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Products by Jennifer Fulwiler

Pursue your passions, love your family, and say goodbye to guilt—pipe dream or possibility? Work and family, individuality and motherhood, the creative life and family life — women are told constantly that they can’t have it all. One Beautiful Dream is the deeply personal, often humorous tale of what happened when one woman dared to believe that you can have it all—if you're willing to re... [More]

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Jennifer Fulwiler had it all: a life of travel, a husband with a stack of Ivy League degrees, a swanky condo in the heart of Austin, and a beautiful first-born son. Then, one night, the questions she had been holding at bay by a life of fun and excitement came flooding over her. Raised in an atheist home in Bible Belt Texas, Jennifer mocked Christianity from her childhood. One fateful experience a... [More]

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