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The Incredible Mind of G.K. Chesterton

The Incredible Mind of G.K. Chesterton

Dale Ahlquist, founder of the American Chesterton Society, masterfully presents the genius of Catholic convert and 20th century literary giant G.K. Chesterton. He shares how this “King of Satire” predicted many of the societal ills of our day and pointed out the remedies for them. Discover the wisdom of this literary critic, playwright, novelist, Catholic theologian, and apologist.


Don't understand why we (Catholics) don't hear more about these kind of inspiring individuals who can help us all understand our faith so much better by their simple words and their life example. Thank you also to Bishop Barron for helping make GKC known as such a Pivitol Player! Orest - Sterling Heights, MI
Apologetics, Personal Growth
Add CD | $4.50
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