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Vocational Download of the Month Club

from the Institute on Religious Life

Inspiring and informative presentations from the best Catholic speakers in the world for all those serious about discerning a possible vocation to the priesthood or consecrated religious life!

How It Works

  • A twelve-month FREE SUBSCRIPTION is available to all young men and women (ages 13-35) who subscribe.
  • A download of a new talk is provided every month for an entire year.
  • Periodic emails will be sent providing helpful discernment resources, as well as notices for special events and other offers.
  • Simply fill out the registration form below.
Most Rev. John J. Myers<br />Archbishop of Newark
"The PROJECT: "SPEAK LORD" has great appeal to younger people in its use of the Internet, and would be a means both catechizing and encouraging thoughtful and prayerful consideration of vocations to the priesthood and religious life."

Most Rev. John J. Myers
Archbishop of Newark

Twelve Audio Downloads

First Month

Every Life Has a Purpose. What's Yours?

Dr. Rick Sarkisian

A reflection on how the Lord has placed within each of us a unique, personal vocation and mission, and how to respond accordingly.


Fourth Month

The Joy of Belonging Completely to Jesus

Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

A profound reflection on how living the evangelical counsels is the best way to give oneself completely to Christ.


Seventh Month

The New Breed of Vocations Bonus: Answering the Master's Call Testimonies

Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R.

A closer examination of the types of young people today considering the priesthood and religious life.


Tenth Month

The Contemplative Life Heart of the New Evangelization

Fr. Thomas Nelson,O.PRAEM.

Rather than being a “waste of a life,” a life dedicated to prayer is really the foundation of the Church’s evangelization efforts.


Second Month

Vocation as the Great Adventure

Mr. Jeff Cavins

Ever popular Scripture instructor and Catholic revert shares how all Christians are called to embrace the great adventure on life’s journey.


Fifth Month

Myths & Misconceptions Concerning Vocations

Fr. Thomas Nelson,O.PRAEM

A practical guide designed to clarify the common misunderstandings regarding priestly and religious vocations.


Eighth Month

The Consecrated Life: A Closer Following of Christ

Fr. Thomas Nelson,O.PRAEM

A powerful reflection on how the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience lead to spiritual intimacy with Our Lord.


Eleventh Month

A New Look at the Evangelical Counsels

Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen

Why those professing the evangelical vows serve as visible witnesses to Christ in our turbulent times.


Third Month

Going on Vocation: Discovering and Discerning God’s Call

Dr. Scott Hahn

A Biblically-based presentation on the notion of “calling” as found in Scripture and within the various states of life within the Body of Christ.


Sixth Month

The Shadow of His Wings: The True Story of Fr. Gereon Goldmann

This thrilling, true-life adventure is a powerful testimony to God’s providence and the power of prayer amidst death and despair.


Ninth Month

Facing the Crisis of Faith with Courage and Conviction

Bishop Robert F. Vasa

Bishop Vasa courageously implores us to meet this difficult time with conviction and ardor.


Twelfth Month

Vocation as Call and Choice

Mother Mary McGreevy, R.S.M.

How one called to the consecrated life must look deeply within oneself to foster a personal loving relationship with Our Lord.