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Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer - Book

Fr. Thomas Dubay S.M.

Father Thomas Dubay is one of the most popular and respected retreat masters and spiritual directors in North America. He is the author of the best-selling book on prayer and contemplation Fire Within. In this new book, he responds to the call by both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI to help believers and all those interested in spirituality develop a deeper prayer life and union with God.

As in his other popular writings, Dubay's style is profound and meditative yet clear and readable. He gives an overview of the spiritual life for anyone seeking to grow in the love of God and neighbor. An expert on the teachings and writings of the two great mystical doctors of prayer and the spiritual life, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, Dubay gives solid practical advice for a deepening moral and spiritual conversion, and for a radical growth in holiness.

About the Author

Father Thomas Dubay, S.M., is a retreat master and spiritual director for religious communities around the country, as well as a highly regarded speaker at conferences and retreats for lay people. He has hosted five different 13-part television series on the topics of spirituality and prayer, and is the best-selling author of such acclaimed spiritual works as Fire Within, Prayer Primer, and Happy Are You Poor.

Product Details

– 122 Pages
– 5.25" x 8"

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Product Details

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Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2017

Praise for The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation has come to be seen as the major work of the devotio moderna, which was characterized by psychological insight and an orderly study of the path to contemplation and the love of God. If we could construct a composite picture of all great Christians—Catholic or non-Catholic—of the last five hundred years who found The Imitation substantially beneficial, enlightening, and inspiring, we would need no further proof that familiarity with this great classic is an integral part of a mature spiritual life and even a path to holiness.”

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Cover: Paperback
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8
176 pages
Abridged Edition

Praise for Abandonment to Divine Providence

“In his famous classic, Father de Caussade makes one point, and he illustrates it in many different ways. That point is: do the will of God to the best of your ability and you will attain peace of soul here and life everlasting hereafter.”

– Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., Author, Inside the Bible

“Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s Abandonment to Divine Providence illuminates the great truth that sanctity is accessible to anyone who seeks concord between his own will and God’s. By following this spiritual way, one learns that the Providence of God need not be experienced as a threat to human nourishing, but rather as a lure by which we are drawn into deeper communion with the Divine Life.”

– Bishop Robert Barron, S.T.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, Founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries


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About the Author

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Customer Comments

There are millions of mediocre ‘good Christians’ who need to hear the message of this book, which is the message of all the saints, about ‘the universal call to holiness’. Father Dubay is one of the truest, wisest, and most trustworthy guides I know on this road.” Peter Kreeft, Author of Prayer for Beginners