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First comes loves, then comes marriage ... then what? If sex is natural, why are we so eager to make it artificial? In this presentation, Jason Evert presents the case for Natural Family Planning as he unveils the beauty of God's plan for sexuality. Jason has spoken about chastity to more than one million people around the world and is the author or more than a dozen books.

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Scare tactics, guilt trips, and the climbing teen pregnancy rates don't really inspire anyone to love. In this presentation from Jason and Crystalina Evert, you'll discover the difference between love and lust while getting straight answers about dating, relationships, and sexual purity.

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 15 ratings
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Siete Presentaciones de la Fe Católica: Este presentación incluye siete segmentos, aproximadamente 10 minutos cada una, que cubren algunos de los temas y las preguntas más importantes de la Iglesia de hoy.

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Average Rating: 4.67 based on 3 ratings
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In this informative and dynamic presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn guides us to a deeper faith through the Old Testament historical roots that underlie Catholic beliefs and practices. Dr. Hahn clears up common misconceptions about specific liturgical rituals and traditions, and responds thoughtfully to the objections raised about them.

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In this inspiring talk, renowned preacher and retreat master Fr. Larry Richards illuminates how the true joy of Christmas is found in the greatest gift ever given – the gift of Jesus Christ to the whole world. With humor, compassion, and clarity, Fr. Larry gets to the heart of the true meaning of Christmas and helps us to better appreciate the immensity of God's love for us as His children.

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Average Rating: 4.33 based on 15 ratings
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In a talk that was given to a group of women at the FOCUS national conference, Lisa Cotter debunks the myths of modern day stereotypical womanhood. Using insights from the late Pope John Paul the second and the heroic example of modern-day saints, Lisa gets to the truth about what it means to be an authentic woman.

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Average Rating: 3.78 based on 9 ratings
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Most people have only been told what they're not supposed to do while dating. In this powerful presentation, renowned chastity speaker Jason Evert shows us ten strategies for how to practice courtship without compromise. Tested through real-world experience and rooted in God's plan for the human heart, Jason's wise tips are sure to lead you to greater romantic happiness and fulfillment.

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Average Rating: 4.54 based on 39 ratings
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In this presentation, Matthew Leonard focuses on the new idea of love proclaimed by Christ and how it gives meaning to human suffering, penance, and ultimately death. Sounds a bit dark, doesn't it? But it's not! By looking at these issues we'll discover the secret to how we can "Rejoice in the Lord always" just like St. Paul, no matter what happens.

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Average Rating: 4.36 based on 22 ratings
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Statistics are reporting that over 70% of Catholics polled in America do not believe in the Real Presence of the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist — a verifiable crisis of faith. Using key sources from scripture and tradition, Bishop Michael Evans explains how Jesus is present today when we celebrate the Mass. This highly readable and accessible text is a must read for all Catholics seeking the proper... [More]

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In this incredible double feature, Mark Hart illuminates what it means seek sanctity in the 21st century. In the first presentation, Mark discusses unleashing the power of the Holy Spirit and becoming who we are meant to be: saints. In the second presentation, Mark talks about the dangers of putting human expectations on our supreme God. These two talks will be sure to jump start your spiritual li... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.54 based on 35 ratings
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Our Lady of Good Success appeared on several occasions in the early 17th century to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres in Quito, Ecuador. Fully approved by the Church, this Marian apparition contains an immensely important and hopeful message for our troubled times. Listen as Matthew Arnold explains the great power and hope that can be found through a devotion to Our Lady of Good Success.

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Average Rating: 4.67 based on 30 ratings
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The Little Way of an unknown Carmelite nun who became a Doctor of the Church Thérèse died a painful and lingering death of tuberculosis in her French convent in the Normandy town of Lisieux in 1897, at only twenty-four years of age. Thousands of soldiers in the First World War trenches carried her picture to their own deaths. This acclaimed booklet sets out what Thérèse called her Little Way a... [More]

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Adhering faithfully to the memoirs of Sister Lucia, the longest surviving seer, this book follows the events of Fatima: from the first stirrings of the wings in the appearances of the angels before the six apparitions of the Blessed Virgin herself, the deaths of Francisco and Jacinta Marto, the subsequent apparitions to Sister Lucia in Pontevedra and Tuy, the consecration of the world and Russia t... [More]

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Canonized on the 16th June 2002, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, better known as Padre Pio, had already become one of the saints whose intercession is most called upon, often with amazing effect. Padre Pio received the stigmata, worked many miracles and is said to have often bilocated. Yet as Jim Gallagher beautifully recounts, it was for his holiness as a priest and selfless ministry in the confessiona... [More]

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Some Catholics go to Mass simply because they have always done so, out of obligation, or because their parents, teachers or peers demand that they come. Others have either given up completely or are still searching. Relying greatly upon the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, Fr Michael Evans provides a beautiful summary of the meaning of the Mass and the powerful reasons why it holds the centra... [More]

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This booklet will help you to think and pray about your vocation and become clearer about where God is leading you. It answers many of the practical questions you may be asking: What are the different Christian vocations? How does God guide us and speak to us? How can I be more open to my vocation, and come to a decision? It explains the Christian vocations of marriage, priesthood, consecrated lif... [More]

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At age 33, Fr. Damien de Veuster left his mission parish to work among the lepers of the island of Molokai Hawaii. After many years of service to those in dire need, he died there of leprosy at the young age of 49. Like Christ himself, he became rejected for the rejected, a leper for the lepers: something rare in a world that wants to eliminate suffering. The author has updated and revised the tex... [More]

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As Agnes Bojaxhiu left her home in Albania to join the missionary Loreto Sisters in Ireland, she began a journey which would make her one of the most famous women of the twentieth century. Jim Gallagher recounts her life of openness to God and of service to those whom the world considered worthless. From her care for the dying in the streets of Calcutta to her defence of the unborn in the West, he... [More]

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This inspiring and practical guide opens us up to the spiritual gift of forgiveness. The author considers what sin is and how it affects our lives, and then shows how the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) can heal us from the effects of sin. What is more, in seeking God’s Forgiveness, granted to all who ask for it, we can in turn obtain the grace to forgive others and heal our relationshi... [More]

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Is the Church against Science and Reason? The Galileo controversy has become a paragon of faith’s supposed hostility towards science. Galileo believed that the earth rotated around the sun but did not have sufficient evidence to prove it. The Inquisition believed that unless such evidence existed the sun should continue to be considered to rotate around the earth. This booklet explains the facts... [More]

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