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Symbolon Part 2 - Spanish Participant Guide (5-Pack)

Augustine Institute

Special FORMED Pricing 

Retail Price Per Guide: $24.95 
Special Price Per Guide: $8.95

This special price is only available to FORMED parishes and must be ordered in increments of 5 study guides. Shipping and handling is not included for orders of 5, 10, or 15 study guides. Free shipping on orders of 20 or more!

Free shipping is available to US parishes only. Orders that qualify for free shipping cannot be placed through this website. Please place your order of 20+ study guides with your local Parish Consultant, or call 866-767-3155.


Esta guía para la Parte II de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada es la herramienta para ayudar a los participantes a que apliquen lo que han aprendido acerca de su fe en sus vidas diarias.

El arte sagrado a todo color introduce a las personas hacia la belleza de la fe Católica. Las citas de las Sagradas Escrituras, de los santos y de los Papas recientes profundizan su entendimiento de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Los temas de discusión en las reflexiones inspiran a los participantes a que entreguen más sus vidas a Cristo y proporcionan aplicaciones prácticas para la vida.

También se proporcionan recursos adicionales que están disponibles para un enriquecimiento personal de la fe: referencias al Catecismo, enlaces a videos y a otras lecturas recomendadas. Esta guía es una parte esencial del programa Symbolon para la formación de la fe que ayuda a los participantes a que entiendan la fe Católica más profundamente en sus corazones.

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

Also available in English.

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5 Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part 2 - Participant Guide (Spanish)

Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part 2 - Participant Guide (Spanish)

Esta guía para la Parte II de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada es la herramienta para ayudar a los participantes a que apliquen lo que han aprendido acerca de su fe en sus vidas diarias.

El arte sagrado a todo color introduce a las personas hacia la belleza de la fe Católica. Las citas de las Sagradas Escrituras, de los santos y de los Papas recientes profundizan su entendimiento de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Los temas de discusión en las reflexiones inspiran a los participantes a que entreguen más sus vidas a Cristo y proporcionan aplicaciones prácticas para la vida.

También se proporcionan recursos adicionales que están disponibles para un enriquecimiento personal de la fe: referencias al Catecismo, enlaces a videos y a otras lecturas recomendadas. Esta guía es una parte esencial del programa Symbolon para la formación de la fe que ayuda a los participantes a que entiendan la fe Católica más profundamente en sus corazones.

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

Acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Dr. Edward Sri leads over 25 of the nation’s top experts to clearly and comprehensively explain the Catholic Faith in a way that helps us know it, live it, and articulate it to others. Click here for a full English description.


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    To get set up to place parish orders with Parish Access, contact your Parish Consultant or call Customer Service at 866-767-3155.

Other Recommended Titles

Symbolon Part 1 - Spanish Participant Guide (5-Pack)

Symbolon Part 1 - Spanish Participant Guide (5-Pack)

Special FORMED Pricing 

Retail Price Per Guide: $24.95 
Special Price Per Guide: $8.95

This special price is only available to FORMED parishes and must be ordered in increments of 5 study guides. Shipping and handling is not included for orders of 5, 10, or 15 study guides. Free shipping on orders of 20 or more!

Free shipping is available to US parishes only. Orders that qualify for free shipping cannot be placed through this website. Please place your order of 20+ study guides with your local Parish Consultant, or call 866-767-3155.


Esta Guía para la Parte I de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada es la herramienta para ayudar a los participantes a que apliquen lo que han aprendido acerca de su fe en sus vidas diarias.

El arte sagrado a todo color introduce a las personas hacia la belleza de la fe Católica. Las citas de las Sagradas Escrituras, de los santos y de los Papas recientes profundizan su entendimiento de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Los temas de discusión en las reflexiones inspiran a los participantes a que entreguen más sus vidas a Cristo y proporcionan aplicaciones prácticas para la vida.

También se proporcionan recursos adicionales que están disponibles para un enriquecimiento personal de la fe: referencias al catecismo, enlaces a videos y a otras lecturas recomendadas. Esta Guía es una parte esencial del programa Symbolon para la formación de la fe que ayuda a los participantes a que entiendan la fe Católica más profundamente en sus corazones.

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

Also available in English.


Symbolon Part 2 - Participant Guide (5-Pack)

Symbolon Part 2 - Participant Guide (5-Pack)

Special FORMED Pricing 

Retail Price Per Guide: $24.95 
Special Price Per Guide: $8.95

This special price is only available to FORMED parishes and must be ordered in increments of 5 study guides. Shipping and handling is not included for orders of 5, 10, or 15 study guides. Free shipping on orders of 20 or more!

Free shipping is available to US parishes only. Orders that qualify for free shipping cannot be placed through this website. Please place your order of 20+ study guides with your local Parish Consultant, or call 866-767-3155.


This guide for Part 2 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained is the key for helping participants apply what they learn about their faith to their daily lives.

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

Full-color sacred art draws people into the beauty of the Catholic Faith. Quotes from Scripture, the saints and recent popes deepen their understanding of the Church’s teachings. Engaging discussion topics and reflections inspire participants to give their lives more to Christ and provide practical life application.

Also available in Spanish.


Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part 2 - Leader Guide (Spanish)

Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part 2 - Leader Guide (Spanish)

Esta Guía inclusiva le ayuda a cualquier católico fiel a que conduzca un estudio eficaz de la Parte II de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada, ya sea en casa o en la parroquia.

Llevando paso a paso a los líderes a través de cada sesión de Symbolon, esta Guía equipa a los líderes a dar el programa con confianza y claridad. La guía proporciona las oraciones al inicio y al final, las preguntas de discusión, las reflexiones para los participantes y los antecedentes importantes para ayudar a los líderes a conducir una sesión que sea tanto atractiva como razonable teológicamente.

El bello arte sagrado y las frases de santos y de las Escrituras le ayudan a los líderes a hacer que la fe cobre vida para los participantes en su estudio.

Las parroquias e individuos están usando Symbolon de distintas maneras en: grupos para hombres y mujeres, estudios bíblicos, R.I.C.A., ministerio familiar, formación de padres durante la preparación sacramental, formación de fe de adultos y mucho más. La Guía del Líder está diseñada cuidadosamente para llegar a inspirar a los participantes a que se entreguen más concretamente al Señor en cada sesión.

Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide.

Acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Dr. Edward Sri leads over 25 of the nation’s top experts to clearly and comprehensively explain the Catholic Faith in a way that helps us know it, live it, and articulate it to others. Click here for a full English description.


Saint Teresa of Ávila: A True Reformer

Saint Teresa of Ávila: A True Reformer

Dr. Christopher Blum, Academic Dean of the Augustine Institute, unfolds the inspiring life of St. Teresa of Ávila and her important role in the Catholic Reformation. He shares how, after having already been a nun for twenty years, she had a radical transformation in her own life and then went on to become one of the most powerful forces for bringing about conversion and positive change in the history of the Church. Listen and learn about this Mystic, Doctor of the Church, and True Reformer.


St. Teresa of Ávila is a beautiful soul who I am so thankful to now know about! She is so relatable! Gus - Tulsa, OK

The Search Participant Guide – Spanish

The Search Participant Guide – Spanish

The Search (Spanish) is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. 

This Parish Participant Guide is specifically designed to accompany the series and facilitate discussion within small co-ed groups—and to spur reflection for individual viewers. Each session in the guide provides participants with prayers, points of discussion, and challenges to help them grow deeper in their relationships with each other, with creation, and with the author of all things.

"About The Search

Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching.

The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart.

Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search.


Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - PART 2 - Leader Guide

Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - PART 2 - Leader Guide

This comprehensive guide makes it easy for any faithful Catholic to lead an effective study of Part 2 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, whether at home or in the parish. 

Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide.

Walking leaders step-by-step through each Symbolon session, this guide equips leaders to facilitate with confidence and clarity. The Leader Guide provides opening and closing prayers, discussion questions, reflections for participants, and important background to help facilitators lead a session that is both engaging and theologically sound. Beautiful sacred art and quotes from the saints and the Scriptures help leaders make the Faith come alive for the people in their study. 


Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part 1 - Leader Guide (Spanish)

Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - Part 1 - Leader Guide (Spanish)

Esta Guía inclusiva le ayuda a cualquier católico fiel a que conduzca un estudio eficaz de la Parte I de Symbolon: La Fe Católica Explicada, ya sea en casa o en la parroquia.

Llevando paso a paso a los líderes a través de cada sesión de Symbolon, esta guía equipa a los líderes a dar el programa con confianza y claridad. La guía proporciona las oraciones al inicio y al final, las preguntas de discusión, las reflexiones para los participantes y los antecedentes importantes para ayudar a los líderes a conducir una sesión que sea tanto atractiva como razonable teológicamente.

El bello arte sagrado y las frases de santos y de las Escrituras le ayudan a los líderes a hacer que la fe cobre vida para los participantes en su estudio.

Las parroquias e individuos están usando Symbolon de distintas maneras en: grupos para hombres y mujeres, estudios bíblicos, R.I.C.A., ministerio familiar, formación de padres durante la preparación sacramental, formación de fe de adultos y mucho más. La Guía del Líder está diseñada cuidadosamente para llegar a inspirar a los participantes a que se entreguen más concretamente al Señor en cada sesión.

Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide.

Acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Dr. Edward Sri leads over 25 of the nation’s top experts to clearly and comprehensively explain the Catholic Faith in a way that helps us know it, live it, and articulate it to others. Click here for a full English description.


The Search Parish Participant Guide

The Search Parish Participant Guide

The Search is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions.

This Parish Participant Guide is a multi-purpose guide specifically designed to enhance the experience of the individual as well as help a leader facilitate a group. This guide helps a small group to get to know one another on a deeper level, recall key points from the videos, jot down thoughts, and discuss within the group. Its aim is evangelization. Sample here.

"About The Search

Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching.

The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart.

Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search.