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Lupita Venegas Leiva, tiene una Licenciatura en Psicología y Maestría en Terapia Familiar y Ciencias de la Familia. Es autora de libros de desarrollo humano y espiritual y brinda asesoría familiar en programas de radio, televisión e impartiendo conferencias en México, Centroamérica y Estados Unidos. En esta charla nos presenta consejos y recomendaciones prácticas, para mejorar la relación ... [More]

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Following Christ can entail fear, risk, and uncertainty. But as St. John Henry Newman boldly preaches, this reality reveals how crucially important and worthwhile it is to undertake such a venture. “No one among us knows for certain that he himself will persevere; yet every one among us, to give himself even a chance of success at all, must make a venture... and in this consists the excellence a... [More]

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El P. José Román Flecha es sacerdote de la Diócesis de León (España) y profesor de Teología Moral en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Experto en Moral, este conocido y estimado profesor, es autor de numerosas obras y artículos de teología y de espiritualidad. En esta charla nos explica por qué a San José de Nazareth, se le conoce como patrono de la Iglesia Católica y custodio de ... [More]

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What is Purgatory? Does it exist? Does it matter? As professor and speaker Dr. Mark Miravalle explains, not only is the doctrine of Purgatory true, and deeply rooted in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, but the practice of offering prayers and sacrifices for the souls of the dead is a critically important responsibility for every member of the Body of Christ—the family of the Church.

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If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recog... [More]

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If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recog... [More]

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Andrew Perry likes history, but he never expected to experience it firsthand. But that’s what happens when he meets the unusual Eve Virtue, a direct descendant of the explorer and entrepreneur Alfred Virtue. Eve has uncovered Alfred Virtue’s greatest secret: the mysterious Radiant Stone. Before Andrew knows it, the two of them are in twelfth-century England, caught up in the adventures of the ... [More]

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Ruth A. Luna, nos comparte cómo encontró en María el perfecto ejemplo a seguir como esposa, madre e hija de Dios. También nos ayuda a redescubrir el papel importantísimo que tiene María en nuestra vida, invitándonos a incrementar nuestra confianza, amor y devoción hacia la Madre de Dios y madre nuestra.  English Translation: Mary, God's Mother and Ours Ruth A. Luna, shares how she f... [More]

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Our weaknesses and our wounds can often make us feel inadequate. But as Sr. Bethany Madonna, S.V. illustrates with her insightful humor and profoundly memorable stories, bringing these weaknesses and wounds to God the Father can allow us to become strong with the Father's strength, and to be healed by the Healer. “The Father Himself loves you... He wants to be with you, at every moment; in every... [More]

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Carmen y Angelique participan activamente en diferentes ministerios familiares incluyendo asesorías acerca de planificación natural de la familia. Ambas son coautoras de un libro que aborda el tema de la infertilidad, y en esta plática nos comparten su experiencia personal con la infertilidad y esclarecen el concepto erróneo que se tiene de la Iglesia Católica acerca de este tema. Al describi... [More]

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Evan Lemoine, conferencista reconocido internacionalmente por sus charlas de teología del cuerpo, noviazgo y matrimonio, nos presenta esta charla acerca de la pregunta que muchas veces nos hacemos ¿mi pareja realmente me ama? Porque no es lo mismo quererte a ti que querer algo de ti. Ni tampoco es lo mismo quererte disfrutar que quererte hacer feliz. Descubre la visión positiva y hermosa de la ... [More]

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¿Quiénes son los verdaderos transformadores de nuestra humanidad? ¿los exploradores? ¿los científicos? ¿los revolucionarios? ¿los rebeldes contra la autoridad establecida? O, mejor dicho, ¿los santos? Santos para hoy explora en detalle las vidas de los líderes que guiaron el resurgimiento de la Iglesia de las cenizas que había dejado la época del renacimiento, y la turbulencia y confusi... [More]

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Click Here for a PDF of Selections from Letter to the Youth, by Pope John Paul IIPope John Paul II's papacy is marked by the ways he engaged with and was loved by the youth. Scores of young people were drawn to him from around the world by a magnetism that continues even today, in his sainthood. In his letter to the youth of the world, John Paul offers young people his encouragement to respond to... [More]

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El suicidio es la segunda causa de muerte en adolescentes y jóvenes adultos. A pesar de que hay muchos programas de televisión y reportajes sobre este tema; el suicidio, la depresión, el automutilarse y la soledad siguen siendo temas que difícilmente los adultos hablan con sus hijos.Noelle Garcia, aborda este tema de manera muy honesta, exponiendo su experiencia personal y con el buen humor q... [More]

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Do committed Christians need to withdraw from society? This is the question that many people are asking. No one can predict how the future will look, but one thing is clear. We don’t need countercultural gestures, so much as the grace of Christ. By an Unexpected Way explores true stories of modern men and women living and sharing their faith against remarkable odds. Through the grace of Christ,... [More]

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The End of One Thing–And the Start of Another Introducing Book #6 in The Adventures of Nick & Sam! In View from the Top, the sixth book of The Adventures of Nick and Sam series, the Perry twins are looking forward to summer. As the school year comes to an end, Nick and Sam are already caught up in new beginnings. Not only are they packing for a move, but Nick begins to wonder if he’s go... [More]

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Playwright. Poet. Actor. Catholic? Much has been studied and written about William Shakespeare, perhaps the greatest and most famous author in the English language. With compelling detail and wit, Joseph Pearce outlines the objective, documented, and historical evidence that both Shakespeare and his family were practicing Roman Catholics, who persevered in professing and promoting the faith even i... [More]

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Mary Carmen López Mota, nos comparte el testimonio de la transformación de su fe y de su vida espiritual mediante la intervención en su vida de la tercera persona de la Santísima Trinidad, el Espíritu Santo. En esta plática nos presenta quién es el Espíritu Santo y cómo una relación personal con él puede transformar nuestras vidas. También nos invita a dejarnos guiar por Él, para viv... [More]

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¿Damos limosna o traemos una ofrenda? ¿Conoces el impacto de no entenderlo correctamente? El reconocido orador y teólogo mexicano Luis Soto, nos habla del tema de la corresponsabilidad y de nuestro deber de administrar correctamente los dones que Dios nos dio. Con su forma muy peculiar y directa, a la que ya nos tiene acostumbrados, nos invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia de este tema p... [More]

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The Millennial Generation has grown to adulthood. Having experienced many of the conveniences and pitfalls of new technologies, social media, student loan debt, and adult life, millennials have also developed a genuine desire to do something great with their lives, but often don't know how to get there. As fellow millennial Paul J. Kim shares with great humor and insight, tackling life's big chall... [More]

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