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Products in Corporal Works of Mercy

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You Did It to Me: A Practical Guide to Mercy in Action can transform the culture of your family, parish, and community. This inspiring book from Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, introduces a new, practical, and joyful approach to living the works of mercy. From homemakers to those in the work place, You Did It to Me reveals rich opportunities to put mercy into action in our everyday lives and provides t... [More]

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This beautiful full-color certificate contains the "Three Points of Communion" with space for a date and name. Printed in the United States on 8.5" x 11" card stock, this certificate is sure to become a treasured keepsake for all retreat participants.Click the image to the left to enlarge and see the details!

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Watch this series weekly as part of your small group study within Stage 2 of the Hearts Afire Program: Wisdom and Works of Mercy. This two-disc set includes ten sessions which accompany the lessons from the Wisdom and Works of Mercy Two-in-One Retreat Companion workbook. - Total run time: Approximately 350 minutes - Each retreat group needs one DVD set - Workbook not included Learn more about... [More]

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This Participant Packet for Stage Two of the Hearts Afire Program is the ideal packet for those who would like to join a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study, and do not yet own the book The 'One Thing' Is Three. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into the Catholic Faith and the works of mercy. Click the image to the left to enlarge and ... [More]

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This comprehensive Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 10 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents. 

Add Bundle | $59.95

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This Participant Packet for Stage Two of the Hearts Afire Program is the ideal packet for those who would like to join a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study, yet already have the book The 'One Thing' Is Three. Each item in this packet was thoughtfully chosen as an aid to bring participants deeper into the Catholic faith and the works of mercy.Click the image to the left to enlarge and see ... [More]

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This Coordinator Kit comes with everything needed to lead a Wisdom and Works of Mercy Small Group Study. In addition to all the materials in the Participant Packet, the coordinator kit includes the DVD set of 10 talks from Fr. Gaitley, as well as the Retreat Coordinator's Guide. Click the image to the left to enlarge and see all kit contents. Please note: The book being studied, The One Thin... [More]

Add Bundle | $49.95

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