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Discover the saving power of God's mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Forgiven - Parish Edition 6-DVD Set

Forgiven - Parish Edition 6-DVD Set

Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession provides the Church’s teaching about the sacrament of Confession, including a practical “walk through” of what happens in the confessional and how every moment connects to Scripture, Catholic Tradition, and God’s passionate desire to be with you.

The 6-disc Parish Edition DVD Set includes helpful catechetical methods, strategies to promote Confession, and how to answer common questions.

Watch the trailer now!

6-disc Parish Edition session listing:

  • Session 1: Where Are You? (31 minutes)*
  • Session 2: An Encounter with Mercy (26 minutes)*
  • Session 3: The Rite Explained (33 minutes)*
  • For Children: How to Make a Good Confession (14 minutes)*†
  • Session 4: Biblical Foundations: Sin, Mercy, and the Sacrament of Confession (65 minutes)
  • Session 5: Answering Common Questions about Confession (38 minutes)
  • For Parents: Preparing Your Child for First Confession (44 minutes)
  • For Catechists: Revealing Mercy in a Merciless World (48 minutes)
  • For Parish Staff: Strategies on How to Promote Confession (37 minutes)

   *language: English or Spanish
   †session is not included in the Forgiven study guides


I’m going to be late for work because I couldn’t stop watching session 3 on Forgiven. I thought the first episode was amazing but this one takes the cake! It not only touches on the head knowledge of confession but reaches the most important part, heart knowledge - knowing how much God loves us. Whoever was the cinematic genius who thought of the idea of having each priest recite part of the prayer of absolution I want you to know it brought me to tears. This is going to be an invaluable resource not only for our parishioners but also for those going through RCIA. Well done Augustine Institute. Well done!! Lisa Martin, St. Leo’s, Ridgway, PA
Augustine Institute
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