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Grow closer to the Lord through better conversation with Him, his Mother, and the saints.

LECTIO: Prayer - Participant Kit

LECTIO: Prayer - Participant Kit

Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio Prayer with this special kit, which includes the DVD set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

In Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God renowned speaker Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the ancient Church's tradition of lectio divina to show you the simple steps for making prayer an effort of love and intimacy with God.

The Study Guide for Lectio Prayer is the key to getting the full experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you further into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond.

Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you deeper into the study of prayer and provides you with over 100 pages of impactful content.

Features of the Lectio Prayer Study Guide:

•  six sessions that make mystery of prayer clearer than ever before
•  an outline summary of each video presentation
•  practical tips for including lectio divina in your prayer life
•  insights and information for deeper understanding
•  guided reflections for each session to make the study your own throughout the week
•  space for personal journaling in each session

Have more questions about Lectio? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service.

Dr. Tim Gray
Add Box Set | $119.95

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LECTIO: San Marcos, Kit de recursos para el Participante (Participant Kit)

LECTIO: San Marcos, Kit de recursos para el Participante (Participant Kit)

¿Estás siguiendo a Jesús ‘por el camino’?

¿Es el Evangelio de San Marcos solamente una versión reducida de la vida de Jesús? ¿Qué nos ofrece este, el más corto de todos los evangelios, que Mateo, Lucas o Juan no ofrecen? Acompaña a Luis Soto en esta serie de 10 episodios, totalmente en español, para profundizar en el conocimiento del Evangelio de San Marcos, como nunca antes lo habías hecho.

• Sumérgete en un recorrido por este Evangelio lleno de acción, que nos ofrece la perspectiva de San Pedro sobre la vida y enseñanzas de Jesús.
• Profundiza sobre el significado del seguimiento de Jesús, “el camino” y el verdadero discipulado, y descubre cómo Jesús revela su identidad con palabras y acciones llenas de autoridad.
• Considera las enseñanzas de Jesús en el Templo y acompáñalo de Getsemaní al Calvario siguiendo el Camino de la Cruz, tal y como lo describe San Marcos en su Evangelio.
• Prepárate para una reflexión profunda del más corto de los cuatro evangelios.

Combinando las enseñanzas de Luis Soto y la belleza fílmica a la que el Augustine Institute nos tiene acostumbrados, esta serie LECTIO, la primera que se realiza totalmente en español, nos guía paso a paso por la profunda tradición eclesial para poder comprender y orar con el Evangelio de San Marcos.

Ejemplo de una sesión en video


Atractivos segmentos en video
Esta serie en video de 10 episodios cobra vida a través de la belleza fílmica a la que el Augustine Institute nos tiene acostumbrados y las enseñanzas de Luis Soto. Filmada con audiencia en vivo, Luis Soto nos lleva a entender el escrito de San Marcos, el escriba y traductor de San Pedro, que por lo mismo nos ofrece la perspectiva del mismo Pedro sobre la vida y enseñanzas de Jesucristo.

Guía de Estudio para el Participante Atractiva y accessible tanto para aquellos que se acercan a la Biblia por primera vez, como para veteranos en el estudio bíblico, la Guía de Estudio para el Participante de la serie Lectio San Marcos: La fe vence el miedo, le ayuda a personalizar el aprendizaje y aplicarlo a su propio camino espiritual. Incluye:

Introducciones y oraciones para cada sesión • Un esquema para cada presentación en video
• Preguntas para la discusión y para profundizar la riqueza del material de estudio
• Reflexiones diarias para profundizar su conocimiento aun después de la clase
• Sugerencias de lectura adicional para cada sesión
• Hermosas obras de arte para orar y reflexionar
• Espacio para llevar sus propias notas y diario personal

Sobre el Presentador

Luis Soto es Director de Implementación Parroquial y Ministerio Hispano del Augustine Institute en Denver. Antes de unirse al equipo del AI, Luis fue Director de Desarrollo del Ministerio para el Catholic Leadership Institute. Sin embargo, fue como miembro del equipo fundador y Director Ejecutivo del Ministerio Hispano y Centro San Juan Diego de la Arquidiócesis de Denver, que Luis se convirtió en uno de los líderes católicos hispanos más influyentes en la Iglesia norteamericana. Luis tiene una Licenciatura en Filosofía y una maestría en Teología. Originario de Sonora, México, Luis identifica como una de sus grandes pasiones el apoyar el crecimiento de la fe de los hispanos al tiempo que se integran a la sociedad norteamericana manteniendo su riquísima herencia cultural hispana. En reconocimiento a sus contribuciones a la Iglesia y la Sociedad, Su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVI entregó a Luis la medalla Benemerenti, uno de los reconocimientos más destacados que se ofrecen a laicos católicos en el mundo.

English Description

Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Mark with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set and the corresponding Study Guide.

Click herefor the English participant kit for Lectio: Mark.

Para mayor información o para conocer más sobre los programas parroquiales y para grupos que ofrece el Augustine Institute, contacte nuestro especialista de programas parroquiales y para grupos, el Diácono Richard Harden al 877-458-1477 o bien, a richard.harden@augustineinstitute.org

Para más información sobre Lectio: San Marcos, vaya a lectiosanmarcos.org.

Add Bundle | $124.95

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LECTIO: Mark Participant Kit

LECTIO: Mark Participant Kit

Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Mark with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set and the corresponding Study Guide. 

Click here to watch a sample of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear.

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. 

Is the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John do not? Join Dr. Tim Gray in this powerful fourteen-part series to discover the Gospel of Mark like never before. Immerse yourself in this action-packed Gospel that offers Saint Peter’s account of Christ’s life and teaching.

Delve deep into the theme of the “way” and true discipleship and see how Jesus reveals his identity in authoritative action and word. Consider more deeply Jesus’s teaching on the Temple and walk with Jesus to Gethsemane and the Way of the Cross as Mark describes it. Open yourself to profound reflection on the shortest of the four gospels.

Combining the insights of Dr. Tim Gray with the masterful artistry of the Augustine Institute, this Lectio series uses the Church’s rich tradition of lectio divina to help you better understand and better pray with the Gospel of Mark.


The Lectio series was created by the expert teachers at the Augustine Institute, the fastest growing Graduate School of Theology in the country. The Augustine Institute seeks to equip Catholics and parishes to renew the Church and transform the world for Christ. Now every Catholic parish has the opportunity to share in the work of the institute by offering the Lectio series.

Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear features fourteen episodes with over six hours of video presentation. Engaging and accessible, the 232 page study guide includes:
 – the lectio divina approach for each session 
 – penetrating questions and insights for the fourteen video sessions 
 – additional resources for a fuller understanding and application 
 – daily reflections to deepen the meaning of the study in your own life
 – space for personal journaling  


Have more questions about Lectio? Call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service.

This product is also available in Spanish. To purchase the Lectio: San Marcos participant kit, click here.

Dr. Tim Gray
Add Bundle | $119.95

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LECTIO: Philippians - Participant Kit

LECTIO: Philippians - Participant Kit

Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Philippians with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

In Philippians: Life in Christ, Dr. Tim Gray combines insight and practical guidance using the lectio divina disciplines. The Scriptures come alive through high quality video presentations and study guides filled with thought-provoking questions and space for personal journaling.

The 112-page Study Guide for Lectio: Philippians was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, respond, and contemplate.

The Lectio: Philippians Study Guide features:
• the lectio divina approach for each session
• penetrating questions and insights for the six video sessions
• additional resources for a fuller understanding and application
• daily reflections to deepen the meaning of the study in your own life
• space for personal journaling

Have more questions about LECTIO? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service.

Dr. Tim Gray
Add Bundle | $119.95

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LECTIO: Evangelization - Participant Kit

LECTIO: Evangelization - Participant Kit

Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio Evangelization with this special kit, which includes the DVD set (ten episodes on five DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. 

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

In Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles, Dr. Mary Healy combines Bible study with Church teaching and practical wisdom to show you how modern Catholics can effectively lead people to Jesus Christ.

The Study Guide for Lectio Evangelization is the key to getting the full experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you further into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond.

Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you further into the study of Acts and provides you with over 200 pages of content that include:

•  ten sessions that unveil the evangelical guidance found in the Acts of the Apostles
•  an outline summary of each video presentation
•  thought-provoking questions for reflection and discussion
•  practical tips for including lectio divina in your daily prayer life
•  insights and information for deeper understanding
•  five guided reflections per session to make the study your own throughout the week
•  space for personal journaling in each session

Have more questions about Lectio? Check out the FAQ, call us at 800-777-7502, or email Customer Service.

Dr. Mary Healy
Add Bundle | $124.95

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