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Jason Evert

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Within every heart is a battlefield between love and lust. In this presentation, Jason Evert discusses the strategies necessary to win the war and uproot the vice of pornography once and for all. Jason is an internationally known Catholic author and speaker. He has spoken to more than one million people around the world and is the author of more than a dozen books, including "Pure Manhood" and "Theology of His Body".

Some material may not be suitable for children as this talk deals with adult content.

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Customer Comments

This talk is very good and points to the way for men to avoid Pornography. This talk provides insights and conviction to everyone who hears it. Andrew-TX
What a powerful tool to share about the reality of the dangers of pornography, both to self and others. This talk was a perfect combination of science, true stories, personal experience, Church teachings and humor will allow me to share this to many experiencing the addiction of pornography. Tessie- CA
Jason Evert, widely acclaimed speaker on the topic of pornography, talks openly about this very delicate subject. He definitely does not mince words. Beware, this talk is very powerful! Julie- Sterling, VA
Jason provides a logical reply to porn and clearly shows all its consequences. Highly recommend this talk for all men. Zach- Sandy Hook, CT
With humor and great testimony, Jason Evert never fails to inspire me to live in purity. We must not be afraid to live a pure life. Mickey- Philly, PA
Witty, Insightful, Inspiring, Strategic...in one word "Brilliant"! Every male teenager and older needs to listen to this presentation! I wish I had known these tools when I was 13 years old! Doug- Union City, TN
Strategically-brilliant approach for demolishing the power of lust! Nance-TN
Jason Evert always comes through with a tough topic mixed with humor to make his points. Norm-Biloxi, MS
This talk would change your life...today... if you let your guardian angel help. How? Just listen!! Ray-L.A.
Simply one of the best CDs I've heard! Engaging and funny - and VERY informative. JP- Cali
Thank you to Jason Evert for tackling a difficult topic with honesty and forthrightness. His prescription for prayer and fasting to combat the cancer that is pornography is a much needed tool we all need to arm ourselves with. Darlene- Essex, VT
Jason pulled no punches telling me of the mutilation of the soul that comes about through pornography, and yet he left me with a heart burning with love! Mike-St. Paul, MN
Lecture on Theology of the Body, how pornography destroys and is an inversion to love and the beauty of God's creation. I also loved how he pointed out that the Crucifix is a masculine symbol. Christopher - Finksburg, MD
The context it provided went beyond the core theme of pornography and opened up a greater appreciation for the fairer sex (for me as a guy) Jonathan - Santa Cruz
It was very practical and funny. It showed the human dimensions of the whole problem -> can be used as an inspiration for youth education
A very relevant topic and presented in a way which was easy to understand. Ivica - Sydney, NSW
more please p - OH