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Spanish - Consolando al Corazón de Jesús - Book (Evangelization Edition)

Fr. Michael Gaitley


El Padre Michael Gaitley, MIC nos ha dado un regalo muy especial, un retiro personal lleno de reflexión y oración. El reúne varias tradiciones espirituales y las mezcla con el modelo de los Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio. Encontraremos inspiración en las citas de los santos que él  cuidadosamente reúne, con una profunda, pero humilde comprensión de los principios de la santidad que allí se proclaman. Esta es una buena manera de que un alma comience el camino de responder al llamado de abrazar la Divina Misericordia del Señor.

English Translation: Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, has given us a very special gift in his thoughtful and prayerful "Do-It-Yourself Retreat." He brings together several spiritual traditions and blends them in the pattern of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. We will find inspiration in the quotations from the saints that he gathers carefully and in his deep, but humble, understanding of the principles of holiness that they proclaim. This is a good way for a soul to begin the journey in responding to the call to embrace the Divine Mercy of the Lord.

Pages: 308
Book Dimensions: 5.56" x 8.44"

In the Evangelization Edition, Appendix Two has been removed. The main content of the book remains unchanged.


Praise for Consoling the Heart of Jesus: 

"This book is a form of a weekend retreat accessible at the beginning stages of a simple way to holiness. These hearts are "restless until they rest in Thee, Lord," and this book guides them on a journey to resting in God." - Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ

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