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Products by Sr. Bethany Madonna

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Sister Bethany Madonna, vocations director for the Sisters of Life, shares how God not only wants us to know him, but also to give us the desires of our heart and gifts that bring purpose, meaning, and hope. She makes it clear that “receiving is the gift that we give” to the Lord and that he wants to be invited into every aspect of our lives. Speaking from her own life experience, Sister Betha... [More]

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Our weaknesses and our wounds can often make us feel inadequate. But as Sr. Bethany Madonna, S.V. illustrates with her insightful humor and profoundly memorable stories, bringing these weaknesses and wounds to God the Father can allow us to become strong with the Father's strength, and to be healed by the Healer. “The Father Himself loves you... He wants to be with you, at every moment; in every... [More]

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