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Click Here for a PDF of Selections from Letter to the Youth, by Pope John Paul IIPope John Paul II's papacy is marked by the ways he engaged with and was loved by the youth. Scores of young people were drawn to him from around the world by a magnetism that continues even today, in his sainthood. In his letter to the youth of the world, John Paul offers young people his encouragement to respond to... [More]

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Dr. Christopher Blum, Academic Dean of the Augustine Institute, unfolds the inspiring life of St. Teresa of Ávila and her important role in the Catholic Reformation. He shares how, after having already been a nun for twenty years, she had a radical transformation in her own life and then went on to become one of the most powerful forces for bringing about conversion and positive change in the his... [More]

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The Tears of Christ: Meditations for Lent

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Following Christ can entail fear, risk, and uncertainty. But as St. John Henry Newman boldly preaches, this reality reveals how crucially important and worthwhile it is to undertake such a venture. “No one among us knows for certain that he himself will persevere; yet every one among us, to give himself even a chance of success at all, must make a venture... and in this consists the excellence a... [More]

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