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Confessions of a Mega-Church Pastor

Dr. Allen Hunt

Based on his powerful book, Allen Hunt shares the insights and details of his 15-year journey into the Catholic Church.  In 2007, Allen stepped aside as pastor of a Methodist congregation that served more than 15,000 persons each week.  He entered the Catholic Church in 2008.  His daily talk radio show is heard by over half a million listeners and is syndicated on 140 stations nationwide.

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Amazing teaching on the Eucharist!! Such fullness; so rich in history... The more I learn, the more I love our Faith! Lydia - Windham, NH

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This CD is awesome! It reminded me of the spiritual warfare going on and the POWER of the Sacraments and the Mass! Susan - Sterling Heights, MI

Customer Comments

WOW!!! The whole talk was awesome - from Allen Hunt's conversion on. Expressing the fact that anywhere we travel, the Mass is The Mass. I want to order more of this CD and pass them to others. Charles - Bethesda, OH
I've always wondered what a "Mega' church can offer someone that the Catholic Church and Christ can't? The answer is and will always be the Eucharist. Witnessing the call back to Christ and the only one Church was heart-warming and inspiring. Julie - Crystal Lake, IL
I learned more about how to present my faith to Protestants, and how to use the bible to present the Catholic Faith. Bob - Rancho Cordova, CA
It helps for cradle Catholics to realize what a gift we were given. Stephanie - Phoenix, AZ
This was a great conversion story. Pamela - Paulden, AZ
Nothing better then the Hidden Treasure of the Catholic Church in the Eucharist! "THIS IS MY BODY." The Bread of Life! As Allen Hunt points out - "If it was just an image, why would people have left?" Kathleen - Cedar Rapids, IA
I love the fervor of hearing converts talk about Catholicism. His description of Catholicism as an old house was perfect. He gave stunning statistics on ex Catholics. Karly - Ocean springs, MS
The more I hear of why people came to Catholic faith the more I can help other people come home Lima, OH
It is a beautiful story that draws you in and focuses on what I consider to be one of the greatest gifts given to Catholics by Jesus Christ, the Eucharist. It reminds us not to worry, Gods got our backs every step of the way. Jane - Cottage Grove, MN
I have recommended this to others and it's such an incredible story. I listened to it several times and it brings tears to my eyes when I hear his conversion story. MARIA - Dallas, TX
Always refreshing to hear convert story I bought 5 CD's people in my family need to hear this Beautiful Story of ALLEN HUNT Sometimes converts teach us Life time Catholics in a way that is in lighting Thank You GOD Bless You. We are Eucharist People ! Anna - Oceanside, CA
I actually really liked the excerpt from his book talking about Pope John Paul the 2nd and about when he was shot and the Pope's immediate reaction - of course to pray. Kate - BEAMSVILLE, ON