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Pure Fatherhood

Devin Schadt

Fathers are the link between heaven and earth, and are intended to be an image of our Heavenly Father. Drawing on the examples of St. Joseph, Devin Schadt shows us how to become a father on earth like the Father in heaven. Devin is a husband, a father of five, and the co-founder of the Fathers of St. Joseph, an apostolate dedicated to the renewal of authentic fatherhood.

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Family & Parenting, Marriage, Pro-Life


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Customer Comments

Devin provides a humorous and authentic recipe which is simple & bold for a powerful call to fatherly greatness. Change the father, change the world. Charlie - Kernersville, NC
Wow! What a great talk on the importance of fatherhood for families and the impact fathers have in revealing our Heavenly Father. This talk helped me to better appreciate a father's role in the family, on society and the world. Laura - Newtown, PA
Attention all Dads – listen to this encouraging and honest talk about the joys of fatherhood. Mixed in are practical ways of asking for St. Joseph’s help – you will not be disappointed! Mary - Lindstrom, MN
Devin’s blessing of discovering Pure Fatherhood will bless all men who listen. Norm - Biloxi, MS
This speaker clearly gives us the Solution to our Problems by explaining what God wants us to do as fathers with and for our children. Tom - NC
In this talk he makes Real the 'Tug' .. the 'Struggle' of today's fatherhood in relation to the Simplicity of God's fatherhood to us. Emmett - N.C.
I met Devin Schadt a few years back thru a mutual friend. I did not know his full story, I guess I still don't. I, like Devin, have 5 daughters and have often used the line that I am "blessed among women." I also have a son now, so the odds are a little better in my home. I was inspired by Devin's talk and I hope to attend one of his St. Joseph's Fathers meetings in the Quad Cities and perhaps start a similar ministry where I live in Iowa City. Dan - Iowa city, IA
This CD was great, I'm excited about getting it to put out on our media display for all of the fathers in the parish to listen to. I think that it will be especially helpful for young couples and families just starting out. Lori - Lemmon, SD
I opened my eyes to how important my role is in my own family. It also has improved my spiritual life by showing my the power of praying to the saints especially St. Joseph I now do his litany and also I have been saying a 30 day pray to him for my lovely wife. Addison - Fargo, ND
Direct and concise. Jennifer - Greenville, SC