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A collection of Christmas praises in song! Christmas songs, old and new. Bask in the warmth and joy of Christmas with a mixture of traditional and new songs that fill the heart with worship and praise. A wonderful way of remembering Who we celebrate during the holiday season. Songs – What is Christmas – There’s a Song in the Air – What Child is this? – O Come all ye Faithful – Away i... [More]

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An Audio Drama About the First Christmas Children will enjoy this heart-warming dramatization that recounts the story of the first Christmas. With music, songs, and engaging story-telling, you will experience the wonderful events that led up to the birth of God’s Son and the story of redemption. Product Details – Approximate run time: 30 minutes – Herald Entertainment – Copyright 2013

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El reconocido autor y conferencista católico Matt Fradd, nos ofrece información de primera mano sobre los cambios en las formas y maneras de acceso a la pornografía en el Internet, haciéndola aún más peligrosa y dañina que antes. Matt pone en nuestras manos su experiencia para ayudarnos a proteger a nuestros hijos, y nos enseña herramientas específicas para que los padres podamos hablar s... [More]

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Dr. Scott Hahn, beloved Catholic author, professor, and speaker celebrates the touchstones of Catholic life, guiding readers to a deeper faith through the Church’s rites, customs, and traditional prayers. This thorough and yet approachable guide to Catholic practices unveils the deep scriptural roots of our faith to help us better understand and, consequently, cherish our Catholic identity. Whe... [More]

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VIEW A SAMPLE“I finally understand the Catholic faith!” That's what many around the world say after watching the acclaimed Symbolon series: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. Now, the series host and renowned author Edward Sri takes us through the key aspects of the Catholic faith with the same clarity and beauty that he did in the video documentary, answering common questions, such as:... [More]

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Jeff Cavins, an internationally-recognized authority on Scripture, provides an ultra-practical guide on how to battle sin in the areas of our lives where we tend to fall, and he helps us examine the root causes of our sin in order to understand the “why” behind our actions. In this presentation, Jeff explains four major wounds that exist as part of our human nature, and he equips his listener... [More]

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El P. Ernesto María Caro es un sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Monterrey, México. En este audio nos acompaña a rezar el rosario a nuestra Madre Santísima y al inicio de cada misterio, el P. Caro nos ofrece una bella reflexión. Este es el cd 1 de 2 y contiene solamente los Misterios Gozosos y Dolorosos. El cd 2 contiene los Misterios Gloriosos y Luminosos, y puede ser adquirido junto a mucho... [More]

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El P. Ernesto María Caro es un sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Monterrey, México. En este audio nos acompaña a rezar el rosario a nuestra Madre Santísima y al inicio de cada misterio, el P. Caro nos ofrece una bella reflexión. Este es el cd 2 de 2. En este encontrarás los Misterios Gloriosos y Luminosos. El cd 1 contiene los Misteriosos Gozosos y Dolorosos, y puede ser adquirido junto a mu... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Mark with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set and the corresponding Study Guide.  Click here to watch a sample of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.  Is the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Lu... [More]

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View book sampleFor the first time ever, we are excited to offer a Spanish language book that is not a translation of a previously released English title. This book was written in Spanish by a native speaker specifically for the Spanish-speaking world. A wedding ring is something very special, and we normally wear it at all times because it signifies the most important things in our lives. It sym... [More]

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The realities of masculinity, femininity, and gender, and the relation of these to our identity, are being questioned like never before. Jason Evert, internationally-known Catholic speaker and author, leads the discussion beyond feelings to help us embrace an integrated understanding of the truth of our identity. Speaking the truth in love, he shows how the recognition of what our biology reveals ... [More]

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Why Believe? is a series unlike any other. It is truly a New Apologetics for the New Evangelization! Today, many Catholics confront daily the implicit claim that our secular culture provides fully for human happiness. Why Believe? responds directly to that claim by a compelling argument that faith in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, is the only adequate answer to the human heart’s desire... [More]

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Is the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John do not? Join Dr. Tim Gray in this powerful fourteen-part series to discover the Gospel of Mark like never before. Immerse yourself in this action-packed Gospel that offers Saint Peter’s account of Christ’s life and teaching. Delve deep into t... [More]

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Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the study of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear with Dr. Tim Gray and provides you with over 200 pages of impactful content.  Engaging and accessible, this 232 page study guide includes:  – the lectio divina approach for each session  – penetrating questions and insights for the fourte... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 124.95 Sale Price: 99.96  This leader kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio: Mark to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all fourteen episodes of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear on four DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes complete Study... [More]

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The newest title in the internationally best-selling "YOUCAT" series for youth and young adults, this outstanding Bible features the creative elements of the best-selling YOUCAT youth catechism and the DOCAT social teaching handbook. It's filled with engaging photos, clever and fun illustrations by YOUCAT's award-winning designer, insightful sidebar quotes from great thinkers, Catholic saints and... [More]

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This item is currently out of stock.In a time when technology penetrates our lives in so many ways and materialism exerts such a powerful influence over us, Cardinal Robert Sarah presents a bold book about the strength of silence. The modern world generates so much noise, he says, that seeking moments of silence has become both harder and more necessary than ever before. Silence is the indispensa... [More]

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This book provides a detailed, updated exposition and defense of five of the historically most important (but in recent years largely neglected) philosophical proofs of God’s existence: the Aristotelian, the Neo-Platonic, the Augustinian, the Thomistic, and the Rationalist. It also offers a thorough treatment of each of the key divine attributes—unity, simplicity, eternity, omnipotence, omni... [More]

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One of America's most prominent public intellectuals brings thirty-five years of experience in Washington and Rome to bear in analyzing the turbulence that characterizes world politics, American public life, and the Catholic Church in the early twenty-first century. In these bracing essays, George Weigel reads such events as the First World War, the collapse of Communism, and the Obama and Trump ... [More]

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This book offers a clear, beautiful exposition of Catholic beliefs about Mary. Not a history or a compendium, it was written by a Carmelite monk who spent decades praying and pondering the mysteries of the faith concerning the Mother of Jesus. Catholic Mariology has matured through centuries of meditation upon both the Bible and the Church's faith in the Incarnation. The Marian dogmas of the Chur... [More]

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