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Get the book based on the acclaimed Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained series!If you were asked what immediately comes to mind when you hear the words “Catholic Church,” would you answer “an intimate relationship with the God who loves me?”If not, you would do well to read this engaging and thought-provoking book that explains why such a relationship is the reason for every... [More]

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Scholars often have questioned how much the New Testament can tell us about the Mother of Jesus. After all, Mary appears only in a few accounts and speaks on limited occasions. Can Scripture really support the many Marian beliefs developed in the Church over time? In Rethinking Mary in the New Testament, Dr. Edward Sri shows that the Bible reveals more about Mary than is commonly appreciated. For ... [More]

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VIEW A SAMPLE“I finally understand the Catholic faith!” That's what many around the world say after watching the acclaimed Symbolon series: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. Now, the series host and renowned author Edward Sri takes us through the key aspects of the Catholic faith with the same clarity and beauty that he did in the video documentary, answering common questions, such as:... [More]

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Retail: $16.95Special web store price: $11.53How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? When we’re bombarded with messages of “Be tolerant!” “Don’t judge!” and “Coexist!” many good people feel afraid to say anything is right or wrong anymore. This book gives us an important key to responding to relativism effectively—a Catholic moral worldvie... [More]

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