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Homosexuality - Booklet

Catholic Answers

What does the Church actually teach about same-sex attraction?

If God created certain people gay, how can we say that it’s sinful for them to live that way?

Why should we listen to the Old Testament’s condemnation of homosexuality when Jesus never said anything about it?

Howe can we build authentic bridges of understanding with friends and family members who experience same-sex attraction?

In an age where marriage and the family are being redefined and traditional Christian moral norms recast as “hate,” it’s more important than ever to understand and be able to defend those things. 20 Answers: Homosexuality provides a faithful look at what the Bible, the Church, the natural law, and science have to say about same-sex attraction, and how we as Catholics and as a culture can respond with undiluted truth and compassionate love.


About the 20 Answers Series

The 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.


Booklet Details

Published year: 2015
Booklet size: 4.25" x 7"
74 pages

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Church Teaching, Evangelization, Booklets

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About the 20 Answers Series

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