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ. Jeff gave me "ammunition" that brings to light what drew people away from the church and what they gave up for temporary enjoyment that really didn't feed them either but tickled their senses. Greg - Mount Pleasant, SC |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Conversion Stories |
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Shameless: Seeing Yourself as God Sees YouShameless: Seeing Yourself as God Sees YouAs a young adult, Jeff Cavins left the Catholic Church and became a Protestant Pastor for 12 years. After returning to the Catholic Church, Jeff became a nationally known speaker who has helped hundreds of thousands come to a clearer understanding of Scripture and our Faith. In this presentation, Jeff explains the meaning of shame and teaches us how to engage the struggles of the heart. I have listen to this CD over and over and have given it to friends and family...I found it VERY Healing.. Bringing lies and falsehood's of darkness into His Marvelous Light. Where His light disperses all darkness and sets us free to have life in abundance. Marietta, GA |
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Pro-Life |
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OrthodoxyOrthodoxy“This is the thrilling romance of Orthodoxy. People have fallen into a foolish habit of speaking of orthodoxy as something heavy, humdrum, and safe. There never was anything so perilous or so exciting as orthodoxy.” About the AuthorG.K. Chesterton (1874-1936) was one of the most beloved and prolific writers of the twentieth century. He established his fame as a playwright, novelist, poet, literary commentator, pamphleteer, essayist, lecturer, apologist, and editor. THe depth and range of his work are astonishing. Product Details– Copyright 1908, this edition re-printed in 2018 |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Inspirational, Conversion Stories |
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Journey of Faith: The Gravity of Following ChristJourney of Faith: The Gravity of Following ChristJoin General Kevin Chilton, an astronaut who took the Eucharist to space, as he recounts the exciting details and unique life experiences of his time with NASA and the US Air Force. As a kid he dreamt of flying planes but his Catholic faith and his openness to all that God set before him continues to take him farther than he ever dreamt for himself. |
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A Mind at Peace: Reclaiming an Ordered Soul in an Age of DistractionA Mind at Peace: Reclaiming an Ordered Soul in an Age of DistractionThese past two decades, modern technology has brought into being scores of powerful challenges to our interior peace and well-being. We’re experiencing a worldwide crisis of attention in which information overwhelms us, corrodes true communion with others, and leaves us anxious, unsettled, bored, isolated, and lonely. |
Inspirational, Personal Growth |
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God Will ProvideGod Will ProvideKitty Cleveland gives a stirring testimony which takes us all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Kitty has appeared five times as a guest on EWTN's "Life on the Rock" television series; her music is being used in their new television series "The Faithful Traveler"; and she has appeared in concert and as a keynote speaker throughout the world. Following her presentation are nine songs, including three inspiring original recordings. I enjoyed how Kitty shared her family stories, at times laughing at herself and her family. It's nice to get a glimpse into her family's faith. She is fun to listen to, and she sings beautifully. Matt - Katy, TX |
Music, Inspirational |
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Prayer: Gateway to the Spiritual LifePrayer: Gateway to the Spiritual LifeArchbishop Paul Coakley attended the university of Kansas where he completed his undergraduate studies in English and Classical Antiquities. After being ordained a priest in 1983, he served as a priest of the Wichita Diocese for 21 years. He was installed as bishop of Salina, Kansas by Saint John Paul II in 2004 and was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as the fourth archbishop of the archdiocese of Oklahoma City, where he has served since 2011. His episcopal motto is Duc in Altum, which translated from Latin, means "Put out into the Deep." he referred to the 400 moments of graditude in our lives when jesus touches us. and being a mother of a 16 year old boy I have a lot of god moments. I resected is emphasis on graditude a heart of gradutiude goes along way. contstant prayer gives hope and is honesty that he wavered away from the faith on his faith journey. and both times he got the phone call he was surprised. he didn't have lofty ambishens for power. he truly sounded honest pure and strong and I fell those are essensial qualities in a bishop. lesa - noblesville, IN |
Evangelization, Inspirational, Jesus Christ, Lent & Easter, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions |
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God Made ManGod Made ManIn this Christmas themed presentation, Fr. Shannon Collins sheds new light on the biblical narratives of the birth of Jesus Christ, as well as the beautiful Christmas traditions of the Church.
Engaging discussion. It was detailed but not difficult to follow. I enjoyed learning in more description Christ as a newbowrn and the description of how that wa truly an act of humbleness and humility. Kris - New Westminster, BC |
Advent & Christmas, Biblical Truths, Inspirational |
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The Holy Spirit: Third Person of the TrinityThe Holy Spirit: Third Person of the TrinityIn this captivating presentation Fr. Shannon Collins discusses the essential character of the Holy Spirit and the role the forgotten Person of the Blessed Trinity has played since the creation of the world. Drawing upon Scripture and tradition, Fr. Collins explains the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and how he works in the lives of believers. Listeners are sure to come to a better appreciation for this “sweet guest of our soul” who seeks to bring us closer to Christ and eternal salvation. The Holy Spirit is a vast topic, but I found this talk to be just what is needed as an opener on the topic. This is a great foundation as it describes what the Holy Spirit is, the history behind Him, and the gifts He provides and how they affect our lives. Mike - St. Petersburg, FL |
Church Teaching, Holy Spirit |
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Dating Detox: 40 Days of Perfecting Love in an Imperfect World - BookDating Detox: 40 Days of Perfecting Love in an Imperfect World - Book
Many young adults are tired of their toxic relationships but find it difficult to clean up their love lives. Many attend retreats and conferences that inspire them to give their lives to Christ and turn away from sin, but without a concrete plan, they quickly fall back into old habits. Often, people want to be chaste, but don’t know where to begin. This forty-day detox provides a practical “cleanse” for those who want to purify themselves from the poisoned dating culture and live a life of authentic freedom, chastity, and love. Topics include dozens of true-life stories shared by those who have successfully moved from desiring purity to actually living it, a compelling and clear vision of the Church’s teaching on the human person, and practical tools, habits, and strategies needed to live the virtue of chastity with success and freedom.
Page Count: 172 Praise for Dating Detox
In Dating Detox, Lisa and Kevin Cotter offer several "pearls of great price” to young souls on their Christian journey. This is not a book penned by naive hearts in an ivory tower but, rather, by sinners and servants who’ve tasted God’s mercy and feel compelled to share it.
Lisa and Kevin have given us a challenging and exciting look at love. Through healing, forgiveness, and personal story, this book will help you find the love you have been searching for.
Battling for purity is tough, but the Cotter’s book makes it a whole lot easier. Dating Detox gives you 40 powerful and life-changing days that will help you understand yourself, others, and God in real and transformative ways. A must read for anyone who desires authentic relationships! Dating Detox has forever changed my life and I would do it again in a heartbeat with my future boyfriend and/or spouse. Thank you Kevin and Lisa for writing this book. |
Personal Growth, Chastity, Books for Kiosk |
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Real WomanhoodReal WomanhoodIn a talk that was given to a group of women at the FOCUS national conference, Lisa Cotter debunks the myths of modern day stereotypical womanhood. Using insights from the late Pope John Paul the second and the heroic example of modern-day saints, Lisa gets to the truth about what it means to be an authentic woman. more please. p - OH |
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Pro-Life, Youth |
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Why Do Women Do That?Why Do Women Do That?In this talk delivered to a group of college-aged men at the 2011 FOCUS Conference, nationally sought-after speaker Lisa Cotter
addresses an important but often overlooked topic — emotional purity. Using Taylor Swift lyrics to emphasize her point, Lisa
proposes that emotional purity is essential for authentic love to
flourish in any romantic relationship. This talk is perfect for every young adult, both men
and women. enlighting P - OH |
Personal Growth, Youth, Chastity, Sexuality |
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Spanish - Nacido Fundamentalista, Nacido de Nuevo CatólicoSpanish - Nacido Fundamentalista, Nacido de Nuevo Católico"David Currie ha escrito lo que puede llegar a ser la obra más importante sobre el dificil tema de los evangélicos que son recibidos en la Iglesia Católica."
–Thomas Howard, Autor de Evangelical Is Not Enough
David Currie creció en una familia cristiana devota en la que su padre era predicador fundamentalista y, junto a su madre, era también profesor del Instituto Bíblico Moody (Moody Bible Institute). Toda la formación de Currie estaba inmersa en la vida del protestantismo fundamentalista–profesores de teología, presidentes de seminarios protestantes y fundadores de agencias misioneras evangélicas eran invitados frecuentes en su casa. Currie mismo recibió un título de Trinity International University y obtuvo una maestría en teología (Master of Divinity) en Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Escribió este libro con el fin de explicar a sus amigos y familiares fundamentalistas y evangélicos el por qué se hizo católico romano. Currie presenta una descripción clara, sistemática y comprensible de las razones de su conversión a la Iglesia que Cristo fundó. Ofrece un debate detallado de las creencias teológicas y doctrinales que católicos y evangélicos mantienen en común, así como también de aquellas doctrinas clave que los separan, particularmente la Eucaristía, el Papa y María. English Translation: David Currie was raised in a devout Christian family whose father was a fundamentalist preacher and both parents teachers at Moody Bible Institute. Currie's whole upbringing was immersed in the life of fundamentalist Protestantism...theology professors, seminary presidents, and founders of evangelical mission agencies were frequent guests at his family dinner table. Currie received a degree from Trinity International University and studied in the Masters of Divinity program. This book was written as an explanation to his fundamentalist and evangelical friends and family about why he became Catholic. Currie presents a very lucid, systematic, and intelligible account of the reasons for his conversion to the ancient Church that Christ founded. He gives a detailed discussion of the important theological and doctrinal beliefs Catholics and evangelicals hold in common, as well as the key doctrines that separate us, particularly the Eucharist, the Pope, and Mary. Product Details
– Abridged Edition |
Biblical Truths, Apologetics, Evangelization, Spanish, Conversion Stories, Books for Kiosk |
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Made for Greatness: Runway Model Turns to ChristMade for Greatness: Runway Model Turns to Christ"Leah Darrow's testimony is a powerful example of God's mercy at work." -Jason Evert, founder of Chastity Project "Leah Darrow has a true gift for sharing a Christ-Centered vision that is relevant, compelling, and engaging." - Curtis Martin, founder of FOCUS Leah Darrow was a fashion model in New York City and a reality TV contestant on America's Next Top Model. She now travels the world sharing her unique experiences in the beauty industry. Leah now speaks to tens of thousands of people each year to audiences as diverse as a United Nations panel, the World Trade Center in Manila Philippines, Pro-Life events, and local parishes on five different continents. In this presentation, learn how the pursuit of pop culture's definition of love and happiness led to a moment of mercy and conversion in Leah's life. The power of the testimony Miguel - Windermere, FL |
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Youth, Conversion Stories |
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Spanish - Creados para la GrandezaSpanish - Creados para la Grandeza“El testimonio de Leah Darrow es un poderoso ejemplo de la misericordia de Dios.” -Jason Evert, fundador de Chastity Project
“Leah Darrow tiene un verdadero don para compartir una visión del mundo centrada en Cristo que es relevante, convincente y atractiva” -Curtis Martin, fundador de FOCUS
Leah Darrow era modelo en Nueva York y concursó en el programa America’s Next Top Model. Hoy, viaja por el mundo compartiendo sus vivencias en la industria de la belleza y el camino que la llevó a convertir su vida a Cristo. En esta presentación, Leah nos narra cómo en su búsqueda de la felicidad y el amor que ofrece la cultura de hoy, experimentó la misericordia de Dios y logró transformar su vida por completo. Para tener más información sobre el ministerio de Leah, leer sus reflexiones o invitarla a su evento, visite English Translation: Made for Greatness Leah Darrow was a fashion model in New York City and a reality TV contestant on America's Next Top Model. She now travels the world sharing her unique experiences in the beauty industry. Leah now speaks to tens of thousands of people each year to audiences as diverse as a United Nations panel, the World Trade Center in Manila Philippines, Pro-Life events, and local parishes on five different continents. In this presentation, learn how the pursuit of pop culture's definition of love and happiness led to a moment of mercy and conversion in Leah's life. To learn more about Leah's ministry, to read her blog, or to have Leah speak at your next event, visit and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. |
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Spanish, Youth, Conversion Stories |
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Abandonment to Divine ProvidenceAbandonment to Divine ProvidenceClick here to read a sample. God is to be found in the simplest of our daily activities and especially through total surrender to whatever is his will for each of us. That is the message of this 18th-century inspirational classic by Jean-Pierre de Caussade. Its encouragement to “live in the present moment,” accepting everyday obstacles with faith, humility, and love, has guided generations of believers to holiness and spiritual peace. De Caussade shows that this practice of self-abandonment to God’s will is the key to attaining true peace and virtue, and that it is readily available to all people—from beginners to those well advanced in the spiritual life. He also shows how to determine what God’s will is for us. He reveals that it is not extraordinary feats that God expects for our growth in holiness, but rather heroic attention to every detail in our lives and humble acceptance of our daily lot in life as coming from his hand. The rich spiritual lessons in this book have stood the test of time, offering real and practical assistance to all people because its message is simple and clear, one that the reader will find to be a rare treasure of inspiration and direction to be referred to again and again. About the AuthorFr. Jean Pierre de Caussade, S.J. (1675–1751) was a French Jesuit priest and author, most well-known for this famous treatise, Abandonment to Divine Providence, and also his letters to the Visitation nuns, where he served as confessor and spiritual director. He also served as the rector of two colleges, and as spiritual director for a Jesuit house. He was deeply influenced by the writings of both Saint Francis de Sales and Saint John of the Cross. DetailsCover: Paperback Praise for Abandonment to Divine Providence“In his famous classic, Father de Caussade makes one point, and he illustrates it in many different ways. That point is: do the will of God to the best of your ability and you will attain peace of soul here and life everlasting hereafter.” – Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., Author, Inside the Bible “Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s Abandonment to Divine Providence illuminates the great truth that sanctity is accessible to anyone who seeks concord between his own will and God’s. By following this spiritual way, one learns that the Providence of God need not be experienced as a threat to human nourishing, but rather as a lure by which we are drawn into deeper communion with the Divine Life.” – Bishop Robert Barron, S.T.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, Founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries |
Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions, Best Sellers, Books for Kiosk |
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Spanish - Al Rescate de la FamiliaSpanish - Al Rescate de la FamiliaEl Monseñor Jorge De los Santos nos comunica los retos de la familia y hace una comparación entre lo que es la familia y la religiosidad hispana. Si se quiebra la familia, se quiebra la sociedad y la Iglesia y el mundo porque la familia es la base de todo. El objetivo de esta plática es despertar el conocimiento sobre los riesgos que estamos corriendo y la importancia de la formación de la familia. Monsignor Jorge De los Santos informs us of the family challenges and compares hispanic family life to hispanic religiosity. If the family breaks down, society breaks down and the Church breaks down and the world breaks down because the family is the base of everything. The objective of this talk is to awaken awareness of the risks we run and the importance of the formation of the family. “This talk has helped me to understand that, to be a strong catholic witness in the world starts within the family. Thank you Monsignor De los Santos for presenting this topic with such passion.” |
Spanish |
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Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati - Man of the BeatitudesBlessed Pier Giorgio Frassati - Man of the BeatitudesBorn in 1901 in Turin, Italy into a family of wealth and status, Pier Giorgio enjoyed good friends, hiking and skiing, museums and music, and was involved in political action, He found that deep prayer, service to the poor, and a passion for bringing others to Christ led to a life of purpose, peace, and happiness. Pier Giorgio died at the age of 24 on July 4, 1925. He was beatified on May 20, 1990 by Pope John Paul II who referred to him as a "man of the beatitudes". This is an incredible cd. I thought both stories were amazing. I highly recommend this to others. Blacklick, OH |
Inspirational, Youth, Saints |
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Spanish - Beato Pier Giorgio FrassatiSpanish - Beato Pier Giorgio FrassatiPier Giorgio nació en una familia influyente y rica de Turín, Italia en el año 1901. Vivía rodeado de amigos, excursiones, viajes, museos, música y fuertemente involucrado en la política local. Hasta que descubrió que la vida de profunda oración, el servicio a los pobres y el llevar a los demás a una relación con Cristo, le daba a su vida un verdadero sentido, paz y felicidad. Murió a los 24 años el 4 de julio de 1925 y fue beatificado por el Papa San Juan Pablo II el 20 de mayo de 1990. Al beatificarlo, el Papa se refirió a Pier Giorgio como El Hombre de las Bienaventuranzas. ¡Este mensaje me llena de ideas inspiradoras para mi propia vida espiritual! Henry - Round Rock, TX |
Inspirational, Spanish, Youth, Saints, Corporal Works of Mercy |
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Walking Through the Valley of the Shadow of DeathWalking Through the Valley of the Shadow of DeathAdmiral Jeremiah Denton spent over seven years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. In this moving presentation, he recalls how, through the power of prayer, he withstood extreme torture rather than betray God or his country. For his valor, he was awarded the Purple Heart, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, the Navy Cross, and the POW Medal. He is now a champion of various humanitarian causes. I was so moved by Admiral Denton's witness to the power of prayer and the graces he received--and his humility. His love for God came through every word. The second speaker (Tim Staples) was so good, that I am humbled by my own inability to defend the faith. He was inspiring in a different, but complimentary way. Becky - Jackson, WY |
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The History of SalvationThe History of SalvationThis enlightening talk traces the high adventure of God's Divine Love Story revealed through the seven covenants that span from Eden to Calvary, beginning with Adam and culminating with Jesus. This presentation is the fruit of Monsignor Deutsch's studies during his sabbatical at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he learned from scholars such as Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr. John Bergsma. This was the best summary of this topic I have heard. It was clear and concise without getting lost in the many beautiful but tangential details that are usually included by other presenters. Elizabeth - 12121, NY |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching |
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Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer - BookDeep Conversion, Deep Prayer - BookFather Thomas Dubay is one of the most popular and respected retreat masters and spiritual directors in North America. He is the author of the best-selling book on prayer and contemplation Fire Within. In this new book, he responds to the call by both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI to help believers and all those interested in spirituality develop a deeper prayer life and union with God. As in his other popular writings, Dubay's style is profound and meditative yet clear and readable. He gives an overview of the spiritual life for anyone seeking to grow in the love of God and neighbor. An expert on the teachings and writings of the two great mystical doctors of prayer and the spiritual life, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, Dubay gives solid practical advice for a deepening moral and spiritual conversion, and for a radical growth in holiness. About the AuthorFather Thomas Dubay, S.M., is a retreat master and spiritual director for religious communities around the country, as well as a highly regarded speaker at conferences and retreats for lay people. He has hosted five different 13-part television series on the topics of spirituality and prayer, and is the best-selling author of such acclaimed spiritual works as Fire Within, Prayer Primer, and Happy Are You Poor. Product Details– 122 Pages There are millions of mediocre ‘good Christians’ who need to hear the message of this book, which is the message of all the saints, about ‘the universal call to holiness’. Father Dubay is one of the truest, wisest, and most trustworthy guides I know on this road.” Peter Kreeft, Author of Prayer for Beginners |
Evangelization, Inspirational, Jesus Christ, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions |
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Prayer Primer: Igniting a Fire WithinPrayer Primer: Igniting a Fire WithinFr. Thomas Dubay, a renowned spiritual director and author, presents a profound and practical book on the most important of all human activities, communion with God. In this four-part work, Fr. Dubay addresses the questions of many lay people and provides answers on how to pray while still living in the world. He addresses essential questions on why we ought to pray, how we ought to pray, different types of prayer within the Church, and liturgical and family prayers with clarity and insight. The last section of the book addresses common questions from his experience as a spiritual director about types of prayer encountered outside of the Church, and how to use solid discernment with the guidance of the Church when encountering these things. Using foundation stones from the Bible, the Catechism, and the writings of the saints, Fr. Dubay builds a work to help beginners in prayer and encourage them on their ascent to God. About the AuthorFr. Thomas Dubay, S.M., was a retreat master and spiritual director for religious communities around the country, as well as a highly regarded speaker at conferences and retreats for lay people in North America. He hosted five different 13-part television series on the topics of spirituality and prayer, and wrote acclaimed spiritual works such as Fire Within, Prayer Primer, and Happy Are You Poor. Product Details- 168 pages- 5.25 in x 8 in |
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Voting Guidelines for CatholicsVoting Guidelines for CatholicsDave Durand is an internationally recognized best-selling author, motivational speaker, sales consultant, corporate executive, television guest, host of a nationally syndicated weekly segment on Relevant Radio, faithful Catholic, husband and father.
I suppose the fact that coming from Ireland now that there have been lot of big issues that are concerning for faithful Catholics that the guide allows us to get a better understanding of what to do in this tough political climate. It's been very informative for me Mark |
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Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good For Women?Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good For Women?Both secular and religious observers agree that the sexual revolution has caused seismic changes for society across the globe. Mary Eberstadt, a secularly-trained writer who has written for Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and the LA Times, among other publications, uses her training as a professional researcher to objectively assess whether or not the severing of sex and procreation has delivered on its promise to liberate women and make them happier. This is a very important talk for men and women about the statistical evidence of the effects of the Sexual Revolution on society around the world, and how it has changed and impacted women and the attitudes towards them. Penny - Lake Arrowhead, CA |
Church Teaching, Marriage, Pro-Life, Contraception, Sexuality, Humanae Vitae |
Add CD | $4.50
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Brother Francis: He is Risen DVDBrother Francis: He is Risen DVD
This episode reminds us of the powerful reality of the Resurrection in our present lives and the great price Jesus paid to bring us home to God. Product Details
• Runtime: 25 minutes |
Family & Parenting, Lent & Easter, Kids |
Add DVD | $12.99
Brother Francis: JoyToons DVDBrother Francis: JoyToons DVD
Join the ever-joyful “Brother Francis” as he teaches children about the blessings that come when heart and mind are filled with praise to God and thoughts of His goodness. Children will learn what the Bible has to say about singing and music. Song List
1. I am Loved by a Loving Father Product Details
• Runtime: 45 minutes |
Family & Parenting, Kids |
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Brother Francis: The Bread of Life DVDBrother Francis: The Bread of Life DVD
Join “Brother Francis” in this delightfully inspirational and instructive presentation that teaches children all about the Sacrament of the Eucharist! Product Details
• Runtime: 29 minutes |
Family & Parenting, Kids, Eucharist |
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The Christmas Pageant that Almost Wasn’tThe Christmas Pageant that Almost Wasn’t
Brother Francis and his friends are set to put together the Christmas pageant that everyone looks forward to. Everything is working smoothly until rivalry for one of the most important roles nearly topples the production. A last-minute answer to prayer saves the event and teaches its participants a wonderful lesson they will cherish forever. Product Details– Pages: 30 |
Advent & Christmas, Kids |
Add Book | $9.99
I Love God BecauseI Love God BecauseA Children’s ReaderThis book is a beautifully illustrated depiction of the many blessings God sends our way. I love God Because... offers a fun way for children to count their many blessings and fill their heart with gratitude and is great as a lead-in to bedtime prayer. Product Details– Pages: 30 |
Kids |
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The King is BornThe King is BornA collection of Christmas praises in song! Christmas songs, old and new.Bask in the warmth and joy of Christmas with a mixture of traditional and new songs that fill the heart with worship and praise. A wonderful way of remembering Who we celebrate during the holiday season. Songs– What is Christmas |
Kids |
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Let’s Go to Mass!Let’s Go to Mass!
A visual presentation of the Holy MassA Children’s Reader Product Details– 30 Pages |
Family & Parenting, Kids |
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The Story of ChristmasThe Story of ChristmasAn Audio Drama About the First ChristmasChildren will enjoy this heart-warming dramatization that recounts the story of the first Christmas. With music, songs, and engaging story-telling, you will experience the wonderful events that led up to the birth of God’s Son and the story of redemption. Product Details– Approximate run time: 30 minutes |
Advent & Christmas, Kids |
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The Story of Saint NicholasThe Story of Saint NicholasA story of humble generosity.The Story of Saint Nicholas is the story of a humble priest who showed God’s love through giving. In this book written for children 10 and under, kids will have the chance to discover the magic of the generosity of Saint Nicholas. Product Details– 30 Pages – Copyright 2018 – Herald Entertainment: Brother Francis |
Advent & Christmas, Kids, Saints |
Add Book | $5.99
The Story of Saint PatrickThe Story of Saint Patrick
A story of unselfish devotion.The Story of Saint Patrick is the story of a courageous priest who put his mission above his own comfort. In this book written for children 10 and under, kids will have the chance to discover more about courage and following God’s call through the story of this great saint. Product Details– 30 Pages – Copyright 2018 – Herald Entertainment: Brother Francis |
Kids, Saints |
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The Story of Saint ValentineThe Story of Saint Valentine
A story of courageous love.The Story of Saint Valentine is the story of a young priest whose love for his people went well beyond his need for safety. In this book written for children 10 and under, kids will have the chance to discover the courageous love that Saint Valentine is a testament to. Product Details– 28 Pages – Copyright 2018 – Herald Entertainment: Brother Francis |
Kids, Saints |
Add Book | $5.99
Spanish - Defender El AmorSpanish - Defender El AmorEl P. Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros Gómez Haro, es un sacerdote nacido en Puebla, México. El P. Ángel ha impartido más de 2000 conferencias sobre matrimonio, valores familiares y espiritualidad por todo el mundo. Sus charlas en internet tienen millones de visitas y se ha convertido en uno de los conferencistas católicos de habla hispana más popular. Con sentido del humor y aplicando su vasta experiencia, nos ilumina sobre las raíces de los problemas matrimoniales y ofrece soluciones prácticas. ¡El Padre Ángel sabe cautivar a la audiencia con sus ejemplos para hacernos contemplar y valorar nuestros matrimonios! ¡Una charla que toda pareja necesita escuchar! Fidel - Guerrero, MX |
Family & Parenting, Marriage, Spanish |
Add CD | $4.50
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Spanish - El Anillo Es Para SiempreSpanish - El Anillo Es Para SiempreView book sampleFor the first time ever, we are excited to offer a Spanish language book that is not a translation of a previously released English title. This book was written in Spanish by a native speaker specifically for the Spanish-speaking world. A wedding ring is something very special, and we normally wear it at all times because it signifies the most important things in our lives. It symbolizes our marriage relationship, our family, our children, our home, and the blessings of God, as well as many other things. Fr. Ángel asks: “How can such a small object— a ring—signify something so great: love and fidelity?” In these pages, he offers us the answer. With a simple approach to the marital commitment, and using the visible appearance of the wedding ring, Fr. Ángel teaches us about the profound plan that God has for marriage. In his unique style, he brings us from tears to laughter, oftentimes on the same page, to remind us that, like the ring, marriage is forever. *In order to qualify for FREE shipping, ensure you are logged in to Parish Access and choose UPS ground shipping at checkout. Free shipping only applies to these promotional products shipped within the Continental United States. If you would like to purchase any other products they must be ordered separately. About the AuthorFr. Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros Gómez Haro is a Catholic priest who was born in Puebla, México. He has a degree in the Classical Humanities from the Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos de Salamanca in Spain. He studied philosophy in the Pontifical Gregorian University and theology in the Ateneo Regina Apostolorum in Rome from which he received a degree in Moral Theology and another in Bioethics. Since he was ordained as a priest in November 1994, he has worked as a youth counselor and later as a family counselor in Mexico, Colombia, Italy, and France. Fr. Angel has given more than 2000 conferences around the world on the topics of the family, family values, and spirituality. His internet talks have received millions of visits, and he is one of the most popular Catholic speakers in the Spanish-speaking world. |
Advent & Christmas, Church Teaching, Family & Parenting, Marriage, Personal Growth, Spanish |
Add Book | $12.95
Spanish - Un Dios A Mi MedidaSpanish - Un Dios A Mi Medida
¡Excelente!! Me fascinó la forma de enseñar del Padre Ángel. Con su espontaneidad de decir las cosas y explicarlas, hace que conocer el amor de Dios sea divertido. Gerardo - Guadalajara, Jal |
Biblical Truths, Evangelization, Jesus Christ, Spanish |
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DetoxDetoxOut of stock
more please p - OH |
Evangelization, Marriage, Personal Growth, Pro-Life, Youth |
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Green Sex: The Case for Natural Family PlanningGreen Sex: The Case for Natural Family PlanningFirst comes loves, then comes marriage ... then what? If sex is natural, why are we so eager to make it artificial? In this presentation, Jason Evert presents the case for Natural Family Planning as he unveils the beauty of God's plan for sexuality. Jason has spoken about chastity to more than one million people around the world and is the author or more than a dozen books. Great presentation. Very relevant. Jason is an excellent, knowledgeable speaker. I loaned it to my Mormon friend and she is passing it around her family!! Leah - Missoula, MT |
Church Teaching, Family & Parenting, Marriage, Chastity, Contraception, Sexuality, Humanae Vitae |
Add CD | $4.50
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How to Date Your SoulmateHow to Date Your SoulmateMost people have only been told what they're not supposed to do while dating. In this powerful presentation, renowned chastity speaker Jason Evert shows us ten strategies for how to practice courtship without compromise. Tested through real-world experience and rooted in God's plan for the human heart, Jason's wise tips are sure to lead you to greater romantic happiness and fulfillment. Gave me hope and positive, concrete thoughts and actions to meet a person I can love and be loved by in my journey to know, love and serve God. Kay - Valley Stream, NY |
Family & Parenting, Personal Growth, Youth, Chastity |
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Saint John Paul the GreatSaint John Paul the Great
It was an amazing srory. Jason is a great speaker. I learned so much about St. John Paul. I listen to these cd's in my car and didn't ever want to get out of the car, I was enjoying it so much Nancy - De Pere, WI |
Evangelization, Inspirational, Saints |
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Spanish – El Grande: Conoce a San Juan Pablo IISpanish – El Grande: Conoce a San Juan Pablo IIJason Evert, conferencista y autor católico, nos presenta los cinco grandes amores del Papa San Juan Pablo II. Nos comparte historias sobre la vida de este santo, contadas por los que conocieron. Prepárate para conocer cosas que no sabías sobre este santo hombre de Dios que, entre otras cosas, promovió la devoción a la Divina Misericordia y la Consagración Mariana, ayudó a derrocar el comunismo en Europa, articuló lo que hoy se conoce como la Teología del Cuerpo y se hizo amigo de los jóvenes como ningún otro Papa lo había hecho. “¡Es una presentación increíble! Aprendí mucho sobre San Juan Pablo II. Escuché este CD en mi auto y no me quería salir del carro, ¡lo disfruté mucho!” Nancy - De Pere, WI |
Inspirational, Spanish, Conversion Stories, Saints |
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Theology of Your Body: Identity, Sexuality, Gender, and the BodyTheology of Your Body: Identity, Sexuality, Gender, and the BodyThe realities of masculinity, femininity, and gender, and the relation of these to our identity, are being questioned like never before. Jason Evert, internationally-known Catholic speaker and author, leads the discussion beyond feelings to help us embrace an integrated understanding of the truth of our identity. Speaking the truth in love, he shows how the recognition of what our biology reveals helps us to understand who God created us to be and accompany others on their life's journey. This is the most profound explanation I've heard on this pervasive topic. Mary - Fort Worth, TX |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Chastity, Sexuality |
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What's So Great About Being Catholic?What's So Great About Being Catholic?There’s ultimately only one reason to be Catholic: because it’s true. In this outstanding presentation, Jason Evert shows us the beauty and the treasures of the Faith, as revealed through the Saints and Sacraments.
I always love hearing stories about Saints. I grew up as a Catholic, and I'm familiar with the "popular" Saints, so listening to these new stories about other Saints was refreshing. Also, the fact that the speaker is not a priest makes it easier to relate. Mario - ESTERO, FL |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Inspirational, Lent & Easter, Personal Growth, Conversion Stories |
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Love or Lust?Love or Lust?Scare tactics, guilt trips, and the climbing teen pregnancy rates don't really inspire anyone to love. In this presentation from Jason and Crystalina Evert, you'll discover the difference between love and lust while getting straight answers about dating, relationships, and sexual purity. This CD is awesome! I am going to need a lot more of these to share with children, young adults and parents! There is so much they need to hear and know! Society lies! Jason and Crystalina share the truth with personal stories that really touch your heart! We have got to get away from the complacency about "casual" sex and create new standards! This story reinforce this task! Lisa - Bayville, NJ |
Marriage, Pro-Life, Youth, Chastity, Sexuality |
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SufferingSufferingTHIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3. absolutely relevant and informative, a blessing denise - bethel park, PA |
Suffering, Youth |
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Spanish - Guadalupe y el Misterio del Verbo EncarnadoSpanish - Guadalupe y el Misterio del Verbo EncarnadoLa aparicion en el Tepeyac trajo el Hijo de Dios al Nuevo Mundo como lo trajo a la cueva de Belen hace dos mil anos. Los sacrificios de las piramides aztecas han sido remplazados por el sacrificio eterno del Cordero en los altares catolicos. Cada senal milagrosa tiene un significado y el de Guadalupe es recordar que en la eucarista el verbo encardano que entro en el cuerpo de Maria entra de nueva en cada uno de nosostros. En esta presentacion el codice de Guadalupe es revelado desde una perspectiva asombrosa, la relacion entre Maria, el Aposcalipsis, y la sagrada eucarista. |
Mary, Spanish |
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Five Proofs of the Existence of GodFive Proofs of the Existence of GodThis book provides a detailed, updated exposition and defense of five of the historically most important (but in recent years largely neglected) philosophical proofs of God’s existence: the Aristotelian, the Neo-Platonic, the Augustinian, the Thomistic, and the Rationalist. It also offers a thorough treatment of each of the key divine attributes—unity, simplicity, eternity, omnipotence, omniscience, perfect goodness, and so forth—showing that they must be possessed by the God whose existence is demonstrated by the proofs. Finally, it answers at length all of the objections that have been leveled against these proofs. This work provides as ambitious and complete a defense of traditional natural theology as is currently in print. Its aim is to vindicate the view of the greatest philosophers of the past— thinkers like Aristotle, Plotinus, Augustine, Aquinas, Leibniz, and many others— that the existence of God can be established with certainty by way of purely rational arguments. It thereby serves as a refutation both of atheism and of the fideism that gives aid and comfort to atheism. Product DetailsPages: 336 Praise for Five Proofs of the Existence of God"A watershed book. Feser has completely severed the intellectual legs upon which modern atheism had hoped to stand." |
Apologetics, Evangelization |
Add Book | $19.95
The Jesuits, The Church, & The PapacyThe Jesuits, The Church, & The PapacyThe election of Pope Francis, the first Jesuit pope in Church history, has dramatically increased popular interest in the Jesuit Order. In this presentation, Mark Brumley interviews Ignatius Press's founder and editor, Jesuit Father Joseph Fessio. He shares the story and influence of the Jesuits throughout Church History, reflects on his own life and experience as a Jesuit, and speaks especially about Pope Francis. My favorite part was the background discussion of the founding by Ignatius and the formation process of Fr. Fessio. Chris - Colorado Springs, CO |
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The Shot Heard 'Round the WorldThe Shot Heard 'Round the WorldIn this gripping presentation, Fr. Andrew Fisher narrates the assassination attempt of Saint John Paul the Great. The Shot Heard 'Round the World is the story of the suffering of Pope John Paul II, as well as Our Lady's intercession during this attempt on the Holy Father's life. Fr. Andrew Fisher is a native of Northern Virginia and a pastor in the Diocese of Arlington. I thought it was very interesting on how the assassination attempt on JPII had so many unique things about it- it fulfilled a prophecy from Our Lady of Fatima and there were many unlikely events that happened that allowed JPII to live afterwards. Jessica - Cedar Rapids, IA |
Inspirational, Suffering, Saints |
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Why Go to Confession? - BookletWhy Go to Confession? - BookletA simple, practical guide to the practice and the benefits of Confession |
Sacraments, Booklets, Confession |
Add Booklet | $2.25
The God-Sized HoleThe God-Sized HoleConnor Flanagan is a musician and youth minister who has been actively involved in ministry for the last five years. Connor has spent the last several years traveling the country leading retreats and speaking at both youth conferences and parish events. In this presentation, Connor uses his own personal testimony to show how each one of us has what he calls a "God-Sized Hole" within our own hearts. A sincere testimony and clear invitation to commit to the gospel. Denise - Climax, SK |
Youth, Conversion Stories |
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Spanish - San José de Nazareth: el custodio del RedentorSpanish - San José de Nazareth: el custodio del RedentorEl P. José Román Flecha es sacerdote de la Diócesis de León (España) y profesor de Teología Moral en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Experto en Moral, este conocido y estimado profesor, es autor de numerosas obras y artículos de teología y de espiritualidad. En esta charla nos explica por qué a San José de Nazareth, se le conoce como patrono de la Iglesia Católica y custodio de nuestro redentor Jesucristo. English Translation: Saint Joseph of Nazareth: custodian of the Redeemer Fr. José Román Flecha is a priest of the Diocese of León (Spain) and professor of Moral Theology at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. A Moral expert, this well-known and esteemed teacher, is the author of numerous works and articles on theology and spirituality. In this talk he explains why St. Joseph of Nazareth is known as patron of the Catholic Church and custodian of our redeemer Jesus Christ. “A marvelous explanation of his works and acts of faith. Now I understand how he lived, protected and defended our Lord Jesus” |
Jesus Christ, Spanish, Saints |
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7 Secrets of Confession7 Secrets of ConfessionIn this inspiring presentation, popular speaker Vinny Flynn explores the “hidden” truths of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, presenting what to many will be a whole new way of approaching Confession, inviting you to begin an exciting personal journey to healing and holiness. If you do not yet look forward to Confession in the same way you look forward to Communion, this will change your life. That confession is very important to your well being. Increases your faith. Joanne - Redwood Falls, MN |
Church Teaching, Lent & Easter, Personal Growth, Sacraments, Divine Mercy, Confession |
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7 Secrets of Divine Mercy7 Secrets of Divine MercySaint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis have made it clear that Divine Mercy is at the very center of the Christian faith. In this talk, best-selling author Vinny Flynn shares his 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy, and Christ’s message of love for each of us, and for the whole world. I love everything i can possibly learn about divine mercy. Sometimes it just helps to put the message into simple terms so I can feel more confident in sharing with others. Trayce - Excelsior Springs, MO |
Lent & Easter, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions, Divine Mercy, Confession, Best Sellers |
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7 Secrets of Divine Mercy - Book7 Secrets of Divine Mercy - BookIn this compelling and timely book, best-selling author Vinny Flynn draws from Scripture, the teachings of the Church, and the Diary of St. Faustina to reveal the heart of Divine Mercy. He offers an invitation and a road map so that Divine Mercy, the overflow of love from the Holy Trinity, can transform your life.
Praise for 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy
“This book will profit everyone who reads it.” - Donald Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington “Imagine if someone were to deeply ponder and powerfully proclaim the mystery of Divine Mercy for more than 35 years and then gather the most precious insights into one place. You've imagined this book.” - Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, Author, 33 Days to Morning Glory “What an amazing book! This isn't just a book for people who want to know more about Divine Mercy—this is a book for people who want their entire relationship with God revitalized.” - Jennifer Fulwiler, Something Other than God, Radio host on SiriusXM “I was astounded by ‘7 Secrets of Divine Mercy.’ Vinny Flynn’s book is a brilliant light to help us know St. Faustina and her beautiful message of God’s mercy.” - Mother Dolores Hart, OSB, Author, The Ear of the Heart “Vinny Flynn has accomplished a great work for the Church in his new book ‘7 Secrets of Divine Mercy’—an outstanding presentation.” - Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS, President, Christendom College |
Lent & Easter, Divine Mercy, Books for Kiosk |
Add Book | $14.95
Full of Grace: The Message of the AngelFull of Grace: The Message of the AngelRenowned speaker, author, and musician Vinny Flynn makes the angel’s message at the Annunciation come alive with meaning and relevance by delving into Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the writings of St. John Paul II. Vinny helps listeners understand the deeper significance of the words of the Hail Mary prayer and the angel’s greeting, offering penetrating insights into the role of our Blessed Mother in God’s plan of salvation. “What a beautiful talk with incredible insights on our Blessed Mother!” Lisa Marie - Rawlins, WY |
Advent & Christmas, Mary |
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The Big Question: God Are You There?The Big Question: God Are You There?Matt Fradd is a highly sought-after Catholic speaker and apologist who speaks to over fifty thousand teens and young adults a year. Matt is a gifted evangelist whose talks are the perfect balance between intellectual depth presented in an understandable fashion and an entertaining style that keeps audiences engaged throughout. Through his passionate and entertaining story, Matt relays how God's existence can be grasped by reason and how everyone must wrestle with the big question: God, are you there? Mr. Fradd's conversion story witnesses to the reality that souls crave truth, beauty, and goodness and only Jesus satisfies craving completely. Matt Fradd engages your attention immediately. I was sad when he finished talking. Matt Fradd will intrigue atheists and agnostics! Ears will be glued to his hip, cool, thoroughly Catholic presentation. Matt Fradd demonstrates in his talk that the Church teachings of Jesus Christ remains relevant. His talent is that knows how to entertain an audience into the truth of God, Almighty. Great CD that I would be eager to share fearlessly! Mar - Del Mar, CA |
Apologetics, Personal Growth, Youth |
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The Hidden BattleThe Hidden BattleMatt Fradd is a highly sought-after Catholic speaker and apologist. In this inspiring talk, Matt explains that there is nothing shameful in seeking to live a porn free life. Listen as Matt lays out a seven-step battle plan on how to uproot the vice of pornography in your life once and for all. He is also the founder of, a site offering help to people recover from pornography. While others just tell you "It is wrong", Matt Fradd gives you pointers and resources to stop it...before you fall to it again. Every Parish priest should have a stack of these in the confessionals (that is how I got it) ready to give to those who have fallen and feel badly about their actions. Bob - Sterling Heights, MI |
Marriage, Personal Growth, Pro-Life, Chastity, Humanae Vitae |
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Protecting Innocence: Parenting, Your Kids, and the InternetProtecting Innocence: Parenting, Your Kids, and the InternetMatt Fradd, a best-selling Catholic author, presents new data to show how the changes in the types and accessibility of pornography being promoted today make it far more dangerous and harmful than ever before. Matt draws from a wealth of experience to guide parents in taking decisive action to protect their children, and he empowers adults with specific wording to effectively address this sensitive topic with children of all ages before they encounter pornography or after they’ve been exposed to it.
I am so glad this information was put into a talk. It contains very good practical advice on how to protect your family and what to do if your family has already been exposed to pornography. Jenny - Wisconsin |
Church Teaching, Family & Parenting, Chastity, Sexuality, Humanae Vitae |
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Spanish – INOCENCIA ROBADA: Protegiendo a mis hijos de la pornografíaSpanish – INOCENCIA ROBADA: Protegiendo a mis hijos de la pornografíaEl reconocido autor y conferencista católico Matt Fradd, nos ofrece información de primera mano sobre los cambios en las formas y maneras de acceso a la pornografía en el Internet, haciéndola aún más peligrosa y dañina que antes. Matt pone en nuestras manos su experiencia para ayudarnos a proteger a nuestros hijos, y nos enseña herramientas específicas para que los padres podamos hablar sobre este tema tan importante con ellos a cualquier edad, antes de que hayan sido expuestos a la pornografía e incluso cuando ya lo han experimentado.
English Translation Matt Fradd, a best-selling Catholic author, presents new data to show how the changes in the types and accessibility of pornography being promoted today make it far more dangerous and harmful than ever before. Matt draws from a wealth of experience to guide parents in taking decisive action to protect their children, and he empowers adults with specific wording to effectively address this sensitive topic with children of all ages before they encounter pornography or after they’ve been exposed to it. This talk is also available in English. Esta charla es extremadamente relevante para los problemas que vemos hoy en nuestra cultura. La ciencia detrás de todo fue muy interesante. Pete - Greenwood Village, CO |
Church Teaching, Family & Parenting, Spanish, Chastity, Sexuality |
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From Atheism to Catholicism: My Conversion DiaryFrom Atheism to Catholicism: My Conversion DiaryJennifer Fulwiler is a popular writer and speaker from Austin, Texas. In this compelling presentation, she recalls her spiritual journey —one which ultimately led her to enter the Catholic Church after having lived a life of atheism. Jennifer is a regular contributor to the National Catholic Register and frequently appears on Catholic radio and EWTN. Her highly anticipated book, Something Other Than God, is now available in an audio book format. I enjoyed the straightforwardness.The audio was detailed but summarized. Vanessa - Corsicana, TX |
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Conversion Stories |
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One Beautiful DreamOne Beautiful DreamPursue your passions, love your family, and say goodbye to guilt—pipe dream or possibility? Product Details– 240 Pages About the AuthorJennifer Fulwiler is a writer, a speaker, and the host of the Jennifer Fulwiler Show on the SiriusXM radio network. She has been a guest on a variety of national television shows and was the subject of the reality show Minor Revisions. She lives with her husband, six children, and a one-eyed cat in Austin, Texas. You can connect with her at Praise for One Beautiful Dream"Jennifer Fulwiler shows us what life really looks like when you put your trust in God and fully give your life and your 'Yes.' The results are hilarious, poignant, and always honest as Jenn takes us inside her own messy mission and invites us to consider the limitless possibilities of our own." |
Family & Parenting, Inspirational, Personal Growth |
Add Book | $24.99
Something Other Than God: How I Passionately Sought Happiness and Accidentally Found ItSomething Other Than God: How I Passionately Sought Happiness and Accidentally Found ItJennifer Fulwiler had it all: a life of travel, a husband with a stack of Ivy League degrees, a swanky condo in the heart of Austin, and a beautiful first-born son. Then, one night, the questions she had been holding at bay by a life of fun and excitement came flooding over her. Raised in an atheist home in Bible Belt Texas, Jennifer mocked Christianity from her childhood. One fateful experience as an eleven-year-old caused her to experience the fear of mortality, which she only managed to ward off by focusing on the next big plan for her life. Once she began to allow herself to pose those questions again, she set out on a blog-writing and book-reading quest for the truth about suffering, evil, death, and whether or not Jesus Christ is who he said he was. A moving memoir of her conversion, Jennifer Fulwiler is poignantly, often hilariously, honest in Something other than God. Product Details– 304 Pages About the AuthorJennifer Fulwiler is a writer, a speaker, and the host of the Jennifer Fulwiler Show on the SiriusXM radio network. She has been a guest on a variety of national television shows and was the subject of the reality show Minor Revisions. She lives with her husband, six children, and a one-eyed cat in Austin, Texas. You can connect with her at Praise for Something Other Than God"This heartfelt book is a lovely account of a spiritual journey and a charming memoir. The
author's epiphanies are wonderfully conveyed and will resonate with readers." |
Evangelization, Inspirational, Conversion Stories, Books for Kiosk |
Add Book | $8.95
Spanish - Del Ateismo al Catolicismo: La Historia de MiSpanish - Del Ateismo al Catolicismo: La Historia de MiJennifer Fulwiler es una escritora y conferencista popular de Austin, Texas. En esta presentación conmovedora, nos narra su camino espiritual, un camino que la trajo a la Iglesia Católica, después de haber crecido como atea. Jennifer contribuye regularmente en el periódico National Catholic Register y frecuentemente es invitada de la radio católica y la cadena EWTN. Su libro en inglés, Something Other Than God, está disponible en formato de audiolibro en el sitio del Augustine Institute. ¡Un testimonio impresionante de cómo el poder del Espíritu Santo dirigió a una mujer en su búsqueda de la verdad! Nancy - Union City, TN |
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Spanish, Conversion Stories |
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Switching SidesSwitching SidesJennifer Fulwiler is a popular writer and speaker from Austin, Texas, and frequently appears on Catholic radio and EWTN. In this eye-opening presentation, she explains how her original support for abortion was based on love (and lies). Through sound logic and scientific proof, Jennifer chronicles how she came to accept the truth about abortion.
I liked that it is a personal journey of pro choice to life.. I identify with that.. It brought up the topic of the relationship between sex and life in a way I have never heard.. I wasn’t raised that way and didn’t know to raise my daughters that way so feel badly about that. Linda - Portland , OR |
Inspirational, Pro-Life, Conversion Stories |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
33 Days to Merciful Love (Premium Edition)33 Days to Merciful Love (Premium Edition)“Within the pages of 33 Days to Merciful Love lies an earth shattering insight, certifying its place among the most important books of our generation. It is this: As an age, with a river of heinous sin overflowing the banks of humanity, we have quite simply exhausted our reparative capacity to sate the demand of Divine Justice. Seeing this very moment from the Cross, Merciful Love willed a new age in Salvations History to coincide with the dawn of the third Christian millennium. An Age of Divine Mercy. An Age when all people can appeal to Perfect Mercy without fear of Perfect Justice. With exquisite timing in this Jubilee Year, Fr. Michael Gaily shows us the power of just such an offering to Merciful Love in the lives of the greatest saints of our time, methodically prepares us to follow their lead, and reveals what it can mean to us and the men and women of our time if and when we do.”
– Brian J. Gail, Catholic Speaker and Bestselling Author
Personal Growth, Hearts Afire Parish Program, Divine Mercy |
Add Book | $14.95
33 Days to Merciful Love - Consecration Day Certificate33 Days to Merciful Love - Consecration Day Certificate
Hearts Afire Parish Program |
Add Misc | $0.99
33 Days to Merciful Love - Coordinator Kit (WITH book)33 Days to Merciful Love - Coordinator Kit (WITH book)This Coordinator Kit comes with everything you need to lead a 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the Coordinator Kit includes the DVD set of six talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator’s Guide.
Includes:- 33 Days to Merciful Love book- Retreat Coordinator’s Guide (leader’s manual) - Retreat Talks by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, (DVD set of six talks) - Retreat Companion (workbook with daily and weekly questions, written by Fr. Michael Gaitley) - Consecration to Merciful Love Certificate - Prayer of Consecration to Merciful Love prayer card - St. Thérèse card (limited-edition card with a photograph of St. Thérèse) - Complementary DVD with Episode 2 of the acclaimed Catholic documentary, Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Divine Mercy, Leader Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $49.95
33 Days to Merciful Love - Coordinator Kit (WITHOUT book)33 Days to Merciful Love - Coordinator Kit (WITHOUT book)This Coordinator Kit comes with everything you need to lead a 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the Coordinator Kit includes the DVD set of six talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator’s Guide.
Includes:- Retreat Coordinator’s Guide (leader’s manual)- Retreat Talks by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, (DVD set of six talks) - Retreat Companion (workbook with daily and weekly questions, written by Fr. Michael Gaitley) - Consecration to Merciful Love Certificate - Prayer of Consecration to Merciful Love prayer card - St. Thérèse card (limited-edition card with a photograph of St. Thérèse) |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Divine Mercy, Leader Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Audio Bible | $39.95
33 Days to Merciful Love - Participant Packet (WITH Book)33 Days to Merciful Love - Participant Packet (WITH Book)This Participant Packet is designed for those who would like to join a 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat. Each item in this packet helps participants better prepare for and live out their consecration to Divine Mercy and includes new material from Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC. Includes:- 33 Days to Merciful Love book- Retreat Companion (workbook with daily and weekly questions, written by Fr. Michael Gaitley) - Consecration to Merciful Love Certificate - Prayer of Consecration to Merciful Love prayercard - St. Thérèse card (limited-edition card with a photograph of St. Thérèse) - Complementary DVD with Episode 2 of the acclaimed Catholic documentary, Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Divine Mercy, Participant Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $29.95
33 Days to Merciful Love - Participant Packet (WITHOUT book)33 Days to Merciful Love - Participant Packet (WITHOUT book)This Participant Packet is designed for those who would like to join a 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat. Each item in this packet helps participants better prepare for and live out their consecration to Divine Mercy and includes new material from Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC.
Includes:- Retreat Companion (workbook with daily and weekly questions, written by Fr. Michael Gaitley)- Consecration to Merciful Love Certificate - Prayer of Consecration to Merciful Love prayercard - St. Thérèse card (limited-edition card with a photograph of St. Thérèse) - Complementary DVD with Episode 2 of the acclaimed Catholic documentary, Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Divine Mercy, Participant Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $19.95
33 Days to Morning Glory (Premium Edition)33 Days to Morning Glory (Premium Edition)From Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, author of the popular book "Consoling the Heart of Jesus," comes an extraordinary 33-day journey to Marian consecration with four giants of Marian spirituality: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Pope St. John Paul II.
Hearts Afire Parish Program |
Add Book | $14.95
33 Days to Morning Glory - Consecration Day Certificate33 Days to Morning Glory - Consecration Day CertificateThis beautiful full-color certificate contains the 33 Days to Morning Glory Consecration prayer with space for a date and name. Printed in the United States on 8.5" x 11" card stock, this certificate is sure to become a treasured keepsake for all those that give their lives to Jesus through Mary. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program |
Add Misc | $0.99
33 Days to Morning Glory - Consecration Day Certificate - SPANISH33 Days to Morning Glory - Consecration Day Certificate - SPANISHEsta hermosa certificado contiene la oración Consagración 33 Días con espacio para la fecha y el nombre. Impreso en los Estados Unidos el 8,5 " x 11 " de papel de tarjetas , este certificado es seguramente se convertirá en un recuerdo atesorado para todos aquellos que entregan su vida a Jesús a través de María. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program |
Add Misc | $0.99
33 Days to Morning Glory - Coordinator Kit (WITH book)33 Days to Morning Glory - Coordinator Kit (WITH book)This Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the participant kit, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 6 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $49.95
33 Days to Morning Glory - Coordinator Kit (WITHOUT book)33 Days to Morning Glory - Coordinator Kit (WITHOUT book)This Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 6 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $39.95
33 Days to Morning Glory - Group Retreat DVD33 Days to Morning Glory - Group Retreat DVDWatch this series weekly as an integral part of your 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat. This two-disc set includes six sessions. Each session consists of an introductory talk and a main talk, and accompanies the lessons from the 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Companion workbook.
Hearts Afire Parish Program, DVD Box Sets, Video Based Study Programs |
Add DVD | $29.95
33 Days to Morning Glory - Participant Packet (WITH Book)33 Days to Morning Glory - Participant Packet (WITH Book)This Participant Packet is designed for those who would like to join a 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into understanding, preparing for, and living out their consecration to Jesus through Mary. The following items are included: - 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Companion - 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Book (Premium Edition) - Prayer card with Consecration Prayer - "Collection of Daily Prayers" (a greeting-card sized compilation of the week's prayers) - Rosary (colors will vary) - How to Pray the Rosary Pamphlet - Miraculous Medal - Consecration Day Certificate (8.5 x 11, full-color) |
Mary, Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $29.95
33 Days to Morning Glory - Participant Packet (WITHOUT book)33 Days to Morning Glory - Participant Packet (WITHOUT book)This Participant Packet is the designed for those who would like to join a 33 Days to Morning Glory Small Group Retreat, yet already have the retreat book 33 Days to Morning Glory. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into understanding, preparing for, and living out their consecration to Jesus through Mary. The following items are included: - 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Companion - Prayer card with Consecration Prayer - "Collection of Daily Prayers" (a greeting-card sized compilation of the week's prayers) - Rosary (colors will vary) - How to Pray the Rosary Pamphlet - Miraculous Medal - Consecration Day Certificate (8.5 x 11, full-color) |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $19.95
Consoling the Heart of Jesus (Premium Edition)Consoling the Heart of Jesus (Premium Edition)Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, has given us a very special gift in his thoughtful and prayerful "Do-It-Yourself Retreat." He brings together several spiritual traditions and blends them in the pattern of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. We will find inspiration in the quotations from the saints that he gathers carefully and in his deep, but humble, understanding of the principles of holiness that they proclaim. This is a good way for a soul to begin the journey in responding to the call to embrace the Divine Mercy of the Lord. ------------------ Praise for Consoling the Heart of Jesus: "This book is a form of a weekend retreat accessible at the beginning stages of a simple way to holiness. These hearts are "restless until they rest in Thee, Lord," and this book guides them on a journey to resting in God." - Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ |
Hearts Afire Parish Program |
Add Book | $14.95
Consoling the Heart of Jesus - Group Retreat DVD Consoling the Heart of Jesus - Group Retreat DVDWatch this series weekly as an integral part of your Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat. This two-disc set includes ten sessions which accompany the lessons from the Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Companion workbook. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, DVD Box Sets, Video Based Study Programs |
Add DVD | $29.95
Consoling the Heart of Jesus - Prayer Companion - BookletConsoling the Heart of Jesus - Prayer Companion - BookletThere's no substitute for making Fr. Michael Gaitley's do-it-yourself retreat, but this portable prayer companion is the next best thing. Its three simple parts summarize the whole retreat and teach a spirituality that even the busiest of people can follow. Even if you've never heard of Consoling the Heart of Jesus, this guide to the best-selling book will explain to you in a clear, step-by-step way what Consoling the Heart of Jesus is all about. You'll find all the main ideas, prayers, and meditations included in the retreat compiled for easy reference. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program |
Add Booklet | $6.95
Consoling the Heart of Jesus CertificateConsoling the Heart of Jesus CertificateThis beautiful full-color certificate contains the Consoling the Heart of Jesus "Consoler Principle and Foundation" prayer with space for a date and name. Printed in the United States on 8.5" x 11" card stock, this certificate is sure to become a treasured keepsake for all retreat participants. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program |
Add Misc | $0.99
Consoling the Heart of Jesus Coordinator Kit (With Book)Consoling the Heart of Jesus Coordinator Kit (With Book)This comprehensive Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the participant kit, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 10 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. The following items are included: - Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Companion - Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Book - "Consolers Morning Offering" prayer card - Divine Mercy Image (8" x 10") - Rosary (colors will vary) - Chaplet and Novena of Divine Mercy Pamphlet - "Consolers Principle and Foundation Certificate" (8.5 x 11, full-color) - Way of the Cross Pamphlet - Divine Mercy Explained Booklet - DVD of 10 Retreat Talks by Fr. Gaitley (approximately 36 minutes per talk) - Retreat Coordinator's Guide |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $49.95
Consoling the Heart of Jesus Coordinator Kit (WITHOUT book)Consoling the Heart of Jesus Coordinator Kit (WITHOUT book)This comprehensive Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 10 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $39.95
Consoling the Heart of Jesus Participant Packet (WITH book)Consoling the Heart of Jesus Participant Packet (WITH book)This Participant Packet is the designed for those who would like to join a Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into "consoling spirituality" and devotion to the Divine Mercy. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $29.95
Consoling the Heart of Jesus Participant Packet (WITHOUT book)Consoling the Heart of Jesus Participant Packet (WITHOUT book)This Participant Packet is designed for those who would like to join a Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat, yet already have the retreat book Consoling the Heart of Jesus. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into "consoling spirituality" and devotion to the Divine Mercy. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $19.95
Divine Mercy Explained - BookletDivine Mercy Explained - BookletThis booklet gives you a brief and easy-to-understand introduction to Divine Mercy. Specifically you will learn: |
Prayer & Devotions, Booklets, Divine Mercy |
Add Booklet | $3.99
Divine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - DVDsDivine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - DVDsNow Is the Time of Mercy!Divine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told is a dramatic 10-session journey featuring best-selling author and popular speaker Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC. Fr. Gaitley weaves a tapestry of wonder and beauty from the threads of the dramatic history of Poland, the transformative message of St. Faustina Kowalska, the prophetic apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, the powerful witness of St. Maximillian Kolbe, and the world-changing papacy of Pope Saint John Paul II. But this is more than just a masterful telling of the “Second Greatest Story.” Thanks to the brilliant artistry of the Augustine Institute’s world-class film team, this amazing story comes to life like never before. In fact, you’ll not just learn about the consoling message of Divine Mercy, you’ll experience it.
Divine Mercy, DVD Box Sets, Video Based Study Programs |
Add DVD | $99.95
Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - GuidebookDivine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - GuidebookThe Guidebook for Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told is key to getting the full experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into the story of Divine Mercy.Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, filled with stimulating graphics and imagery, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the history, the faith, and passion surrounding Divine Mercy with over 90 pages of incredible content. Click here for a sample of the Divine Mercy Guidebook. |
Divine Mercy, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Book | $18.95
Divine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - KitDivine Mercy In the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - KitBe sure to get the full experience of Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told with this special kit that includes the DVD box set (10 episodes on 5 DVDs) and the corresponding Guidebook.With his characteristic skill and lucid style, Fr. Michael Gaitley interweaves the dramatic history of Poland, the transformative message of St. Faustina, the miraculous appearance of Mary at Fatima, the witness of St. Maximilian Kolbe, and the world-changing papacy of Pope Saint John Paul II into a tapestry of wonder and beauty. The Study Guide for Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told is key to getting the full experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into the story of Divine Mercy. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, filled with stimulating graphics and imagery, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the history, the faith, and passion surrounding Divine Mercy with over 90 pages of incredible content. Click here for a sample of the Divine Mercy Guidebook. Features of the Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told Guidebook:
- 10 sessions that make the mystery of Divine Mercy clearer than ever before. Have more questions about Divine Mercy In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email our support staff. |
Divine Mercy, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Box Set | $114.95
The One Thing is Three (Premium Edition)The One Thing is Three (Premium Edition)The "One Thing is Three" is written for everyone. The conversational tone has an appeal that invites the reader into the journey of life. I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves the Church and seeks a deeper understanding of her teachings. Filled with references to Vatican II and Pope John Paul II, this book will enrich your belief in God's plan of salvation, and your love of the Most Holy Trinity. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program |
Add Book | $14.95
Polish - Druga Najwspanialsza HistoriaPolish - Druga Najwspanialsza HistoriaOjciec Michael Gaitley, M.I.C., jest kaplanem Zgromadzenia Ksiezy Marianow Niepokalanego Poczecia Najswietszej Maryi Panny oraz dyrektorem Stowarzyszenia Pomocnikow Marianskich, ktore liczy ponad milion czionkow. W swoim przemowieniu pod tytulem "Druga Najwspanialsza Historia", ojciec Gaitley opowiada o Milosierdziu Bozym, zyciu Swietego Papieza Jan Pawel II, oraz o kluczowej roli, jaka moze odegrac Konsedracja Maryjna w naszym zyciu. |
Lent & Easter, Mary, Polish |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Portuguese - A Segunda Historia Maior de Todos os TemposPortuguese - A Segunda Historia Maior de Todos os TemposFather Michael Gaitley, M.I.C., e um sacerdote na congregacao dos Padres Marianos de Imaculada Concepcao e o Diretor da Associacao do Ajudantes Marianos, uma sociedade de beneficio espiritual com mais de um milhao de socios. Em esta palestra, o Padres Gaitley descreve, "A Segunda Historia Maior de Todos os Tempos", uma historia que fala da Misericordia Divina, a vida do Santo Papa Joao Paulo II e o papel crucial que a Consagracao Mariana pode jogar na sua vida. |
Mary, Portuguese |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
The Second Greatest Story Ever ToldThe Second Greatest Story Ever ToldIn this vastly popular talk, Fr. Gaitley describes the "second greatest story ever told" - a story that encompasses Divine Mercy, the life of St. Pope John Paul II, and the crucial role that Marian Consecration can play in your life. Fr. Michael Gaitley is a priest in the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and the director of formation for the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy. The father was very engaging. His talk was well thought out and supported. It really spoke to my personal needs and experience. I have direction on what steps I want to make next. Heather - Westborough, MA |
Evangelization, Inspirational, Lent & Easter, Prayer & Devotions, Mary, Divine Mercy, Books for Kiosk |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Spanish - 33 Días Hacia Un Glorioso Amanecer - Book (Premium Edition)Spanish - 33 Días Hacia Un Glorioso Amanecer - Book (Premium Edition)Padre Michael Gaitley, MIC, reconocido internacionalmente como autor, conferenciante y guía espiritual, presenta un viaje extraordinario en “33 Días hacia un Glorioso Amanecer” con cuatro gigantes de la espiritualidad Mariana: San Luis María de Montefort, San Maximiliano Kolbe, Beata Madre Teresa de Calcuta, y el San Papa Juan Pablo II. |
Advent & Christmas |
Add Book | $14.95
Spanish - Consoling the Heart of Jesus - Book (Premium Edition)Spanish - Consoling the Heart of Jesus - Book (Premium Edition)El Padre Michael Gaitley, MIC nos ha dado un regalo muy especial, un retiro personal lleno de reflexión y oración. El reúne varias tradiciones espirituales y las mezcla con el modelo de los Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio. Encontraremos inspiración en las citas de los santos que él cuidadosamente reúne, con una profunda, pero humilde comprensión de los principios de la santidad que allí se proclaman. Esta es una buena manera de que un alma comience el camino de responder al llamado de abrazar la Divina Misericordia del Señor. |
Spanish, Hearts Afire Parish Program |
Add Book | $14.95
Spanish - La Segunda Historia Más Grande Jamás ContadaSpanish - La Segunda Historia Más Grande Jamás ContadaPadre Michael Gaitley, MIC, es un sacerdote de la Congregación de los Padres Marianos de la Inmaculada Concepción. En esta charla, padre Gaitley describe "La Segunda Historia Más Grande Jamás Contada", una historia que abarca la Divina Misericordia, la vida del Beato Papa Juan Pablo II y el papel fundamental que puede desempeñar la Consagración Mariana en su vida. "Al fin! Una declaración profunda acerca del papel de María en la historia de la salvación y antecedentes y datos que lo verifican!" Dan – Marion, IN |
Lent & Easter, Mary, Spanish, Divine Mercy |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
Vatican II, Mercy, and YouVatican II, Mercy, and YouIn this illuminating talk, Fr. Michael Gaitley recounts how Archbishop Karol Wojtyla, later Pope St. John Paul II, used the teachings of the Second Vatican Council with great success to help Catholics in his diocese live their faith to the full. Learn how Vatican II provides a map to help us enrich our lives through faith and effectively experience the good news of God’s divine mercy. Father is a great speaker. The right mix of education and humor. Joseph - Madison Township, PA |
Church Teaching, Divine Mercy |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Wisdom & Works of Mercy Coordinator Kit (with "The One Thing is Three" book)Wisdom & Works of Mercy Coordinator Kit (with "The One Thing is Three" book)This comprehensive Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 10 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs, Corporal Works of Mercy |
Add Bundle | $59.95
Wisdom & Works of Mercy Coordinator Kit (WITHOUT book)Wisdom & Works of Mercy Coordinator Kit (WITHOUT book)This Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 10 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs, Corporal Works of Mercy |
Add Bundle | $49.95
Wisdom & Works of Mercy Participant Packet (with "The One Thing is Three" book)Wisdom & Works of Mercy Participant Packet (with "The One Thing is Three" book)This Participant Packet for Stage Two of the Hearts Afire Program is the ideal packet for those who would like to join a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study, and do not yet own the book The 'One Thing' Is Three. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into the Catholic Faith and the works of mercy. The following items are included: - The 'One Thing' Is Three book - Wisdom and Works of Mercy: A Two-in-One Retreat Companion - "Three Points of Communion" prayer card - 10 Divine Mercy business card-sized prayer cards - CD with a dramatic reading of the "Farewell Discourse" from The Gospel According to John - Full-color bookmark with reading assignments - You Did It To Me: A Practical Guide to Mercy in Action (book by Fr. Gaitley) |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs, Corporal Works of Mercy |
Add Bundle | $39.95
Wisdom & Works of Mercy Participant Packet (WITHOUT book)Wisdom & Works of Mercy Participant Packet (WITHOUT book)This Participant Packet for Stage Two of the Hearts Afire Program is the ideal packet for those who would like to join a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study, yet already have the book The 'One Thing' Is Three. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into the Catholic faith and the works of mercy.
Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents. Please note: The book for this study, The 'One Thing' Is Three, is not included in this kit. Click here to order it now. The following items are included: - Wisdom and Works of Mercy: A Two-in-One Retreat Companion - "Three Points of Communion" prayer card - 10 Divine Mercy business card-sized prayer cards - CD with a dramatic reading of the "Farewell Discourse" from The Gospel According to John - Full-color bookmark with reading assignments - You Did It To Me: A Practical Guide to Mercy in Action (book by Fr. Gaitley) |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Video Based Study Programs, Corporal Works of Mercy |
Add Bundle | $29.95
Wisdom and Works of Mercy - Group Study DVDWisdom and Works of Mercy - Group Study DVDWatch this series weekly as part of your small group study within Stage 2 of the Hearts Afire Program: Wisdom and Works of Mercy. This two-disc set includes ten sessions which accompany the lessons from the Wisdom and Works of Mercy Two-in-One Retreat Companion workbook.
Hearts Afire Parish Program, DVD Box Sets, Video Based Study Programs, Corporal Works of Mercy |
Add DVD | $29.95
Wisdom and Works of Mercy CertificateWisdom and Works of Mercy CertificateThis beautiful full-color certificate contains the "Three Points of Communion" with space for a date and name. Printed in the United States on 8.5" x 11" card stock, this certificate is sure to become a treasured keepsake for all retreat participants. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Corporal Works of Mercy |
Add Misc | $0.99
You Did It To Me: A Practical Guide to Mercy in Action (Premium Edition)You Did It To Me: A Practical Guide to Mercy in Action (Premium Edition)You Did It to Me: A Practical Guide to Mercy in Action can transform the culture of your family, parish, and community. This inspiring book from Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, introduces a new, practical, and joyful approach to living the works of mercy. |
Hearts Afire Parish Program, Divine Mercy, Corporal Works of Mercy |
Add Book | $14.95
13 Reasons Why You Matter13 Reasons Why You MatterSuicide is the second-leading cause of death for youth and young adults. Yet despite the many TV shows, movies, and articles on this topic, suicide, depression, self-harm, and loneliness remain difficult subjects for adults of any age to discuss. Speaking with honesty, humor, and personal experience, Noelle Garcia tackles these issues head-on, encouraging those who are struggling (or know someone who is) that God's mercy and love are waiting for them; that you, and your life, truly matter. Purchase includes a free MP3 download! Noelle's talk is both highly entertaining and deeply moving. She reminded me that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope. Everyone I know needs to hear this. |
Evangelization, Family & Parenting, Inspirational, Personal Growth, Suffering, Pro-Life |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Getting Others to HeavenGetting Others to HeavenBelieve it or not, we are all called to be leaders. In her typical vibrant and energetic style, Noelle Garcia here shows us how leadership is an important component for propagating the New Evangelization. Noelle shares her early experiences of dealing with insecurity, and how she came to better understand what it means to be a Christian leader. She shows that although we are all sinners, God has given us all unique gifts. Noelle is a shining example of what it means to live for Christ. Her talks are as big of a blessing as her music ministry. Her radiance and joy is infectious..This is a must-have! Mary - Dodge City, KS |
Inspirational, Youth |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
Spanish - 13 Razones por las que importasSpanish - 13 Razones por las que importasEl suicidio es la segunda causa de muerte en adolescentes y jóvenes adultos. A pesar de que hay muchos programas de televisión y reportajes sobre este tema; el suicidio, la depresión, el automutilarse y la soledad siguen siendo temas que difícilmente los adultos hablan con sus hijos. Noelle Garcia, aborda este tema de manera
muy honesta, exponiendo su experiencia
personal y con el buen humor que la
caracteriza. Brindando un aliento de
esperanza a aquellos que luchan por creer (o
que conocen a alguien) en la misericordia y el
amor de Dios que los está esperando.
Recordándoles que tú y tu vida realmente
importan. Speaking with honesty,
humor, and personal experience, Noelle Garcia tackles these issues head-on,
encouraging those who are struggling (or
know someone who is) that God's mercy and
love are waiting for them; that you, and your
life, truly matter. “Noelle's talk is both highly entertaining and deeply moving. She reminded me that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope. Everyone I know needs to hear this.” |
Evangelization, Family & Parenting, Inspirational, Personal Growth, Suffering, Pro-Life, Spanish |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
True Femininity: Getting to Know MaryTrue Femininity: Getting to Know MaryFemininity today can be confusing. What is it? What is it not? Are the stereotypes true? With humor, personal stories, and profound insights from the life of Mary and the writings of St. John Paul II, speaker Noelle Garcia shares how by growing in relationship with Mary, we can heal our understanding and relationships as women—daughters, mothers, friends, and wives—and discover the beauty, joy, and gift of true, God-given femininity. |
Church Teaching, Mary, Pro-Life, Saints |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Truth: God's Word Has PowerTruth: God's Word Has PowerTruth in our time has become relativized, dependent on one's own subjective feelings. But throughout all of history, God’s truth has remained constant and unchanged. In this talk, Noelle Garcia urges us to follow our faith and to live our lives according to the truth. God’s word has power and because of this, we can live just, truthful, and holy lives. |
Biblical Truths, Apologetics, Evangelization, Jesus Christ, Personal Growth |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Knowing the Love of God: Lessons from a Spiritual MasterKnowing the Love of God: Lessons from a Spiritual MasterClick here to read book sample.
I want to thank you for making Fr. Garrigo-Lagrange's words available. This book has been an answer to prayer and a reminder that the life we are offered in Christ is truly a different order from even the best that the world offers. God bless you and your work. Thank you for working with parishes and individuals to make these materials affordable. Jason - Huntsville, AL |
Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions, Books for Kiosk |
Add Book | $14.95
Mary, Youth |
Add MP3 | $2.49
The Dark Passages of ScriptureThe Dark Passages of ScriptureHas Scripture ever made you uncomfortable? Do you have questions or doubts about events in the Bible that seem difficult to explain? In this important talk, author and Augustine Institute professor Dr. Mark Giszczak illuminates "the dark passages of Scripture"— those biblical events of violence and suffering that may not seem compatible with a loving and merciful God. Dr. Giszczak explains how God's justice, mercy, and love are all wholly compatible in Scripture, and asserts the importance of reading these passages with faith, intelligence, and within the teaching of the Church. |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Inspirational, Prayer & Devotions |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Goals, Gold, and God: Stories from the Ice - mp3Goals, Gold, and God: Stories from the Ice - mp3 |
Add MP3 | $3.49
Leviticus ExplainedLeviticus ExplainedThis is the August CDOM. The mp3 is available now and the CD will be available at the end of the month. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Evangelization, Inspirational, Jesus Christ |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Suffering: What Every Catholic Should KnowSuffering: What Every Catholic Should KnowThis is the April CD of the Month. The mp3 is available now, and the CD will be available on May 1, 2023. |
Church Teaching, Inspirational, Personal Growth, Suffering |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Suffering: What Every Catholic Should Know - mp3Suffering: What Every Catholic Should Know - mp3 |
Add MP3 | $3.49
Shadow of His WingsShadow of His WingsHere is the astonishing true story (abridged version) of the harrowing experiences of a young German seminarian drafted into Hitler’s dreaded SS at the onset of World War II. Without betraying his Christian ideals, against all odds, and in the face of evil, Geron Goldmann was able to complete his priestly training, be ordained and secretary minister to German Catholic soldiers and innocent civilian victims caught up in the horrors of war. How it all came to pass will astound you. I enjoyed hearing the experiences of another faithful catholic with struggles and miracles during trials and doubt while continuing to do God's will and listening to God through people even when it would take a miracle to come to fruition. That has helped me to see how God can and does work through us in all circumstances even when we cannot see how God is using us. Sybil - Ville Platte, LA |
Books for Kiosk, Inspirational, Personal Growth |
Add Book | $6.00
Advent: Rethinking the SeasonAdvent: Rethinking the SeasonAdvent is an odd season. Unlike most other seasons, it’s a season that isn’t about itself, but is instead about preparing for Christmas. But that reality often gets lost in the shuffle and stress of trying to find all the right gifts, decorations, and dinner ingredients. In this talk, Dr. Tim Gray uses storytelling and the readings of the Old Testament to explain that we need to live the ‘pre-season’ of Advent well, so we can be prepared to welcome and receive the greatest gift God the Father wants to give us at Christmas: His Son, Jesus. “Dr. Gray has an engaging way of teaching, with great stories and analogies. He makes the readings from Isaiah and the Old Testament really come alive, no matter the liturgical year. I learned so much about Advent from this talk.” |
Advent & Christmas, Prayer & Devotions |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Beloved: Finding Happiness in MarriageBeloved: Finding Happiness in MarriageDr. Timothy Gray presents an honest look at the blessings and struggles of marriage. He connects the Fall to daily marital struggles and explains how, like Adam and Eve, spouses can end up blaming instead of supporting each other. Dr. Gray also explains how words can heal and build up married life. Discover how to find or renew happiness in your marriage with Beloved. It was easy to understand and follow. Enough scripture to prove the point. Claudia - tulsa, OK |
Marriage, Sacraments |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Can You Trust God?Can You Trust God?Since the fall of our first parents, humanity has been tempted to mistrust the love that God the Father has for us. Scripture scholar Dr. Tim Gray takes us on a journey that addresses the pervasive misconceptions that God is quick to anger, that the God of the Old and New Testaments are different, and that God doesn’t have a merciful heart for us. You will see that you can trust our heavenly Father, who is truly one with his Son.
I think it answered the question in its title. The speaker was wonderful. I love so many of your apologists' CD's.It would take so much room for me to comment on all of them. Mary Ann - Silsbee, TX |
Personal Growth, Divine Mercy |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Encountering the Poor: Biblical Roots for Catholic Social TeachingEncountering the Poor: Biblical Roots for Catholic Social TeachingDr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With his eloquent style and polished delivery, Dr. Gray expounds upon the teachings of the Catholic Church surrounding social justice in light of sacred scripture. Discover how social justice in regards to the poor is not one small piece in the puzzle but instead really frames the entire mosaic of scripture. It was so interesting and even fascinating to see the connection between the Hebrew Jubilee Year of Mercy and our obligation to the poor. I enjoyed it so much and learned so much from it that I bought a copy of the CD for everyone on my Social Action Committee in my parish. Mary - St. Louis, MO |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Evangelization, Corporal Works of Mercy |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Heroes of the Catholic ReformationHeroes of the Catholic ReformationDr. Tim Gray, renowned Scripture scholar and president of the Augustine Institute, provides fascinating insights about the Protestant Reformation and the ensuing Catholic Counter Reformation. He discusses how holy men and women worked from within the Church, as they do in every age, to bring forth much-needed reform. Hear how necessary changes were brought about by holy heroes such as Giles of Viterbo, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Teresa of Ávila, St. Charles Borromeo, and others. I was listening to this presentation and my husband, a Lutheran to Catholicism convert, happened to hear some of it and became quite interested, making occasional comments like, "That makes so much sense". We both found the presentation to be both an interesting and informative explanation of truth. Jennifer - Spring, TX |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Saints, The Reformation |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Keep Holy the SabbathKeep Holy the SabbathDr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known Scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With fascinating detail and examples, Dr. Gray here discusses the profound importance for individuals, and for modern society, of properly observing Sunday as the Lord’s Day by exploring God’s gift of the Sabbath in the Old Testament. He aims to help us reclaim our Sunday from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. It was a good reminder that Sunday is suppose to be a separated day for believer's, of day or worship and rest. Too often we can find ourselves getting busy with unnecessary stuff on the Lord's day. Matthew - Canyon Country, CA |
Church Teaching, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
The Lay Moment: Vatican II and the Universal Call to HolinessThe Lay Moment: Vatican II and the Universal Call to HolinessClergy scandals, marriage and family life under attack, growing secularism, a world angry and confused. Augustine Institute President Dr. Tim Gray explains why he believes that “we are entering an age that is similar to the age of the early Church.” He outlines the goals of Vatican II and the critical vocation of the laity in the renewal of the Church and the salvation of the world. “To be a real, faithful Christian in this culture, you are going to have to swim upstream... the Church will be renewed because we will have to stand in the face of the cross—the test of love.” |
Biblical Truths, Family & Parenting, Marriage, Sacraments |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Lectio PrayerLectio PrayerIn this informative presentation, Dr. Tim Gray, Augustine Institute President, shares how Lectio Prayer enables you to enter into a dialogue with God. This prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture is a proven means to encounter God in daily life and will benefit those new to prayer and the more experienced alike. This talk was formerly titled Lectio Divina It was inspiring. I moved the bible to my prayer corner. Joanne - Volo, IL |
Biblical Truths, Prayer & Devotions |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
LECTIO: Mark - DVD SetLECTIO: Mark - DVD SetIs the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John do not? Join Dr. Tim Gray in this powerful fourteen-part series to discover the Gospel of Mark like never before. Immerse yourself in this action-packed Gospel that offers Saint Peter’s account of Christ’s life and teaching.Delve deep into the theme of the “way” and true discipleship and see how Jesus reveals his identity in authoritative action and word. Consider more deeply Jesus’s teaching on the Temple and walk with Jesus to Gethsemane and the Way of the Cross as Mark describes it. Open yourself to profound reflection on the shortest of the four gospels.
Combining the insights of Dr. Tim Gray with the masterful artistry of the Augustine Institute, this Lectio series uses the Church’s rich tradition of lectio divina to help you better understand and better pray with the Gospel of Mark.
Have more questions about Lectio? Call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. This product is also available in Spanish. To purchase the Lectio: San Marcos Spanish DVD set, click here. |
LECTIO, Lectio: Mark |
Add DVD | $99.95
LECTIO: Mark - Leader KitLECTIO: Mark - Leader KitOrder by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions, LECTIO, Lectio: Mark |
Add Box Set | $99.96
LECTIO: Mark - Leader's GuideLECTIO: Mark - Leader's GuideThe Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear. Engaging and accessible, this Lectio: Mark Leader’s Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group.Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richness of the Bible, Church Tradition, and history to life through this 328 page leader guide with: – detailed introductions, prayers, and inspirational insights – practical help to stimulate discussion in your group – suggested answers for discussion questions and reflections – magnificent art to inspire deeper reflection – prayer and devotional insights – recommended further reading to take you deeper into the study ------------------------------
Have more questions about Lectio? Call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. This product is also available in Spanish. To purchase the Lectio: San Marcos Spanish leader's guide, click here. |
LECTIO, Lectio: Mark, Biblical Truths, Personal Growth, Leader Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Book | $34.95
LECTIO: Mark - Study GuideLECTIO: Mark - Study GuideBeautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the study of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear with Dr. Tim Gray and provides you with over 200 pages of impactful content.Engaging and accessible, this 232 page study guide includes: – the lectio divina approach for each session – penetrating questions and insights for the fourteen video sessions – additional resources for a fuller understanding and application – daily reflections to deepen the meaning of the study in your own life – space for personal journaling Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. ----------------------- Have more questions about Lectio? Call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. This product is also available in Spanish. To purchase the Lectio: San Marcos Spanish Study Guide, click here. |
Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions, LECTIO, Participant Guides, Video Based Study Programs, Lectio: Mark, Biblical Truths |
Add Book | $24.95
LECTIO: Mark Participant KitLECTIO: Mark Participant KitBe sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Mark with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set and the corresponding Study Guide.Click here to watch a sample of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Is the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John do not? Join Dr. Tim Gray in this powerful fourteen-part series to discover the Gospel of Mark like never before. Immerse yourself in this action-packed Gospel that offers Saint Peter’s account of Christ’s life and teaching. Delve deep into the theme of the “way” and true discipleship and see how Jesus reveals his identity in authoritative action and word. Consider more deeply Jesus’s teaching on the Temple and walk with Jesus to Gethsemane and the Way of the Cross as Mark describes it. Open yourself to profound reflection on the shortest of the four gospels. Combining the insights of Dr. Tim Gray with the masterful artistry of the Augustine Institute, this Lectio series uses the Church’s rich tradition of lectio divina to help you better understand and better pray with the Gospel of Mark. ------------------------
The Lectio series was created by the expert teachers at the Augustine Institute, the fastest growing Graduate School of Theology in the country. The Augustine Institute seeks to equip Catholics and parishes to renew the Church and transform the world for Christ. Now every Catholic parish has the opportunity to share in the work of the institute by offering the Lectio series. Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear features fourteen episodes with over six hours of video presentation. Engaging and accessible, the 232 page study guide includes: – the lectio divina approach for each session – penetrating questions and insights for the fourteen video sessions – additional resources for a fuller understanding and application – daily reflections to deepen the meaning of the study in your own life – space for personal journaling -------------------------
Have more questions about Lectio? Call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. This product is also available in Spanish. To purchase the Lectio: San Marcos participant kit, click here. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Prayer & Devotions, LECTIO, Lectio: Mark |
Add Bundle | $119.95
LECTIO: Peter - DVD SetLECTIO: Peter - DVD SetSimon Peter: a poor fisherman, an impetuous follower, a bungling disciple, and the cornerstone of Catholicism.Join Dr. Tim Gray—gifted Scripture scholar, internationally acclaimed author, and President of the Augustine Institute—on a biblical voyage unlike any other. In this first installment of Lectio Unveiling Scripture and Tradition, Dr. Gray takes us on an intensive journey into the life of one of history’s most compelling characters. Watch a sample of Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism now It gives you greater insight into Bible passages that you are familiar with already.It makes you want to learn more. Peggy - CA |
Biblical Truths, LECTIO, Saints, DVD Box Sets, Video Based Study Programs |
Add DVD | $99.95
LECTIO: Peter - Leader KitLECTIO: Peter - Leader KitOrder by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! |
LECTIO, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Box Set | $99.96
LECTIO: Peter - Leader's GuideLECTIO: Peter - Leader's GuideThe Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism. Created to help you lead others deeper into Scripture, this comprehensive resource for leaders presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation with your study group.Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. With easy-to-use, step-by-step instructions, your group will experience together the richness of the Bible, Church Tradition, and history. |
LECTIO, Biblical Truths, Leader Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Book | $34.95
LECTIO: Peter - Participant KitLECTIO: Peter - Participant KitBe sure to get the full experience of Lectio Peter with this special kit that includes the DVD set (ten episodes on five DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism offers a fascinating, in-depth study series on the life and meaning of St. Peter. Bringing together biblical stories, historical knowledge, solid Church teaching, and personal insights, Dr. Gray gives a fresh perspective on the fisherman to whom Jesus entrusted his Church. In these ten stirring lectures, learn what happens when flawed humanity comes up against God made flesh. |
Biblical Truths, LECTIO, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Box Set | $124.95
LECTIO: Peter - Study GuideLECTIO: Peter - Study GuideThe Study Guide for Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism is the key to getting the full Lectio experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond.Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you deeper into the study of St. Peter and provides you with over 200 pages of incredible content. |
Biblical Truths, LECTIO, Participant Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Book | $24.95
LECTIO: Philippians - DVD SetLECTIO: Philippians - DVD SetTowards the end of his life, under arrest and awaiting trial in Rome, Saint Paul writes a short but powerful letter to the Philippians. Paul’s affection for the Christian community at Philippi is apparent from his opening words. The Philippians were not only Paul’s sons and daughters in the Faith but also his partners in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.At the heart of this letter is Paul’s eloquent hymn of Christ’s total gift of self, the model for Paul’s life. With his words and the example of his life, Paul exhorts the Philippians to have the mind of Christ, to live a life worthy of the Gospel, and, by God’s grace, to gain Christ. In six sessions on three DVDs, Dr. Tim Gray combines insight and practical guidance using the lectio divina disciplines to make the Scriptures come alive in Philippians: Life in Christ. Episode Listing: 1. Paul and the Philippians (27 minutes) Have more questions about LECTIO? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. |
Church Teaching, Prayer & Devotions, LECTIO, Video Based Study Programs, Biblical Truths |
Add DVD | $99.95
LECTIO: Philippians - Leader KitLECTIO: Philippians - Leader KitThis Leader Kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio: Philippians to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all six episodes of Philippians: Life in Christ on three DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader’s Guide (which includes complete Study Guide content).Click here for a sample of the 160-page Leader Guide. Click here for a sample of the 112-page Study Guide. Towards the end of his life, under arrest and awaiting trial in Rome, Saint Paul writes a short but powerful letter to the Philippians. Paul’s affection for the Christian community at Philippi is apparent from his opening words. The Philippians were not only Paul’s sons and daughters in the Faith but also his partners in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the heart of this letter is Paul’s eloquent hymn of Christ’s total gift of self, the model for Paul’s life. With his words and the example of his life, Paul exhorts the Philippians to have the mind of Christ, to live a life worthy of the Gospel, and, by God’s grace, to gain Christ. This three DVD set features six episodes with over three hours of video presentation. The Leader’s Guide includes:
Have more questions about LECTIO? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions, LECTIO, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $67.96
LECTIO: Philippians - Leader’s GuideLECTIO: Philippians - Leader’s GuideEngaging and accessible, this Philippians: Life in Christ Leader’s Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richness of the Bible, Church Tradition, and history to life.Click here for a sample of the Leader’s Guide. This Leader’s Guide includes: Page count: 160 Have more questions about LECTIO? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Jesus Christ, Prayer & Devotions, LECTIO, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Book | $34.95
LECTIO: Philippians - Participant KitLECTIO: Philippians - Participant KitBe sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Philippians with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. In Philippians: Life in Christ, Dr. Tim Gray combines insight and practical guidance using the lectio divina disciplines. The Scriptures come alive through high quality video presentations and study guides filled with thought-provoking questions and space for personal journaling. The 112-page Study Guide for Lectio: Philippians was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, respond, and contemplate. The Lectio: Philippians Study Guide features:
Have more questions about LECTIO? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. |
LECTIO, Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Bundle | $119.95
LECTIO: Philippians - Study GuideLECTIO: Philippians - Study GuideBeautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the study of Philippians: Life in Christ with Dr. Tim Gray and provides you with over 100 pages of impactful content.Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Engaging and accessible, this workbook includes: Page count: 112 Have more questions about LECTIO? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. |
Prayer & Devotions, LECTIO, Participant Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Book | $24.95
LECTIO: Prayer - DVD SetLECTIO: Prayer - DVD SetThough prayer is one of the essentials of a thriving faith, we often feel as if we’re talking to ourselves. Or, worse, we feel like we’re talking to no one at all. How can something so vital to the faith be so elusive?Now, the mystery of prayer is made clear through the engaging teaching and cinematic artistry of the Augustine Institute in Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. In six sessions on three DVDs, renowned speaker Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the ancient Church's tradition of lectio divina to show you the simple steps for making prayer an effort of love and intimacy with God. Essential and accessible, this new Lectio series is ideal for personal faith formation and small group study.
Episode Listing:
Prayer & Devotions, LECTIO, DVD Box Sets, Video Based Study Programs |
Add DVD | $99.95
LECTIO: Prayer - Leader KitLECTIO: Prayer - Leader KitThis leader kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio Prayer to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all six episodes of Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God on three DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes complete Study Guide content).Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Though prayer is one of the essentials of a thriving faith, we often feel as if we’re talking to ourselves. Or, worse, we feel like we’re talking to no one at all. How can something so vital to the faith be so elusive? Now, the mystery of prayer is made clear through the engaging teaching and artistry of the Augustine Institute's Lectio series are brought together in Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. Renowned speaker Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the ancient Church's tradition of lectio divina to show you the simple steps for making prayer an effort of love and intimacy with God. Essential and accessible, this new Lectio series is ideal for personal faith formation and small group study. The Lectio series was created by the expert teachers at the Augustine Institute, the fastest growing Graduate School of Theology in the country. The Augustine Institute seeks to equip Catholics and parishes to renew the Church and transform the world for Christ. Now every Catholic parish has the opportunity to share in the work of the Institute by offering the Lectio series. Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God features a unique style of study which engages your mind, faith, experience, and imagination, leading you beyond simply reading to truly read, reflect, and respond. All in all, your group will discover the powerful and personal truth of God’s Word and practical inspiration for your lives. Have more questions about Lectio? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. |
LECTIO, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Box Set | $67.96
LECTIO: Prayer - Leader's GuideLECTIO: Prayer - Leader's GuideThe Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. Created to help you lead others deeper into Scripture, this comprehensive resource for leaders presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation with your study group.Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide.With easy-to-use, step-by-step instructions, your group will experience together the richness of the Bible, Church Tradition, and history.
Features of the 160-page Lectio Prayer Leader’s Guide:
LECTIO, Prayer & Devotions, Leader Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Book | $34.95
LECTIO: Prayer - Participant KitLECTIO: Prayer - Participant KitBe sure to get the full experience of Lectio Prayer with this special kit, which includes the DVD set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.In Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God renowned speaker Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the ancient Church's tradition of lectio divina to show you the simple steps for making prayer an effort of love and intimacy with God. The Study Guide for Lectio Prayer is the key to getting the full experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you further into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you deeper into the study of prayer and provides you with over 100 pages of impactful content. Features of the Lectio Prayer Study Guide:
• six sessions that make mystery of prayer clearer than ever before
Have more questions about Lectio? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service.
Prayer & Devotions, LECTIO, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Box Set | $119.95
LECTIO: Prayer - Study GuideLECTIO: Prayer - Study GuideThe Study Guide for Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God is key to getting the full Lectio experience. The powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond.Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you further into the study of prayer and provides you with over 100 pages of incredible content.
Features of the Lectio Prayer Study Guide:
Have more questions about Lectio? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service. |
LECTIO, Participant Guides, Video Based Study Programs |
Add Book | $24.95
Our Hope for Educating CatholicsOur Hope for Educating CatholicsFamily is one of the most important things in the world alongside faith. But how can families live out their faith and prayer lives together? How can we educate our children to be good Catholics for the future? Join Bonnie Landry as she explores who we are as families, what a family’s purpose is, and how parents can keep their children’s hearts close to family and to Jesus. |
Family & Parenting, Jesus Christ, Kids |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Peter: Keys to Following JesusPeter: Keys to Following JesusRenowned scholar Dr. Tim Gray masterfully guides you through the tumultuous and inspiring life of Peter—from his call to discipleship to his eventual martyrdom in Rome. Using Sacred Scripture and tradition, Dr. Gray highlights these important lessons from Peter’s life, including:
Jesus Christ, Personal Growth, Saints, Books for Kiosk |
Add Book | $14.95
Presence: Biblical Foundations of the EucharistPresence: Biblical Foundations of the Eucharist“How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” These words uttered 2,000 years ago are echoed today. Join us as Dr. Tim Gray examines a few objections to the Church’s Eucharistic teaching and provides scriptural evidence for these objections. This apologetic helps us to give a reason for our faith and to gain a deeper insight into what it means to be Catholic and experience the true presence of God in the Eucharist.
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Inspirational, Jesus Christ, Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions, Sacraments, Eucharist |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Religionless Spirituality: Why We Need the ChurchReligionless Spirituality: Why We Need the ChurchRenowned Scripture scholar and author, Dr. Tim Gray, provides a fascinating explanation of the importance of the visible Church and the centrality of God on Earth. He offers incredible insights that make clear the role of the Church as an essential part of God’s plan for salvation, which are sure to help those who have left her, or who mistakenly claim to be “spiritual, but not religious.” This is a fantastic audio and I've been recommending it to a lot of my friends... Val Valentino - Los Angeles, CA |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Apologetics, The Reformation |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
The Roots of the CrisisThe Roots of the CrisisThe clergy sexual abuse scandals have rocked the Catholic Church and caused a crisis of faith (and of evangelization) for many. When facing such a daunting and terrible crisis, it can be difficult to find the right way forward.
“Tim offers a voice of reason and hope in the midst of these dire scandals. This talk brings light to the darkness.” Purchase includes a free MP3 download! |
Church Teaching, Inspirational, Suffering |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
Spanish - La Espiritualidad sin ReligiónSpanish - La Espiritualidad sin ReligiónEl reconocido erudito de las Escrituras y autor, Doctor Tim Gray,
ofrece una fascinante explicación de la importancia de la Iglesia visible y la centralidad de Dios en la Tierra. Ofrece ideas increíbles que aclaran el papel de la Iglesia como una parte esencial del plan de Dios para la salvacíon, que seguramente ayudarán a aquellos que la han abandonado, o que erróneamente afirman ser “espirituales,
pero no religiosos”. La presentación del Dr. Gray, nos deja totalmente en claro lo esencial que es el conocer la historia de la Iglesia. Candace - Orlando, FL |
Spanish, The Reformation |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
The Spirituality of MarriageThe Spirituality of MarriageThroughout the Church's history there has been crisis and confusion over Church teaching. Today, there is crisis and confusion surrounding the Sacrament of Marriage. As Augustine Institute President and Professor Dr. Tim Gray explains, this crisis presents an immense opportunity, as it encourages us to explore and discover the depth of this mystery, described by Pope Benedict XVI as "a Gospel in itself". When lived faithfully and well, marriage serves as a bold witness to the love and saving power of God. |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Jesus Christ, Marriage, Personal Growth, Sacraments |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
An Unshakeable Kingdom: Living the Virtue of HopeAn Unshakeable Kingdom: Living the Virtue of HopeThis is the June CDOM. The MP3 is available now, the CD will be available in one month. |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
The Virtue of MasculinityThe Virtue of MasculinityMasculinity. In recent years, the use of this word has become controversial, and discussion about it unwelcome or silenced. Is all masculinity “toxic”? Dr. Tim Gray strongly asserts that while fallen masculinity does exist, authentic, God-given masculinity is a great virtue that is desperately needed in our world. Drawing on personal and cultural examples, Tim challenges men to face their fears about failing or "striking out," and encourages them to become the men they desire to be—loyal, dependable, and beloved friends, spouses, and fathers—in the image of Jesus Christ, the Perfect Man. Purchase includes a free MP3 download! “This is a solid look at masculinity in our culture. It’s a call to action. I recommend every man listen to this powerful talk.” |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Walk the Walk: Following Christ as His DiscipleWalk the Walk: Following Christ as His DiscipleBeing a disciple of Jesus has always been synonymous with being a Christian. From the Scriptures and from his own experience, biblical scholar Dr. Timothy Gray explains how Christian discipleship calls us to follow in the footsteps of Christ as engaged participants in God's plan, ordering our lives to bear witness to the Lord in our families, workplaces, communities, and to the world. Yes, I thought it was excellent and passed it on to other Christian friends to consider using this in a Bible Study this fall. So many of us call ourselves "Christian" maybe because they were Baptized and they may not even go to church and others go to church once in awhile when it is convenient for them or useful to them for Christmas to get that "Christmas Spirit" and I was one of them in my 20's and early 30's. Once I received Jesus into my heart and became a born again Christian is when I finally searched for the Truth which is in the Word that was made incarnate for our salvation. So many are walking about thinking they are saved but have not turned their life over to Jesus and Mary and want to give God permission to do as only He wants for our lives. Peace and Joy only comes when you give your life to Jesus. I learned so much about the "name of Jesus" meaning. Thank you. We never stop learning. Janet - Halifax, NS |
Evangelization, Inspirational, Personal Growth |
Add CD | $4.50
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Spiritual Works of Mercy - BookletSpiritual Works of Mercy - BookletMost Christians want to live an active faith yet feel perplexed about how to do so. The seven interconnected "spiritual works of mercy" come to our aid: counseling the doubtful; comforting the ignorant; admonishing sinners; comforting the afflicted; forgiving offenses; bearing wrongs patiently; and praying for the living and the dead. Through such acts of mercy we can respond fully to God's goodness towards us, involving conversion of our interior life: such acts are truly God's acts of mercy; we become mere human agents for God to alleviate people's unhappiness. |
Personal Growth, Booklets |
Add Booklet | $2.25
Spanish – La Familia, Dios nos la ha confiadoSpanish – La Familia, Dios nos la ha confiadoLas familias de hoy están
bajo un gran ataque por
todos lados. Los sutiles
engaños sembrados
por el enemigo se están
enraizando y están
confundiendo a muchos al etiquetar el
mal como “el nuevo bien,” suplantando
verdades eternas. En esta charla, el Hno.
Ricardo Grzona ayuda a los padres y las
familias a recorrer el camino de regreso a
la verdad, la salud y la vida . . . el camino
de regreso a Cristo. Dios nos llama a dar
un paso adelante en la fe, nos confía a la
familia y pide que demos testimonio de
Dios en la sociedad actual. “Awesome speaker, awesome talk. Use these easy steps to help others fall in love with Christ.” Julie - Bluffton, SC |
Evangelization, Family & Parenting, Spanish |
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The Logic of Being CatholicThe Logic of Being CatholicDr. Ray Guarendi shares his story of how logic led him home to the Catholic Church. He found out that, contrary to his Protestant misunderstandings, the Church is coherent and never contradicts herself. Dr. Ray explains how the answers to his objections to Catholicism were both Biblical and believed by the earliest Christians. Explore the logic that led him to the fullness of truth. Dr. Guarendi was easy to understand. I feel more confident about talking to others about my Catholic faith. M - Walker, LA |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Evangelization, Conversion Stories |
Add CD | $4.50
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Men, Women, & MarriageMen, Women, & MarriageHaving a good sense of humor can really help in marriage! In this talk, psychologist, speaker, and author Dr. Ray Guarendi weaves great humor and storytelling into his constructive advice and practical insights on all things men, women, and marriage—differences, communication, habits, parenting, the importance of apologies, and more. Be entertained and be encouraged to live and love a good marriage. "My wife thought I was afraid of commitment... two years into the relationship, she said to me, 'You either tell me your name, or it's over!'" |
Church Teaching, Marriage, Sacraments |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Dating and CourtshipDating and CourtshipWhat elements are essential during dating and courtship to discern whether you are following God's will? In this inspiring presentation, Kimberly Hahn, wife of Dr. Scott Hahn, shares rich insight gained from many years of bible study and her personal experiences as a Christian woman, wife, and mother. She provides practical advice and encourages setting high standards according to God's ways. Chris - mississauga, ON |
Family & Parenting, Sexuality |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
Drawing Strength from Our Lady of SorrowsDrawing Strength from Our Lady of SorrowsSpeaker and author Kimberly Hahn, wife of Dr. Scott Hahn and mother of six, is a convert to the Catholic faith. Although honoring Mary was difficult for Kimberly to initially understand, she began to encounter Mary's loving guidance in little ways on a daily basis. In this presentation, she reflects on the joys and sorrows that Mary prayerfully experienced during her time on Earth, and shares how her example leads us closer to Christ. the emotions of the presenter when describing mary Tim - Port St Lucie, FL |
Family & Parenting, Suffering, Mary |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
How to Apply our Faith to our FamiliesHow to Apply our Faith to our FamiliesWell-known speaker and author Kimberly Hahn is the wife of Dr. Scott Hahn and mother of six children. With simplicity, grace, and wit, she shares her personal experiences and practical insights on how to apply the truths of our Faith to everyday life. In this stimulating talk, she offers rich food for thought and concrete ways to let the Lord be the top priority in our family's daily life. It was good advice for families, to be more faithful in guiding their children in the faith. Marie - Sugar Land, TX |
Family & Parenting, Marriage |
Add CD | $4.50
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A Pastor's Wife's Journey HomeA Pastor's Wife's Journey HomeThe daughter of a Protestant minister and wife of Dr. Scott Hahn, Kimberly Hahn candidly shares her difficult journey into the Catholic Faith. She explains how close examination of the Church's teachings on family life and artificial contraception led her to embrace the fullness of the Faith, and why she came to believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ. We claim to be ready to follow Jesus completely, but we end up putting worldly obligations ahead of our immediate surrender to Jesus. We should not let anything delay our decision to put Jesus first in our lives. "Delayed obedience is disobedience." When the Lord calls us to follow Him, we must do so immediately and wholeheartedly. Surrender does not come after we take care of the messes in our lives or make sure our families understand our decision. Instead, surrender happens first, and in that surrender, we are able to fully rely on God and His promise that everything else will be taken care of. Maria - Lockney, TX |
Sacraments, Conversion Stories |
Add CD | $4.50
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Abba or AllahAbba or AllahIn this informative talk, Dr. Scott Hahn explores some of the most
important beliefs that distinguish Christianity from Islam. He explains
that while both religions trace themselves back to Abraham, the
differences, including our understanding of God as Father, are not
insignificant. With charity, balance, and candor, Dr. Hahn shows us how
Islam presents the most formidable challenge to Christianity in the
Third millennium. Dr. Scott Hahn delivers an incisive, insightful, and very strong argument about one of the key distinctions between Islamic and Catholic Christian Theology. With Dr. Hahn's usual wit and style he takes a scholarly stroll through scripture to build his argument. Charles - New Cumberland, PA |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Best Sellers |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
The Body and Blood of ChristThe Body and Blood of ChristIn this informative presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn, a former Presbyterian minister, provides the biblical basis for the Church's teaching on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the significance of the Feast of Corpus Christi, and gives us a greater understanding of our vocation to be the living presence of Christ in the world. very interesting i learned a lot. thank you patricia |
Sacraments, Eucharist |
Add CD | $4.50
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Discovering the Biblical Significance of MaryDiscovering the Biblical Significance of MaryIn one of the most inspiring CDs we have ever offered on the Virgin Mary, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals incredible insights on the Biblical basis for the Catholic teachings regarding Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant. This presentation will help shatter many misconceptions and clearly demonstrate how Catholic teachings are unmistakably rooted in Sacred Scripture. Learning about the arch-of the covenant of Our mother . As a child I new we didn't worship the Virgin Mary ,but I knew with out her where would we be . She is the reason our lord and Savior was born . She was so obedient ! Diana - Plainview , TX |
Advent & Christmas, Mary |
Add CD | $4.68
Add MP3 | $3.50
Evangelizing CatholicsEvangelizing CatholicsIn this informative and dynamic presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn discusses why the New Evangelization is the greatest priority of the Church at this time, and how we are all called to share our faith. He shows how the Eucharist relates to explaining Jesus' death and resurrection, and how Blessed John Paul II's called for a New Evangelization must be based on the Eucharist. The amazing statement: "The new testament was a sacrament long before it became a document ACCORDING TO THE DOCUMENT." Mainerd - Cheviot, OH |
Evangelization, Personal Growth, Sacraments, Eucharist |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
The Fourth CupThe Fourth CupWell-known Catholic theologian Dr. Scott Hahn explains Christ's Paschal Sacrifice on the cross as the fulfillment of the traditional fourth cup used in the celebration of the Jewish Passover meal. He draws a symbolic parallel to the Last Supper and Christ's death on Calvary. Through his scholarly insights and important biblical connections, Mass will come alive for you as never before! The whole thing was great. Having to consume the passover lamb for it to be complete and for death to not enter your home. In the new covenant we have to eat the passover lamb. Christ! Amazing! I have been Catholic my whole life and never heard it put this way Linda - Hastings, MN |
Biblical Truths, Apologetics, Sacraments, Eucharist, The Reformation |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
Given For You: The Sacrifice of the MassGiven For You: The Sacrifice of the MassTHIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3. |
Sacraments, Youth, Eucharist |
Add MP3 | $2.49
God's Family and Ours: The Church and the TrinityGod's Family and Ours: The Church and the TrinityDr. Scott Hahn uses familiarity with family life to bring us to a deeper understanding of the Holy Trinity, and thereby a better understanding of ourselves and the Church. This presentation effectively illustrates how the "Good News" of salvation is not only being saved from our sins through the Cross of Christ, but an invitation to become and live as adopted sons and daughters of the Triune God. One day I found myself wondering how to learn more about the Holy Spirit. The third mysterious piece of the holy trinity. After all, we learn so much about God the Father and Jesus Christ, the son. But in every day life we don't learn a whole lot about the Holy Spirit. When I browsed through the titles on the Lighthouse Catholic Media website, I came across this title was very hopeful. Well, this CD satisfied my curiosity and more. I thoroughly enjoyed the philosophical journey I encountered while listening. It really made me reflect, make connections and continue to ask questions and yearn for more. Some of the topics that particularly spoke to me include (1) the discussion about wanting to learn more about God is the highest form of praise, (2) the discussion about sex being sacred and when we treat it as only good we desecrate a holy and sacred thing, (3) the discussion of the marital covenant which draws parallels between the human family and the holy trinity and (4) the discussion about God not being a solitude but a family with the fundamental features in their perfect -- fathership, sonship and the essence of family: love. Maria - National City, CA |
Church Teaching, Personal Growth |
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Hail Holy Queen - BookHail Holy Queen - BookA fresh and enlightening new perspective on Mary, Mother of God, and her central importance in the Christian faith, from the author of the highly successful The Lamb's Supper. |
Mary, SALE! |
Add Book | $16.00
How to Bring Fallen Away Catholics Back to the ChurchHow to Bring Fallen Away Catholics Back to the ChurchTHIS ITEM IS CURRENTLY OUT OF STOCK. ETA: 2/24/20 Everything about this talk was phenomenal. It isn't enough to listen to it twice! Definitely a talk that will be heard again and again until it sinks in permanently. Rebekkah - clay, NY |
Evangelization |
Add CD | $4.50
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How to Get the Most Out of MassHow to Get the Most Out of MassDr. Scott Hahn takes us through the awesome grandeur of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, from the entrance song to the dismissal. With great clarity, he takes us through a basic outline of the structure of the Mass, explaining how the Sacred Liturgy transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary and the earthly into the heavenly. A must-have for every Catholic and non-Catholic who wants to know what the Mass is all about. It helped me to understand more what' happening during the Mass, where certain parts come from, why we practice them and how fortunate I am to be Catholic. I'll be better able to explain the Mass to all faiths, like fallen away Catholics. Thank you Scott Hahn. Sybil - Ville Platte, LA |
Personal Growth, Sacraments, Eucharist |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Joy to the World - BookJoy to the World - BookIn Joy to the World, Dr. Scott Hahn brings the first Noel to new light through his thought-provoking combination of exciting story-telling and penetrating biblical insight. Christmas, as it appears in the New Testament, is the story of a father, a mother, and a child, their relationships, their interactions, their principles, their individual lives, and their life in common. To see the lives of this “earthly trinity” is to catch a first glimpse of heaven. Dr. Hahn shows Christmas to be the story of a family. Get your copy of Joy to the World: How Christ's Coming Changed Everything (and still does) today! |
Advent & Christmas, Inspirational, Jesus Christ, Books for Kiosk |
Add Book | $1.50
The Lamb's SupperThe Lamb's SupperBased on his best-selling book, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals the early Christians' key to understanding the Mass: the Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, mystic visions of Heaven, and end-times prophecies, it mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Holy Eucharist. See the Mass with new eyes, pray the Liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully and enthusiastically! I liked learning about he parallels between the stories of the Old and the New Testaments and How the Mass is based off John's vision of heaven in Revelation. I also liked hearing it from the perspective of a very educated Prostestant minister who converted to Catholicism. Marilyn - Middletown, MD |
Biblical Truths, Evangelization, Lent & Easter, Sacraments, Eucharist, The Reformation |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
Making Sense Out of SufferingMaking Sense Out of SufferingWe all experience suffering at some time in our lives. Our tribulations range from small disappointments to serious tragedies. Listen as scripture scholar and lay theologian, Dr. Scott Hahn, makes sense out of suffering by drawing from the wisdom and insight of God's Word. He helps us find the meaning of our suffering by showing us how to unite it to the suffering of Christ on the Cross. hearing how our suffering connects us to the suffering of Jesus for us. Tricia - Fairfield, OH |
Suffering |
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Marriage and Family - Love UnveiledMarriage and Family - Love UnveiledGood relationships and marriages are of vital importance to individuals, the Church and society overall, but real effort and wisdom are indispensible to making them strong and lasting. In this focused presentation Dr. Scott Hahn shares key principles that he has lived out in his own life. His advice is practical and challenging and sometimes requires sacrifice, but it is sure to bear good fruit and bring forth many blessings. I am engaged and received "Marriage and Family" as part of a gift when I was received into the Church last Sunday. It not only gave me invaluable information and insight about marriage and family, but a deep sense of calm and peace. One that I know originates and comes from a close relationship with Christ and growing closer and stronger with Him. Carrie - Union, OH |
Family & Parenting, Marriage |
Add CD | $4.50
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Prepare the Way of the KingPrepare the Way of the KingDr. Scott Hahn - one of the most eminent Catholic theologians in our country today- reveals what scholars now know about the shepherds, the mysterious Magi, and King Herod. Your Advent journey will take on new meaning as you prepare your heart for the birth of our Lord. This illuminating presentation is sure to help you grow in appreciation of the greatest gift ever given to mankind - Jesus Christ. It gives a great perspective in context of the time the story relates to and helps keep from being drawn into the diluted version advertised in every corner of America now. I just pray the Catholic Church will be renewed with the New Evangalization. I'm considering getting this CD for all of the families involved in CCD for this Advent. Carol - Aladdin, WY |
Advent & Christmas |
Add CD | $4.50
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Rome Sweet HomeRome Sweet HomeScott and Kimberly Hahn have spoken all over the world about their conversion to the Catholic Church. This book tells the story of the incredible spiritual journey that led them to embrace Catholicism. Their conversion and love for the Church has captured the hearts and minds of thousands Catholics and has brought many lukewarm Catholics back into active participation in the Church. Pages: 188 Book Dimensions: 5.25" x 8" ------------- Praise for Rome Sweet Home: “One of the beautiful and bright-shining stars in the firmament of hope for our desperate days is this couple and the story of their life and conversion.” - Dr. Peter Kreeft - Professor of Philosophy at Boston College “Dynamic, fresh, and devoted are terms which describe the approach that Scott and Kimberly Hahn take to assist in the renewal of the Church in the United States.” - Archbishop John Myers - Archbishop of Newark, NJ “The integrity, courage, and intelligence which marked the pilgrimage of these two Christians in response to the claims of the ancient Church are deeply impressive.” - Thomas Howard - Author of Evangelical is Not Enough
I am presently in RCIA at Prince of Peace in Taylors, SC. This book by Dr. Hahn and his wife, Kimberly, helped me so much, especially since I am converting from Protestantism to Catholicism. I can relate to their own personal struggles as well as their spiritual victories. Awesome!!! Marjorie - Greer, SC |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Inspirational, Lent & Easter, Personal Growth, Conversion Stories, Books for Kiosk, The Reformation |
Add Book | $6.00
Say Yes to Christ!Say Yes to Christ!Internationally renowned speaker and theologian Dr. Scott Hahn teaches the importance of giving our complete “yes” to Jesus Christ and fully recognizing him as King of Kings, and Lord over all. Dr. Hahn delves into Scripture to show that by dedicating ourselves to the Lord, he can accomplish more in us and through us than we ever could on our own. This talk is filled with wisdom for all who want to grow closer to God. I always enjoy hearing Scott Hahn. His presentations are so enlightening and thought provoking. I could listen to him all day. Nancy - De Pere, WI |
Evangelization, Jesus Christ, Personal Growth |
Add CD | $4.50
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Seven Last Sayings of ChristSeven Last Sayings of ChristSpoken as He suffered the agony of the cross, the seven last sayings of Christ recorded in the gospels have been the subject of prayer and inquiry by Christians for two thousand years. In this revealing presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn unlocks for us the deeper significance of Our Lord's last words, carefully chosen so that we might better understand the immense love of God for every person and His plan of salvation. Learn how Jesus' words are as profound and gripping today as when He uttered them on that first Good Friday. I have been working on my faith and trying to reach closer to our Lord and this CD explained a lot to me. I had never watched the Passion and I watched it this year for the first time and when I listened to this CD it really brought out the sayings for me. Scott Hahn is a wonderful speaker and I would like to get more of his CD's. Nancy - Kiln, MS |
Jesus Christ, Lent & Easter |
Add CD | $4.50
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Signs of Life: 20 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical RootsSigns of Life: 20 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical RootsDr. Scott Hahn, beloved Catholic author, professor, and speaker celebrates the touchstones of Catholic life, guiding readers to a deeper faith through the Church’s rites, customs, and traditional prayers. Praise for Signs of Life“Things done for too long can become a habit—and habits have a way of losing their meaning. In this long-awaited treasure of a book, Scott Hahn reveals the historical and biblical roots of so many Catholic practices. Finally, Catholics will not only know what to do but why they do it.” |
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Prayer & Devotions, Books for Kiosk |
Add Book | $8.95
Signs of Life: Catholic Customs and Their Biblical RootsSigns of Life: Catholic Customs and Their Biblical RootsIn this informative and dynamic presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn guides us to a deeper faith through the Old Testament historical roots that underlie Catholic beliefs and practices. Dr. Hahn clears up common misconceptions about specific liturgical rituals and traditions, and responds thoughtfully to the objections raised about them. EDUCATIONAL,ENJOYABLE,CLEAR AND CONCISE. LINDA - Fort Myers, FL |
Biblical Truths, Apologetics, Sacraments |
Add CD | $4.50
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So Help Me GodSo Help Me GodIn this dynamic talk Dr. Scott Hahn explains the importance of oaths, which invoke God’s name and implore His assistance. He shows that oaths are also the means of transforming our personal relationship with Christ into a covenant relationship. Dr. Hahn then explains what led him to move from believing in only two Sacraments to all seven. In sharing these insights, he connects oaths to the seven Sacraments and unveils their mystery and importance. He reveals that the Sacraments are the ordinary means by which God empowers us to do His will. You'll discover that the Sacraments don’t make holiness easy, but they do make it possible.
I am participating in RCIA program in our church and I am preparing to be baptized this Eater. This CD was a great description about my duties after receiving the first Sacrament and responsibility I have to accept by second and third sacrament. It was also great explain that why God is punishing me so badly in my current life. I listen to it very carefully for two times and I will suggest it to other people in our RCIA group. Thank you, Atousa Atousa - Maple Ridge, BC |
Personal Growth, Sacraments, Best Sellers |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $3.49
Spanish - El Regreso a Casa El Regreso a Roma - BookSpanish - El Regreso a Casa El Regreso a Roma - Book*This is the Spanish version of "Rome Sweet Home" by Scott and Kimberley Hahn. |
Spanish, Conversion Stories |
Add Book | $6.00
Spanish - ¡Por qué un Pastor Protestante se hizo Católico!Spanish - ¡Por qué un Pastor Protestante se hizo Católico!El Dr. Scott Hahn nos cuenta su famosa historia como militante anti-católico, pero en búsqueda personal y honesta de la verdad. Esta búsqueda le trajo a la Iglesia Católica, donde pronto se convertiría en uno de los defensores más elocuentes de la fe católica y uno de sus más apasionados promotores. I have returned to the church after 35 years. Now I want to learn more about my faith and this talk has whet my appetite even more! Stan - Columbus, GA: |
Apologetics, Inspirational, Spanish, Conversion Stories |
Add CD | $4.50
Add MP3 | $2.49
The Treasure of Our Soul: The Apostles’ CreedThe Treasure of Our Soul: The Apostles’ CreedDr. Scott Hahn, internationally known theologian and author, explains the inestimable value of the Creed as a sure means of communicating the life-giving faith of the Apostles and as an indispensable source of unity for the Church. Dr. Hahn also brings to light how the Creed has served as a time-tested wellspring of meditation by which a believer can deepen his or her relationship with Christ, making it, in the words of St. Ambrose, “the treasure of our soul.”
As always Dr. Scott Hahn is an extremely insightful speaker. I am always excited to hear any of his talks. His background and knowledge as a former Protestant always helps to present the truth pointing back to the one, true faith. Aaron - Swansboro, NC |
Church Teaching, Evangelization, Prayer & Devotions, Baptism |
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Understanding the EucharistUnderstanding the Eucharist |