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Five Pillars of the Spiritual Life

Five Pillars of the Spiritual Life

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Saint Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, espoused the ideal of becoming “contemplatives in action.” He was convinced that contemplation (the deep awareness and appropriation of the unconditional love of God) should affect our actions, and that our actions need to be brought back to contemplation.

These are five dimensions of the spiritual life:

  1.  the Holy Eucharist
  2.  spontaneous prayer
  3.  the Beatitudes
  4.  partnership with the Holy Spirit
  5.  the contemplative life itself

This book is a “jump start” to a deeper spiritual life for today’s active people, and it will enflame the desire to read the masters and to enter even more deeply into the heart of God.

Topics include:

  •  God as Abba
  •  The Heart of Jesus
  •  The importance of agape love
  •  A checklist for spiritual growth
  •  The role of the Holy Spirit in the spiritual life
  •  Incorporating the active life with the contemplative life

About the Author

Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. is a philosopher, educator, author, and President of the Magis Center, dedicated to public education on the relationship among the disciplines of physics, philosophy, reason, and faith. He is the head of the Ethics and Performance Institute, which delivers web-based ethics education to corporations, and he is also President of the Spitzer Center for Visionary Leadership, which delivers similar curricula to non-profit organizations. His other books include Finding True HappinessThe Soul’s Upward Yearning, and Healing the Culture.


Cover: Paperback
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8
208 pages
Abridged Edition

Praise for Five Pillars of the Spiritual Life

“The publication of Father Spitzer’s book is a happy coincidence, coming after Pope Benedict’s Jesus of Nazareth. Both are strong statements of New Testament spirituality and provide an escape from the ‘bleaching of Christ’s image,’ caused by the exclusive use of the historical-critical method. Informed Catholic readers are summoned by this book to take the Christ of the Gospels intelligently and seriously.”

– Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., author, A Still Small Voice

Personal Growth, Prayer & Devotions, Best Sellers, Books for Kiosk
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The Four Levels of Happiness

The Four Levels of Happiness

Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ, a highly a renowned philosopher and the founder of the Magis Center, provides a truly enlightening and practical discussion on how to achieve deep and enduring happiness. Referencing the wisdom of the ages, including that of Aristotle and Plato, this talk provides the keys to achieving the universal desire for happiness given to every person by God himself.


This talk really helped me to understand that the greatest happiness is found when we focus on doing the Lord's work and not on ourselves. -Mary in Poplar Grove, IL
Inspirational, Personal Growth
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Science, the Origin of the Universe, and God

Science, the Origin of the Universe, and God

All too often, science is falsely pitted against Faith to disprove the tenants of Christianity. In this informative talk, Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ – expert in physics, philosophy, and theology – debunks this powerful myth as he discusses the Big Bang and the Origin of the Universe with sound reason, credible science, and faithful theology. This talk is a must-listen for anyone wrestling with the biggest questions regarding Science and Faith.


1) The presentation was very clear. 2) The discussion was grounded in well- documented scientific and philosophical ideas. 3) Fr. Spitzer is not only highly informed but knows how to share his positions in a manner that helps bring a person to a common sense conclusion. 4) Having had my own education and experience with an individual who experienced a "near death experience" during a serious operation, I can confirm that Fr. Spitzer's discussion of this part of the CD was very accurate. John A. - Kalamazoo, MI
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Evangelization
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Suffering & The Love of God

Suffering & The Love of God

Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow suffering and evil in the world? As Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. explains, unsatisfying answers to this important question are the #1 reason for atheism today. But by answering this question with logic and love (as well as with scientific, peer-reviewed evidence for the existence of life after death), we can not only answer this question truthfully and satisfactorily, but also teach our fellow Christians how to suffer well, in preparation for the limitless love of God that awaits us in eternity.

This talk was recorded by FOCUS, at SEEK 2013. focus.org

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“Fr. Spitzer answered so many of my questions about the existence of God, suffering, life after death. Wow. Just... wow.”
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Inspirational
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Average Rating: 4.44 based on 9 ratings

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