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Spanish - Mi hija y yo: construyendo una relación ideal

Spanish - Mi hija y yo: construyendo una relación ideal

Mary Carmen y Marcela participan activamente en diferentes ministerios y, en esta charla, nos comparten el testimonio de amor y admiración de su relación personal como madre e hija.

Ambas desde su punto de vista, buscan resaltar por qué es importante lograr tener una buena relación entre los padres de familia y sus hijos, y el impacto que esto puede tener en su futuro.

English Translation: My daughter and me: building an ideal relationship

Mary Carmen and Marcela actively participate in different ministries and, in this talk, they share their testimony of love and admiration from their own personal relationship as mother and daughter. 

Each from their unique point of view, seek to highlight why it is important to have a good relationship between parents and their children, and the impact this can have on their future.


“This talk invited me to reflect on my own current relationship with my children and the direction I want it to go in. They also reminded me that, as parents, we are the role model and responsible for correctly guiding our children on the path of faith.”
Evangelization, Family & Parenting, Inspirational, Personal Growth, Spanish
Add CD | $4.50
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