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From Atheism to Catholicism: My Conversion Diary

From Atheism to Catholicism: My Conversion Diary

Jennifer Fulwiler is a popular writer and speaker from Austin, Texas. In this compelling presentation, she recalls her spiritual journey —one which ultimately led her to enter the Catholic Church after having lived a life of atheism. Jennifer is a regular contributor to the National Catholic Register and frequently appears on Catholic radio and EWTN. Her highly anticipated book, Something Other Than God, is now available in an audio book format.


I enjoyed the straightforwardness.The audio was detailed but summarized. Vanessa - Corsicana, TX
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Conversion Stories
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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 34 ratings

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Spanish - Del Ateismo al Catolicismo: La Historia de Mi

Spanish - Del Ateismo al Catolicismo: La Historia de Mi

Jennifer Fulwiler es una escritora y conferencista popular de Austin, Texas. En esta presentación conmovedora, nos narra su camino espiritual, un camino que la trajo a la Iglesia Católica, después de haber crecido como atea. Jennifer contribuye regularmente en el periódico National Catholic Register y frecuentemente es invitada de la radio católica y la cadena EWTN. Su libro en inglés, Something Other Than God, está disponible en formato de audiolibro en el sitio del Augustine Institute.

English Translation: From Atheism to Catholicism: My Conversion Diary
Jennifer Fulwiler is a popular writer and speaker from Austin, Texas. In this compelling presentation, she recalls her spiritual journey—one which ultimately led her to enter the Catholic Church after having lived a life of atheism. Jennifer is a regular contributor to the National Catholic Register and frequently appears on Catholic radio and EWTN. Her best-selling book, Something Other Than God, is now available in an audio book format.


¡Un testimonio impresionante de cómo el poder del Espíritu Santo dirigió a una mujer en su búsqueda de la verdad! Nancy - Union City, TN
Inspirational, Personal Growth, Spanish, Conversion Stories
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Average Rating: 5.00 based on 1 ratings

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Switching Sides

Switching Sides

Jennifer Fulwiler is a popular writer and speaker from Austin, Texas, and frequently appears on Catholic radio and EWTN. In this eye-opening presentation, she explains how her original support for abortion was based on love (and lies). Through sound logic and scientific proof, Jennifer chronicles how she came to accept the truth about abortion.


I liked that it is a personal journey of pro choice to life.. I identify with that.. It brought up the topic of the relationship between sex and life in a way I have never heard.. I wasn’t raised that way and didn’t know to raise my daughters that way so feel badly about that. Linda - Portland , OR
Inspirational, Pro-Life, Conversion Stories
Add CD | $4.50
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Average Rating: 4.75 based on 4 ratings

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