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Contagious Catholicism: The 7 Habits of Modern-Day Apostles

Chris Stefanick

Internationally acclaimed speaker and author Chris Stefanick speaks about the importance of living a life of authenticity with a courageous commitment to love. He walks us through seven habits that we can use as modern-day apostles to effectively spread the good news to Jesus Christ. Following these lessons will help us to fulfill our calling to be fearlessly, joyfully Catholic, with a faith that is attractive, life-giving, and truly contagious.

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Inspirational, Personal Growth


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Customer Comments

Wow! Easy to understand and even easier to live out! Bradley - Englewood, CO
Awesome speaker, awesome talk. Use these easy steps to help others fall in love with Christ. Julie - Bluffton, SC
Good, practical tips for everyday Catholics who want to share the joy of their faith with others. Jackie - Sacramento, CA
Chris is such a dynamic speaker. He entertains but he also has deep substance to his talks. Easily the best CD I've listened to since I started receiving them about a year ago and there have been many good CDs that I've listened to from Lighthouse Talks before. Eric - Denver, CO
It is a favourite subject, I bought another DVD of Contagious Catholicism and gave it away to principal of a large High School here in Vancouver, It benefits myself and our family and for others by living out this message of Chris'. So happy that you are here and offer these products. Patrick - Vancouver, BC
This talk was very forthcoming about the real meat of it’s given topic. It really and succinctly explored the main drivers of being an evangelist. This is exactly what I needed to hear. I’m still relatively young, always loved Christ, but an only just making it back to the Faith. One of the main problems I had with the Church when I went my own way, and a main issue I face today is how can I talk about the joy and love of Hesus and the Carholic Faith. This talk points out up front the 1st issue of importance for an evangelist is to remember that Love is the main message of evangelism and the Gospels and mist talk the driving role in conversations with people not in the faith. And then the talk goes on from there to discuss real life real world methods for making these things clear. Thank you! Jonathan - Wichita, KS
This wonderful talk reminds us that Catholicism is a love story! Chris Stefanick guides us through 7 easy ways to share the story, and at the same time evangelize as Jesus commanded us to do. Mary - Lindstrom, MN
A wake-up call for all Catholics for sure. Chris does an excellent job with this clarion call. Norm - Biloxi, MS
One of the best Lighthouse talks I've ever heard! Chris outlines a great path for each of us and our parishes to follow! Phil - Ft. Washington, PA
I am extremely grateful for this talk: what a source of joy and meaning is habit number 1 - the key towards understanding everything about my faith! I hope everyone will always keep this in their hearts! Daniel - Vancouver, BC
Practical applications of the faith and evangelization. Adriano - Trenton, ON
Juan - Richland, WA
This was excellent. The speaker was dynamic, he made some great points, and really challenged us to evangelize in an apostolic way. Loved it! Jamie - Indianapolis, IN