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Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know-(Hardcover)- Book

Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know-(Hardcover)- Book

Series Summary

The new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Previously published titles in this series include what every Catholic should know about Literature, Salvation, and God.

Book Summary

In Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know, Suzie Andres focuses on those doctrines, customs, traditions, and practices which have been, for centuries, at the very heart of Catholic faith and practice. 

Topics covered include:

    The Seven Sacraments
    The Layout of a Church
    Details and Process of the Mass
    Catholic Doctrine on Mary
    The Communion of Saints
    The Liturgical Year
    Popes, Bishops, Priests, and Religious Life
    Different Rites (Latin, Byzantine, Alexandrian, etc.) 

“Cradle Catholic, Convert, or Curious Inquirer . . . you will quickly find there are more Catholic customs, traditions, habits, and points of etiquette than articles of the Creed, and so, for easier access, my bet is that you will find it handy to have all this lore in one short book.” —From Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know 

About the Author

Suzie Andres, a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College and the University of Notre Dame, lives and writes in Southern California. She is the editor of Selected Sermons of Thomas Aquinas McGovern, S.J., and author of Homeschooling with Gentleness, A Little Way of Homeschooling, and the Catholic romantic comedy The Paradise Project. You can find her blog, “Miss Marcel’s Musings” at suzieandres.com, where you’ll also find links to her books, online articles, and book lists for all ages.

Suzie Andres
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Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know-(Paperback)- Book

Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know-(Paperback)- Book

Series Summary

The new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Previously published titles in this series include what every Catholic should know about Literature, Salvation, and God.

Book Summary

In Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know, Suzie Andres focuses on those doctrines, customs, traditions, and practices which have been, for centuries, at the very heart of Catholic faith and practice. 

Topics covered include:

    The Seven Sacraments
    The Layout of a Church
    Details and Process of the Mass
    Catholic Doctrine on Mary
    The Communion of Saints
    The Liturgical Year
    Popes, Bishops, Priests, and Religious Life
    Different Rites (Latin, Byzantine, Alexandrian, etc.) 

“Cradle Catholic, Convert, or Curious Inquirer . . . you will quickly find there are more Catholic customs, traditions, habits, and points of etiquette than articles of the Creed, and so, for easier access, my bet is that you will find it handy to have all this lore in one short book.” —From Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know 

About the Author

Suzie Andres, a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College and the University of Notre Dame, lives and writes in Southern California. She is the editor of Selected Sermons of Thomas Aquinas McGovern, S.J., and author of Homeschooling with Gentleness, A Little Way of Homeschooling, and the Catholic romantic comedy The Paradise Project. You can find her blog, “Miss Marcel’s Musings” at suzieandres.com, where you’ll also find links to her books, online articles, and book lists for all ages.

Suzie Andres
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God: What Every Catholic Should Know - Paperback

God: What Every Catholic Should Know - Paperback

If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recognition that God is central to the Faith, but we encounter misconceptions about God all the time. In an effort to clear up these misconceptions, this book addresses three major concepts—the nature of God, the Trinity, and the Incarnation—so that we may strengthen our faith and our ability to communicate it to other people.

Some of us might protest that we are not smart enough to do theology and that less is more when it comes to contemplating the divine. But if God is perfect, wonderful, all goodness, love itself—as the Bible tells us in 1 John 4:8—it would be strange indeed if we did not want to give our whole selves to God, including our minds. After all, the Lord himself tells us: “you shall love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30).

Series Summary

The new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership.

About the Author

Elizabeth Klein is an Assistant Professor of Theology at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. She received her doctorate from the University of Notre Dame in 2016 and is also the author of Augustine’s Theology of Angels (Cambridge University Press, 2018). She is originally from Ontario, Canada, and now lives in Denver with her husband and two sons.


Elizabeth Klein has written a splendid book. Its readable style and accessible presentation belie its sophistication and depth, and make for an introductory book that is also engaging, even for advanced readers. The last chapter is sublime and alone worth the price of the book. —John C. Cavadini, Professor of Theology and Director of the McGrath Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame
Elizabeth Klein
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God: What Every Catholic Should Know - Hardcover

God: What Every Catholic Should Know - Hardcover

If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recognition that God is central to the Faith, but we encounter misconceptions about God all the time. In an effort to clear up these misconceptions, this book addresses three major concepts—the nature of God, the Trinity, and the Incarnation—so that we may strengthen our faith and our ability to communicate it to other people.

Some of us might protest that we are not smart enough to do theology and that less is more when it comes to contemplating the divine. But if God is perfect, wonderful, all goodness, love itself—as the Bible tells us in 1 John 4:8—it would be strange indeed if we did not want to give our whole selves to God, including our minds. After all, the Lord himself tells us: “you shall love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30).

Series Summary

The new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership.

About the Author

Elizabeth Klein is an Assistant Professor of Theology at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. She received her doctorate from the University of Notre Dame in 2016 and is also the author of Augustine’s Theology of Angels (Cambridge University Press, 2018). She is originally from Ontario, Canada, and now lives in Denver with her husband and two sons.


Elizabeth Klein has written a splendid book. Its readable style and accessible presentation belie its sophistication and depth, and make for an introductory book that is also engaging, even for advanced readers. The last chapter is sublime and alone worth the price of the book. —John C. Cavadini, Professor of Theology and Director of the McGrath Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame
Elizabeth Klein
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SPANISH - Symbolon: La Explicación de la fe Católica (The Catholic Faith Explained)

SPANISH - Symbolon: La Explicación de la fe Católica (The Catholic Faith Explained)


“¡Por fin comprendo la fe católica!”

Eso es lo que dicen muchos alrededor del mundo después de ver la aclamada serie Symbolon: La explicación de la fe católica. Ahora, el conductor de la serie y reconocido autor Edward Sri nos lleva por los aspectos claves de la fe católica con la misma claridad y belleza que lo hizo en el documental en video, respondiendo a preguntas comunes, tales como:

– ¿Por qué necesito la Iglesia? ¿Basta con ser solamente espiritual?
– ¡No quieras imponer tu moral en mí! ¿Quién eres tu para juzgarme?
– ¿De verdad tenemos la responsabilidad de ayudar a los pobres
– ¿Por qué los católicos veneran a la Virgen?
– Por qué debo confesar mis pecados a un sacerdote?
– ¿Cómo puedo creer que la Biblia es realmente inspirada por Dios?

Este libro es excelente para programas de formación para adultos, para familias y para RICA. Su estilo fácil de leer, apela tanto al intelecto como al corazón del lector y lo lleva a entender y vivir de manera profunda la fe católica.

Elogios Para Symbolon: La Explicación de la fe Católica

Este libro será un descubrimiento para muchas personas. El Dr. Sri nos presenta el amor divino como el hilo conductor de la lógica de la fe católica, lo que la da sentido a todo lo que creemos y hacemos como católicos. Su presentación es clara y simple y va directo al corazón del tema (y de los lectores).
–Scott Hahn, autor, El regreso a casa, el regreso a Roma

La Iglesia es la novia cuya belleza hablará por si misma cuando se le quite el velo. Eso es lo que hace el Dr. Sri en este libro que se caracteriza por su caridad y claridad, mientras revela la riqueza y armonía de la fe católica.
–Jason Evert, autor, San Juan Pablo el Grande

Un maravilloso recurso catequético que se puede usar para RCIA, grupos de formación en la fe o catequéticos.
–Scott Hahn, Profesor de Catequesis, Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville

– Abridged version of
Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained

Sobre El Autor

El Dr. Edward Sri es teólogo, conferencista internacional y autor de varios libros que son éxistos de ventas, tales como Un recorrido bíblico por la misa y ¿Quién soy yo para juzgar? Es el anfitrión de varias series de formaciónen video, incluyendo Symbolon: La explicación de la fe católica. Es uno de los fundadores, junto a Curtis Martin, de FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), professor adjunto del Augustine Institute y Vicepresidente de formación para FOCUS. Para más información visite www.edwardsri.com.

English Translation

“I finally understand the Catholic faith!”

That's what many around the world say after watching the acclaimed Symbolon series: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. Now, the series host and renowned author Edward Sri takes us through the key aspects of the Catholic faith with the same clarity and beauty that he did in the video documentary, answering common questions, such as:

–Why do I need the Church? Is it enough to be only spiritual?
– Don't impose your morals on me! Who are you to judge me?
– Do we really have the responsibility to help the poor?
– Why do Catholics worship Mary?
– Why should I confess my sins to a priest?
– How can I believe that the Bible is really inspired by God?

This book is excellent for formation programs for adults, families, and RCIA. The easy-to-read style appeals to both the intellect and the heart of the reader and leads him to understand and live deeply the Catholic faith.

Praise for Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith

This book will be a discovery for many people. Dr. Sri presents divine love as the guiding thread of the logic of the Catholic faith, which gives meaning to everything we believe as Catholics. Its presentation is clear and simple and goes straight to the heart of the subject (and the readers).
–Scott Hahn, author, Rome Sweet Home

The Church is the bride whose beauty will speak for itself when the veil is removed. That is what Dr. Sri does in this book that is characterized by his charity and clarity, while revealing the richness and harmony of the Catholic faith.
–Jason Evert, author, St. John Paul the Great

A wonderful catechetical resource that can be used for RCIA, faith formation or catechetical groups.
–Scott Hahn, Professor of Catechesis, Franciscan University of Steubenville

Product Details

– Paperback
– 2018
– 259 Pages
– Abridged version of Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained

About the Author

Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, international lecturer and author of several bestselling books, such as A Biblical Walk Through the Mass and Who Am I to Judge? He is the host of several video formation series, including Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. He is one of the founders, together with Curtis Martin, of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), associate professor at the Augustine Institute and Vice President of Formation for FOCUS. For more information visit www.edwardsri.com.

Dr. Edward Sri
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What Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - Paperback

What Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - Paperback

Get Salvation: What Every Catholic Should KnowLiterature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price!

About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption.

About Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know

In Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, Joseph Pearce provides a survey of literary works of which all Catholics should be aware. Beginning with Homer and Virgil, the book progresses chronologically through the greatest works of all time, including Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Dickens, Chesterton, Eliot, Tolkien, and Lewis. Every Catholic should read this book!

About God: What Every Catholic Should Know

Who is God? If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recognition that God is central to the Faith, but we encounter misconceptions about God all the time. In an effort to clear up these misconceptions, this book addresses three major concepts—the nature of God, the Trinity, and the Incarnation—so that we may strengthen our faith and our ability to communicate it to other people.

About the Series

The new “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming titles planned for this series include: mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy.

About the Authors

Michael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular-level presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States.

Joseph Pearce is Director of Book Publishing at the Augustine Institute, editor of the St. Austin Review, and the author of books on Shakespeare, Tolkien, Chesterton, and other Christian literary figures.

Elizabeth Klein is an Assistant Professor of Theology at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. She received her doctorate from the University of Notre Dame in 2016 and is also the author of Augustine’s Theology of Angels (Cambridge University Press, 2018). She is originally from Ontario, Canada, and now lives in Denver with her husband and two sons.

Michael Patrick Barber, Joseph Pearce, and Elizabeth Klein
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What Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - Hardcover

What Every Catholic Should Know Bundle - Hardcover

Get Salvation: What Every Catholic Should KnowLiterature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price!

About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption.

About Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know

In Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, Joseph Pearce provides a survey of literary works of which all Catholics should be aware. Beginning with Homer and Virgil, the book progresses chronologically through the greatest works of all time, including Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Dickens, Chesterton, Eliot, Tolkien, and Lewis. Every Catholic should read this book!

About God: What Every Catholic Should Know

Who is God? If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recognition that God is central to the Faith, but we encounter misconceptions about God all the time. In an effort to clear up these misconceptions, this book addresses three major concepts—the nature of God, the Trinity, and the Incarnation—so that we may strengthen our faith and our ability to communicate it to other people.

About the Series

The new “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming titles planned for this series include: mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy.

About the Authors

Michael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular-level presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States.

Joseph Pearce is Director of Book Publishing at the Augustine Institute, editor of the St. Austin Review, and the author of books on Shakespeare, Tolkien, Chesterton, and other Christian literary figures.

Elizabeth Klein is an Assistant Professor of Theology at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. She received her doctorate from the University of Notre Dame in 2016 and is also the author of Augustine’s Theology of Angels (Cambridge University Press, 2018). She is originally from Ontario, Canada, and now lives in Denver with her husband and two sons.

Michael Patrick Barber, Joseph Pearce, and Elizabeth Klein
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Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know - Hardcover

Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know - Hardcover

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption.

The “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming topics planned for this series include: literature, mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy.

About the Author

Michael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States.

Product Details

208 pages
5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2019

Praise for Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know

“What does it mean to be ‘saved’? I have often been asked this question. Michael Barber gives the much needed and impressively thorough answer. It fills a acuna in Catholic literature! It is well grounded in scholarship but written in a manner that is accessible to every baptized Christian.”

–Nina Sophie Heereman,
Assistant Professor of Sacred Scripture,
St. Patrick’s Seminary and University

“Dr. Barber has given us all a very precious gift: a book that shows both what Jesus Christ came into this world to save us from and, equally important, what he came to save us for.”

–Dr. Brant Pitre,
Distinguished Research Professor of Sacred Scripture,
Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology

“Dr. Michael Barber is an outstanding scripture scholar and theologian! This book proves it.  Want a deeper understanding of the purpose and mission of Jesus? Look no further. Want to know what redemption and salvation are all about? This incredible book has the answers you’ve been looking for!”

–Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC,
Author of 10 Wonders of the Rosary

Dr. Michael Patrick Barber
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Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know - Paperback

Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know - Paperback

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption.

The “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming topics planned for this series include: literature, mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy.

About the Author

Michael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States.

Product Details

208 pages
5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2019

Praise for Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know

“What does it mean to be ‘saved’? I have often been asked this question. Michael Barber gives the much needed and impressively thorough answer. It fills a lacuna in Catholic literature! It is well grounded in scholarship but written in a manner that is accessible to every baptized Christian.”

–Nina Sophie Heereman,
Assistant Professor of Sacred Scripture,
St. Patrick’s Seminary and University

“Dr. Barber has given us all a very precious gift: a book that shows both what Jesus Christ came into this world to save us from and, equally important, what he came to save us for.”

–Dr. Brant Pitre,
Distinguished Research Professor of Sacred Scripture,
Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology

“Dr. Michael Barber is an outstanding scripture scholar and theologian! This book proves it.  Want a deeper understanding of the purpose and mission of Jesus? Look no further. Want to know what redemption and salvation are all about? This incredible book has the answers you’ve been looking for!”

–Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC,
Author of 10 Wonders of the Rosary

Dr. Michael Patrick Barber
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More Christianity: Finding the Fullness of the Faith

More Christianity: Finding the Fullness of the Faith

C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity is a work that has impacted generations of Christians. It is a brilliant explanation and defense of the Faith that has led many to follow in the way of Christ. But as profound and wise as it is, it is still incomplete. It gives direction for a sincere disciple to follow Christ, but that disciple might not be quite as willing to follow Christ through St. Peter.

This is what Dwight Longenecker's book, More Christianity, does. It follows Peter into the Catholic Church. In a time when thousands of Christian denominations exist, and Protestantism still remains strong in the United States, why be a Catholic? More Christianity gives thorough and insightful answers to many of the main questions and hotly contested debates that arise from non-Catholic Christians. Lest someone think Longenecker presumes to piggyback or cash in on Lewis' work, or set himself up as Lewis' successor, that is not the case. What he does-and does brilliantly-is present the doctrine of the Church with succinct explanations of topics that arise in Catholic/Protestant discussion: common ground in the Scripture, the role of tradition, the Mass, the papacy, Marian dogmas, purgatory, the communion of saints, prayer, and more.

This abridged edition of his work leaves nothing wanting and invites the reader to consider many of Lewis' greatest triumphs of Christian apologetics as well as some of his deficiencies. In Longenecker's skilled hands, More Christianity leads the disciple into knowing that he follows Christ when he follows Peter's successor in the Catholic Church.

About the Author

Dwight Longenecker was brought up an Evangelical, studied at the fundamentalist Bob Jones University, and later was ordained an Anglican priest in England. After ten years in the Anglican ministry as a curate, a chaplain at Cambridge, and a country parson, in 1995 Dwight was received into full communion with the Catholic Church. He has published in numerous religious magazines and papers in the UK, Ireland, and the United States, writing on film and theology, apologetics, biblical commentary, and Catholic culture.

Book Details

— Abridged Edition
— 204 Pages
— Paperback
— 2018

Fr. Dwight Longenecker
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Why Humanae Vitae is Still Right

Why Humanae Vitae is Still Right

"Paul VI's genius proved prophetic: he had the courage to stand against the majority, to defend moral discipline, to exercise a 'brake' on the culture, to oppose present and future neo-Malthusianism."Pope Francis

After half a century, how has the teaching of Pope Paul VI on marriage and birth control, presented in his encyclical Humanae vitae (On Human Life), held up? Very well, says philosopher Janet Smith and her colleagues in Why Humanae Vitae Is Still Right. A sequel to Smith's classic Why Humanae Vitae Was Right, this new volume shows how the ethical, theological, spiritual, and sociological case for Paul VI's controversial document remains strong—indeed, how it's in some ways even stronger today, following Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body and in light of the problems caused by the sexual revolution.

In addition to essays by Dr. Smith herself, the book features contributions by other renowned experts and scholars such as Mary Eberstadt (author of the best-selling Adam and Eve after the Pill), George Weigel, Therese Scarpelli Corey, Michael Waldstein, Christopher West, Obianuju Ekeocha (author of the best-selling Target Africa), Maria Fedoryka, Deborah Savage, Derek Doroski, Angela LaFranchi, William Newton, Joseph Atkinson, Michele M. Schumacher, and Peter Colosi.

Why Humanae Vitae Is Still Right includes the Krakow Document composed under the supervision of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (later, Pope John Paul II), which provided research by moral theologians and other experts that helped to shape Humanae vitae to be a more personalistic document.

Product Details

– 380 Pages
– 2018
– Paperback

Prof. Janet Smith
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Faith and Politics

Faith and Politics

Pope Francis, in his foreword, states that one of the major themes in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger is the relationship between faith and politics: "His firsthand experience of Nazi totalitarianism led him even as a young student to reflect on the limits of obedience to the state for the sake of the liberty of obeying God."; In support of this, he quotes from one of Ratzinger's texts presented in this volume: "The state is not the whole of human existence and does not encompass all human hope."

Ratzinger explored various aspects of this subject in books, speeches, and homilies throughout his career, from his years as a theology professor to his tenure as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and most recently as Pope Benedict XVI. This is the only book that collates all of his most significant works on political themes inside one volume.

Product Details

– 265 Pages
– 2018
– Paperback
– Foreword by Pope Francis

About the Author

Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) is widely recognized as one of the most brilliant theologians and spiritual leaders of our age. As Pope he authored the best-selling Jesus of Nazareth; and prior to his pontificate, he wrote many influential books that continue to remain important for the contemporary Church, such as Introduction to Christianity and The Spirit of the Liturgy.

Praise for Faith and Politics

"Ratzinger writes with penetrating intellect and tranquil confidence in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This marvelous volume reconfirms him as one of the greatest Christian minds of the last century."
— Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia

"This book will be of enormous value for all Catholics involved in public life as well as for students of ethics and political theory. Ratzinger's works have a classical quality whose relevance does not date."
— Tracey Rowland, Ph.D., STD, Saint John Paul II Chair of Theology, University of Notre Dame (Australia)

"Joseph Ratzinger shows how politics has been—and will be—inadequate, sometimes even dangerous, when it neglects the larger human context offered by faith. And not just any faith, but specifically a faith rightly informed by the theological and philosophical truths that have marked the Judeo-Christian tradition for millennia."
— Robert Royal, Ph.D., President, Faith & Reason Institute

"Ratzinger's works display his usual acuity and profundity. Especially the first four pieces on Christology, salvation, and history are instant classics of theological reflection. The human quest for political order is honored and yet perfectly relativized in the light of revelation."
— Russell Hittinger, Ph.D., Warren Professor of Catholic Studies, University of Tulsa

"Throughout his writings, Ratzinger shows his familiarity with the classical writers, the essence of Scripture, and the historical experience of man's relation to various types of civil powers. To weave these strands together in a coherent whole is the essence of the Catholic mind, no better displayed than in these reflections."
— James V. Schall, S.J., Emeritus Professor of Political Philosophy, Georgetown University

Pope Benedict XVI
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Jesus and the Jewish Roots of MARY: Unveiling the Mother of the Messiah

Jesus and the Jewish Roots of MARY: Unveiling the Mother of the Messiah


From best-selling author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist Dr. Brant Pitre comes this new book examining the Blessed Virgin Mary in a whole new way.

Using his in-depth knowledge of the Bible and ancient Judaism, Dr. Pitre uses his familiar voice to answer important questions about the Biblical understanding of Mary and the Church's teaching on her. This book will explore questions like:

– Are Catholic teachings on Mary really biblical? Or are they the "traditions of men"?
– Should she be called the "Mother of God," or just the mother of Jesus?
– Did she actually remain a virgin her whole life or do the "brothers of Jesus" refer to her other children?
– By praying to Mary, are Catholics worshipping her?
– And what does Mary have to do with the quest to understand Jesus?

In Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary, Dr. Pitre takes readers step-by-step from the Garden of Eden to the Book of Revelation to reveal how deeply biblical Catholic beliefs about Mary really are. Dr. Pitre uses the Old Testament and Ancient Judaism to unlock how the Bible itself teaches that Mary is in fact the new Eve, the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, and the new Ark of the Covenant.

Product Details

– Released 2018
– Pages: 240

About the Author

Dr. Brant Pitre is a professor of Sacred Scripture at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is the author of the bestselling book Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper (2011). Dr. Pitre is an extremely enthusiastic and highly sought-after speaker who lectures regularly across the United States. He has produced dozens of Bible studies on both CD and DVD, in which he explores the biblical roots of the Catholic faith. He has also appeared on a number of Catholic radio and television shows, such as Catholic Answers Live and programs on EWTN. He currently lives in Louisiana with his wife, Elizabeth, and their five young children.

Praise for Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary

This book is vintage Brant Pitre: clear, persuasive, readable, and above all, inspiring. It causes us not only to know more about the Mother of God, but also to love her more.
– Bishop Robert Barron, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles and author of To Light a Fire on the Earth

I did not think a single book could be written about Mary that would excite and unite Catholic and Protestant readers - scholars, clergy and laity alike. What Pitre does with the Bible and Marian typology is clear and compelling. A joy to read, this is the best biblical study of Mary I have ever read. A true masterpiece.
– Dr. Scott Hahn, author of The Lamb's Supper and The Fourth Cup

Brant Pitre takes important theological truths and makes them not only interesting, but exciting. This book will revolutionize your understanding of the most important woman in history.
– Jennifer Fulwiler, author of One Beautiful Dream

Combining rich Biblical scholarship with an engaging, easy-to-read style, this highly accessible book offers a fresh look at Mary in the Bible. Pitre clearly and convincingly shows that the Bible reveals much more about Jesus’ mother than is commonly appreciated today. A must read for every Christian who takes the Bible seriously and is open to what God’s Word has to say about Mary.
– Dr. Edward Sri, author of Walking With Mary

Dr. Brant Pitre
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Signs of Life: 20 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots

Signs of Life: 20 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots

Dr. Scott Hahn, beloved Catholic author, professor, and speaker celebrates the touchstones of Catholic life, guiding readers to a deeper faith through the Church’s rites, customs, and traditional prayers.

This thorough and yet approachable guide to Catholic practices unveils the deep scriptural roots of our faith to help us better understand and, consequently, cherish our Catholic identity. Whether the reader brings questions, a latent faith, or a lifelong commitment, they are sure to be inspired and educated!

Dr. Hahn unveils the biblical roots of 20 Catholic customs, including:

– Holy water
– The Sign of the Cross
– The Mass
– Guardian angels
– Novenas
– Priesthood
– Incense
– Relics
– Confession
– Indulgences
– Intercession of the Saints
– The Rosary
– Scapulars and medals
– and many more!

Praise for Signs of Life

“Things done for too long can become a habit—and habits have a way of losing their meaning. In this long-awaited treasure of a book, Scott Hahn reveals the historical and biblical roots of so many Catholic practices. Finally, Catholics will not only know what to do but why they do it.”
– Raymond Arroyo, New York Times bestselling author and host of EWTN’s The World Over Live

Dr. Scott Hahn
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Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained

Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained


“I finally understand the Catholic faith!”

That's what many around the world say after watching the acclaimed Symbolon series: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. Now, the series host and renowned author Edward Sri takes us through the key aspects of the Catholic faith with the same clarity and beauty that he did in the video documentary, answering common questions, such as:

–Why do I need the Church? Is it enough to be only spiritual?
– Don't impose your morals on me! Who are you to judge me?
– Do we really have the responsibility to help the poor?
– Why do Catholics worship Mary?
– Why should I confess my sins to a priest?
– How can I believe that the Bible is really inspired by God?

This book is excellent for formation programs for adults, families, and RCIA. The easy-to-read style appeals to both the intellect and the heart of the reader and leads him to understand and live deeply the Catholic faith.

Praise for Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith

This book will be a discovery for many people. Dr. Sri presents divine love as the guiding thread of the logic of the Catholic faith, which gives meaning to everything we believe as Catholics. Its presentation is clear and simple and goes straight to the heart of the subject (and the readers).
–Scott Hahn, author, Rome Sweet Home

The Church is the bride whose beauty will speak for itself when the veil is removed. That is what Dr. Sri does in this book that is characterized by his charity and clarity, while revealing the richness and harmony of the Catholic faith.
–Jason Evert, author, St. John Paul the Great

A wonderful catechetical resource that can be used for RCIA, faith formation or catechetical groups.
–Scott Hahn, Professor of Catechesis, Franciscan University of Steubenville

Product Details

– Paperback
– 2018
– 240 Pages
– Abridged version of Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained

About the Author

Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, international lecturer and author of several bestselling books, such as A Biblical Walk Through of the Mass and Who am I to judge? He is the host of several video formation series, including Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. He is one of the founders, together with Curtis Martin, of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), associate professor at the Augustine Institute and Vice President of Formation for FOCUS. For more information visit www.edwardsri.com.

Dr. Edward Sri
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Spanish - El Anillo Es Para Siempre

Spanish - El Anillo Es Para Siempre

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For the first time ever, we are excited to offer a Spanish language book that is not a translation of a previously released English title. This book was written in Spanish by a native speaker specifically for the Spanish-speaking world.

A wedding ring is something very special, and we normally wear it at all times because it signifies the most important things in our lives. It symbolizes our marriage relationship, our family, our children, our home, and the blessings of God, as well as many other things. Fr. Ángel asks: “How can such a small object— a ring—signify something so great: love and fidelity?”

In these pages, he offers us the answer. With a simple approach to the marital commitment, and using the visible appearance of the wedding ring, Fr. Ángel teaches us about the profound plan that God has for marriage. In his unique style, he brings us from tears to laughter, oftentimes on the same page, to remind us that, like the ring, marriage is forever.

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About the Author

Fr. Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros Gómez Haro is a Catholic priest who was born in Puebla, México. He has a degree in the Classical Humanities from the Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos de Salamanca in Spain. He studied philosophy in the Pontifical Gregorian University and theology in the Ateneo Regina Apostolorum in Rome from which he received a degree in Moral Theology and another in Bioethics. Since he was ordained as a priest in November 1994, he has worked as a youth counselor and later as a family counselor in Mexico, Colombia, Italy, and France. Fr. Angel has given more than 2000 conferences around the world on the topics of the family, family values, and spirituality. His internet talks have received millions of visits, and he is one of the most popular Catholic speakers in the Spanish-speaking world.

Padre Angel Espinosa de los Monteros
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Why Believe? Volume 2: Answers to Life's Questions

Why Believe? Volume 2: Answers to Life's Questions

Why Believe? is a series unlike any other. It is truly a New Apologetics for the New Evangelization!

Today, many Catholics confront daily the implicit claim that our secular culture provides fully for human happiness. Why Believe? responds directly to that claim by a compelling argument that faith in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, is the only adequate answer to the human heart’s desire for happiness. That argument unfolds over the 30 chapters of the two-volume textbook.

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Book Details

– Published 2018
– Authors: Gwendolin Adams, Christopher Blum, Tim Gray, Daniel McInerny, Randall Smith, and Edward Sri
– Pages: 259
– Editors: Christopher Blum, Tim Gray, and Daniel McInerny

Augustine Institute
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Mary in the Bible and in Our Lives

Mary in the Bible and in Our Lives

This book offers a clear, beautiful exposition of Catholic beliefs about Mary. Not a history or a compendium, it was written by a Carmelite monk who spent decades praying and pondering the mysteries of the faith concerning the Mother of Jesus.

Catholic Mariology has matured through centuries of meditation upon both the Bible and the Church's faith in the Incarnation. The Marian dogmas of the Church are guarantors of the full meaning of the statement in the Gospel of John that "the word became flesh and dwelt among us" (1:14).

Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen shows that Mariology corrects any attempt to minimize the good news that God became man so that man could become like God. In writing about Mary, he underlines the astonishing truth that God has initiated an intimate communion with mankind. In a world that strives to reduce human dignity, Mary reveals the very high value of man in God's eyes and God's wondrous love and plan for each one of us.

Product Details

Pages: 168
Published: 2018
Published By: Ignatius Press

Praise for Mary In the Bible and Our Lives

"An acclaimed spiritual writer and holy monk presents the beautiful Catholic beliefs about Mary that he has meditated on throughout his whole priestly life. Fr. Stinissen draws from both Sacred Scripture and the long tradition of the Church's beliefs about Mary and her singular privileges from God as Christ's mother to help us know and love her more."
— Edward Sri, Author, Who Am I to Judge?

"This wonderful book on the Virgin Mary by the esteemed Carmelite spiritual master offers both insightful doctrinal clarity and a stimulus to a renewed love for Our Lady. His chapter on Mary's experience of darkness as part of her maternal role in God's plan is of great value, a unique contribution to spirituality."
— Fr. Donald Haggerty, Author, The Contemplative Hunger

"Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen provides us with the scriptural and theological tools to understand, explain, and truly believe Mary's Yes to God and to emulate it in our own lives."
— Lisa Hendey, Founder of CatholicMom.com; Author, The Grace of Yes

Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen
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The Fragility of Order: Catholic Reflections on Turbulent Times

The Fragility of Order: Catholic Reflections on Turbulent Times

One of America's most prominent public intellectuals brings thirty-five years of experience in Washington and Rome to bear in analyzing the turbulence that characterizes world politics, American public life, and the Catholic Church in the early twenty-first century.

In these bracing essays, George Weigel reads such events as the First World War, the collapse of Communism, and the Obama and Trump presidencies through a distinctive cultural and moral lens, even as he offers new insights into Pope Francis and his challenging pontificate.

Throughout, two of Weigel's key convictions—that ideas have consequences for good and ill, and that the deepest currents of history flow through culture—illuminate political and economic life, and the life of the Church, in ways not often appreciated or understood.

Many of the chapters in this book originated in George Weigel's annual William E. Simon Lecture, which since 2001 has become a major event in Washington, D.C. They are unique in their application of philosophical and theological perspectives to the issues of history and politics, enabling the reader to see current events in a deeper way.

Product Details

Pages: 223
Published By: Ignatius Press

Praise for The Fragility of Order

"Every page in this book shines with moral clarity, literary pyrotechnics, and the illumination of history. The Fragility of Order proves once more that George Weigel is our Virgil through the dark woods of modernity."
— Mary Eberstadt, Senior Research Fellow, Faith and Reason Institute; Author, Adam and Eve after the Pill

"The essays in this volume, written independently over two decades, have a wonderful unity rooted in Weigel's penetrating intellect and global vision. His thoughts on Benedict XVI's 2006 Regensburg lecture – a lecture savagely misrepresented by critics at the time, but brilliant in retrospect – are worth the price of the entire book; but they're just one part of a lucid, compelling, and highly recommended read."
— Most Rev. Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia

"For over thirty turbulent years, George Weigel has been a steady voice of reason, providing his readers with theologically informed perspectives on politics and events. The Fragility of Order is a sober yet cautiously hopeful collection of essays on international relations, the travails of the Republic, and the state of the Church in a world where freedom, reason, and truth are under assault."
— Mary Ann Glendon, Learned Hand Professor of Law, Harvard University

"George Weigel, one of the world's foremost authorities on the Catholic Church, possesses a unique combination of deep theological understanding, political sophistication, and perceptive historical analysis that makes his insights about our turbulent times so illuminating. This book ultimately reminds us that good ideas, rooted in tradition, lead to good ends--and bad ones to ruinous outcomes."
— Raymond Arroyo, EWTN Lead Anchor; New York Times Best-Selling Author, the Will Wilder series

"The Fragility of Order can be read as a kind of history, moving on two levels. Weigel begins with the First World War and then brings us through the false dawn of the "end of history" on up to our perilous present day. At the same time, we watch the unfolding of Weigel himself – not just as a historian but also as a social critic and, most importantly, a theologian. Only a writer and thinker as gifted as Weigel could pull this off. He is the great clarifier for our muddled times."
— Andrew Ferguson, National Correspondent, Weekly Standard; Author, Crazy U and Land of Lincoln

"Weigel's superb essays on the difficulty of keeping order are a very welcome occasion for us to review where we have been, where we are now, and where we are likely to be if the order is not corrected."
— James V. Schall, S.J., Emeritus Professor of Political Philosophy, Georgetown University; Author, The Order of Things

"George Weigel is a leading American Catholic intellectual, and his thoughtfulness and erudition are on colorful display in The Fragility of Order. This insightful collection of essays touches on key issues related to culture, history, foreign policy and religion. Anyone interested in history, current events, and the role of the Church in the modern world will be enriched by reading this book."
— Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York

George Weigel
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Rethinking Mary in the New Testament

Rethinking Mary in the New Testament

Scholars often have questioned how much the New Testament can tell us about the Mother of Jesus. After all, Mary appears only in a few accounts and speaks on limited occasions. Can Scripture really support the many Marian beliefs developed in the Church over time?

In Rethinking Mary in the New Testament, Dr. Edward Sri shows that the Bible reveals more about Mary than is commonly appreciated. For when the Mother of Jesus does appear in Scripture, it’s often in passages of great importance, steeped in the Jewish Scriptures, and packed with theological significance.

This comprehensive work examines every key New Testament reference to Mary, addressing common questions along the way, such as: 

– What was Mary’s life like before the Annunciation? 
– Is there biblical support for Mary’s Immaculate Conception and Perpetual Virginity? 
– Does Scripture reveal Mary as our spiritual mother? 
– What does it mean for Mary to be “full of grace”? 
– How is Mary the “New Eve,” “Ark of the Covenant,” and “Queen Mother”?
– Can Mary be identified with the “woman” in Revelation 12? 
– Rethinking Mary in the New Testament offers a fresh, in-depth look at the Mother of Jesus in Scripture—one that helps us know Mary better and her role in God’s plan. 


How can just the words “hail,” “full of grace,” or “woman” reveal so much about the Mother of Jesus? This in-depth, fresh look at Mary in the Bible explores every key New Testament reference to Mary. Drawing on recent insights in biblical scholarship and traditional wisdom sometimes overlooked, Dr. Edward Sri devotes entire chapters to analyzing the small scriptural details to help us know better who Mary really is and the role she plays in God’s plan of salvation.

About the Author

Edward Sri, Ph.D., is a well-known author and speaker. He is a founding leader of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), currently serves as FOCUS vice president of formation, and holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Each year he speaks to clergy, parish leaders, catechists, and laity from around the world.

Product Details

320 pages
Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2018

Praise for Rethinking Mary

This is Sri's best book so far—and that means it is an extraordinary book indeed.  A book like this could only be authored by someone with a mastery of contemporary biblical scholarship who also happens to be a lifelong scholar of Mariology. This rare conjunction describes Edward Sri.  Easy to read, serious, and scholarly, this book delivers on its promises.  Here we meet the Mary whom the evangelists aimed to reveal to us.
Dr. Matthew Levering, James N. and Mary D. Perry Jr. Chair of Theology, Mundelein Seminary

In this work, Sri brings his remarkable knowledge of Mary in Scripture to bear on one of the most pressing needs in the Church today: an up-to-date and thoroughly exegetical analysis of every key New Testament passage regarding Mary. This book is a major achievement, and a must-read for anyone interested in what the Bible really teaches about the Mother of Jesus.
Dr. Brant Pitre, Author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, Distinguished Research Professor of Theology, Augustine Institute

Dr. Edward Sri
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Why Believe? Volume 1: Answers to Life's Questions

Why Believe? Volume 1: Answers to Life's Questions

Why Believe? is a series unlike any other. It is truly a New Apologetics for the New Evangelization!

Today, many Catholics confront daily the implicit claim that our secular culture provides fully for human happiness. Why Believe? responds directly to that claim by a compelling argument that faith in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, is the only adequate answer to the human heart’s desire for happiness. That argument unfolds over the 30 chapters of the two-volume textbook.

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Book Details

– Published 2018
– Authors: Michael Augros, Michael Barber, Christopher Blum, Daniel McInerny, and John Sehorn
– Pages: 283
– Editors: Christopher Blum, Tim Gray, and Daniel McInerny

Augustine Institute
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Humanae Vitae

Humanae Vitae


The papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (On Human Life) made headlines worldwide. Many talked about the encyclical when it was issued in 1968, but few actually read it. Why is it perhaps the most controversial document in modern Church history?

On Human Life combines Humanae Vitae with commentary by popular and respected Catholic authors Mary Eberstadt, James Hitchcock, and Jennifer Fulwiler in order to address this question and shed light on the document’s enduring wisdom.

Humanae Vitae is Pope Paul VI’s explanation of why the Catholic Church rejects contraception. The pope referred to two aspects, or meanings, of human sexuality: the unitive and the procreative. He also warned of the consequences if contraception became widely practiced—consequences that have since come to pass: greater infidelity in marriage, confusion regarding the nature of human sexuality and its role in society, the objectification of women for sexual pleasure, compulsory government birth control policies, and the reduction of the human body to an instrument of human manipulation. The separation of sexuality from its dual purpose has also resulted in artificial reproduction technologies, including cloning, that threaten the dignity of the human person.

Although greeted by controversy and opposition, Humanae Vitae has continued to influence Catholic moral teaching. St. John Paul II’s popular “theology of the body” drew deeply on the insights of Paul VI. Pope Benedict and now Pope Francis have upheld the long-standing teaching, and a new generation of Catholics, as well as non-Catholics, is embracing the truths of the encyclical.

About the Author

Pope Paul VI led the Catholic Church from 1963 until his death in 1978. The former Cardinal Archbishop of Milan, he succeeded Pope John XXIII and oversaw the Second Vatical Council, bringing it to completion in 1965. In October, 2014, Pope Francis beatified Paul VI, the first step toward his recognition as a saint.

Foreward by Mary Eberstadt
Afterward by James Hitchcock
Postscript by Jennifer Fulwiler

Product Details

• 111 pages
• 5.25 x 8"
• Cover: Paperback

Pope Paul VI
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The Case for Jesus - Book

The Case for Jesus - Book

For well over a hundred years now, many scholars have questioned the historical truth of the Gospels, claiming that they were originally anonymous. Others have even argued that Jesus of Nazareth did not think he was God and never claimed to be divine.

In The Case for Jesus, Dr. Brant Pitre, the bestselling author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, goes back to the sources—the biblical and historical evidence for Christ—in order to answer several key questions, including:

  • Were the four Gospels really anonymous?
  • Are the Gospels folklore? Or are they biographies?
  • What about the so-called “Lost Gospels,” such as “Q” and the Gospel of Thomas?
  • Did Jesus claim to be God?
  • Why was Jesus crucified?
  • What is the evidence for the Resurrection?

As The Case for Jesus will show, recent discoveries in New Testament scholarship, as well as neglected evidence from ancient manuscripts and the early church fathers, together have the potential to pull the rug out from under a century of skepticism toward the traditional Gospels. Above all, Pitre shows how the divine claims of Jesus of Nazareth can only be understood by putting them in their ancient Jewish context.

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One of the best books I've read in years. Clear, understandable, balanced view of the evidence. Joseph
Dr. Brant Pitre
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Remade for Happiness

Remade for Happiness

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In this classic work, Fulton Sheen explains the secret of authentic happiness: being spiritually remade. A genuinely spiritual life, Sheen contends, consists in more than obeying a set of commands, reading the Bible, or even following the example of Jesus. Before all else, it consists in being recreated and incorporated into a new, higher kind of life—the supernatural life of grace—and in being brought into a new kind of spiritual relationship, as a child of God through Jesus Christ.

What does it mean to be a Christian? Christianity is not a system of ethics; it is a life. It is not good advice; it is divine adoption. Being a Christian does not consist in just being kind to the poor, going to church, singing hymns, or serving on parish committees, though it includes all of these. It is first and foremost a love relationship with Jesus Christ.

Product Details

179 Pages
Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2018

Praise for Remade for Happiness

Remade for Happiness is a book that succeeds in universally drawing in all readers. There's nobody better than the Venerable Archbishop Sheen in communicating the most important element of life. If you want to have the light of happiness in this life and in the next, then you need to read this book!”

–Terry Barber, Author of How to Share Your Faith with Anyone

“‘Look at your heart! It tells the story of why you were made.’ These words by the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen, which sum up our experience of life, also capture the heart of this beautiful book. A must read.”

–Chris Stefanick, Author, and President of Real Life Catholic

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
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Made for Love

Made for Love

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Father Michael Schmitz addresses the teachings of the Catholic Church on the issue of same-sex attraction. With compassion and clarity, he shows that the Church’s teachings are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that are shared by all who are made in the image and likeness of God. With his trademark fresh and engaging style, Fr. Schmitz addresses:

 • Different types of love
 • The nature of the human being and human sexuality
 • Disordered attractions
 • Identity and sexuality
 • Jesus’s teachings on marriage
 • Popular misconceptions about the teachings of the Church and same-sex attraction
 • God’s all-encompassing love

Above all, Made for Love is about genuine love: how we can truly love each other, how the Bible teaches us to love, and how God is not simply loving, but love itself.

About the Author

Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading speakers in the Catholic church today. He preaches to youth and young adults across the country about the love of God and the call of Jesus Christ for saints to be raised up in the Church. He serves as both the director of youth and young adult ministry for the Diocese of Duluth and as the chaplain for the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. His ministry focuses on being fed by the Sacraments and a solid theological formation as the foundation for true discipleship and evangelization. Fr. Michael is known nationally for his inspiring homilies, his presentations and talks to university students, and his tremendous sense of humor.

Product Details

192 Pages
Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Publication year: 2017

Praise for Made for Love

“Fr. Michael Schmitz strikes all the right notes, explaining what the Church teaches (the true), why it’s the right path (the good), and how it leads to happiness (the beautiful). He explains the Church’s full teachings on homosexuality but with remarkable ‘gentleness and reverence’ (1 Pt 3:15).”

– Brandon Vogt, founder of ClaritasU and author of RETURN: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church

“When others would muddy the waters of Our Lord’s love for all, Fr. Schmitz’s book filters the pure and renewing love of God for those who experience same-sex attraction and helps their loved ones understand this particular struggle.”

– Curtis Martin, founder of FOCUS

“In a culture that confuses love with moral relativism, many people have difficulties with the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. Fr. Schmitz helps us approach this topic with compassion and clarity, showing how the Church’s teaching on this topic is all about love—that we are made from love, by love, and for love.”

– Edward Sri, author of Who Am I to Judge?

Fr. Michael Schmitz
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Your Questions, God's Answers

Your Questions, God's Answers

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Peter Kreeft uses Scripture to provide God’s profound answers to the most common and important questions young people ask about the deeper meaning of life, their own identities, overcoming failure and temptation, the mystery of God’s love, and much more. But these are questions asked not just by the young—they are the same questions adults often ask, and God’s answers, as found in the Bible, respond to the deepest needs of people of all ages.

About the Author:

Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., a Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, is the well-known author of over thirty-five books on a wide range of spiritual themes, including Prayer for Beginners, Back to Virtue, and Angels and Demons.

Questions Addressed Include:

  • How can I find out who I really am?
  • How will the Bible help me to know myself?
  • Can a Catholic be a “born-again Christian”?
  • Isn’t religion only for “religious people”?
  • How can I be sure God is real?
  • If God loves me so much, why do bad things happen to me?
  • What do you have to do to get to Heaven?
  • What do I say if people challenge my beliefs?
  • How can I become a better person?
  • What does God want most?

Book Details:

144 Pages
Book Size: 5.25 x 8

Dr. Peter Kreeft
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True Reformers: Saints of the Catholic Reformation

True Reformers: Saints of the Catholic Reformation

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Who are the true benefactors of the human race? Explorers? Scientists? Revolutionaries? Rebels against established authority? . . . or the saints?

True Reformers explores in detail the leaders who led the Church’s rebirth from the ashes of Renaissance decadence and the turbulence and confusion caused by the Protestant Reformation. The saints of the Catholic Reformation show us just how powerful—and beautiful—is the human heart’s free response to God’s generous grace.

Featured Saints

St. Catherine of Genoa
St. Thomas More
St. Ignatius of Loyola
St. Francis Xavier
St. Philip Neri
St. Charles Borromeo
St. Pius V
St. Teresa of Avila
St. John of the Cross
St. Francis de Sales


Cover: Paperback
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8
236 pages
Note: This is a full-length book and is different from the study guide for the video-based study program of the same title.

Praise for True Reformers

“In every age one encounters a cloud of witnesses whose lives articulate its deepest longings. This penetrating analysis—marked by spiritual, historical, and cultural insight—introduces the vibrant personalities who so clearly understood the larger implications hidden beneath the surface in the era of the European Reformations.”

– Don J. Briel, Bl. John Henry Newman Chair, University of Mary

“These stunning portraits of ten very great saints show the beauty of God’s grace shining through the lives of his closest friends. The path marked out by the True Reformers of the sixteenth century is the path we still need to walk in the twenty?first: the steep and narrow path of holiness.”

– Christopher O. Blum, Ph.D., Academic Dean and Professor of History and Philosophy, Augustine Institute

“To read these accounts is a kind of retreat. It provides an opportunity to reflect on our love of God, our prayer life, and the mission God has given each of us in light of our spiritual teachers.”

– Jonathan J. Reyes, Executive Director, of the Departement of Justice, Peace, and Human Development of the USCCB

Jerome K. Williams
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7 Big Myths About The Catholic Church

7 Big Myths About The Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church has long been the target of suspicion and hostility. But how much of this is based on ignorance and prejudice and how much is the fruit of thoughtful consideration of the facts?

This book separates fact from fiction. Without excusing or justifying wrongdoing, author Christopher Kaczor clarifies official Catholic teaching and demonstrates that much popular opinion about Catholicism is based on misunderstanding and misinformation. He also provides robust and lucid arguments for Catholic belief and practice.

No one book can answer everyone’s questions or objections about Catholicism, but this work examines seven of the most controversial and common myths about the Catholic Church.

Topics include:
• The Church Opposes Science
• The Church Hates Gays
• The Church Hates Women
• The Church Opposes Same-Sex Marriage Because of Bigotry
• Priestly Celibacy Caused the Crisis of Priestly Pedophilia

Product Details
• Page count: 160
• Dimensions: 5.25 x 8
• Cover: Paperback 
• Abridged Version

About the Author:
Christopher Kaczor, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Loyola Marymount University and the author of The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice; Thomas Aquinas on the Cardinal Virtues; Life Issues, Medical Choices; and How to Stay Catholic in College.

Christopher Kaczor
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DOCAT is "revealing the secret" to young people around the world.

DOCAT helps young people to know and live Catholic Social Teaching.

It's a great, practical follow up to YOUCAT, the hugely popular Youth Catechism, based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Drawing on Scripture, YOUCAT, the Catechism, and the Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching, DOCAT shows young people how to work toward building a "civilization of love".  

Features include:
- Popular Q & A YOUCAT style, tackles tough questions about social justice and related issues
- Lots of full-color photos with young people and others
- Inspirational and insightful quotes , including comments from St John Paul II, Mother Teresa, Pope Francis, Pope Benedict
- Written with help from church leaders, business leaders, social activists, and young people
- Guides young people in conscience formation and Catholic action on social and political issues

Cover: Paperback 
Pages: 320
Dimensions: 5 x 8

Please allow an additional 1-2 weeks for delivery of orders with 50+ copies. 

Ignatius Press
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Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained (Paperback)

Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained (Paperback)

Get the book based on the acclaimed Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained series!

If you were asked what immediately comes to mind when you hear the words “Catholic Church,” would you answer “an intimate relationship with the God who loves me?”

If not, you would do well to read this engaging and thought-provoking book that explains why such a relationship is the reason for everything the Church does and teaches. Dr. Edward Sri will show you how all the pieces of the Catholic Faith, including the most baffling ones, fit together to make one beautiful mosaic of God's love for us and our own participation in that all-encompassing love.

Using the Catechism of the Catholic Church as his itinerary, Dr. Sri addresses such often-heard questions as:

•  Why do I need the Church—can't I be spiritual on my own?
•  Isn't one religion just as good as another?
•  How is the death of a man two thousand years ago relevant for my life today?
•  Why does the Church talk so much about morality? 
•  Can't I make up my own morals?
•  Is it really our responsibility to care for the poor—doesn't God help those who help themselves?
•  Why do Catholic and Protestants disagree? 
•  Must Catholics worship Mary and always obey the pope?

Excellent for Catechists, RCIA teams, Catechuments, small group leaders and participants!


Praise for Love Unveiled:

“As Saint John tells us, ‘God is love.’ This book helps us to understand all that short phrase means.”
– George Cardinal Pell - Prefect, Secretariat for the Economy

“This book will be a breakthrough for many people. Dr. Sri shows divine love as the inner logic of Catholic Faith—the one thing that makes sense of everything we believe and do. His presentation is clear and simple, and it goes straight to the heart of the matter (and the hearts of readers).”
– Scott Hahn - Author, Rome Sweet Home

“The Church is a bride whose beauty will speak for itself when she is unveiled. Dr. Sri has done just this through his characteristic charity and clarity, revealing the harmony and richness of the Catholic Faith.”
– Jason Evert - Author, Saint John Paul the Great

Dr. Edward Sri
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YOUCAT - The Youth Prayerbook

YOUCAT - The Youth Prayerbook

The internationally best-selling book, YOUCAT - The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, explained to young people the meaning of their faith in language, style and design that has appealed greatly to them. Now YOUCAT - The Youth Prayer Book, helps them to live their faith and deepen their spiritual lives.

Pages: 176
Book Dimensions: 5" x 8"

Ignatius Press
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Average Rating: 5.00 based on 1 ratings

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YOUCAT: Youth Catechism

YOUCAT: Youth Catechism

YOUCAT is short for "Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church," which was launched on World Youth Day, 2011. Developed with the help of young Catholics and written for high-school age people and young adults, YOUCAT is an accessible, contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith. 

The appealing graphic format includes Questions-and-Answers, highly-readable commentary, summary definitions of key terms, Bible citations and inspiring and thought-provoking quotes from Saints and others in the margins. What's more, YOUCAT is keyed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so people can go deeper.


The YOUCAT explains the following:

-- What Catholics believe and why (doctrine)
-- How Catholics celebrate the mysteries of the faith (sacraments)
-- How Catholics are to live (moral life)
-- How they should pray (prayer and spirituality)

The questions are direct and honest, even at times tough; the answers straightforward, relevant, and compelling. YOUCAT will likely become the "go-to" place for young people to learn the truth about the Catholic faith. Illustrated.

Please allow an additional 1-2 weeks for delivery of orders with 100+ books.


It was very reaffirming and a good review of Faith formation. Good for youth and adults Springfield, MN
Ignatius Press
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