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Products by Fr. Dave Pivonka

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Unleash the Holy Spirit in Your Life In this professionally filmed and cinematographically stunning series, Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR will lead you on an unforgettable journey around the world and into the very heart of God. Discover the immense power and beauty of the unconditional love of God that is the Holy Spirit. Why the Name: “The Wild Goose” The “Wild Goose” was a term that the ancient... [More]

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Discover the Holy Spirit AnewThe Holy Spirit desires a relationship with us that will take us on the greatest adventure imaginable; a journey to the very heart of God. This book is meant to act as a journal for this adventure. In the first section of this journal, you will find a guide for The Wild Goose series. This guide will be a reference for discussion and reflection on the topics covered in ... [More]

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