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This is the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase Beloved with Spanish dubbed audio. What if Marriage is more than you think it is? What if, woven into the very fabric of your humanity, is a purposeful desire placed there by God that will play a vital part in his work in the world? No matter how long you’ve been married, it’s always a good time to discover the deepest s... [More]

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This is the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase Beloved with Spanish dubbed audio. What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than a simple contract between two people, based on romance, mutual fulfillment, and basic attraction? What if woven into the very design of your humanity is a purposeful desire for you to be united with your beloved, creating something new, myster... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.41 based on 17 ratings
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Beloved is now available with Spanish audio!This special Spanish/English Parish Edition DVD set contains all the sessions of the standard Parish Edition set but also offers Spanish as a language option in the DVD menu. Now you can watch Beloved in English or with Spanish dubbed audio. What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than a simple contract between two people, based on romance, mutual ful... [More]

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Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession provides the Church’s teaching about the sacrament of Confession, including a practical “walk through” of what happens in the confessional and how every moment connects to Scripture, Catholic Tradition, and God’s passionate desire to be with you. The 6-disc Parish Edition DVD Set includes helpful catechetical methods, strategies to promote Co... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.67 based on 3 ratings
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 ¿Estás siguiendo a Jesús ‘por el camino’?¿Es el Evangelio de San Marcos solamente una versión reducida de la vida de Jesús? ¿Qué nos ofrece este, el más corto de todos los evangelios, que Mateo, Lucas o Juan no ofrecen? Acompaña a Luis Soto en esta serie de 10 episodios, totalmente en español, para profundizar en el conocimiento del Evangelio de San Marcos, como nunca antes lo... [More]

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Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the “source and summit” of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture, to its profound role in the life of the Church and its members. It is the crescendo of the entire story of salvation. Cl... [More]

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Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the “source and summit” of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture, to its profound role in the life of the Church and its members. It is the crescendo of the entire story of salvation. Cl... [More]

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Average Rating: 5.00 based on 6 ratings
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Is Baptism a traditional rite, an important symbol, an excuse to celebrate the arrival of a baby with a family photo op? What if there is a lot more to Baptism than you may realize? What if your child’s spiritual life, happiness, and future hinges on what happens in Baptism?Watch the trailer for Reborn nowReborn: You, Your Child, and the Heart of Baptism (Home Edition) is a new three-DVD video s... [More]

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More than a traditional rite, an important symbol, or an excuse for a family photo op at church, Baptism is a pivotal spiritual experience that parishioners often take for granted, or simply don’t understand. With Reborn: You, Your Child and the Heart of Baptism, the true meaning of Baptism comes alive for everyone involved in the baptism of a child.Through six DVDs Reborn explores the deeply pe... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.25 based on 4 ratings
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 More than a traditional rite, an important symbol, or an excuse for a family photo op at church, Baptism is a pivotal spiritual experience that parishioners often take for granted, or simply don’t understand. With Reborn: You, Your Child and the Heart of Baptism, the true meaning of Baptism comes alive for everyone involved in the baptism of a child.Through six DVDs Reborn explores the dee... [More]

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The Search is a video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This Blu-Ray set includes seven episodes that will help viewers reignite their love for the journey of life and open their hearts to the transcendent."About The Search" Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questi... [More]

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The Search is a video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. This DVD set includes seven episodes that will help viewers reignite their love for the journey of life and open their hearts to the transcendent."About The Search" Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions,... [More]

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In the ten episodes of Part 1 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, we journey through the core teachings of the Catholic Church with the goal of knowing the Faith. Join Dr. Edward Sri and his team of experts as they systematically walk through the story of salvation, traced out by the Catechism. Using the Creed as our guide, we move from creation and the fall, to Christ’s redemptive D... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.24 based on 33 ratings
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In the ten episodes of Part 2 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, we continue our walk through the story of salvation and the teachings of the Church, this time exploring the key to fully living the Faith. As we unpack the ways that we encounter God in our lives, we discover the transforming power of God’s grace in the seven sacraments and consider some of the critical moral issues of ou... [More]

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Average Rating: 5.00 based on 3 ratings
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