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Pentecost (3)

The Holy Spirit - Booklet

The Holy Spirit - Booklet

This booklet, on the Holy Spirit, is in two parts: first the data, then the theology that explains the data. 

Christian theology, like science, is based on data; its principles are not up-in-the-clouds abstractions but divinely revealed explanations of human experiences, both past experience in history (especially as recorded in Scripture) and present experience in our own lives. This is true of the Holy Spirit and the doctrine of the Trinity, just as it is true of Christ and the doctrine of the Incarnation.

Knights of Columbus
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Baptism and Confirmation - Booklet

Baptism and Confirmation - Booklet

Baptism and Confirmation were sacraments we received as children. What did they do for us? Do you know how important they are? Sometimes Catholics are criticized for baptizing infants – find out why the Church encourages this practice.

Knights of Columbus
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The Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Booklet

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Booklet

Scriptures talks about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, but what are they exactly? This Knights of Columbus booklet presents St. Thomas Aquinas’ explanation of these incredible gifts, and will strengthen both your knowledge of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and your desire for them.

Knights of Columbus
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