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Introduction to the Devout Life - Book

St. Francis De Sales

Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. Themes within the book include: 
-Pursuing a devout life whole-heartedly
-Incorporating prayer and sacraments into a busy schedule
-Growing in virtue
-Battling wisely against temptation
-Making spiritual progress through daily, monthly, and yearly exercises
Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or are more advanced in the spiritual life, you'll be able to apply this timeless wisdom immediately. Let St. Francis de Sales illumine the path to holiness and strengthen your desire to walk the road with the Lord.

Pages: 224

Average Rating: 4.67 based on 3 ratings
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The Imitation of Christ

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About the Author

Thomas à Kempis (1379–1471) was born in the diocese of Cologne and educated by the Order of Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life at Deventer, in the Netherlands. He lived for seventy years among the Canons Regular of Windesheim at Mount St. Agnes, a monastery near Zwolle, where he was twice elected superior and once made procurator. He spent his life reading, writing, and copying manuscripts.

About the Translator

Ronald Knox, a convert from Anglicanism and a well-known Catholic priest and author in England from 1920 to 1960, was educated at Eton and Oxford. He translated the Latin Vulgate Bible into English and wrote numerous spiritual books including The Hidden Stream, The Belief of Catholics, Captive Flames, and Pastoral and Occasional Sermons.

Product Details

224 Pages
Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2017

Praise for The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation has come to be seen as the major work of the devotio moderna, which was characterized by psychological insight and an orderly study of the path to contemplation and the love of God. If we could construct a composite picture of all great Christians—Catholic or non-Catholic—of the last five hundred years who found The Imitation substantially beneficial, enlightening, and inspiring, we would need no further proof that familiarity with this great classic is an integral part of a mature spiritual life and even a path to holiness.”

–Father Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R., Author of Arise from Darkness


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Dr. Kreeft guides the reader through the ups and downs of prayer. Short, sweet, and to the point. Great book for anyone who is simply seeking holiness. Steve - sycamore, IL

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Abandonment to Divine Providence

Abandonment to Divine Providence

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God is to be found in the simplest of our daily activities and especially through total surrender to whatever is his will for each of us. That is the message of this 18th-century inspirational classic by Jean-Pierre de Caussade. Its encouragement to “live in the present moment,” accepting everyday obstacles with faith, humility, and love, has guided generations of believers to holiness and spiritual peace.

De Caussade shows that this practice of self-abandonment to God’s will is the key to attaining true peace and virtue, and that it is readily available to all people—from beginners to those well advanced in the spiritual life. He also shows how to determine what God’s will is for us. He reveals that it is not extraordinary feats that God expects for our growth in holiness, but rather heroic attention to every detail in our lives and humble acceptance of our daily lot in life as coming from his hand.

The rich spiritual lessons in this book have stood the test of time, offering real and practical assistance to all people because its message is simple and clear, one that the reader will find to be a rare treasure of inspiration and direction to be referred to again and again.

About the Author

Fr. Jean Pierre de Caussade, S.J. (1675–1751) was a French Jesuit priest and author, most well-known for this famous treatise, Abandonment to Divine Providence, and also his letters to the Visitation nuns, where he served as confessor and spiritual director. He also served as the rector of two colleges, and as spiritual director for a Jesuit house. He was deeply influenced by the writings of both Saint Francis de Sales and Saint John of the Cross.


Cover: Paperback
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8
176 pages
Abridged Edition

Praise for Abandonment to Divine Providence

“In his famous classic, Father de Caussade makes one point, and he illustrates it in many different ways. That point is: do the will of God to the best of your ability and you will attain peace of soul here and life everlasting hereafter.”

– Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., Author, Inside the Bible

“Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s Abandonment to Divine Providence illuminates the great truth that sanctity is accessible to anyone who seeks concord between his own will and God’s. By following this spiritual way, one learns that the Providence of God need not be experienced as a threat to human nourishing, but rather as a lure by which we are drawn into deeper communion with the Divine Life.”

– Bishop Robert Barron, S.T.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, Founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries


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Lectio Prayer

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This talk was formerly titled Lectio Divina


"The most excellent explanation of lectio divina that I have ever heard. Do you want to really connect with God? Then listen to this talk!" Julie – Bluffton, SC