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Feminism Misunderstood: One Woman's Journey to Peace

Jane Brennan

Jane Brennan, a former member of NOW and former Planned Parenthood volunteer, shares her heart-wrenching story of abortion and subsequent years of depression to her final conversion to the Catholic Church.

"There is always hope."  Claudia - Black Mountain, NC

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Product Categories:

Pro-Life, Conversion Stories, Humanae Vitae


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Customer Comments

Jane's story is a powerful and compelling testament to how Christ can take anyone out of despair and move them to a place of dignity and hope. Carol - Lemmon, SD
Jane Brennan's story is one of reconciliation, healing and hope. Jane is living the witness that Pope John Paul II had hoped post-abortive women would embrace. In Evangelium Vitae, he addressed women who've had abortions with these words: 'you can be among the most eloquent defenders of everyone's right to life...' Jane is seeking to do exactly that. Her desire to tell her story reveals her love for human life, and particularly, her love for women. Archbishop Charles Chaput - Archdiocese of Denver
I most enjoyed the fact that Jane Brennan was so forthright and honest about her journey to the Faith. She really helped to highlight the beauty of it while discrediting many of the awful social "norms" that ultimately deteriorate quality of life and happiness for all human beings. Brandi - Flagstaff, AZ
The time she was being pulled inside the Church and the power of the Holy Spirit that made her stay and sit at the front makes me sigh and say to myself, God loves us and hears all our prayers. Candy Anne - Los Angeles, CA
I have always felt that women ruined things for women because of the extreme approach a few women took. I thought I was alone in this because I grew up with all brothers, and maybe I was not seeing things correctly. But I was understanding my rights, not because I was a woman, but because I was a person and deserved to be treated with dignity as each person should be. I cringed to think that this woman was so poorly led astray and thank God, He brought her back to witness. Chris - Rome, OH
It was good for me to hear all she had gone through and why she turned to alcohol, drugs, and promiscuity. It is easy for us to say 'how can a woman kill her child', when we know not what led up to it, or how can they be so radical about feminism, and so on. I was amazed at how God worked in her life, not that I did not know He could, but that He kept leading her forward, even in the lowest of times. It is great that she is going around giving her talk. Thank you for this wonderful apostolate! Judy - Saint Charles, MO
I recently attended a series of seminars for women to understand the Catholic Faith and its views on contraception/abortion. Someone offered to share this CD with me, and I really did enjoy listening to the content. I have never been fervently against abortion (in certain circumstances) although generally would disagree with it. This CD has provided me with additional resources/tools to be able to support anyone who may be faced with this decision. Thank you very much for an interesting and engaging CD on Jane Brennan's story. I will do my best if called upon to support those in such situations when they need support. Miranda - Woodlands, WA
It addressed significant misconceptions that both women and men have of themselves and each other in regards to their mutual roles in secular society and how the Truth of the Catholic Faith is the source of true healing through Jesus Christ. Morgan - Fargo, ND
It was so personal and just a great testimony in the issues of life and abortion. Her conversion is so inspiring and I loved it so much I want to listen to it 3 or 4 more times at least. A brave woman and I'm so happy she found God after all those years. Clarinell - Pinellas Park, FL
The personal witness to the destructive and hypocritical message of modern feminism which hurts women, men and children. Melissa - IL
WOW!!I share a lot in common with Jane! I appreciate her honesty and openness to share her story! It provides lots of options and encourages everyone to change and be healed. Lisa - Bayville, NJ
I loved how Jane felt like she was home when she walked into the Catholic Church. Never having experienced an abortion, I appreciated her descriptions of the horrors of the physical process. She did not sugar coat it. Sue - OH
I enjoyed hearing her story. Annie - Pittsburg, KS