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The Holy Eucharist

Fr. William Casey C.P.M.

According to Fr. William Casey, Superior General of the Fathers of Mercy, "We are living at the time of the greatest loss of faith in the 2000-year history of the Catholic Church". Discover how faith in the Real Presence of Jesus can remedy this as Fr. Casey explains and defends the Catholic Eucharistic doctrine and encourages us to pray before the Blessed Sacrament to help us grow spiritually.

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Sacraments, Eucharist


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Excellent! It is hard to express the spiritual impact this CD has had on me. I don't believe I will ever celebrate the Eucharist the same way again! Floy - Manchester, KY

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Absolutely wonderful! I love how Fr. Barron gives practical ways to use the information he’s presenting. Nancy - Warroad, MN

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Fr Larry is an expert at keeping our attention—and what better topic than one that plagues us all? He makes it simple by providing the steps; but you’ll wish the talk didn’t end! Monica-Wichita, KS

Customer Comments

Great! This has given me the words I need to explain the Eucharist to those who have fallen away because they don't understand. Connie - Edmonton, AB
This helps me to reflect during Mass more on the reason I am in church and gives me such love for the Eucharist. I want to learn more! Gloria - Emmons, NC
I love this CD! It was so informative and so helpful for me! I understand so much more about the Most Holy Eucharist. Thanks so much! I will be buying more CDs! Nicholas - Park City, UT
As a returning Catholic after 34 years, this CD was extremely helpful in showing the TRUE Presence of CHRIST at the Mass. I (as a Protestant) have misunderstood the true biblical meaning of the Eucharist. All of it changed my life. To GOD be the glory. Thank you so much for making these available. Vincent - La Mesa, CA
I was filled with such belief listening to Fr. William Casey. I'm at an age where not much education is to be found for religion, and this did educate. I am so thankful for this, and I thank you for making this available. Cindy - Apple Valley, MN
Understanding that the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity is such a mystery and Fr Casey does a beautiful job explaining this mystery. I have a nephew I will share this cd with. Diane - Dickinson, ND