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Experience the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ as never before!

This episode reminds us of the powerful reality of the Resurrection in our present lives and the great price Jesus paid to bring us home to God. Product Details   •  Runtime: 25 minutes   •  Language: English or Spanish   •  Subtitles: English or Spanish   •  DVD format: NTSC

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Mary (1)
Grow in your knowledge and love of the Mother of God so as to grow closer to Jesus Christ.

Exactly who is the Blessed Virgin Mary? Can you explain her role in God’s plan for the world? Do you fully understand the vital role she plays in your life?While Catholics know Mary is important, many never fully grasp how essential she really is. Now they can. The Bible and the Virgin Mary unveils the mystery of Our Lady that is woven into the fabric of Sacred Scripture.Join author, speaker, an... [More]

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