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Experience the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ as never before!

“Jesus wept, not merely from the deep thoughts of his understanding but from spontaneous tenderness, from the goodness and mercy, the encompassing loving-kindness and exuberant affection of the Son of God for his own work, the race of man.” This precious insight takes us to the heart of the interior life of St. John Henry Newman (1801–1890), from the treasures of which these meditations are ... [More]

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Join the Perry Twins on Their Lenten Adventure! Introducing Book #4 in The Adventures of Nick & Sam! In Trouble with Lent, the fourth book of "The Adventures of Nick and Sam," the Perry twins are celebrating Lent at school, at church, and with their family. The family discusses what they will be giving up for Lent, and Nick and Sam experience some struggles with their choices throughout t... [More]

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For Christians, Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, and who rose from the dead in triumph over sin and death. For non-Christians, he is almost anything else--a myth, a political revolutionary, a prophet whose teaching was misunderstood or distorted by his followers. Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, and no myth, revolutionary, or misunderstood prophet, insi... [More]

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Santa Teresa de Calcuta era conocida por su amor y trabajo compasivo entre los más pobres de los pobres. Detrás de su impulso y su deseo de servir a los pobres de Cristo, estaba su profunda comprensión de la sed de Dios por los hombres y de la sed de los hombres por Dios. Esta meditación guiada sobre las escrituras y las enseñanzas de la Madre Teresa, llevará al lector a entrar en el misteri... [More]

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Películas como Risen y libros como Killing Jesus de Bill O’Reilly, plantean preguntas sobre lo que realmente le sucedió al Cuerpo crucificado de Jesús de Nazaret. Carl Olson, haciendo uso del formato popular de preguntas y respuestas, examina la evidencia histórica con respecto al destino controversial de Jesús.Seas creyente, escéptico o un poco de ambos, prepárate a enfrentar un reto... [More]

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In this compelling and timely book, best-selling author Vinny Flynn draws from Scripture, the teachings of the Church, and the Diary of St. Faustina to reveal the heart of Divine Mercy. He offers an invitation and a road map so that Divine Mercy, the overflow of love from the Holy Trinity, can transform your life. ------------------------- Praise for 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy “This book will... [More]

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Scott and Kimberly Hahn have spoken all over the world about their conversion to the Catholic Church. This book tells the story of the incredible spiritual journey that led them to embrace Catholicism. Their conversion and love for the Church has captured the hearts and minds of thousands Catholics and has brought many lukewarm Catholics back into active participation in the Church.Pages: 188Book ... [More]

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