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Craig Turner is a columnist syndicated through Griffin Communications. His articles reach more than 5,000 newspapers in North America.

The Epic Journey of Catholic Explorer Cabeza de Vaca

The Epic Journey of Catholic Explorer Cabeza de Vaca

In 1527, Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca led an expedition to Florida. Craig Turner here tells this amazing story — a tale of shipwrecks and slavery, of miracles, battles, apparitions, privations and hardship, of spies and bribery, of human sacrifice, and above all, an astonishing journey through a wilderness that took all but four lives out of three hundred. Those who sought to gain the most fared the worst, and those who accepted their terrible fate performed miracles.


This particular talk by Mr. Turner was particularly intriguing and interesting because of the non-fictional and historically accurate story of Cabeza de Vaca; particularly because he is a figure that one would never consider to research and/or learn about however the story was truly epic. My wife loved this talk as well; she really enjoyed the history and the story. Casey - Nashville, TN
Inspirational, SALE!
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Average Rating: 3.75 based on 8 ratings

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Our Lady of Fatima and the Fall of Communism

Our Lady of Fatima and the Fall of Communism

Prepare for Advent and Christmas! Re-stock your kiosk with 20% off quantities of 5 or more on this Marian title. Offer valid until December 31, 2019 or while supplies last!

Craig Turner, a well-respected journalist and researcher, shares the unmistakable connection between the apparitions of our Blessed Mother at Fatima in 1917 and the fall of communism in Europe more than seventy years later. This talk is sure to provide a greater awareness of the motherly help and protection that Mary offers mankind through her powerful intercession. The importance of entrusting ourselves to her care has never been so evident as it is today.


Very educational and eye opening presentation, it has definitely increased my faith in God and the works of our beloved Virgin Mary. Thanks for what you do. Many Blessings Eneida - Calgary, AB
Inspirational, Mary, Spiritual Warfare, Our Lady of Fatima
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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 5 ratings

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