This paperback book is the perfect accompaniment to The Search video series. The Search is a powerful new Catholic evangelization experience. It will help those who are curious about the Faith but not ready to commit. The Search recasts the vision for what life’s all about to those who’ve walked away—those who are asking big questions. We need to answer them well so they see the Catholic ... [More]
Based on a true story that hints at the presence of miraculous grace, Silent Angel is a powerful account of human resilience and heroic faith set against the backdrop of the massacre of Christians during the Armenian Genocide.This tale opens up with a scene of carnage and devastation, from the ruins of a monastery to lifeless bodies—the doings of an army of young Turks. Silent Angel follows the ... [More]
Father Thomas Dubay is one of the most popular and respected retreat masters and spiritual directors in North America. He is the author of the best-selling book on prayer and contemplation Fire Within. In this new book, he responds to the call by both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI to help believers and all those interested in spirituality develop a deeper prayer life and union with God. ... [More]
Get Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture... [More]
Learn about everything from the Greek epics to Shakespeare’s plays to Tolkien’s famous trilogy. Visit Dante’s Italy, Cervantes’s Spain, Dostoevsky’s Russia, and Jane Austen’s England along the way. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, this book is an insightful introduction to the world’s rich depository of stories. It directs the reader back to The Story—the Story o... [More]
Learn about everything from the Greek epics to Shakespeare’s plays to Tolkien’s famous trilogy. Visit Dante’s Italy, Cervantes’s Spain, Dostoevsky’s Russia, and Jane Austen’s England along the way. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, this book is an insightful introduction to the world’s rich depository of stories. It directs the reader back to The Story—the Story o... [More]
St. Teresa of Calcutta was a woman known and loved for her tender work among the poorest of the poor. Behind her drive and desire to serve Christ’s poor was a profound understanding of the thirst of God for man, and man’s thirst for God. This guided meditation on Scripture and the teaching of Mother Teresa will lead those who read it into the heart of the mystery of God’s thirst for souls, a... [More]
Santa Teresa de Calcuta era conocida por su amor y trabajo compasivo entre los más pobres de los pobres. Detrás de su impulso y su deseo de servir a los pobres de Cristo, estaba su profunda comprensión de la sed de Dios por los hombres y de la sed de los hombres por Dios. Esta meditación guiada sobre las escrituras y las enseñanzas de la Madre Teresa, llevará al lector a entrar en el misteri... [More]
St. Teresa of Calcutta was a woman known and loved for her tender work among the poorest of the poor. Behind her drive and desire to serve Christ’s poor was a profound understanding of the thirst of God for man, and man’s thirst for God. This guided meditation on Scripture and the teaching of Mother Teresa will lead those who read it into the heart of the mystery of God’s thirst for souls, a... [More]
“Listen and attend with the ear of your heart.” - Saint Benedict. Dolores Hart stunned Hollywood in 1963, when after ten highly successful feature films, she chose to enter a contemplative monastery. Now, fifty years later, Mother Dolores gives this fascinating account of her life, with co-author and life-long friend, Richard DeNeut. Dolores was a bright and beautiful college student when sh... [More]
Pursue your passions, love your family, and say goodbye to guilt—pipe dream or possibility? Work and family, individuality and motherhood, the creative life and family life — women are told constantly that they can’t have it all. One Beautiful Dream is the deeply personal, often humorous tale of what happened when one woman dared to believe that you can have it all—if you're willing to re... [More]
Written by a highly respected cardinal and a former head of the Vatican office for worship and sacraments, this book shows how the local Catholic parish in any town has tremendous potential to evangelize its surrounding community. Francis Cardinal Arinze reveals the important roles of both priests and laity in spreading the Gospel within the parish and beyond. This work can help priests to realiz... [More]
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." — Hamlet After William Shakespeare's Horatio sees the ghost of Hamlet's father, and scarcely believes his own eyes, Hamlet tells him that there is more to reality than he can know or imagine, including ghosts. Hamlet's statement suggests that the walls of the material world, which we perceive with our... [More]
Click here to read book sample. In this collection of retreat talks, the beloved Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., gives us a blueprint for progress in the spiritual life. He particularly focuses on:• The goal of life as supernatural life and love• The obstacles in life brought about by evil and sin• The Lord's redemptive work as the source of the spiritual life• The power of mortifi... [More]
View book sampleFor the first time ever, we are excited to offer a Spanish language book that is not a translation of a previously released English title. This book was written in Spanish by a native speaker specifically for the Spanish-speaking world. A wedding ring is something very special, and we normally wear it at all times because it signifies the most important things in our lives. It sym... [More]
This item is currently out of stock.In a time when technology penetrates our lives in so many ways and materialism exerts such a powerful influence over us, Cardinal Robert Sarah presents a bold book about the strength of silence. The modern world generates so much noise, he says, that seeking moments of silence has become both harder and more necessary than ever before. Silence is the indispensa... [More]
One of America's most prominent public intellectuals brings thirty-five years of experience in Washington and Rome to bear in analyzing the turbulence that characterizes world politics, American public life, and the Catholic Church in the early twenty-first century. In these bracing essays, George Weigel reads such events as the First World War, the collapse of Communism, and the Obama and Trump ... [More]
VIEW BOOK SAMPLEThis book is a most helpful and careful guide to anyone who desires to make an Ignatian retreat but is unable to make the Spiritual Exercises in a normal retreat. It is designed for those who want sincerely to place themselves “face to face” with God so as to order their lives along his loving designs. Fr. Ravier was an expert retreat master who gave Ignatian retreats for over ... [More]
View book sample In this classic work, Fulton Sheen explains the secret of authentic happiness: being spiritually remade. A genuinely spiritual life, Sheen contends, consists in more than obeying a set of commands, reading the Bible, or even following the example of Jesus. Before all else, it consists in being recreated and incorporated into a new, higher kind of life—the supernatural life of g... [More]
View book sample The spiritual classic The Imitation of Christ, the second most widely-read spiritual book after the Bible, has had an astonishing impact on the spiritual lives of countless saints, peasants, and popes for centuries. Even today, the soul-searching words of the fifteenth-century cleric Thomas à Kempis continue to resonate, unbounded by time or geography. Drawing on the Bible, the ... [More]
View Book Sample Flowing forth from the Heart of Jesus is a torrent of mercy that is the source of much needed hope for our world. Discover how in God’s mercy we find a reason for joy here on earth and a reasonable expectation for eternal joy in Heaven. Mike Pacer’s engaging and straightforward approach sheds light on the following: • The merciful and loving God revealed in the Old Testa... [More]
These past two decades, modern technology has brought into being scores of powerful challenges to our interior peace and well-being. We’re experiencing a worldwide crisis of attention in which information overwhelms us, corrodes true communion with others, and leaves us anxious, unsettled, bored, isolated, and lonely.These pages provide the time-tested antidote that enables you to regain an orde... [More]
Click here to read a sample of the book. Peter Kreeft uses Scripture to provide God’s profound answers to the most common and important questions young people ask about the deeper meaning of life, their own identities, overcoming failure and temptation, the mystery of God’s love, and much more. But these are questions asked not just by the young—they are the same questions adults often... [More]
Click here to read a sample. Saint Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, espoused the ideal of becoming “contemplatives in action.” He was convinced that contemplation (the deep awareness and appropriation of the unconditional love of God) should affect our actions, and that our actions need to be brought back to contemplation. These are five dimensions of the spiritual life: &n... [More]
Click here to read a sample. God is to be found in the simplest of our daily activities and especially through total surrender to whatever is his will for each of us. That is the message of this 18th-century inspirational classic by Jean-Pierre de Caussade. Its encouragement to “live in the present moment,” accepting everyday obstacles with faith, humility, and love, has guided generations of... [More]
Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version—Second Catholic Edition, this volume leads readers through a penetrating study of the Acts of the Apostles. This study guide uses the biblical texts themselves and the Church’s own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany e... [More]
Renowned scholar Dr. Tim Gray masterfully guides you through the tumultuous and inspiring life of Peter—from his call to discipleship to his eventual martyrdom in Rome. Using Sacred Scripture and tradition, Dr. Gray highlights these important lessons from Peter’s life, including: • How to become a trusting disciple and “cast into the deep” • The pitfalls of living discipleship at a ... [More]
Retail: $14.95 Special web store price: $12.71 Many young adults are tired of their toxic relationships but find it difficult to clean up their love lives. Many attend retreats and conferences that inspire them to give their lives to Christ and turn away from sin, but without a concrete plan, they quickly fall back into old habits. Often, people want to be chaste, but don’t know where ... [More]
DOCAT is "revealing the secret" to young people around the world.DOCAT helps young people to know and live Catholic Social Teaching. It's a great, practical follow up to YOUCAT, the hugely popular Youth Catechism, based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Drawing on Scripture, YOUCAT, the Catechism, and the Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching, DOCAT shows young people how to work towa... [More]
Click here to read book sample. Popular author and presenter Patrick Madrid draws Life Lessons from the many interesting, funny, instructive, and poignant experiences of his life. Grounded in Scripture and a firm moral foundation, Patrick shows how the smallest stories that make up your life are clear pointers to the greater story of God's work in your life. The laughter, the tears, and the bea... [More]
Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of Luke, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights... [More]
Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of Matthew, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insig... [More]
Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of Mark, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights... [More]
Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of John, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights a... [More]
You’re almost certainly not as kind as you ought to be—and your relationships with God and those you love may be suffering as a result. Probably you just can’t find the time—and can’t ever seem to develop the patience—that you need in order to be consistently kind amidst the irritations that afflict you daily. That’s why The Hidden Power of Kindness is such a godsend.There’s nothin... [More]
Dr. Peter Kreeft offers simple but profound advice and practical steps for developing a prayer life based on the time-tested wisdom of the saints and great spiritual writers, especially the principles found in Brother Lawrence’s classic The Practice of the Presence of God.In short, straight-forward, and unsentimental chapters, Kreeft covers all the key areas for understanding and developing th... [More]
Here is the astonishing true story (abridged version) of the harrowing experiences of a young German seminarian drafted into Hitler’s dreaded SS at the onset of World War II. Without betraying his Christian ideals, against all odds, and in the face of evil, Geron Goldmann was able to complete his priestly training, be ordained and secretary minister to German Catholic soldiers and innocent civil... [More]
Scott and Kimberly Hahn have spoken all over the world about their conversion to the Catholic Church. This book tells the story of the incredible spiritual journey that led them to embrace Catholicism. Their conversion and love for the Church has captured the hearts and minds of thousands Catholics and has brought many lukewarm Catholics back into active participation in the Church.Pages: 188Book ... [More]