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Going Deeper: A Reasoned Exploration of God and Truth

Leo Severino

The vast majority of human beings believe in a higher power, but few can clearly and articulately explain what they believe in or why. When it comes to explaining one's beliefs, most rely on intuition or personal experience, relegating faith to the realm of subjective judgment as opposed to objective truth. In Going Deeper: A Reasoned Exploration of God and Truth, Leo Severino presents a systematic, easy-to-understand, journey that grounds the certitude of faith in logic and reason. The author maps out a train of thought that begins with everyday events, reasons its way through proofs of the existence of God, then goes on to describe the deep purpose inscribed in every human heart. For those not well versed in theology or philosophy, this book is an accessible way to tether matters of faith to demonstrable premises and logical conclusions. For those with deeper theological formation, this book will provide fresh perspectives on the classic arguments that demonstrate how faith and reason go hand in hand.

About the Author

Leo Severino earned degrees, with honors, in Philosophy and Law from the University of Southern California. He worked as a young lawyer in the world of corporate transactions before transitioning to filmmaking, working at 20th Century Fox before co-founding Metanoia Films. Leo has written and produced several feature films including Bella and Little Boy. This book is the fruit of years of theological studies and teaching classes on the Christian faith.

Product Details

–Format: Paperback
–Size: 5.2 x .4
–Height: 7.9
–155 Pages

Praise for Going Deeper

This book is a rare gem: a pity, engaging, and creative book on logic and basic philosophy that is never dull, pedantic, or even predictable. Severino's gifts as a thinker and communicator are as impressive as they are unassuming.

–Carl Olson, Editor, Catholic World Report; Author, Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?

With atheism and agnosticism on the rise, and in the face of changing cultural attitudes, Going Deeper is a breath of fresh air and a shot in the arm.

–Steve Ray, Author, Crossing the Tiber; Host, The Footprints of God film series

Going Deeper walks you through questions that every person has asked from the beginning of time.

–Terry Barber, Author, How to Share Your Faith with Anyone

Many people think faith and reason are at odds. Leo Severino's careful reasoning shows why that idea is mistaken. God's existence and human purpose are knowable, starting from deep reflection on something as simple as a leaf.

–Mark P. Shea, Author, By What Authority?

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Apologetics, Evangelization

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Praise for Something Other Than God

"This heartfelt book is a lovely account of a spiritual journey and a charming memoir. The author's epiphanies are wonderfully conveyed and will resonate with readers."
— Dean Koontz, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author

"Thought-provoking, honest, and often hilarious. It will strike a chord with anyone who ever posed --or tried unsuccessfully to avoid-- the big questions of life."
— Gretchen Rubin, New York Times Bestselling Author, The Happiness Project

"With warmth and unflinching candor, Fulwiler leads us through a personal journey of faith that is as funny as it is affecting."
— Raymond Arroyo, TV Host, The World Over

"Something Other Than God joins science, faith, and reason in an engrossing read."
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