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Santos para Hoy - Book

Jerome K. Williams

¿Quiénes son los verdaderos transformadores de nuestra humanidad? ¿los exploradores? ¿los científicos? ¿los revolucionarios? ¿los rebeldes contra la autoridad establecida? O, mejor dicho, ¿los santos? Santos para hoy explora en detalle las vidas de los líderes que guiaron el resurgimiento de la Iglesia de las cenizas que había dejado la época del renacimiento, y la turbulencia y confusión causadas por la reforma protestante. Estos santos del tiempo de la reforma protestante nos muestran el poder y la belleza de la respuesta libre del corazón humano a la gracia generosa de Dios, convirtiéndose en Santos para hoy.

Jerome K. Williams nos ofrece lecciones importantes para nuestros días, sacadas de las vidas de estos cuatro grandes santos que transformaron la historia de la Iglesia:

o   San Ignacio de Loyola

o   San Francisco Javier

o   Santa Teresa de Ávila  

o   San Juan de la Cruz

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The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation of Christ

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The spiritual classic The Imitation of Christ, the second most widely-read spiritual book after the Bible, has had an astonishing impact on the spiritual lives of countless saints, peasants, and popes for centuries. Even today, the soul-searching words of the fifteenth-century cleric Thomas à Kempis continue to resonate, unbounded by time or geography. Drawing on the Bible, the Fathers of the early Church, and medieval mysticism, his four-part treatise shrugs off the allure of the material world, blending beauty and bluntness in a supremely spiritual call-to-arms.

This beautiful translation by Ronald Knox and Michael Oakley is considered by many teachers, writers, and readers to be the best English translation ever, and one that greatly enhances the life-changing insights of Thomas à Kempis.

About the Author

Thomas à Kempis (1379–1471) was born in the diocese of Cologne and educated by the Order of Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life at Deventer, in the Netherlands. He lived for seventy years among the Canons Regular of Windesheim at Mount St. Agnes, a monastery near Zwolle, where he was twice elected superior and once made procurator. He spent his life reading, writing, and copying manuscripts.

About the Translator

Ronald Knox, a convert from Anglicanism and a well-known Catholic priest and author in England from 1920 to 1960, was educated at Eton and Oxford. He translated the Latin Vulgate Bible into English and wrote numerous spiritual books including The Hidden Stream, The Belief of Catholics, Captive Flames, and Pastoral and Occasional Sermons.

Product Details

224 Pages
Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2017

Praise for The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation has come to be seen as the major work of the devotio moderna, which was characterized by psychological insight and an orderly study of the path to contemplation and the love of God. If we could construct a composite picture of all great Christians—Catholic or non-Catholic—of the last five hundred years who found The Imitation substantially beneficial, enlightening, and inspiring, we would need no further proof that familiarity with this great classic is an integral part of a mature spiritual life and even a path to holiness.”

–Father Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R., Author of Arise from Darkness


Spanish - El Anillo Es Para Siempre

Spanish - El Anillo Es Para Siempre

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For the first time ever, we are excited to offer a Spanish language book that is not a translation of a previously released English title. This book was written in Spanish by a native speaker specifically for the Spanish-speaking world.

A wedding ring is something very special, and we normally wear it at all times because it signifies the most important things in our lives. It symbolizes our marriage relationship, our family, our children, our home, and the blessings of God, as well as many other things. Fr. Ángel asks: “How can such a small object— a ring—signify something so great: love and fidelity?”

In these pages, he offers us the answer. With a simple approach to the marital commitment, and using the visible appearance of the wedding ring, Fr. Ángel teaches us about the profound plan that God has for marriage. In his unique style, he brings us from tears to laughter, oftentimes on the same page, to remind us that, like the ring, marriage is forever.

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About the Author

Fr. Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros Gómez Haro is a Catholic priest who was born in Puebla, México. He has a degree in the Classical Humanities from the Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos de Salamanca in Spain. He studied philosophy in the Pontifical Gregorian University and theology in the Ateneo Regina Apostolorum in Rome from which he received a degree in Moral Theology and another in Bioethics. Since he was ordained as a priest in November 1994, he has worked as a youth counselor and later as a family counselor in Mexico, Colombia, Italy, and France. Fr. Angel has given more than 2000 conferences around the world on the topics of the family, family values, and spirituality. His internet talks have received millions of visits, and he is one of the most popular Catholic speakers in the Spanish-speaking world.


Aprendiendo a amar - Book

Aprendiendo a amar - Book

“Amor con amor se paga” dice uno de los refranes más conocidos de la sabiduría popular. Pero ¿se puede realmente pagar por el amor? De hecho, ¿sabemos lo que es el amor?

A pesar de todas las contradicciones, las ideologías erróneas y engaños sociales, tenemos sed de amor auténtico. Estamos luchando una fuerte batalla y tenemos que rescatar el amor, sobretodo porque nuestras familias dependen del resultado. La familia es la institución que Dios creó para que experimentemos el amor y, por lo tanto, comprendamos que fuimos creados para el amor. En este libro emprenderás un viaje que abrirá tus ojos, mente y corazón para experimentar el verdadero amor.

El Padre Agustino Torres es un Fraile Franciscano de la Renovación, CFR y se dedica al trabajo con los pobres y la evangelización en el Bronx, NY y Paterson, NJ. Originalmente del sur de Texas y de origen mexicano, es presidente y fundador de Corazón Puro, conductor de “Clic con Corazón Puro” en EWTN y conferencista internacional.

Product Details

– 132 Pages
– 5.25" x 8"


¿Qué pueden saber del amor un papa anciano y un monje franciscano? Al leer este libro descrubrirán que mucho. El Padre Agustino nos lleva con su humor y profunda sabiduría junto a las enseñanzas de San Juan Pablo II en un camino que, si decidimos seguir, nos cambiará la vida. Enrique Duprat, VP de EWTN

How to Pray the Rosary - Booklet

How to Pray the Rosary - Booklet

In this handy little guide, best-selling author Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, teaches you how to pray the Rosary well and why it matters, addressing issues such as:
• Why pray the Rosary?
• How long should a well-prayed Rosary take?
• What are the graces attached to praying the Rosary?
• How can I become a champion of the Rosary?

Our Lady needs Rosary champions to help bring peace in the world. Will you answer her call to prayer?


Quiero Ser Santo

Quiero Ser Santo

"Sean perfectos, como el Padre celestial es perfecto" (Mt 5, 48), es un eco de la petición que el Levítico hacía al pueblo judío en la antigüedad: "Sean santos, porque yo Yavéh, su Dios, soy un Dios santo" (Lev 11, 44-45).

Cuando Jesús o la Sagrada Escritura nos invita a esta perfección en el actuar o a la santidad a semejanza de nuestro Dios que nos ha creado a su imagen y semejanza (Gen 1, 26), inmediatamente nos salta a la mente, ¿es esto posible? ¿No es una encomienda desmesurada fuera del alcance de una persona promedio?

La santidad es una de las maneras en que el Dios del Antiguo Testamento se mostró para con su pueblo, aunque Israel siempre la interpretó como un distanciamiento, en Jesús es más bien el modo por el cual Dios nos transforma en criaturas semejantes a su Hijo.

La iglesia es Santa porque su fundador, Cristo, es Santo y porque el Espíritu Santo, su guía y sostén, es Santo. Los cristianos somos llamados a esta docilidad al Espíritu Santo para que se muestre al mundo la presencia del Señor que da al Espíritu Santificador.

¿Y quién ha sido dócil a ese plan en comunión con Jesús y fiel al Espíritu Santo? María, la siempre fiel y dócil a Dios. El Padre Ernesto María Caro, hace un recorrido en este proceso por el que María fue siempre la Llena de Gracia, la que dijo Sí al Señor, la primera que hizo "todo cuanto Jesús le dijo" (Jn 2,5).


Padre Pio - Booklet

Padre Pio - Booklet

Canonized on the 16th June 2002, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, better known as Padre Pio, had already become one of the saints whose intercession is most called upon, often with amazing effect. Padre Pio received the stigmata, worked many miracles and is said to have often bilocated. Yet as Jim Gallagher beautifully recounts, it was for his holiness as a priest and selfless ministry in the confessional that Padre Pio will ever be remembered among the saints.


SPANISH - Symbolon: La Explicación de la fe Católica (The Catholic Faith Explained)

SPANISH - Symbolon: La Explicación de la fe Católica (The Catholic Faith Explained)


“¡Por fin comprendo la fe católica!”

Eso es lo que dicen muchos alrededor del mundo después de ver la aclamada serie Symbolon: La explicación de la fe católica. Ahora, el conductor de la serie y reconocido autor Edward Sri nos lleva por los aspectos claves de la fe católica con la misma claridad y belleza que lo hizo en el documental en video, respondiendo a preguntas comunes, tales como:

– ¿Por qué necesito la Iglesia? ¿Basta con ser solamente espiritual?
– ¡No quieras imponer tu moral en mí! ¿Quién eres tu para juzgarme?
– ¿De verdad tenemos la responsabilidad de ayudar a los pobres
– ¿Por qué los católicos veneran a la Virgen?
– Por qué debo confesar mis pecados a un sacerdote?
– ¿Cómo puedo creer que la Biblia es realmente inspirada por Dios?

Este libro es excelente para programas de formación para adultos, para familias y para RICA. Su estilo fácil de leer, apela tanto al intelecto como al corazón del lector y lo lleva a entender y vivir de manera profunda la fe católica.

Elogios Para Symbolon: La Explicación de la fe Católica

Este libro será un descubrimiento para muchas personas. El Dr. Sri nos presenta el amor divino como el hilo conductor de la lógica de la fe católica, lo que la da sentido a todo lo que creemos y hacemos como católicos. Su presentación es clara y simple y va directo al corazón del tema (y de los lectores).
–Scott Hahn, autor, El regreso a casa, el regreso a Roma

La Iglesia es la novia cuya belleza hablará por si misma cuando se le quite el velo. Eso es lo que hace el Dr. Sri en este libro que se caracteriza por su caridad y claridad, mientras revela la riqueza y armonía de la fe católica.
–Jason Evert, autor, San Juan Pablo el Grande

Un maravilloso recurso catequético que se puede usar para RCIA, grupos de formación en la fe o catequéticos.
–Scott Hahn, Profesor de Catequesis, Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville

– Abridged version of
Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained

Sobre El Autor

El Dr. Edward Sri es teólogo, conferencista internacional y autor de varios libros que son éxistos de ventas, tales como Un recorrido bíblico por la misa y ¿Quién soy yo para juzgar? Es el anfitrión de varias series de formaciónen video, incluyendo Symbolon: La explicación de la fe católica. Es uno de los fundadores, junto a Curtis Martin, de FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), professor adjunto del Augustine Institute y Vicepresidente de formación para FOCUS. Para más información visite www.edwardsri.com.

English Translation

“I finally understand the Catholic faith!”

That's what many around the world say after watching the acclaimed Symbolon series: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. Now, the series host and renowned author Edward Sri takes us through the key aspects of the Catholic faith with the same clarity and beauty that he did in the video documentary, answering common questions, such as:

–Why do I need the Church? Is it enough to be only spiritual?
– Don't impose your morals on me! Who are you to judge me?
– Do we really have the responsibility to help the poor?
– Why do Catholics worship Mary?
– Why should I confess my sins to a priest?
– How can I believe that the Bible is really inspired by God?

This book is excellent for formation programs for adults, families, and RCIA. The easy-to-read style appeals to both the intellect and the heart of the reader and leads him to understand and live deeply the Catholic faith.

Praise for Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith

This book will be a discovery for many people. Dr. Sri presents divine love as the guiding thread of the logic of the Catholic faith, which gives meaning to everything we believe as Catholics. Its presentation is clear and simple and goes straight to the heart of the subject (and the readers).
–Scott Hahn, author, Rome Sweet Home

The Church is the bride whose beauty will speak for itself when the veil is removed. That is what Dr. Sri does in this book that is characterized by his charity and clarity, while revealing the richness and harmony of the Catholic faith.
–Jason Evert, author, St. John Paul the Great

A wonderful catechetical resource that can be used for RCIA, faith formation or catechetical groups.
–Scott Hahn, Professor of Catechesis, Franciscan University of Steubenville

Product Details

– Paperback
– 2018
– 259 Pages
– Abridged version of Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained

About the Author

Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, international lecturer and author of several bestselling books, such as A Biblical Walk Through the Mass and Who Am I to Judge? He is the host of several video formation series, including Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. He is one of the founders, together with Curtis Martin, of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), associate professor at the Augustine Institute and Vice President of Formation for FOCUS. For more information visit www.edwardsri.com.


Fatima for Today

Fatima for Today

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Though the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima took place almost a hundred years ago, Our Lady’s call to prayer and penance for the salvation of souls and peace in the world is as relevant now as when first delivered to three Portuguese peasant children in 1917.

At the peak of World War I, Our Lady warned us of another possible worldwide conflict, the rise and spread of Communism, and a terrible persecution of the Church, unless people repented of their sins and returned to God. She also requested devotion to her Immaculate Heart and a special consecration of Russia.

Much of what Our Lady of Fatima said was revealed soon after her appearances, but the third and final “secret,” which was not a message but a prophetic vision seen by the children, was not unveiled by the Vatican until 2000. Pope John Paul II, who read the third secret while recovering from the attempt upon his life in 1981, believed the vision signified the sufferings the Church had endured in the twentieth century.

Because of the prophetic nature of her messages, the story of Our Lady of Fatima has been the subject of much controversy and speculation. In his book, Fr. Andrew Apostoli, an acclaimed expert on Fatima, carefully analyzes the events and messages at Fatima and clears up lingering questions and doubts about their meaning. He also challenges the reader to hear anew the call of Our Lady to prayer and sacrifice, for the world is ever in need of generous hearts willing to make reparation for those in danger of losing their way to God.

About the Author:

Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R., a founding member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, has been teaching and preaching retreats and parish missions for several decades. He is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on the apparitions at Fatima. He is the author of numerous books, including Following Mary to Jesus and Walk Humbly with Your God. Fr. Apostoli is the vice-postulator for the cause of the canonization of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. A frequent host on EWTN, he hosted the TV special “Our Lady of Fatima and the First Saturday Devotion”.

Book Details:

Abridged Edition
209 Pages
Book Size: 5.25 x 8