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Christmas and the Promise of Peace in Christ

Dr. Michael Patrick Barber

This is the December CD of the Month. The mp3 is available now, and the CD will be available on January 1, 2024.

Christmas is one of the most joyful and hopefully peaceful seasons. Join Dr. Michael Patrick Barber as he takes us through the biblical roots of many beloved Christmas traditions and explains how we can find peace in Christ and be filled with joy this Christmas season.

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Advent & Christmas


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I loved this talk. I listened to all of them at once (at Epiphany) but learned so much and was called yet again to reflect on myself and if I am truly preparing myself as best I can for the 2nd Coming for Christ. I loved the Christmas homily too which really made me think about the Nativity story not just as 'Oh the Christmas story of Christ's birth' but this is what this story shows of God's wonder and mystery! Michelle - Derby, KS

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It jolted me out of stagnation! It has renewed my love for the Mass and for Jesus. Nancy - Plattsburgh, NY

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English Translation:

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“¡Gracias por el CD más hermoso que he escuchado del Rosario! Ha motivado a mi grupo espiritual de una manera magnífica a rezar el Rosario con frecuencia y poco esfuerzo.”