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Grow closer to the Lord through better conversation with Him, his Mother, and the saints.

LECTIO: Prayer - DVD Set

LECTIO: Prayer - DVD Set

Though prayer is one of the essentials of a thriving faith, we often feel as if we’re talking to ourselves. Or, worse, we feel like we’re talking to no one at all. How can something so vital to the faith be so elusive?

Now, the mystery of prayer is made clear through the engaging teaching and cinematic artistry of the Augustine Institute in Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. In six sessions on three DVDs, renowned speaker Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the ancient Church's tradition of lectio divina to show you the simple steps for making prayer an effort of love and intimacy with God. Essential and accessible, this new Lectio series is ideal for personal faith formation and small group study.

Episode Listing:

1. Prayer: An Intimate Dialogue
2. Guigo’s Ladder: A Way of Ascent
3. Lectio and Meditatio: Climbing the First Rungs
4. Oratio: Conversation with God
5. Contemplatio: The Gaze of Love
6. Resolutio: Putting Love into Action

Have more questions about Lectio? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service.

Dr. Tim Gray
Add DVD | $99.95

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LECTIO: Philippians - DVD Set

LECTIO: Philippians - DVD Set

Towards the end of his life, under arrest and awaiting trial in Rome, Saint Paul writes a short but powerful letter to the Philippians. Paul’s affection for the Christian community at Philippi is apparent from his opening words. The Philippians were not only Paul’s sons and daughters in the Faith but also his partners in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

At the heart of this letter is Paul’s eloquent hymn of Christ’s total gift of self, the model for Paul’s life. With his words and the example of his life, Paul exhorts the Philippians to have the mind of Christ, to live a life worthy of the Gospel, and, by God’s grace, to gain Christ.

In six sessions on three DVDs, Dr. Tim Gray combines insight and practical guidance using the lectio divina disciplines to make the Scriptures come alive in Philippians: Life in Christ.

Episode Listing:

1. Paul and the Philippians (27 minutes)
2. Partnership in the Gospel (26 minutes)
3. Friendship in Christ (27 minutes)
4. The Mind of Christ (26 minutes)
5. Imitatio Christi (26 minutes)
6. All Things in Christ (27 minutes)

Have more questions about LECTIO? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service.

Dr. Tim Gray
Add DVD | $99.95

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LECTIO: Evangelization - DVD Set

LECTIO: Evangelization - DVD Set

Find Help and Inspiration from the Men and Women Who Transformed the World

There is no better place to look for guidance in the New Evangelization than the Acts of the Apostles. This chronicle of the Church in action gives us the blueprint for the life and mission of the Church today.

In Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles, Dr. Mary Healy combines Bible study with Church teaching and practical wisdom to show you how modern Catholics can effectively lead people to Jesus Christ.

Episode Listing:

1. Why Study Acts? (49 minutes)
2. Clothed with Power (49 minutes)
3. Proclaiming the Kerygma (52 minutes)
4. Signs and Wonders (52 minutes)
5. How Jesus Makes an Evangelist (46 minutes)
6. Sacraments and the Spirit (48 minutes)
7. Leadership in the Church (43 minutes)
8. Charisms of the Spirit (51 minutes)
9. Joy in Persecution (50 minutes)
10. The Belly of the Beast (55 minutes)

Have more questions about Lectio? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service.

Dr. Mary Healy
Add Box Set | $99.95

Average Rating: 5.00 based on 2 ratings

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