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How to Share Your Faith With Anyone

How to Share Your Faith With Anyone

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Recent popes have challenge all Catholics to participate in the New Evangelization. But most Catholics feel ill-equipped to take up the challenge. Terry Barber, founder of St. Joseph Communications, has written a practical guide that takes much of the pain and uncertainty out of sharing one's faith. Based on Barber's decades of personal experience as an effective evangelist and masterful communicator, and drawing on the perceptions, examples, and lessons of other great evangelists and apologist, How To Share Your Faith With Anyone informs, entertains, and inspires would-be, as well as, seasoned evangelists and teachers.


Praise for How to Share Your Faith with Anyone

"Based on thirty years of in-the-trenches evangelism, Barber shows how to pass along to others what you already know but may not know how to share." 
- Karl Keating, Author of Catholicism and Fundamentalism

"Terry Barber has long been one of the Church's finest evangelists. His excellent book shows us how the New Evangelization requires new apologetics—a new way to explain why the Church's teachings are true and why Jesus is the answer to the deep desires of the human heart." 
- Most Reverend Jose Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles

Terry Barber
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